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Triple H - The Politician?


Championship Contender
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?
I really don't think his marriage to Stephanie is what made him what he is today. HHH is great on the mic, he can tell a story in the ring, and has had memorable feuds in his career. Sure maybe it did have some influence, but regardless if it did or not, HHH would have been a major star in my opinion.

I am in no way a huge HHH fan, but there's not denying that he hasn't any great moments in WWE.

That said, no I really don't think that just because his wife is head of creative, he became what he is in the WWE today.
I am far from a Triple H apologist, but there are some inaccuracies in your rants.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else.
Edge won the title 11 times, and his first reign was in 2006.

John Cena has won the title 12 times, and his first reign was in 2005.

Randy Orton has won the title 9 times, and his first reign was in 2004.

The amount of championship reigns is a sign of the time. Triple H may have 13 reigns as champion, but I wouldn't doubt that Cena will pass that. Hell, he'll probably pass it this year. Last I checked, Cena isn't married to any member of the McMahon family.

Has had more wm main events than anyone else.
You're wrong. Hogan main evented eight of the first nine Manias. The only one he didn't main event was IV. Triple H has main evented five. That's the same amount as Shawn Michaels. Again, don't think HBK is married to a McMahon.

He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else.
That's not true either. Hogan was the title picture from the time he won the title in 1984 until he left in 1993.

since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker.
He fought Sheamus at WrestleMania 26. That was neither a match against Undertaker nor a match for the world title.

He buried orton in 2005.
Orton was elevated too soon. He never should have beaten Benoit for the title in Toronto at Summerslam. Orton wasn't ready to be on top.

He buried punk in 2011.
You do know that beating a guy doesn't mean you're burying him, right? Punk seems to be doing just fine right now. Some might say he's the hottest thing in wrestling at the moment. If that's a burial, I think we'd all be so lucky to get buried like that.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.
So Triple H isn't the best wrestler of all time, one of the best promo men of all time or one of the most charismatic wrestlers ever? If you hold him to that standard, that means NO ONE should be on top. HBK couldn't "strut" like Rock or cut promos like Austin. Austin couldn't wrestle like HBK or "strut" like Rock. Rock could cut one helluva promo, but he couldn't wrestle lke HBK. Guess all those guys politicked their way to the top too.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?
He's not better than everyone else, but he's still pretty damn good and worthy of his accolades. Triple H would have been great even if he didn't marry Steph, and while he's not the best of all time, he is a Hall of Famer. Steve Yzerman wasn't Wayne Gretzky, but he was a damn fine player. Triple H is the Steve Yzerman of the WWE.
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?

I will start by saying that I am no Triple H mark... infact I spent the beginning of this decade hoping he'd injure himself so I wouldn't have to watch him...

That being said, the man has EARNED his spot. You can't say he became a World Champion because of his marriage, he won his first one while he was dating Chyna.

I'm going to assume you mean The Kliq when you talk about his "friends." The Kliq is not why he was elevated... infact, his association with The Kliq got him buried for two years. If The Kliq got you titles then Sean Waltman and Scott Hall would be former champs. If being friends with Shawn Michaels is all it took, then Brian Kendrick and Marty Jannetty would be former champs.

If you think Triple H is the "only one to beat down Taker at WrestleMania, so much he had to be carried out" then you need to go watch WrestleMania 9, because Giant Gonzales did the same thing... infact, Taker barely won that match... by count out... he at least submitted Triple H.

The only reason Triple H has more mania main events than almost everyone, is because there were about six years where Triple H was THE ONLY STAR who was left. Rock, Austin, and Foley were all gone, Taker and Brock were on Smackdown and that left RAW with only Triple H and HBK.

As far as Sheamus goes, yeah being buddies with Triple H doesn't hurt, but Sheamus is also talented and very deserving of his spot.
I thought the IWC was past these types of threads, but I guess not.

