Triple H: The Game or The King of Kings?

Triple H: The Game or The King of Kings??

  • The Game

  • The King of Kings

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CM Steel

A REAL American
For the past 17 years now we've seen the many personas of Triple H in the WWE. From a blue-blooded snub to a rebal in D-Generation X, to the cereabal assassin. But over the past few years Triple H has taken alot of monikers. As "The Game" and "The King of Kings" later on. The two are so different from each other character wise.

Triple H even has two different entrance themes, both by MotorHead.

But which Triple H persona do you perfer or just feel that that character persona is the right fit for Hunter?
Both worked great & I'd take either one. Triple H is adaptable. A badass.

I LOVE the King of Kings theme song a little more. And it gave him some of the best entrance gear of all time. But the Game gimmick took him to that next level. So 6 of one half a dozen of the other!
I don't really think there is a problem with Triple H using either "The Game" or "The King Of Kings" (which he stole from Steve Corino btw) as his persona/nickname.

Most wrestlers have several monikers they go by. For example:

The Rock: The People's Champion, The Brahma Bull, The Great One.
The Undertaker: The Phenom, The Dead Man

As for the entrance theme...I have liked most of Triple H's music down the years, apart from his Blueblood theme, "My Time" was an awesome theme and in the 2 Motorhead themes (plus "Line In The Sand" by Motorhead for Evolution", he has had some of the best entrance music WWE has ever produced.

Personally, I prefer "The Game", its more instantly recognisable and has a better, louder guitar riff than "King Of Kings", and I just associate it more with Triple H. When that first guitar bit hits, you know exactly who is coming out to kick some ass, just like Stone Cold with the glass shattering or The Rock with his "If ya smelllllllll!".

So either theme would be fine, but I hope he sticks with "The Game", it is just HIS theme, the one people associate with him, and now he doesn't appear every week I don't see a reason why they should change it, just like you will never see HBK returning with anything other than his iconic "Sexy Boy" music or Austin changing his music again.
I prefer the Game as it fits in with the Cerebral Assassin idea more and has been a constant of his character since his breakout in DX

For theme tunes I honestly think My Time is the best he has ever had
They're just nicknames for him, as said above, many wrestlers have had multple nicknames in their careers.
As for Theme Music I liked Drowning Pool's - Time to Play The Game - when he took on Undertaker the first time at Wrestlemania.
I think they are more than nicknames. they are characteristics as well. The King of Kings personality was more or less the 'Veteran' Star that earned his stripes and was able to proudly claim title as King. Not too mention during that time he was King because he had nothing left to prove. then of course The Game is the warrior at the same time sneaky and caniving yet extremely relentless and dangerous. The game was the proclaimation of finally being something to reckon with. Very angry and focused at the same time untrustworthy and greedy as Hell. then of course after accomplishing everything as the Game he claimed his Kingship as the King of Kings. Now when it comes to themes The Game has clearly got more intensity and sense of Danger whilst the King of Kings has that classic feel of a Vet and someone thats surpassed the thought of trying to climb the ladder but rather sitting atop the ladder
My 2 favorite entrances use both personas, and fit his career at the current time. During his match with Cena at wrestlemania, he was on top, so the fitting king of kings was played. Battling the undertaker at their second wrestlemania match, I expected the Taker coming out first when I heard the gong to "for whom the bell tolls". It was HHH though, basically reminding us he is the game, and if anyone could kill the deadman, it would be The game.
I really enjoy King of Kings because thats what he sets out for is to be the best of the best and that is the king among the kings. He said he's beat them all from HBK, Rock, Cena, Taker, Austin, Kurt Angle, Batista, Randy Orton. He has beaten them all in big matches which is why he is the King of Kings which why i love when he comes out to that theme. THAT THEME IS JUST AWESOME. I cannot forget his other theme My Time when he was with Stephine that was pretty epic.
I prefer "The Game" version of Triple H. He was a fantastic heel in his day, just being this coldhearted, selfish, sadistic bastard. It's that kind of heel character that I admire. But Triple H also brought it to the ring when it came down to it. He dominated the 2000's, especially in late '99 to '05, where he was in his prime at the time. He just knew how to work as a heel against anyone, whether it was The Rock, Mick Foley, Stone Cold, or Shawn Michaels.

To be specific though, I would say 2000-2002 Triple H was my favorite.
Yeah I gotta say The Game.

