True of False: HHH will be a WWE Champion again

HHH Will Be WWE Champion Again

  • True

  • False

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It has been rumored for some time now that HHH is going to face the Undertaker at Mania in a RETIREMENT match. No one expects Taker to lose so if HHH does retire he will never be WWE Champion again (most likely... though stranger things have happened in the world).

Even if it's not a retirement match, HHH hasn't had the title for a long time and is growing old and more injury prone as the RAWs go bye. So what do you think? The King of Kings will reign again or his time with the gold around his waist is done with?
False. False, false, false, false, FALSE!

On Raw, Triple H said something along the lines of "if I can't break the streak, then I will go". That's a pretty obvious indication that it's a retirement match even if it is not official. And lets face it, he isn't breaking the streak. It won't be broken and if it will be, why allow Triple H to do it? He won't gain anything from it.

In the very unlikely event that it is not a retirement match, It's hard to believe that Triple H will win another WWE Championship in his last year or two in a WWE in the midst of a youth movement.

So yeah, false.
I think Hunter will have at least one maybe two more title reigns before he is done for good. Should he have those, that is the better question but I do think he will.
He better.

I think even if it is a Retirement match, he'll still wrestle again at some point in the future.

I voted yes, because I hope he does and would like to see it.
If I remember correctly, i believe HH said if he cannot beat the undertaker he will die trying.. not that he will go. but to my point, I think HHH is done with titles. I think he has now realized it is time for the younger talent to be in the spotlight and will gracefully bow out.
i wanna say false but at the same time i could c triple h being a egotistical person and wanting to have the title atleast one more time...i also wouldnt b shocked if they did something stupid so he won the title a couple times in the same night....basically to help him break ric flair's record of 16 times a world champion....i hope it doesnt happen but who knows
Winning another championship does not make him egotistical. I don't even understand how you would get to that conclusion. How many championships does it take before the next one is the egotistical one? How old do you have to be to stop winning championships?

Your logic is silly. So are you.
I don't see how Triple H would fit into the championship story line at this point with Cena and Orton and Miz, and even Punk being the focus.

I don't think this Mania is his last, and I think as long as he sticks around another few more years he could be champ again. Think about how many times Taker has been champ within the last 5 years!
100 percent false, only b/c trips stated on Monday that hes done everything thats needed to be done, except beat the Undertaker. In all likely hood he will have a part time wrestling schedule here on out, meaning there is no way he can hold the belt. The champion needs to always be on the show, house shows, etc. The days of the Game dominating the belt are over, thank goodness.
No. He said he has done everything there is to do in WWE. I could see him coming back as the GM though in the near future.
Oh without a doubt he will have at least one, but likely several more championship reigns before legitimately hanging it up. He has so desperately wanted to out do Flair for years, there is no question he will hold the belt again in the foreseeable future. We are less than a month away from Mania and WWE still hasn't committed to it being a retirement match, I see no point in that either, from a story line perspective it's just not that interesting. Don't expect Mania to be the last we see of HHH by a long shot...unfortunately.

Considering Triple H just decimated Seamus on Raw, their feud could be seen as officially over.

Which means he goes into WrestleMania against the Undertaker. So, couldn't he become "evil" again, and head into and/or come out of WrestleMania as a bad guy?

If so, that gives them the perfect heel to send John Morrison up against to get the belt.

Just a thought.
HHH gets a lot of unwarranted hatred. The guy, at one point in time, could possibly have been a glory hound, but in recent years he's been anything but. Like it or not, Trips is a living legend in the WWE landscape. He and Undertaker are the only guys from the "attitude era" that remain relevent. 20 years from now he'll be likened to the cream of the crop from his era...and I don't understand why so many people have a problem with that.

Anyway, I HOPE we see a defeated HHH coming out of Wrestlemania. I also hope that HHH claws his way back up the ranks afterwards. I'm not saying I want him to decimate all the young guys, but I definitely want to see him at the top of the card before he bows out. I think there'll be another championship run thrown in there...
If the Undertaker can win the World Title at 44, and if Vince McMahon himself can win the WWE Title at 54, and being that Triple H is only 41 right now, I would have to say yes, of course he can. He’s Triple H. He has 13 reigns as WWE World Heavyweight Champion since 1999. That’s equals to about 1 Title run a year. By hook or by crook, he will beat Flair’s record. Imagine if 13 to 14 years from now, the Owner of World Wrestling Entertainment, Triple H, wins his 17 WWE World Heavyweight Title the exact same way that Vince won his. He’s not in my Top 5 Superstars of all time, but I wouldn’t mind seeing him break records before it’s all said and done.
I guess it all depends on if his match at WM is career vs streak. If it isn't and he is back for good you can book it that he will become champion again. Fuck what everyone says he does put people over and he would be a great way to get some of the people waiting to break through the glass into the main event spotlight.
I sure hope not.

