Triple H Vs Vince McMahon


Championship Contender
Many moons ago these two faced eachother in the ring in what was (for what it was worth) a very good match. Fast foward a few years and things have changed somewhat both physically on both parts and as we now know things behind the curtains are also changing. Vince has been involved in some very entertaining matches over the years against wrestlers such as Hogan, Austin, Michaels, Shane and The Undertaker to name a few. The match against Bret Hart was not one of his best and for that reason I question my own question but could Mr McMahon pull it out the bag one last time at Wrestlemania against Triple H in an ultimate control over the company type match. It would obviously not be a lesson in fine wrestling but that is not what we expect or want from this type of match...just pure soap opera entertainment in which some truth would come of the outcome and would see Triple H win the match and rid the WWE of Vince McMahon for good (as far as being the owner of the WWE goes). Storyline or not it would have some meaning. Plenty of angles could be put on this match before and during..things including HBK, The Cliq, Shane, Stephanie who knows.

So what do you think the chances of this happening are and would you care for it?
No. Vince will not leave period. All he wanted for the longest time was to get his Mr. McMahon character off tv. THIS was a unique way to do it. This way opened SO MANY storylines.
Well, seeing as how I mentioned this previously in the Dream WM 28 thread and believe this being written so shortly after my post to be inspired by it, I'll say one thing

"Never Say, Never."

I cant see Vince not wanting his last match to be spectacular as I said in the other thread, HHH is the perfect choice. This story does open up many storylines, but it wouldnt stick true to Vince to just be cool with it like that.

There has to be a backlash and Vince vs HHH is the only way to do it, at WrestleMania.

And HHH can win and then Vince legally can do nothing, Also you'd have to be stupid to think it cant happen. They did say they were waiting till Mania to have HHH's reign fully take off. This would cement it.

This time period gives Vince some time to sit back and watch and criticise HHH's reign

the fun part about the match is Vince can beat HHH, has twice before.

I personally would love to see Stephanie at WrestleMania with a sledgehammer like @ Armageddon, I want to see her either way. Maybe Vince wont fall for it this time, you know.

I still just want to see Steph period, Linda may not show at all, but Shane returning would be a nice touch, maybe even as a Special Guest Referee
I'll pass on that. Vince's character of Mr. McMahon was pretty much done after his match with Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 26. Triple H taking over was the final nail in the coffin. I think Vince wants to stay off camera for a while - perhaps forever besides a few appearences. If Triple H gets back in the ring, it should be against someone who could use the win or even the rub, like CM Punk. Vince is done, let him wind down his long career. Bret Hart was a perfect way for him to go out, I don't think there is a need for him to be involved in this storyline furthermore.
No, I never saw your post but it's not really a far fetched idea so I am sure quite a few posts mentioning something similar exist. I agree that a match of this ilk would cement the reign of Triple H over the WWE (legit or not) if he were to win. I would like to see a stipulation added and a controversial ending. Perhaps a ladder match with the 100% Ownership hanging above the ring.. Shane and HBK as special Refs..

Anything could happen in a match liek this depending on what the real life situation is involving Vince and if he wants to carry on or actually pass the torch. Stephanie turning on Triple H costing him the match and a McMahon Vs Kliq feud going into 2012? Bret hart being Special Ref and screwing Vince?
Well I actually wouldn't mind seeing Triple H vs Vince at Wm 28 for control of power.And like people say "never say never" in the WWE.And also if it was to happen it will based on pure soap opera mix with some real life truth.And the best part is it will probably also involved stephanie.
No thanks, I will gladly pass on that idea. Vince matches never interest me. He does not belong in the ring and never did. I did enjoy the Bret Hart match at Wrestlemania 26 but that was more for seeing Bret get his revenge after all of those years than about the match quality or lack thereof. No matter who else might get involved on either side, this match does not need to happen. If they do an angle of Trips VS Vince then why not have the two appoint guys to represent them like they did with the Trump Hair VS Hair match? Trips could potentially still represent himself but Vince needs to stay away from the ring and would need someone wrestling for him in the match because otherwise it would probably be terrible. I'd be interested in a storyline about who gets control over the company, but not if it means Vince wrestling, and at Wrestlemania of all places.
I could never picture this happening. First of all, Triple H is still in good shape. The Game looks like he could take off the suit at any minute, and wrestle a match if he had to. Paul Levesque might be a forty-two year old man, but he still has that intimidating physical presence. Vince McMahon on the other hand is a sixty-six year old man.....and he looks like a sixty-six year old man. Vince is no shape to wrestle a match. If Vince did wrestle HHH, it would have to be a street fight or some sort of No DQ match, because it's the only the way Vince could stand a fighting chance. It's the only way Vince stood a chance at Armageddon 1999, and it's the only way he'll stand a chance in 2011 or 2012.

This sounds like a good idea on paper, but Vince would need some kind of help here (outside interference, weapons, no rules, etc.), because I can't picture him taking on HHH in a one on one match. I enjoyed their match at Armageddon 1999, but that was twelve years ago.

If Vince had a representative wrestle for him, this might work better. It would be similar to what happened at Wrestlemania 23 in the Battle Of The Billionaires match. Vince could select a wrestler to take on HHH. This shouldn't hurt the story, because everything would still be about HHH VS Vince.
If Vince had a representative wrestle for him, this might work better. It would be similar to what happened at Wrestlemania 23 in the Battle Of The Billionaires match. Vince could select a wrestler to take on HHH. This shouldn't hurt the story, because everything would still be about HHH VS Vince.

I think that would work. Maybe even Shane could come back to wrestle Triple H, it would mean more for Vince's son to wrestle for him than another wrestler. Shane is only 40 so I'm sure he could take some bumps like he used to.

I think Steph, Shane and Linda should be in this storyline if it were to happen as it would make it feel even more real and would add to the story. But I don't think Vince would be able to have a match because he's a 66 year old man and he's physically a 66 year old man, also I don't think there is a need for Vince to have a match because as I already said Shane could have the match against Triple H.

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