Triple H's Booking Style

Savior of Silence

Occasional Pre-Show
I made mention of this in a post from almost a year ago and somebody suggested that I make a thread on it. Being that there's not much to do here in the prison (they stole my can and string so I can't send PM's and this plastic silverware isn't durable enough to tunnel my way out), I figured now was as good a time as any.

Triple H was never THE man in WWE. Whether it was Austin, Rock, Foley, Undertaker, Lesnar, Angle or Cena, Triple H was the 2nd man on the totem pole at best. When you look at the way NXT is booked, you can't really pinpoint ONE top superstar. Owens, Balor, Itami, Joe, Breeze, etc. are all top stars on the brand and, for the most part, any of them can win the NXT Championship.

Do you think that his never being the man to carry the company affected his booking style in terms of not necessarily having one guy that carries the brand? Do you think that type of booking style would work on the main roster? Do you think Triple H will carry that style over when Vince eventually dies or will he continue the tradition of having one top superstar?
One could argue it's already worked before. Even though most would agree SCSA was the top star in his prime, he could've potentially been replaced (if necessary) by Rock, Jericho, maybe even HHH or others.

It's common sense that having multiple household name type superstars would be best for business in any wrestling promotion. Why wouldn't a company want as many popular superstars as they can get? It only leads to more money. Cena being the only major name full time worker these days is a product of several reasons I'm not trying to get into here. But I assure you, the morons who think VKM does it on purpose are simply delusional.

Well NXT does have a good amount of top level guys at any one point, part of that is because of the transitional nature of the brand meaning they constantly are building talent to replace talent that is heading to the main roster.

I don't think H is booking NXT this way due to his personal experiences as much as he probably realizes that the current method of having one top guy won't be feasible soon. I would imagine any company should want to have as many over guys as possible and I think H is trying to establish this right now through developmental.

IMO Sami Zayn was being groomed to be "The Man" in NXT from his battles with Cesaro showing that he could hang with guys on the Main Roster to his title chase to eventually taking the title and finally Owens betrayal.

If the company can't find the next Cena they will try to have as many popular guys cumulatively to accomplish the same thing.
For HHH to deliberately prevent one guy (or diva) to carry a brand as a result of his supposedly never being picked to carry the company, he would have to admit to himself that he was never picked to carry the company. Personally; I think HHH came into his own after coming back from his quad injury and did in fact carry the company briefly.

I don't know for sure if the current state of WWE booking is completely due to HHH directing traffic. HHH has, based on my research, wanted to push certain performers to the stars only to have to see them flop as potential fan-favorites. The WWE might have a collection of potential world title contenders, but the booking department has unanimously declared that Brock Lesnar can't be beaten by anybody. When he leaves, they'll probably tag Cena to be their number one guy again.

NXT doesn't seem like the kind of place where they'd want to establish a top NXT guy. The whole point of NXT is apparently to make someone look good enough to entertain on national tv, or rather get them weathered to the many ways of sports entertainment.

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