Triple H Will Gain Momentum Next Week On Raw


We saw Daniel Bryan get under Triple H's skin for the first time since being screwed out of the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Bryan "hijacked" Raw and refused to allow the show to continue, surrounding the ringside area with dozens of members of the "Yes Movement." While a good number of them were actual fans, some of them were WWE staff. At any rate, Bryan blackmailed Triple H into not only granting him a match against him at WrestleMania XXX, but will add him to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match against Randy Orton and Batista if he wins.

Next week, I think that Triple H will gain some measure of revenge against Bryan. I've no idea what will happen, of course, but I have a feeling something will take place that leaves The Authority standing over Bryan once again. The reason I'm thinking so is because Raw is being held in San Antonio, Texas next week. As we all known, San Antonio is Shawn Michaels' backyard and Shawn Michaels is Triple H's best friend. Now while that doesn't automatically mean that HBK will make an appearance next week, there's a strong possibility that he will. After all, it's WrestleMania season, HBK has made a few appearances for WWE in the past couple of months and his last interactions with Bryan have resulted in open "animosity", such as when Bryan won Superstar of the Year at the Slammy Awards, or resulted in him either being forced to tap out to the Yes Lock or to eat "Knee Plus", which is what Bryan has named the running knee he uses.

At the very least, I think he'll comment on the "Yes Movement" if he appears and that some sort of confrontation with Bryan will go down.
I would assume after occupying Raw in the manner he did the gloves are off and HHH will be attempting to ensure that Daniel Bryan gets screwed any way possible going further. Which is actually great some nights he'll get laid out and others he'll valiantly run through the authorities obstacles constantly playing up the "Underdog" gimmick.

Even before last Monday HHH in the past has booked him in Gauntlet matches, handicap matches etc, so I think we'll see things like that or even worse now that's he's really drawn HHHs ire. All this will build such support for Bryan because he will appear as the man with everything against him except the support of the people. He's truly the ultimate underdog and this is being set up beautifully for a big WM moment title win or not.

Some interaction with HBK would be cool but we've seen that a few times, while it's a nice nod to their history if it doesn't lead to a match which I'm sure it won't i'm not that excited for it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Why the hell has Daniel Bryan not been suspended at the very least for his actions since SummerSlam against the Authority? Daniel Bryan has attacked the members of the Authority on several occasions for virtually no reason, he has disrespected HHH and Stephanie numerous times, and now he hijacks Raw and stops the show, just because he wants to fight HHH? Jeez, at least when Austin was rebelling against Vince, he got fired, arrested, suspended, etc. What happens to Bryan? "Oh, you have done so much to disrespect us but we'll give you a match at Wrestlemania and guess what? You also just might get a title shot that you haven't really earned!" Jeez. I really do hope HBK shows up and maybe gets made the Special Referee in Bryan/HHH's match. And I hope HHH really does something to put that little B+ troll in his place and show him who's boss.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Why the hell has Daniel Bryan not been suspended at the very least for his actions since SummerSlam against the Authority? Daniel Bryan has attacked the members of the Authority on several occasions for virtually no reason, he has disrespected HHH and Stephanie numerous times, and now he hijacks Raw and stops the show, just because he wants to fight HHH? Jeez, at least when Austin was rebelling against Vince, he got fired, arrested, suspended, etc. What happens to Bryan? "Oh, you have done so much to disrespect us but we'll give you a match at Wrestlemania and guess what? You also just might get a title shot that you haven't really earned!" Jeez. I really do hope HBK shows up and maybe gets made the Special Referee in Bryan/HHH's match. And I hope HHH really does something to put that little B+ troll in his place and show him who's boss.

Blame that on an impotent Creative than anything else. DBs entire Underdog run after SummerSlam has been watered down and largely a whisper in the wind, at least as far as waging a one-man war against the Authority goes.

Bet you wouldn't object if DB really did pull a Stone Cold for eight months and embarked on a terror spree against everyone keeping him down.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Why the hell has Daniel Bryan not been suspended at the very least for his actions since SummerSlam against the Authority? Daniel Bryan has attacked the members of the Authority on several occasions for virtually no reason, he has disrespected HHH and Stephanie numerous times, and now he hijacks Raw and stops the show, just because he wants to fight HHH? Jeez, at least when Austin was rebelling against Vince, he got fired, arrested, suspended, etc. What happens to Bryan? "Oh, you have done so much to disrespect us but we'll give you a match at Wrestlemania and guess what? You also just might get a title shot that you haven't really earned!" Jeez. I really do hope HBK shows up and maybe gets made the Special Referee in Bryan/HHH's match. And I hope HHH really does something to put that little B+ troll in his place and show him who's boss.

He already did ref in a Bryan match where he cost him the title against Orton. Kayfabe his reasons for attacking are because its the Authority that sends out Kane to get in the middle of Bryans matches, just like Kane did to Punk in the Rumble, that was suppose to set up a feud with Punk and HHH. Don't forget at Summerslam it was HHH who screwed over Bryan costing him the title he had just won.

Compared to the Austin run though. I think your looking at it the wrong way BIG TIME.

