Triple H's Best Moments


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Well This is just a pretty wide open question, it can be any match. Maybe one that you think is over looked, or maybe one that everybody recongizes as a great moment and you truely believe it is recongized as the best cause it was that good. But i just am wandering what some of the people out there feel about Triple H. Hes been in the buisness for about a 15 years or so, so there are plenty of them. So yea.... theres nothing more for me to really say.

What is your Favorite Triple H moment?
It’s tough to choose a favorite moment out of a 15 year career, especially when ten of those years have been in the main event. When I first read the title this is what popped into my mind. It’s more a favorite moment than a best moment.


You could say this was more of an Undertaker moment than a Triple H moment, but it takes two to tango. This kicked off an awesome feud that lead to an awesome match at an awesome mania. I particularly like this because I was going to mania that year for the first time. I was pumped up enough before I knew any matches and was thrilled when I saw this. I couldn’t wait.

Since that was more of a Taker moment than Triple H moment I’ll include one more.


He had only been gone for eight months, but he was a sight for sore eyes. A lot had gone on in the WWF during his absence. The entire invasion angle went down and after all the new faces coming in and inconsistent storylines going down, the WWF was ready to welcome back one of their top stars. This truly was a unique moment.
Its not a great match or a big feud but its a moment that somes up just how ruthless and evil hhh was as a heel. That moment is when he broke JR's arm on raw. I had raw taped and I watched it tuesday morning before school it really got to me. All day all I could think of was hhh breaking JR's arm. To me that moment somes up how ruthless and evil hhh was and what he was willing to do to get in the head of an opponent
It's really been an epic career for HHH, and still going. I have to agree w/The Brain that his return from the first quad tear in '01 pre '02 Rumble was awesome. He went out a top heal w/injury, then the U2 vignettes w/the rehabbing footage and his return was one of the most insane pops ever. I have also been a big fan of his feud w/Booker T in '03. The match buildup for Mania was great. H was really coming into his own w/Evolution, and for me was the pinnacle of his career. He retained the title @ Mania against Booker when he should have done the job. Him slinking out of the ring after getting his head nearly crushed and Flair carrying him out reminded me soo much of Slick Ric, himself. He was the man, and his marriage to Stephanie had nothing to do w/him carrying the company @ the time. He was the best guy for the job.

I also appreciate that when he does the job, he makes people famous! Pun Intended. Think about what it meant for Benoit and Cena's wins @ Mania against HHH, he tapped out. How many guys do that.

Good Post.
I would say the ladder match against The Rock at Summerslam 1998 was Triple H's best moment for me, the 2 out of 3 falls match prior to that impressed me quite a bit but the ladder match is what made Triple H in my eyes, before that I saw him at first as just Shawn Michaels sidekick and then as a shadow of him trying to fill his boots in D-Generation X. In my opinion that ladder match really helped cement him as a future main eventer
i would have to say his Face turn on smackdown when he had i think like 5 matches in one night and that final match is when Chyna turned him... that right there i think help make him in a bit... it was a night where u had to respect him.
There's a few moments that I've absolutely loved from Triple H.

Of course the majority of them would probably fall under the D-generation X moniker, because they were great, but if I really have to say my favorite, well I'm gonna have to qualify 3 scenarios.

1. Triple H returning in 2002, we already have a video of that from The Brain (thank you) and it was probably the biggest return you could ever imagine happening in WWE in any kind of way, he left as a heel, returned as perhaps the biggest face in the company, winning the Royal Rumble etc. you know the story.
Even if I wasn't a fan back then, viewing the video on Youtube had me marking out for the whole damn thing.

2. This partially disqualifies itself I could say, but I'm gonna have to say the WHOLE storyline going into Summerslam 2002 between him and Shawn Michaels was absolutely epic, the promos that were cut (Triple H at his best, cutting heel promos) and the intensity behind this storyline was by far one of my favorite ones of all time.