Instead of going off on a rant at the OP with a long, drawn-out, and detailed argument, I'll convey my numerous points by just mentioning one of them that pretty much wraps up the whole argument. Triple H had already gotten to the main-event scene BEFORE getting with Stephanie. Triple H is an extremely talented professional wrestler. Love him or hate, I haven't encountered a single detractor who was able to tell me why he actually didn't deserve to reach the heights that he has reached in the WWE. If someone like Paul London married Stephanie, then won 13 world titles afterward, I'd see your point. But HHH deserves every single one of the accomplishments that he has achieved because he has TRULY achieved and earned them with blood, sweat, and tears. Face it, Triple H is one of the best pro wrestlers in the business, and was a large part of WWE's success in the 90's and 2000's. Unless Stephanie taught him how to talk on the mic, how to take bumps, how to tell a story in the ring, how to work out, how to rehab multiple injuries that could've ended his career, and how to be one of the most exciting superstars of the WWE that is over, draws, and connects with the crowd, then you have no argument.
I will never understand the internet fans hate for HHH. It's nothing new with HHH then it is with anyone eles that gets ahead in the wrestling world. If you don't like Politicians then you don't like ONE wrestler that makes it big. NOT ONE. Playing politics is how the business works. HHH if no different. Should it be that way that's up for debate but it's just how it works. HOGAN did, Shawn Did, Austin did (just see the time he took his ball and went home) HHH is at the spot he is now because he worked his butt off for years to earn it. Yes he played politics but that's just how it works. Just because you like or dislike someone doesn't mean they play less politics then others. Saying that a wrestler only got to where he is by playing politics is like saying a U.S.president got to where he is by politics.
Triple H. has been one of my favorites since DX and has accomplished a lot to get to the position where he could use his ties to elavate his career. Being married to the boss's daughter has definetly opened doors for him and will continue to do so. WE all know this. But, he some how was able to get to this point from hard work and dedication. I don't know if it was luck or faith or mind games that got Triple H. and Stephanie together for real, but he must of shown a great business mind for the product for Vince to be okay with his only daughter marrying a proformer, which seemed like a taboo thing to do. There was something about Triple H. that made him stand out from the rest for Vince and Steph and all the McMahon's to see and be okay with. The Game has truly accomplished more than any other wrestler in history by being able to become a powerful member of the strongest wrestling family in the entire world. Him and Steph will probably really end up running the business all together after Vince passes. Some may hate him for his success, some may love him for it. I respect him for accomplishing all his goals, if these were indeed his goals, but I don't condone stepping on people to get ahead. That's just me, but alot do it to get ahead so I hope things work out for him and his family and they get the WWE back on track and listen to their older viewers who made them all rich to begin with. I will say one thing though about Triple H. benefiting from being in the family. Mania 25. He was on last with Randy Orton, fighting for the WWEC. It would have been a great time to have passed the torch to Orton, but the Game won , and defended the family honour, just for Orton to win the title at the very next PPV. Just one of those family perks, I guess.(lol)
He's not going to be loved by everyone, he won't be respected by everyone. There are people who stand by what they believe in and feel Triple H married into the company and that's the only reason he's where he is. He works damn hard and has earned the right to be where he is today. It's not like he married Steph and bitched and whined until he got where he is. He busted his tail in the ring day in and day out and happened to fall in love with someone who's father owns the company. Not his fault. It's cliche, but it's true. Things just happen. Most often when you least expect it. That's probably what happened with them. Anyways, it's very clear he has a great passion for wrestling and the business and over the years has proven it. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter who hates him. He's earned the respect of Vince and is now busting his tail to try and help the company. Because like it or not, he's right. He will be taking over the company one day. It's a hell of a lot of work. If people feel like he's just being thrown this huge company and want to trash him, well fuck handed or not, I wouldn't want to run a multi million dollar company that Vince built from the ground up. Good lord can you imagine the intense pressure he's going to really be under when Vince sadly passes on?
You have to take into account that Triple H earned Vince's respect early in his tenure after the Kliq farewell incident. Triple H was the newest member of the group and joined the others in the ring. This was a massive faux pas and it cost him the King Of the Ring that year (Austin 3:16 would never have happened!) and a year of jobbing out to guys like Henry Godwin and Ultimate Warrior. Rather than bitch about being singled out or that Shawn was getting titles, he sucked it up went into the Hogpen and paid his dues.