It is by far my favorite persona of Triple H. Especially in the 2002-2003 era what with his feud with Shawn Michaels, and Evolution. Also, I'm gonna agree with everyone that said My Time was his best theme music, as far as themes go.
Music/Run: THE GAME - The whole "game" package is great and HHH has never been better than when he was the Game/Cerebral Assasin.

Nickname/Gimmick: THE KING OF KINGS - As for the actual gimmick, I think The King fit him better and I think HHH was at basically his "coolest" at this point. But besides Khali, Umaga, & Cena I can think of anyone even half decent he feuded with at the time, unless you count the one match with Mysterio at Summerslam.
I prefer the game. I think The Game suits him more as a heel and KOK as a face. With KOK he was the 'king' He was accomplished and had nothing to prove. With 'Game' is was a cerebral assassin trying each and everything to be 'the man' Plus I like the opening beat of 'The Game' My fave was when another Motorhead song 'Line in the sand' hit and Triple H along with nature boy, Batista and a very young Orton hit the ring. You had a feeling that shit was gonna go down on Raw. Evolution + Psycho kane + Eric Bischoff = GOLD. Main reason why 2003-2004 were my fave years.
Most could probably tell by my nickname who is one my fav fives (no 1 on the list) Game Over!!!!
What about The Cerebral Assassin, have used that in a few MMORPG for Guardian/Tanks which gets noticed :) alot of people out there know who it refers to.
as for the question at hand
to sum it up
The Game/theme suits him the best and has been his gimmick for the longest time, he plays the Game and noone can play him whether you see that as self booking or just being That Damn Good is irrelevant, fact remains he knows how to play and most of us lap it up

The King of Kings fits cause he is the most decorated WWE champion in history "at this point" 23 titles(ie won WWF/E specific championships) Cena close behind with 19 but not ahead yet. He also had a fued with King Booker over the monika of King of Kings at SummerSlam many years ago

but why chose there is a better mix that fits perfectly but this sums it up, he's both

as for the best well that would have to be The Game
The Game is the best entrance theme imo. King of Kings is OK but not as good.

vote The Game.
WOW really. He has been playing pretty much the same character since 1999. He just tones it down a bit when he is face. These are just nicknames, the one (the game) was more organic so it fit him alot better, while the other (king of kings) never fit him in the slightest and always felt like a dumb fucking nickname that he was trying to force on you. It just seemed like he was trying to get another nickname so he could sell more t shirts, cause i guess the angry voice, silly voice dynamic was not cutting it anymore.
King of kings is kinda worn out. The Game is also worn out though haha..I prefer the game though, short and to the point and J.R. can say it faster than the KoK's
Well the poll is pretty lopsided, but I'm going with the KING OF KINGS!

It was the ultimate evolution of his character. His gimmick literally went from being "that damn good" to "I am the absolute best". It freshened him up at bit, mainly because it came at a time when the Cena hatred was reaching it's peak. He was the heel, but everyone loved him. He could do no wrong. Especially with everyone knowing a DX reunion was imminent. The WrestleMania entrance was bad ass, the KoK music went hard as hell, and ALL the merch inspired by the character was phenomenal. Some people may not see Triple H differently just by using a different nick name.. but in my mind, in my memory box.. I have fond memories of the "King of Kings" Triple H. He was the fuckin man.
Well the poll is pretty lopsided, but I'm going with the KING OF KINGS!

It was the ultimate evolution of his character. His gimmick literally went from being "that damn good" to "I am the absolute best". It freshened him up at bit, mainly because it came at a time when the Cena hatred was reaching it's peak. He was the heel, but everyone loved him. He could do no wrong. Especially with everyone knowing a DX reunion was imminent. The WrestleMania entrance was bad ass, the KoK music went hard as hell, and ALL the merch inspired by the character was phenomenal. Some people may not see Triple H differently just by using a different nick name.. but in my mind, in my memory box.. I have fond memories of the "King of Kings" Triple H. He was the fuckin man.

By the time he started being called the king of kings he was already past his prime. Hell ill go as far to say he hasn't done a single thing that has really been that entertaining since his match with hbk at bad blood. And the 2 wm matches vs undertaker don't count,(even though both weren't as good as the previous 3 years of undertaker wm matches.), cause that was undertaker carrying him.
I prefer The Game persona. When that guitar hits, like another poster said, its like the equivalent of Stone Cold's glass shattering. Being The Game is what defined HHH's career. I will never forget when he came back from quad surgery on Raw with that crazy MSG crowd and he says "In case anyone has forgotten just who the hell I am"... "I AM THE GAME". The King of Kings is good, but for me The Game takes it. Oh and yeah My Time was my favorite theme song of his to.

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