Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton VS Cody Rhodes VS Ted Dibiase

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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Well, the Legacy break up has become official. After Wrestlemania 25, Legacy kind of fell flat for me. This stable just never did it for me. The main problem with this stable was Rhodes and Dibaise always looked inferior to Orton, and they ALWAYS seemed like nothing more than lackeys.

This could be a good triple threat match, but the burning question on my mind is, who should win? Who needs a Wrestlemania victory more? Rhodes or Dibiase? I think Rhodes NEEDS this win more because he could use the momentum, but I'm picking Ted to win this match because I think WWE plans on pushing him faster first.

Who's your pick to win?

What are your thougts about the Legacy break up?
I think it's about time legace broke up. But I would agree and say Rhodes should get the victory at wm I think most people think of him as the inferior one of the three. The thing Im interested in is why a triple threat match? Rhodes and debiase have been working together against orton showing no signs of them seperating from eachother. And there's nothing to gain from the victory like a title match so what's the twist on it to make it a true triple threat? Debiase and Rhodes will beat the crap out of orton for the first few minutes and then one will try the pin and the other will get mad and try to break it up. Then they will fight eachother. Kind of a stale way to do that IMO. They should of put something else up for grabs. Whatever happens I hope they draw this storyline out a little longer than wm. Eventually leading to Rhodes and debiase turning on eachother.
I think legacy has had a good run. It's been around a little bit over a year( I mean the legacy with just Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase) but I'm glad it's over. The only person who benfited from legacy is Randy Orton winning the WWE championship with help from Rhodes and DiBiase helping him defend and keep his championship. Rhodes and DiBiase didn't get any tag titles though and sucks for them because they are a good tag team. Either way if Rhodes and DiBiase stay a tag team they could just focus on being a tag team instead of focusing on orton. Even if they don't stay a tag team they are major contenders for the US title and yes I mean Rhodes too. But on who I think should win. Well we all should know that Rhodes and DiBiase are going to team up on Orton and then it comes down who gets the pin. I agree with HHHKING13 Rhodes needs to win this match for momentum but DiBiase is definetly the more dominate of the two and the WWE would want to make him look dominate. I wouldn't bet any money on this one.
I am going to be in the minority on this one and say that I hope WWE goes ahead and has Orton come out on top in this one. They have been doing a good job in the last two weeks of making Legacy look strong but I don't think an Orton loss at WM should happen.

That being said, with HHH/Orton Vs. Legacy/Sheamus happening next week, I can see HHH/Orton winning that match which of course, if WWE is as predictable as they usually are with pre-PPV Raw's, Orton will go on to lose at Mania.
This Match seems quite familiar to me. It was essentially Ortons Road to Wrestlemania on Smackdown vs Raw 2010. I really want Ted to Win as i think he is the best one out of the three.
Newteen your not in the minority. I want orton to win as well I just think it would be smart to have rhodes to win if they want to push legace. Their both good talented wrestlers but they learned from orton. They shouldn't brat their teacher in a big match like a wrestlemania match.
considering we already saw how orton can definately hold his own against both of them this triple threat does little to make orton look like the underdog. for this reason i see one of two things happening.

1. orton manages to win and his transformation into a tweener or face is complete. did you hear the cheers tonight? people almost cheered as much for orton as they did for hhh. with orton saying he respects hhh and working with him next week, its quite obvious orton will become a face or tweener. with orton winning, he can move forward as a dominate good guy and hopefully have hhh as a dominate bad guy, but i digress.

2. if orton wins rhodes and dibiase look weak and wwe doesnt establish anyone which makes legacy a complete failure. i think that we can see a swerve where it turns out that orton was always in line with one of them and screws over the last member of legacy. this would make it so only one of them is orton's lacky and they can establish themselves as a bigger single competitor, eventually getting the orton rub. the other one would turn face and can establish themselves again through a win from orton. rhodes seems like the mostly likely cannidate to get screwed. this would allow orton to stay heel, establish one of them as a dominate heel, and make one of them face to distinguish between rhodes and dibiase.

and they never learned from orton fyi. what did orton ever do for them? they beat dx on their own without cheating and have had some victories over upper midcard guys. the tag team on their own has helped establish them more than legacy as a whole. either way, an end to legacy can only help dibiase and rhodes.
Newteen your not in the minority. I want orton to win as well I just think it would be smart to have rhodes to win if they want to push legace. Their both good talented wrestlers but they learned from orton. They shouldn't brat their teacher in a big match like a wrestlemania match.

This is really a tough one for me. It is an issue of "brain" vs. "heart". My brain tells me that a win for either member of Legacy will really help them go forward and give them a few possibilities following the PPV.

- They could continue on as a team, bragging that they were able to defeat their leader.

- They could end up at odds with one another, with the person who didn't get the pin being annoyed with the one who did.