3. The time where Randy Orton choose which superstar he wanted to face for his Royal Rumble victory match.

Sadly I cannot find the first part of it, but this has the primary part of it, the head to head stare down, being a boxing fan, and the intensity behind these two, the stare down had me marking out BIG TIME.
My favourite moment would be his win at wrestlemania 18 when he beat Jericho to become the Undisputed Champion.The build to the match I thought was cool as Jericho was involved in the match where Hunter hurt his leg.Then you put Steph into the match as the manager of Jericho and it was great.It was like a fairytale with the injuryed warroir coming back to the battle and slaying the man who hurt him.Just a cool build to the match and I liked the match itself to.
Very good topic! There have been so many great moments already mentioned. I absolutely agree that HHH's return in 2002 was entirely epic. The pop that he received that night was massive, and I don't think could ever be surpassed. There are two moments that immediately jumped to my mind when I saw this topic though. The first is the entire summer of 2002 leading up to HBK's return. Knowing that my favorite wrestler was coming back to wrestle one last match against the biggest heel in the company is something I will never forget. The promo's that these two cut that summer were all excellent, but this would have to be my favorite one:


The smile on HHH's face is just pure evil, and just awesome in every way possible. HHH really is one of, if not THE, best heels of all time, and this promo really highlights why. The second moment is one of pure comedy, and makes me laugh everytime I see it. Now this statement could apply to a lot of the DX promo's that HHH and HBK have cut throughout the years, but I really think that this moment surpasses them all. I am talking about the backstage incident between HHH, Trish, and Stephanie. In case you can't remember this classic moment, or you have no idea what it is, I would like to present it to you in this slightly crappy quality video. ENJOY!


The look on HHH's face is absolutely priceless, and makes me laugh every single time I see it.
I love this topic because there are so many great HHH moments. I think the best for me (which The Brain already mentioned) is the return in 2002. The roof blew off the building for HHHs return. I, for one, was going nuts. I think my g/f and her family looked at me like I was mental, lol.

A close second for me would be his run with Evolution (the entire time). I thought he was amazing in Evolution and he really boosted those guys up in their careers.

HHH has been an amazing athlete throughout his career and he has been willing to take a loss to help other wrestlers get over.
Biggest moment of HHH's career? Besides his return to Raw that gave me goosebumps I would also say when he crashed Stephanie and Test's wedding to welcome himself to the family. That was purely funny and just evil.
of course HHH returns and of course at Mania XVIIII (I think??) against Jericho. but you see, he is in my top 3 all time so I got sooooo many great moments like: when he turned his back on HBKwhen he return. also an evolution moment ( althought it was awesome all the way) at Armageddon 2003 when each member of Evolution left the PPV with a championship around his waist, and of course HHH as the WHC!

honorable mentions: in the feud against Orton when broke the window with his body, or when hi broke Bigh Show´s arm. oh and almost every single promo he did with DX.
Great Triple H moments that come to mind would have to be near the beginning of his main event career. Back then I think he was a little more motivated and wanted to prove that he was the best in the game. His entire feud with Mic leading up to the 2000 Royal Rumble was gold and was the beginning of the infamous McMahon-Helmsley era. The return of Cactus Jack facing HHH at the Garden for the title. To top it off it was one of the best matches ever and one of my all time favorites. HHH proved to the hardcore fans that he was for real.

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]
This is an excellent post. Triple H has provided a lot of great memories over the years, and it is so hard to pinpoint it down to just one or even three.

But for me, my favorite moment would probably be Triple H's marriage to Stephanie McMahon. No, not the actual marriage, but when he interrupted Test and Stephanie's TV marriage. WWE marriages almost never go off without a hitch, but this one took the cake (pun intended). I died laughing when I saw the video of Triple H mouthing the nuptials for Stephanie in the car. How dense could that woman outside the car be to think it was Stephanie's actual voice and not see her unconscious body? Anyway, this was a great moment which culminated in another classic Triple H moment at Armageddon that year. Here's the video:!v=MuRFD6ANt8Y

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