During this time he also played a major role in keeping Shawn Michaels straight enough to pull off a decent title reign and keep him away from WCW, when it would have been very easy for he and Shawn to jump.

Over time, Trips got to interact more with Vince and showed he had good booking ideas and had the balls to suggest the unthinkable about the screwjob on Bret. He was the one chided by Bret's wife on the doc, the one to go on camera and face up for the decision by not denying it, taking the fall for Shawn again (and to an extent Vince).

So Trips had a lot going for him in Vince's eyes before Steph came along. I am sure he didn't want her marrying a wrestler, because one day Steph would likely be a major part of running the company but if she was gonna marry one Trips would probably have been his ideal type. Brains for the business, a respected performer and one who is able (at times granted) to put ego aside when needed.

Since then he has had more titles than he deserved, more spots than he deserves but at the end of the day he draws and shows dedication to the business, the WWE and the family... He gets hurt a lot, but has never asked for time off or thought about winding down his career until recently.
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?

People said he never used anything affording him? I don't think anyone said that, just debate the fact that the only reason he's successfull is because he was banging Stephanie is debatable.

Your thoughts are your own, as dillusional as they are. Triple H certainly can do it all, he doesn't have to be HBK because he kicks ass and is a promo master when it comes to getting in people's heads. He doesn't need to strut like the Rock because he's respected for sticking around and carrying the load when Austin/Rock ended.

Granted he's not flashy, granted he can be boring on the mic but he can also be one of the funniest guys on the roster and can tell a story in the ring with someone of equal ability.

as for the topic of hand,
Fact - Triple H was the workhorse of the WWE til Cena came along and now he's taken that spot.
Fact - He was to recieve Austin's push but he was being punished for something that was not his doing
Fact - He got respect from Vince for taking all the shit resulting from the Clicque incident and HBK bailing.
Fact - He began his first main event run a year b4 he was dating Stephanie, while he was still "with" Chyna. and they didn't marry til 4 yrs later.
Fact - He was already a decorated singles champion well b4 that point and a future star just not the world title.
Fact - He's been involved in many of the most memorable angles/moments in attitude and beyond eras

has there been favoritism since? well no doubt, noone gets to the top without stepping on someone else's toes and pushes there weight around, if you don't you wouldn't be at the top. or in the case of a Cena be hard working and an ass kisser. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dilluded
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk,
he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?

:lol: What a dumb thread.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else.

Edge - 11 Time World Champion in 4 years

John Cena - 12 Time World Champion in 6 years.

John Cena was in every Wrestlemania main-event starting from 2005.

WM 21 - Against JBL
WM 22 - Against HHH
WM 23 - Against Shawn Michaels
WM 24 - Against Randy Orton and HHH
WM 25 - Against Edge and Big Show
WM 26 - Against Batista
WM 27 - Against The Miz

Those are 7 consecutive Wrestlemania main-events for Cena and all were for the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship.

6 out of those 7 WM main-events Cena won (leaving WM 24)

Cena has been in the title picture in WWE more than anybody else.

His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.)

Brock Lesnar defeated The Rock at Summerslam to become the fastest WWE champion, only 4 months after his WWE debut. Sheamus won it after 5 months.

Since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

2004 - HHH lost
2005 - HHH lost and put over Batista in the process.
2006 - HHH lost to Cena
2007 - HHH wasn't even part of WM 23 as he was injured.
2008 - HHH lost (Triple Threat)
2009 - HHH won after losing at last 4 Wrestlemanias
2010 - HHH put over Sheamus as he allowed Sheamus to dominate most of the match.
2011 - HHH lost to The Undertaker

Compare HHH's Wrestlemania record to John Cena's.

Randy Orton is in the WWE because of HHH. Without HHH and him in Evolution he would not have been that big that he is today.

Just losing to an Established guy doesn't mean the guy is "buried". CM Punk lost after Miz / Truth's interference. Hence it was not a clean loss. And every top guy can't just job to a guy who is "Hot talk" at the time. It hurts the credibility of the established star more than the unestablished one.

he cant cut promos like austin

Austin's promos were never special. All he did was swear,cuss,blah,blah.
When HHH believes in someone, he will make sure that they look good in the ring.

