Trolls always brighten up my day


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm not really sure with Skip Sheffield. We've had so little opportunity to really see what he's got that it's difficult to gauge with him.

Big Zeke is exactly where he needs to be at the moment. He's The Corre's muscle and it's a perfect spot for someone like him. Zeke's never going to be the next Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair or Kurt Angle. He's a huge powerhouse in an age where wrestlers like him are really kind of dying out. Twenty five years ago, Zeke possibly could have been a huge star but not now. Zeke could be a solid mid-card wrestler when all is said and done but being part of The Corre lets them keep him on television while covering up some of his shortcomings.

Tyler Reks is someone that I think has potential. I like the brooding, silent brawler type of gimmick he has. I've enjoyed most of his matches on Superstars, he's genuinely athletic and has a great look. Reks is one of these guys that seems to be on the borderline between someone that could be something or a guy that's going to stay right where he is. I'd like to see him appear on SmackDown! more often and have him slowly work his way up and let booking add little bits and pieces to his personality along the way. I've never heard the guy talk so I dunno how his mic skills are.

25 years ago Zeke would of only bin 7 years old you moron.

This made my day.
I should have just did us all a favour and banned him instead of warning him.

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