- They could split with one being drafted over to SD.

And I fully realize a loss by Orton doesn't hurt him at all. He will still look credible and can go anywhere from that point on. And yes, I also realize that winning doesn't really do anything for him. It is pretty much the same as when he defeated Kofi Kingston. The initial plan was to of course elevate Kofi but at the end of the day, as awesome as the feud was, Orton came out on top. It didn't really help Orton but it did hurt Kofi a bit (as evidenced by how he has been booked ever since).

So, that's my "brain" side of this.

Now, my heart wants Orton to win because he is my favorite and this is the biggest pay per view of the year. That, coupled with the fact that he lost last year in what should have been a victory, makes me really hope his hand is raised. Plus, I love the idea of him working as a face that does what he wants (Steve Austin), so winning at Mania would be really awesome to see.

Brain- Legacy should win.
Heart- Orton should win.

What actually happens? This is WWE. I haven't a clue.
I would have to disagree. They didn't give away the triple threat match for Wrestlemania. They gave away the match they should have had at Wrestlemania two or three weeks ago on RAW. It should have been Orton vs. Rhodes and DiBiase but we have this triple threat match.

This match will serve one purpose and that is to turn two of the three competitors face. Orton is getting there already and I can see Rhodes turning face rather than DiBiase because I think he could be better. I highly doubt both Rhodes and DiBiase are going to stay heel because they both would want to pin Orton and competition will get the better of them and one will turn on the other. It should be a decent match and I don't have any high expectations for this match so I won't be disappointed if it falls short.

Another option could be if Kofi is not in MITB, it could turn into Orton and Kofi vs. DiBiase and Rhodes. To me that would be a better match but they will already have a tag team match on the card and I don't know if they would want a second one.
Meh. Orton wins by pinning Rhodes and then feuds with DiBiase. Rhodes gets drafted off elsewhere and Orton and Dibiase go at each other hammer and tongs, no one really caring too much about who is heel or who is face. To those who say that "feuds end not begin at Mania", I say "bullshit". Edge/Taker ran right through to Summerslam after Mania 24, and I can easily see the fallout from this running through to Extreme Rules, at least. It's worth pointing out that for this feud to work Rhodes needs to leave the building: DiBiase needs space to build his own distinct character, rather than just generic Legacy dude.
I like Legacy. Sure, I have to agree that Ted/Cody were never given much of a push (minus the DX feud), but I think that just being with Orton gave them more credibility than they would have gotten on their own. Ted and Cody are both tremendously talented, and I hope they stick together for a long time, kind of like Arn Anderson and Ric Flair.

But I don't think either one should win this match. I think Orton should win. I think Ted and Cody have a lot of years left (as does Orton), so IMO they don't need this win. No one expects them to beat Orton. Plus, over the next ten years or so, I am betting we are going to see a lot more of Ted vs. Randy, Cody vs. Randy. They will have their shot, down the road, to beat Randy. But right now, Randy Orton is on a roll.

Yes, I am a huge Orton mark, so that definitely plays into it. But right now WWE is putting him over as a real bad ass. I think having him lose, even to two guys, would be a mistake. I think he needs to start going on a major rampage. He needs to start destroying his opponents. If they want this guy to be on the level of Cena, then he needs to WIN like Cena does. I think he is leaps and bounds the more talented guy when comparing him to Cena, but Cena is the face of the company. I just think that right now, storyline wise, it is better for Orton to win this feud.

Sure, you're going to hear a lot of people say that Orton "needs to put over" these two guys. But I say bullshit. Orton owes them nothing. He is just entering the prime of his career. Orton isn't even thirty years old yet. He has potentially another 10-15 years of being great ahead of him, and he needs to keep him momentum. Cody and Ted have even longer, so having them lose this time around isn't that big of deal. I just think it's too soon to have Ted and Cody go over Randy at Wrestlemania.

Plus, I don't think it fits with the storyline. THEY are turning on Randy. It's 2 vs. 1. They have been getting the best of Randy lately, and Mania will be his big chance for revenge. Putting younger guys over is NOT more important than the overall product, especially around Mania time.
I can see a couple of things happening with this one.

Im still not entirely sure WWE will turn Orton completely face so I think there is a good possibility we could see Orton and Cody beating down on Ted after the match. This way they keep Orton heel and turn Ted face which was the plan a while ago.

The thing I would most like to see in this match would be Cody getting the clean win for himself. Not because I feel he needs it but because I feel he deserves it. I love Cody and Ted but I honestly think Cody has shown more potential both in the ring and during promos.