If he was this master politician he would have had more WWE title runs recently he hasn't held it for nearly 3 years.

We didn't see HHH for a while after Mania either.
Wow I can't believe were actually talking about this. I've never understood why so many peole hate Triple H. He's always been one of my favorites. Unlike Hogan he actually puts ppl over. Ask Orton, Cena, Batista, ect. He's won 13 titles since the late 90's after jobbing for two years after the curtain call. You can't say he didn't pay his dues. As for his marraige to stephanie, you cant help who you fall in love with but he has earned everyone of his accomplishments whether you like it or not. Leave him alone.
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?

Triple H from 1995-1997: The Connecticut Blueblood. It was a gimmick he continued from WCW. He was a part of Kliq in these years. He won his first IC title on October 1996. Then he formed DX in 1997. He was pretty famous in his DX stint. He even faced Rock for the WWF title in an I Quit match but lost.

Heel turn (1999): Triple H completely changed his gimmick. He was more of a brawler here. Triple H faced Mankind and Austin in a triple threat match at summer slam which foley won. He defeated Mankind the following Raw to win his 1st WWE championship.

Where was steph?

Triple H dropped the WWF Championship to Vince McMahon on the September 16, 1999 episode of SmackDown! before regaining it at Unforgiven in a Six-Pack Challenge that included Davey Boy Smith, Big Show, Kane, The Rock, and Mankind. He defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin at No Mercy before dropping the title to Big Show at Survivor Series.

He won 2 world titles and by this time he was just dating steph as he was in a feud with Vince.On the January 3 episode of Raw is War, Triple H defeated The Big Show to win his third WWF championship.

3 world titles and he didn't marry Stephanie yet.

Triple H feuded with Mick Foley in early 2000. They both fought at the Royal Rumble in a Street Fight Match for the WWF Championship, which Triple won after doing two pedigrees on Foley. The storyline would come to an end at No Way Out in a Hell in a Cell where if Mick Foley lost he would have to retire. Triple H retained his title at the PPV and thus ending Mick Foley's fifteen year career. Triple H pinned The Rock at WrestleMania 2000 to retain the title, but lost it at Backlash to The Rock. He regained it three weeks later, in an Iron Man match at Judgment Day, only to lose it back to The Rock at King of the Ring. Triple H then entered a storyline feud with Chris Jericho, which culminated in a Last Man Standing match at Fully Loaded.

4 WWF titles and no marriage with steph. Albeit he was in a relationship.

2002: The Face turn.

Triple H returned after a career threatening injury on January 7, 2002 and won the rumble. He went on to defeat Jericho at WM 18 for his 5th world title. Still he hadn't married Steph.

Heel Turn:

Before September 2, 2002, WWE recognized only one champion for both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. After SummerSlam, champion Brock Lesnar became exclusive to SmackDown!, leaving Raw without a champion. Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff then awarded Triple H the Big Gold Belt (which had been used for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and WCW World Heavyweight Championship) making him the first World Heavyweight Champion of the WWE brand.Triple H retained his title against Rob Van Dam at Unforgiven when Ric Flair hit RVD with a sledgehammer.

6th world title and still no banging with Stephanie.

Triple H eventually lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Shawn Michaels in the first Elimination Chamber match, at Survivor Series. He defeated RVD for the title shot at Armageddon with Michaels as special referee. He regained the title from Michaels in a Three Stages of Hell match at Armageddon.

7th world title. No marriage yet.

2003: The year evolution was formed and his marriage took place. He lost his title to Goldberg and won it back again after his marriage with Stephanie.

1st title win after the marriage. He lost the title to Chris but regained it back from Randy. 2nd win after the marriage. The WHC became vacant and he won it back at New Years Resolution and that was his 3rd win after marriage. He lost it to batista. He won the title back at No mercy after 2 years or so. 4th win after marriage. He lost it to orton on same night. He won it back in a fatal 4 way marking his 5th win after marriage. Triple H won his 6th at EC. 6 after Marriage.

In Conclusion:

7 titles before the marriage and 6 titles after. He had already been stablished as a great competitor before his marriage. So all the credit of 13 wins goes to his hard work. Now you can tally yourself how much politics he played but for me he won it because of his hard work.

