Triple H's cryptic comment...

I can see how its an option but I can't actually see the execution. I think its an added option to add intrigue to a rushed match with little build. Sadly, I still think there will be some bullshit ending. I call it as:
>each grab the other guy's belt (no unification)
>Bryan wins the Rumble
>A Mania card something along the lines of Cena (WWE) v Orton (WHC) v Bryan unification bout, HHH v Punk, Brock v Taker.
I'll give creative some love for the situation they have created. Cena and Orton have been effective in hyping this match, but creative has been tremendous in setting up all the red herrings. The one I found interesting was that this match will take place in Houston, where Austin joined McMahon and turned heel 12 years ago.

I think that neither Orton or Cena will walk out as champion. Trips is being cryptic, but I don't think he is referring to himself. That's too obvious. They really want to go for that shock factor, and him doing it wouldn't be that shocking. That would be fun though. My bold prediction is during or after the match, the new face of the WWE will come out and become the Unified Champion. Batista, Brock, or Roman Reigns are some common suspects for it...

...or let's go real far out, after the Wyatts beat Daniel Bryan, they take him to the back, brainwash him, he sells out to the Authority under the mind fuck that Bray has done to him, Bryan is now a model employee, becomes the Unified Champion, and it's revealed that the Wyatts are brainwashing employees to join the Authority.
I think WWE have done a good job booking intrigue into this Unification match in a short build. The main story point has been the attempts to make people think Cena is going to align with The Authority, but all the while Steph has being placing Triple H's name precisely into the promos on great Champions.

Then the wording of his comments in the Cole interview and the response he gave Orton on Smackdown have added this layer of the potential swerve of him inserting himself into the match and becoming the "Face of the WWE" as the saying goes, if you want something doing right, do it yourself.

It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out, personally I'm not a fan of Triple H, in fact the opposite most of the time, but I'd prefer him "stealing" the title than a finish where Cena and Orton just swap belts or where the Authority simply reaffirm their support of Orton.
tis a great idea, but do we really expect WWE to push such a major angle so close to holidays when hardly anyone will be watching? And filler shows such as xmas special and recorded events will be played out?
I've kept thinking that Hunter saying there will be a unified champion and face of the company meant that something was going to happen to screw up the ending of the show and we wouldn't get a champion at TLC.

That would lead to a bunch of strung out stuff that will probably annoy the impatient people of the wrestling world and make them bitch a bunch. (I'm not grouping everyone on the forums together. I just means the ones who are actually impatient.)

I was thinking it would all last until Wrestlemania time probably.

The HHH scenario is very possible though. From the bits of Raw I've seen over the past few weeks Stephanie has mentioned Hunter quite a lot when Hunter is talking about great champions and Hunter kind of shrugs her comments off or ignores them. That totally could have been the seeds being planted for him to go out and insert himself in the match and win the title.

That could lead to the rumored Vince return and the payoff for everything could once again come at Wrestlemania. Someone like Cena representing Vince vs. Hunter with Cena winning the title. Cena would have to win the Royal Rumble though. Unless they cancel the title shot stipulation.

I don't know if that would lead to Hunter and Stephanie being written off television or what but it's very possible that's the route they would take.
In the most shocking moment in recent wrestling history, as Cena and Orton stand in the ring AJ Styles music hits and he comes out with the TNA world title. He motions to add it to the two belts hanging above the ring to have a triple-threat match for the True Unified Championship of the World. They then tell him no he goes back down to Dixieland.
I'll give creative some love for the situation they have created. Cena and Orton have been effective in hyping this match, but creative has been tremendous in setting up all the red herrings. The one I found interesting was that this match will take place in Houston, where Austin joined McMahon and turned heel 12 years ago.

I think that neither Orton or Cena will walk out as champion. Trips is being cryptic, but I don't think he is referring to himself. That's too obvious. They really want to go for that shock factor, and him doing it wouldn't be that shocking. That would be fun though. My bold prediction is during or after the match, the new face of the WWE will come out and become the Unified Champion. Batista, Brock, or Roman Reigns are some common suspects for it...

...or let's go real far out, after the Wyatts beat Daniel Bryan, they take him to the back, brainwash him, he sells out to the Authority under the mind fuck that Bray has done to him, Bryan is now a model employee, becomes the Unified Champion, and it's revealed that the Wyatts are brainwashing employees to join the Authority.

To me this almost seems legit. Like looking back at Summerslam they got Kane now he's in the Authority. Now they keep talking about they will make sure Daniel joins them. This would be a crazy turn for Daniel Bryan. He's really over right now though I don't think it would happen. Thinking about it though.... it seems it could happen!
well while we are throwing odd suggestions around, what price Chris Jericho has one of his SURPRISE returns at TLC and is entered somehow int, and wins the TLC match?
He is the"1st" Undispute Champion in WWE's eyes, so he could also then be the first guy to beat both John Cena and Randy Orton in the same night just like he was 12 years ago beating Rock and Austin in the same night?
The suit wearing Jericho could be complete heel sell-out Unified champion, and we all know he would put over a broomstick, maybe he returns and has that super fued with Daniel Bryan(it would make for some great matches and excellent promo time).
I dont know how they would swing this, but WWE has been so nonsensical of late, they would find a way.

Would be great if Jericho comes but he wont sell out to Authority after Triple Hs comment over him recently. Not that am reading too much into it but there was a tweet coming off from Chris Jericho today leaving for Houston where TLC PPV is.

Goodbye #Fozztralia!! See you soon! Taking off for Houston...
Hahah just kidding!
(Or am I?)
I was thinking of this too when I heard it. However Randy Orton had won it, but HHH could be waiting to do it at wrestlemania or some other PPV. I would not put it past him.

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