If they have Cody or Ted win then they could split them up and set up a Summerslam feud between them and this would also free up Orton to find his way back into the title picture again.
I am acctualy more interested in this one then in HHH-Paleus match.I can see Ted wins in this one and then he goes in singles career and won US championship(soon) and next year WWE championship(OK probably not next year but in 2-3 for sure).As for Cody he would probably be drafted to Smackdown and paired with Dustin Rhodes and go for Tag team championship(seriously,what else would Cody do?)

This feud will probably resolve at Backlash(or what it is called today) and it probably will be match Ted vs Randy because i think that draft is in the betwin of PPVs and Cody will be drafted to Smackdown then
I was kind off hoping this would be Dibiase vs Orton but they ruined that a couple of weeks ago. This entire feud has been pretty lackluster as it was so expected and nobody really gave a shit. This feud should have been done back when Ted went to punch Orton but decided to help him. That was the perfect time for it.

The match should be pretty good but not expecting to much from it. I see Orton coming out the winner to end the feud and give it a feel good factor but personally I would love for Rhodes to come out the winner. Orton doesn't really need the win and Dibiase will probably be big anyway and Rhodes needs the biggest push. He looks the weakest out of the three and a win would do him wonders.
To me, this whole match smells of something that should have been done on raw instead of wrestlemania. There haven't really been any interesting promos to build this up, just occasional beatings.

A more interesting route to me would have been to do this triple threat thing on raw, have dibiase defeat orton, then get all cocky and challenge him one on one at wrestlemania, with cody in his corner. Then cody turns on dibiase and sides with orton during the match.

Not a perfect scenario, but for me, one that would have been far more interesting. As it is right now, I don't really have a reason to care who ends up winning this triple threat match. I will admit that it is difficult to predict a winner here, not because it's interesting, but because a victory by any of the three doesn't seem to be that meaningful. However I am pretty confident that whoever wins this thing, it won't be rhodes.
This is perfect. The least interesting long-term champion in recent memory and his bland stable (Why did anybody think this faction was a good idea?) are going down in a blaze of monotony. Rather similar to the monotony that surrounded their performances on a weekly basis for the course of their alliance. Over a year of riding Orton's coat-tails and feuding with DX and I'm not sure Cody and Ted could have underwhelmed people more if they'd been trying. Orton will come out of this looking fantastic as he's the only thing in this match that's seen as a star in the eyes of the fans. Cody and Ted will be regarded with indifference until the end of this feud. At that point, it's time for them to split and find an identity outside of Orton's shadow that will catch on with the audience. Hopefully while they're still young and worth pushing. Even if Cody or Ted escape this match with a win, I doubt it'll do much for them. At this point, this is this year's Matt vs. Jeff. Only one of those wrestlers get the fans going. The other is just there, even if he wins.
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I think this match will be one of the first two of the night. I am glad this is not a handicap match, that would just make Rhodes and Dibiase look weak in my opinion.
I bet we will see Orton try and convince either of the two to team up with him in the match, I would like for all three to go at it right from the get go. Show that no matter who picks up the win, none of the three are going to be friends after the bout. This should be a decent match, I think all three are pretty good in the ring.
At the draft I see them going in their own directions. Orton will stay on raw, Dibiase will go to Smackdown and be the spoiled rich heel we know he should be, and Cody will unfortunately get lost in the shuffle on either show.
After viewing RAW tonight, I feel pretty safe in predicting an Orton victory. Legacy has now beat him down three weeks in a row and Sheamus (even though he isn't involved in the match) pinned him. WWE obviously wants Orton as a full fledged face and he should be considering the pop he got when HHH tagged him in. He needs to go over in order to cement that. Legacy has been booked strong here and I am sure they will get some decent offense on Orton at the PPV. In the end though, I think Orton will pick up the victory.
Orton will get the win, but this is will help elevate Ted and Cody up as well. They both needed a pretty solid match at Mania to end the Legacy Stable and this was probably the best way to go about it. I hope Cody doesn't get lost in the shuffle as he can be as useful as Ted on Raw or SmackDown. Either way, one of these guys to be drafted to SmackDown after this during the draft. These three need to stay away from eachother after Wrestle Mania. Orton with the win for sure.
This one I'm anticipating simply because I have some interest in the participants...the build up hasn't exactly been spectacular and WWE has done a good job of confusing the hell out of me at minute they'e bum chums, the next they hate each other, then Rhodes and Dibiase are mouthing off...but hopefully they can let the match do the talking come Sunday. I want Rhodes to win but I believe Orton will so that he can pick up momentum for this face turn they're currently teasing. In the least, it will give Rhodes and Dibiase a 'rub' and their first Wrestlemania exposure...
Another match I'm looking forward to. I say let Randy win. I hear everyone saying he needs to put them over, but being in this match alone will put them over. Ted Dibiase jr and Cody Rhodes are already pretty big names in the WWE, everyone knows them, they've done enough to gain respect as they are both improving tremendously on the mic which was their weak spot. But if wwe lets one of them win, then whats that telling the other one? That they don't believe in them yet? That their peer is better than them? I think that would only be detrimental to the one who doesn't win.