That's just my 2 cents.
You have to take into account that Triple H earned Vince's respect early in his tenure after the Kliq farewell incident. Triple H was the newest member of the group and joined the others in the ring. This was a massive faux pas and it cost him the King Of the Ring that year (Austin 3:16 would never have happened!) and a year of jobbing out to guys like Henry Godwin and Ultimate Warrior. Rather than bitch about being singled out or that Shawn was getting titles, he sucked it up went into the Hogpen and paid his dues.

Well, your history is a bit off. Triple H had already fought Godwinn in the Hog Pen and jobbed to the Warrior at WM 12 BEFORE the MSG incident, so that wasn't the effect. You know what the effect was? He jobbed to HBK in the coming months in a WWF title match...later that year or early the next, he won the Intercontinental Title. So, HHH was punished? I don't think so.

Back to the original topic, while I disagree with most of your statements, I do believe HHH used his wife to get his position and his position to get where he is. It's really unbelievable people defend HHH. What exactly did he do to get where he is? Think about that in 2004/2005 terms when he became "big." Up until that point, he was a rich snob getting beat in 12 seconds by a washed up Warrior, feuding with Johnny B. Badd (aka Marc Mero) and then in 1997, playing second fiddle to HBK.

By the way, since when did HHH get so good on the mic? I remember his drawn out, painful world title reign at his "peak" and his terrible promos and literally changing the channel until he was done. That's not good heat. That's pathetic. The only time I've enjoyed a HHH promo was when HBK or Austin or someone who could carry him through it was involved. His promo skills are mediocre at best.

Speaking of HBK, I can't think of a single HHH match that was memorable that didn't involve HBK. Yes, HHH is practically flawless in the ring, but that doesn't make you memorable. Was Arn Anderson in memorable matches? He was flawless. What about the British Bulldog? How many memorable matches did he have? Most of his involved Bret Hart or HBK. HHH is a great in-ring worker, but it's not like he put on classics like HBK and Hart or made memorable matches out of lousy opponents. You could even argue HHH was only as good as his opponent. The aforementioned title reign? He wrestled guys like Steiner (who wasn't physically at his peak) and Nash...both of these matches are LARGELY considered abominations. He even had a Wrestlemania match against Booker T that year that was pathetic and Booker was at his peak!

Triple H is no doubt a great performer, a great wrestler, and a huge star. But come on...all this praise and glory people give him and his career should come with an asterisk. He really did not deserve his 2 and a half yr reign as World Heavyweight champion (there were TONS of more deserving champions at that time) and he really didn't need to interject himself and completely destroy CM Punk's momentum and it's pretty pathetic that he had to be the "guy to beat the Undertaker so bad he couldn't leave on his own power." It's all ego, it's all about his connections, and yes, he uses that to his advantage.
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?

My two cents on the topic is he got as much pull as he has because of his wife, and it's probably why even when he was champ he wasn't blammed for any failings in the company. However, the guy is skilled enough and worked his ass off, so he would have been on top anyway, he might not have been as well protected as he is, but he was going to be the top guy eventually. His marriage just gave him more pull and protection.
I can't believe this is still being talked about after all these years. What a joke, HHH WORKED his way to the top LONG before his marraige to Stephanie. I mean he worked his way up, winning the midcard titles along the way, then becoming Champion. That is something that never happens anymore. Now a wrestler can walk in and withink 6months - 1 year be in the World Title hunt. When HHH came in things weren't that way and he had to work for it. He was already established as a top star before his relationship with Stephanie. He would be where he is today as far as titles and star power with or without her. The only difference is he wouldn't be in line to run the company after Vince.
ill admit he would have been a main eventer on his own, but will anyone admit that he has stayed on top for so long because of being married. I mean you can say alot about, he was a workhorse, and this and that, but if you look at the guy objectively, he really isn't that talented to warrant 13 world titles. And yes he did bury cm punk when he beat him, even though he was being attacked. Tell me that punk didn't lose most of his steam from then. Yeah he is the champion, but back then he was the main event.
So i have heard alot of people on these boards saying, triple h never used his wife to get ahead, he never used his friends to get ahead, he never used either to hold people down. I call bullshit.