The only thing marginally interesting about this Wrestlemania 17 Rewind Match is that it might be the last boring, uninspired, HHH match we ever have to endure.
If he is going to retire next year then yes and i hope so he breaks Flair's 16 or is ot 18 title reign. Another heel HHH championship reign would be great :D . . .
lets look at the facts...

HHH is a 13 times WWE champ

HHH is married to the boss's daughter

HHH is married to the boss's daughter


I think we have our answer...

If you think HHH reign in the WWE will not end in a retirement VIA retiring WHILE WWE champ/or losing the belt as his retirement match/ or retiring within a WEEK of dropping the belt, your dumber then you look...

Sure, the implication many people follow is that because he can win the title whenever he wants, that he will. But if that's so, how can we explain why he spent the last two years (before his injury) totally out of the title picture? Personally, I don't buy it; I think he's been working with the best interest of the company in mind; he's had enough personal glory to last a lifetime.....and he knows it.

Yes, he did win one title in those two years, but he won and lost it in the same night.

So, that's my answer; he might very well give himself a title somewhere in the next couple of years, but it would only be a transition title change to help put over someone else. He'll always be a force in the ring but he's smart enough to know his prime is behind him and he'll act accordingly.

And personally, I think the reason he's had such a successful career is because he's a great performer, not because he's the boss' son-in-law.
Never say never in the wrestling world. If all goes to plan, maybe he won't win the big one again as he make way for the next generation. But what if a scenario such as most of the other main eventers are out at the same time on his show? He would be the logical choice to carry the belt until a suitable replacement is found. Hypothetically, Cena could be doing movies, Orton and Sheamus out injuried and CM Punk is busy having a feud with Morrison. HHH can be a stop gap to hold the title to sell the PPV.
Sure, the implication many people follow is that because he can win the title whenever he wants, that he will. But if that's so, how can we explain why he spent the last two years (before his injury) totally out of the title picture? Personally, I don't buy it; I think he's been working with the best interest of the company in mind; he's had enough personal glory to last a lifetime.....and he knows it.

Yes, he did win one title in those two years, but he won and lost it in the same night.

So, that's my answer; he might very well give himself a title somewhere in the next couple of years, but it would only be a transition title change to help put over someone else. He'll always be a force in the ring but he's smart enough to know his prime is behind him and he'll act accordingly.

And personally, I think the reason he's had such a successful career is because he's a great performer, not because he's the boss' son-in-law.

I think he can have the best intrest of the company AND win a title but, HHH did a movie and a movie (depending on HOW heavy his involvment behind the scences COULD be about two years and why have a sloppy title reign?

and enuff about this "he's had his glory, he should be fine with that" if your boss offered you raise do you say "oh no I have enuff money" NO, or if you do your an idiot, fame, money and all the stuff that feeds the go never gets old and is never enuff...
Gotta go with false on this one. As has been said, Triple H is expected to pretty much leave his in-ring career behind and focus more on other aspects of WWE. Hell, there's even been talk that Vince is going to retire within the next year and Trips is being prepared to take over.

If you listen to Triple H's first promo on Raw when he returned, he all but said that he wasn't going to be World Champion again. There's only one challenge left for him, in his own words, and that's ending Taker's streak at WrestleMania.

Besides, Triple H is at a point where he no longer needs to be champion to be a headliner. Truth is, he's really been at that point for a long time now. Putting a World Championship on him at this point would be redundant.
I don't think he'll put his career on the line against the Undertaker. If he doesn't, where does he go after Wrestlemania? He'll either fued with someone like CM Punk or go on the title hunt.
triple hhh has more control over his career now and what he does in-ring. he said in an interview that he doesnt wanna be like flair and win the title again, he just wants to make some more moments then retire (only making appearances for the company). i hope it isnt career vs streak but what happens happens. triple hhh will very likely never be champ again though it would be awesome.

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