I don't think people really want Bryan to copy the Austin/Mcmahon feud to a T where he gets fired, and goes to jail every other week.

Not only that, but during that time Austin wasn't in matches on Raw he was instead cutting promos with Vince that ended up with Austin going to jail, I think it was all part of Austin being on a light work schedule while still being on tv every week, many of those Raw shows all he did was go to jail or get fired week after week without ever being in a match, mostly due to his neck problem I would imagine.

Add to that where Austin couldn't be in so many matches, Bryan makes his hay being in matches cause its what he does the best. It might be OK for Bryan to be sent to jail once, and they did give him the night off once, but fans want to see Bryan in the ring and wrestling, not being sent away to jail after cutting a promo with HHH.
No doubt JH,Triple H is super pissed right now.. I have never ever seen anyone get under the skin like Daniel Bryan did last night.. I think HHH,going forward is going to put Daniel Bryan in impossible situations.. I would expect multiple handicap matches,stipulations stating if anyone helps out DB,there gonna be heavily fined/fired/suspended! Or lose their WM spot.. Its going to be hell IMO from here on out for Daniel Bryan until WM
Now that the idea of Shawn Michaels refereeing their match has been brought up, I can totally see that happening so that we percieve the odds to be even further stacked against Daniel Bryan; except this time, he calls it straight down the middle. Daniel Bryan is his 'student' and he seemed to be at conflict back at Hell In A Cell - Triple H could employ him as referee expecting the same outcome but HBK could refuse to get pulled into the politcs. Would be a neat little part of the story coming full circle, and could lead to a special moment before 'the moment', with Shawn Michaels raising Bryan's hand or maybe even hugging him, symbolically wishing his student the best ahead of the biggest match of his career.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Why the hell has Daniel Bryan not been suspended at the very least for his actions since SummerSlam against the Authority? Daniel Bryan has attacked the members of the Authority on several occasions for virtually no reason, he has disrespected HHH and Stephanie numerous times, and now he hijacks Raw and stops the show, just because he wants to fight HHH? Jeez, at least when Austin was rebelling against Vince, he got fired, arrested, suspended, etc. What happens to Bryan? "Oh, you have done so much to disrespect us but we'll give you a match at Wrestlemania and guess what? You also just might get a title shot that you haven't really earned!" Jeez. I really do hope HBK shows up and maybe gets made the Special Referee in Bryan/HHH's match. And I hope HHH really does something to put that little B+ troll in his place and show him who's boss.

Look everybody, our own little JBL impersonator. My favorite part of this is the moron that gave a serious response and agreed with it.

Now that the idea of Shawn Michaels refereeing their match has been brought up, I can totally see that happening so that we percieve the odds to be even further stacked against Daniel Bryan; except this time, he calls it straight down the middle. Daniel Bryan is his 'student' and he seemed to be at conflict back at Hell In A Cell - Triple H could employ him as referee expecting the same outcome but HBK could refuse to get pulled into the politcs. Would be a neat little part of the story coming full circle, and could lead to a special moment before 'the moment', with Shawn Michaels raising Bryan's hand or maybe even hugging him, symbolically wishing his student the best ahead of the biggest match of his career.

I could definitely see HBK being the special guest referee - you know The Authority is going to stack the deck against him - and not only being impartial, but helping Bryan win. And then HBK comes back out and congratulates Bryan after he wins the title at the end of the show. Would not surprise me at all.

And, yes, clearly there's going to be hell to pay for Daniel Bryan this week...and probably every week until Mania.
Look everybody, our own little JBL impersonator. My favorite part of this is the moron that gave a serious response and agreed with it.



Dude his post is just too much man, I even played on with it as if he was HBK because of the way it sounds.

But HBK will be at WM some way. Hell, I wouldn't be too shocked if WWE inducted his ladder match into the HoF so he'd have another reason to attend.

Well then again I said it would be cool if he inducted Razor because of the success they had together.

Either way, having HBK ref again would clear things up. You'd even have HHH trying to argue with HBK telling him to do the job but HBK refuses to do so because he won't be intimidated again. Something like that.
But HBK will be at WM some way. Hell, I wouldn't be too shocked if WWE inducted his ladder match into the HoF so he'd have another reason to attend.

Yeah; he's advertised for Fan Axxess so it's hard to imagine that he won't be involved in one of the events, in some form.
If anything, HBK will make right what he did to Bryan at HIAC. It only makes sense.

Not that we expect anything to make sense...
I'll just say this.. regardless of what's said or done to DB between now and Mania a HHH tap and a title win to go off the air is the rightful payoff, and I enjoyed the "sit down" strike so much it makes the last 6 months worth it to me..
Daniel Bryan is a bigger draw when he's facing adversity, that goes without saying.

We've only got three more episodes of RAW left before Wrestlemania 30. They've got to keep this momentum going and I'm sure that part of it will involve HHH making us all wonder if Daniel Bryan can really pull off a win against him.