He has had more world titles in wwe then anyone else. Has had more wm main events than anyone else. He has been in the title picture in wwe more than anybody else. His buddy shaemus won the wwe title when not established(and this is the wwe title, not the whc which unestablished stars have won.) He was the only one who "beat the undertaker down, so much he had to be carried out" at wrestlemania. since 2000 he has been in a world title match at mania besides his matches with taker. He buried orton in 2005. He buried punk in 2011. He held the belt almost constantly for 2.5 year 2002-2005.

Now tell me that a guy that only has an angry face promo and a silly face promo did all this on his own when he cant wrestle like hbk, he cant cut promos like austin, he cant strut like the rock, he cant really do much but the pose he does.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think that because his wife is head of creative he became the most decoratated wrestle in wwe history? Or is it because he has more talent than everyone else?

Clearly you have a lot of bitterness towards Triple H. Like soooooooooo many other IWC crybabies.
The undertaker himself has stated in the past that Triple H is the best worker in the business, and that if he had an idea for any programme, Triple H would be the FIRST guy he went to. Not the rock, not austin, TRIPLE H!

He is considered one of the best guys to work with by most wrestlers. That! perhaps is part of the reason that he has got to where he has, not just because he married the bosses daughter.
Stop the "im jealous of triple h" bitterness.

Why are you even having this debate?

I would say a more justifiable debate would be "how the hell is john cena at the level he is at?"

Yes, women and children love him, but in general women and children always love things that are fake, have no substance and make no sense whatsoever.
Dont cry! that is very very very true.
I can't believe this is still being talked about after all these years. What a joke, HHH WORKED his way to the top LONG before his marraige to Stephanie. I mean he worked his way up, winning the midcard titles along the way, then becoming Champion. That is something that never happens anymore. Now a wrestler can walk in and withink 6months - 1 year be in the World Title hunt. When HHH came in things weren't that way and he had to work for it. He was already established as a top star before his relationship with Stephanie. He would be where he is today as far as titles and star power with or without her. The only difference is he wouldn't be in line to run the company after Vince.

Completely agree!
I dont get what some people have against HHH. I mean really, i get the anti-cena retoric, at least that is based on truth not just bitterness and throwing the same accusation at him over and over and over and over and over again.
HHH was the biggest heel in the company when the two biggest faces were austin and the rock. THAT! is what set him on the road to where he is now. THAT! happened long before he started banging stephanie mcmahon.
Wait, who ever said that his wife is not the reason he's "ahead." In fact, that's what everyone is saying including the people on this site. Triple H used wise politics to get himself over, i guess, and get into the main event. I don't know why you're thinking that people don't think that...
i never said i had anything against triple h or this or that. I am just saying that becasue of his wife he gets alot more lime lime light than if he wasn't with her. I want to ask any of you that if your wife was head of creative and you were a wrestler, she wouldn't try to put you over. It would be nieve to think other wise when the guy is more decorated than any other wrestler in wwe history. Now people come on here and act like the powers that be are these nice people that are never political, that their saints that always do what is best for fans, and the they are have no agenda for themselves. And that simply is bullshit. Now i'm just putting two and two together, and don't mind that much that my opinion is going to get blasted, because it goes against what the majority of the iwc believes, but if you think that triple h hasn't pulled any strings in his life then your living in a fantasyland.

Now lets get on with everyone calling me a crybaby, an idiot, and all that jazz.

Oh yeah and when person a beats person b after person a was attacked by an outside wrestler it makes person b look like a joke. And when you make someone look like a joke, your burying them. (triple h vs. cm punk)
i never said i had anything against triple h or this or that. I am just saying that becasue of his wife he gets alot more lime lime light than if he wasn't with her. I want to ask any of you that if your wife was head of creative and you were a wrestler, she wouldn't try to put you over. It would be nieve to think other wise when the guy is more decorated than any other wrestler in wwe history. Now people come on here and act like the powers that be are these nice people that are never political, that their saints that always do what is best for fans, and the they are have no agenda for themselves. And that simply is bullshit. Now i'm just putting two and two together, and don't mind that much that my opinion is going to get blasted, because it goes against what the majority of the iwc believes, but if you think that triple h hasn't pulled any strings in his life then your living in a fantasyland.