People normally expect Ted to be the bigger star mainly because his dad was a bigger wwe name that Dusty, but lets face it, Ted isn't exactly better than Cody. He's improving, yes, but he's not leaps and bounds better. This past Monday they teased a little turmoil between the two, so I say let that turmoil roll over into Sunday. .

How my scenario would play out:

The match slowly starts out as a handicap match and then eventually they start fighting each other. But then they come to agree that they need to start working together again. After over 10 minutes of action, Ted hits his finisher on Randy and goes for the pin as it looks he's going to win. Cody breaks it up and they start staring each other down and brawling again. Randy gets up and pushes Ted into Cody and he falls out of the ring. Ted turns around and BAM.....Rko. Randy steals the win.

This would lead to a Ted vs. Cody feud after Mania, while Randy goes on to pursue the belt once again.
I personally think that they should have Cody win because the fact is that everyone thinks of him as "The Weak One". The least important Legacy member. Personally I think that Cody is a better wrestler than Ted and that he should get a serious push. Plus I love the CrossRhodes finisher personally.
This is the match I want to see the most and it's also the hardest matches to call in that I really don't know who will win, there are senarios for all three of the guys to win.

First is Cody, Cody can win the match because he has been in the shadows of this feud. Being that Ted was in the chamber match with Randy and Cody didn't make it, and Cody could use the win more than the other two because everyone has made this about Ted and Randy ever since the Million Dollar Man was the Raw guest host. So all in all Cody could gain the most from winning this match.

I think if Cody is going to win this match the end will go like this. Cody and Ted are working together until one of them goes for the pin. At that point whoever didn't go for the pin breaks up the count and they start to argue. While they are argueing Randy gets up and RKOs Ted, only to turn around to get hit with the Cross Rhodes.

Next is Ted, Ted could also use the in win this match. Seeing that this whole break up started with him, he has been in the forefront of the fued, and has looked the best out of him and Cody. It would help him gain credibility with a huge win at Mania and probably skyrocket him into the main event scene and at the very least get him in the running for the 2nd tier titles, although I think he should be holding one sooner rather than later.

For Ted to win I see the match going the same as if Cody were to win, except obviously they are flip flopped in the roles I put them in earlier.

Lastly Randy Orton, for me the best situation would be Randy winning and turning face. Randy can win this match also and might actually have the best chance of winning. He is more over than Ted and Cody combined and is a former 6 time World champ so he is probably the favorite by most, that is if he's not putting Legacy over yet, which I hope is true because I want this fued to go for awhile after Mania.

I see the way Randy wins about the same way as before except I see Randy being taken out and being on the outside of the ring recovering, while Ted and Cody are in the ring wrestling after they have already had thier falling out. I think Ted will get the upper hand and hit Cody with Dream Street, just about then Randy gets in the ring behind him and does him Viper thing, making the crowd go crazy, Ted turns around, gets an RKO, and gets pinned.

This sets up possibilities for the fueds to continue on past Wrestlemania. Cody can say he didn't get pinned setting up a Cody v Randy fued. Ted can say he took Cody out setting up a Ted v Cody fued. I know there are a few wholes in my theories but I don't work for Vince so I don't need to be very good at this.
After two years of build, I'd expect something marginally more exciting. But I guess a boring match was always going to be the outcome when you take three boring wrestlers, put them in a stable, then break them up with no clearly defined face. Wait, Orton is a face? But he's not even remotely likeable, he's a dick.

This match had more potential 18 months ago when Legacy formed. Ted Dibiase had made an impression with his debut, Cody Rhodes had come along nicely under Hardcore Holly, Randy Orton can be entertaining sometimes. It's just a shame none of them have developed since.

As individuals, Dibiase & Rhodes just aren't over and have never proven themselves against anybody of Orton's caliber as of yet. With no Diva's match on the card, it'll be either this or the HHH/Sheamus match in which fans take the oppertunity to take a rest.

It's seems obvious that either Dibiase or Rhodes will pin the other after a sustained beating on Orton. Rhodes with a roll up seems to be the natural choice as he's seen lie the weak link in the group.
This match is simply lacking the "It" factor that I thought it would. Legacy breaking up should have been a big deal, but they've been dragging ass with this break up for the better part of six months now. I just can't get excited for it.

Am I happy that the WWE has decided to bring back a tweener character for Randy Orton, sure. It's something different. However, Rhodes and DiBiase are so bland right now that it seems foolish to split them from Orton. Neither can cut a promo to save their life, and their personalities are as dull as a butter knife.

The only thing that could be exciting is Ted Sr. possibly making a run in, like Bob Orton did at Mania 21.
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