Daniel Bryan has been a useful means of making his opponents more marketable, he's the only way that you'll ever hear a "THIS IS AWESOME!!" chant during a Randy Orton match. HHH doesn't want to use Daniel Bryan as a crutch, he wants to be recognized as an unstoppable monster as opposed to a desperate has-been. If Daniel Bryan is going over HHH at Wrestlemania, then he's going to have to give a Hell of a lot to HHH before the PPV.
There are only 3 more Raw episodes 'til the big PPV, but I believe that will be all that's necessary to bring this one to a boil.

Usually, pro wrestling gives us good guy vs. bad guy, with the virtues of one wrestler being matched against the dastardly deeds performed by the other. It's a time-honored concept in this form of entertainment.

Instead, we've got a pesky flea hitting the mighty corporate executive exactly where he doesn't want to be hit. Triple H doesn't mind being insulted for his athletic prowess, speaking skills or other personal characteristics .....but don't throw a cog in the machinery of his company. Don't get in the way of the smooth operation of WWE. His whole "what's best for business" spiel has revolved around him pushing employees around to do what he needs them to the players on a chessboard. He doesn't mind someone surprising him with a slick move, but don't knock the pieces off the board.

That's what Daniel Bryan has done. Facing Daniel in the ring isn't something that worries Triple H.....he knows he'll win (even though he won't). What he objected to was having Daniel force him into the confrontation with his "sit-in" on Monday night.

Now that it's happened, it's open season for the Triple H-Daniel match. For the next few weeks, Trips can concentrate on telling us what he's going to do to Daniel Bryan, rather than concerning himself with what's best for business.

For all the stuff we read in this forum about how Paul Levesque doesn't have the personality to play the corporate role, I thought he and Stephanie were terrific on Monday; their distaste for being forced into something they had openly stated they didn't want was displayed in spades; they hated the whole thing but were forced to give into it......and what a job they did showing it.

Now, it's open warfare through WM30. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trips show up this Monday not wearing the $750 suit, but rather, looking like an aging rocker tough guy, as he used to.

It's on.
Blindingly obvious where this is gonna go being in "San Antone"... Shawn will be named guest ref for the HHH/Bryan match thus making it seem "impossible" that Bryan can win... of course Shawn will have a change of heart/be won over during the match and do the right thing and count the pinfall...

But yeah, next week when they announce Shawn as ref, that is gonna amp up Triple H's momentum a hell of a lot, especially as he can use the "We gave you your demands...these are the terms" so Bryan can't "complain".
I'm sure some kind of beatdown will be in store for Daniel Bryan to build the hype for this match.

I expect Trips, after he and others beat down Daniel Bryan, to announce that their match will be no countout and no DQ. Also, he'll announce that if Daniel Bryan loses, he's fired.
I'm sure some kind of beatdown will be in store for Daniel Bryan to build the hype for this match.

I expect Trips, after he and others beat down Daniel Bryan, to announce that their match will be no countout and no DQ. Also, he'll announce that if Daniel Bryan loses, he's fired.

If they do that, it guarantees Bryan will win,HHH and Vince know that if Bryan is legit "fired", the IWC will spend the rest of their pathetic existence bitching and crying about it like they still cry about CM Junk.
If they do that, it guarantees Bryan will win,HHH and Vince know that if Bryan is legit "fired", the IWC will spend the rest of their pathetic existence bitching and crying about it like they still cry about CM Junk.

Well it's a 100% guarantee that Bryan is winning anyway since WWE won't risk the IWC/DB fans hijacking the main event.
Blame that on an impotent Creative than anything else. DBs entire Underdog run after SummerSlam has been watered down and largely a whisper in the wind, at least as far as waging a one-man war against the Authority goes.

Bet you wouldn't object if DB really did pull a Stone Cold for eight months and embarked on a terror spree against everyone keeping him down.

True. I didn't think about that. Hell, they even threatened Big Show last year despite him having an "iron clad" contract.
I like to think of this on a more epic scale in that HHH has been planning this WM from the start to be his own vision of perfection with stuff like the New Age Outlaws walking out as the tag team champs the U.S champ held by the shield, the main belts unified so there only one top dog and so on a so forth. But the most important part of his plan was to have the main event be randy Orton vs Batista (two men he help train and work with, basically his apprentice's) for the WWE World Heavyweight championship so no matter who wins and loses he wins his vision of WM. And this was but working to perfection with a few slight road bumps along the way like Big Show and the Rhodes brothers (The Usos surprised them but looks like they might have a back up plan for that) but nothing major they could not handle. And then came Daniel Bryan a man they thought they have no problems getting rid of but just kept pushing and pushing them and would not stop (there is also the irony behind the fact he was trained by HBK) still tho they thought they could handle it as nothing more then a guy trying to play hero and nothing more but the fans were on his side and every time the Game sent some one out he beat them to the ground but it still seemed like it was for not for Daniel Bryan, then came last night on raw were he took a stand with the people and in one fell swoop he has just gained the power to ruin every thing the Game has worked so hard to create, the Games vision of WM is now in trouble and has no choice but to try and end this Man (who he should of ended when he had the chance) Himself. Yea I know it's really corny and over thought but hey it's all just for fun any ways.

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