Now lets get on with everyone calling me a crybaby, an idiot, and all that jazz.

Oh yeah and when person a beats person b after person a was attacked by an outside wrestler it makes person b look like a joke. And when you make someone look like a joke, your burying them. (triple h vs. cm punk)

Last time I checked, a joke doesn't get to be in the main event of WrestleMania. CM Punk is on his way to main eventing WrestleMania this year vs. Chris Jericho. So, clearly Punk isn't a joke. Did he lose to Triple H? Yeah. Was it with outside interference? Sure. Is CM Punk looking like a joke? Far from it. He lost steam, but far be it from being looked at like a joke.

Onto the thread's main topic. Stephanie wasn't head of creative till 2006, roughly 6 years after they started dating, and three since they married, and after that 2002-2005 timeline. Before that, she was head of creative for SmackDown, while Triple H, until 2007 was on RAW. Did Triple H have pull? Yeah, so did Shawn, who isn't married to a McMahon. So does John Cena, who isn't married to a McMahon. Randy Orton got Anderson fired, and he isn't married to a McMahon. Triple H worked hard, he was getting truely buried for a few years after the MSG Incident. And Triple H, before getting into a relationship with Steph, got out of that hole. So, your whole arguement is invalid, as nothing you give has any backbone.
Last time I checked, a joke doesn't get to be in the main event of WrestleMania. CM Punk is on his way to main eventing WrestleMania this year vs. Chris Jericho. So, clearly Punk isn't a joke. Did he lose to Triple H? Yeah. Was it with outside interference? Sure. Is CM Punk looking like a joke? Far from it. He lost steam, but far be it from being looked at like a joke.

Onto the thread's main topic. Stephanie wasn't head of creative till 2006, roughly 6 years after they started dating, and three since they married, and after that 2002-2005 timeline. Before that, she was head of creative for SmackDown, while Triple H, until 2007 was on RAW. Did Triple H have pull? Yeah, so did Shawn, who isn't married to a McMahon. So does John Cena, who isn't married to a McMahon. Randy Orton got Anderson fired, and he isn't married to a McMahon. Triple H worked hard, he was getting truely buried for a few years after the MSG Incident. And Triple H, before getting into a relationship with Steph, got out of that hole. So, your whole arguement is invalid, as nothing you give has any backbone.

first off i never called punk a joke. I said he looked like a joke losing in the fashion he did, at that time. Punk at that time was on cloud nine and his match with triple h knocked him down to almost like a lower main eventer. Yeah he has come back from it but it did nothing good at all for him and made triple h look like the better man when he doesn't compete on a regular basis. Maybe bury is to strong of a word, but he chopped him down.

Second off staphanie was a part of creative by 2000, she was director of creative in 2002 and was vp of creative writing by 2006. And just because she was a smackdown gm never made her only a writer for smackdown. And triple h wasn't buried for years after the curtain call. His push was just held off for one year. He won the king of the ring the next year so you are insane to think he was demoted for years.

And yes alot of people have pull because of who they are and their successes but triple h has alot more pull. Its just the way it is.
fact remains, HHH was/is one hell of a talent, gets a bigger pop then most, excellent on the mic and is a throwback to the attitude era. But lets be honest, being married to the bosses daughter has not hurt his situation and yes, his political power has been used to elevate friends and bury rivals, this cannot be argued.
HHH deserves to be in the spot he is in, and earnt his main event stripes. People do forget that after the May 1996 curtain call, HHH was only jobbed out for 4 and a half months, not a year as some incorrectly state. HHH won the Intercontinental Title in October 1996 and only dropped it to The Rock on Raw Thursday as Vince wanted a spontaneous title change after HBK forfeitted the title and fucked the Mania 13 plans.
All wrestlers have their pros and cons but nobody can actually be serious and say HHH only got to where he was because he married a McMahon....4 years after his first WWE Championship. That is just stupid talk.

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