Triple H... overlooking the greatest accolade ever?


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Triple H said that he has done everything there is to do in the WWE, and that he's accomplished every accolade, won every championship etc. He said the only "true challenge" he had left was ending the streak. However, I believe that he is overlooking probably the greatest challenge in pro wrestling. Even greater than Taker's streak. And that challenge is Ric Flair's record of a legendary 16 world chamionships. I believe The Game is at an amazing 13 world title mark. Just 3 belts away from tying Flair and 4 away from breaking the record. Why not go for it? He still is solid in the ring, he has at least a couple years left, all he needs is a little motivation. There are a few questions to ask about this. Here are my opinions as I was asked about these questions by a friend...

Should Triple H pursuit Flair's record?
Definitely, it would possibly make him recognized as the greatest ever with an accolade so big.

Does Triple H have enough time left to break the record?
YES!!! Two years at the LEAST is plenty of time, especially for Trips. Just get in a couple title pictures and just win.

Should he tie it and not "outshine" Flair, or go ahead and break it?
Records are made to be broken, you don't chase them to tie.

Is the record even looked at prestigeously enough for Triple H to try?
It's not looked at nearly as gloriously as it should be. But I can't think of a more important record that Triple H can accomplish right now.
This could work for him, and seeing how WWE is all about making TNA look bad (Showing shawn superkickin flair, Trips mocking hogan in his HOF speech, etc.) I think wwe WOULD allow this but I don't know if Triple H will ALLOW this. It's no seceret that Triple H has some backstage pull, and we alll know that Triple H is good friends with Ric.

I think going for the belt would be a great idea.
yes he has plenty of time.
I think he should tie it best not burn any bridges
Among the IWC it is, but to the casual wrestling fan its not because they dont understand the importantice of a belt, that & the WWE or TNA fopr that matter hardly ever mention the "16x world champion"

P.S. some of those "16" tiutles afrent even wwe/wwf. some are AWA and other so I don't know how many are but Trips may have already passed him in wwe titles
The question is...'why should he?'

Maybe Triple H isn't going for the record, because a) he's respecting Ric Flair's accomplishment and/or b) he's already won enough World titles as it stands and/or c) his body has sustained enough carnage and he's taking it easy. It doesn't even seem like a real challenge when you look at the way World titles are won today. Edge is already an 11-time World Champion and John Cena is a 9-time World Champion. Most of them were pointless hot potato exchanges. What's so prestigious/significant about that? Shawn Michaels only won four World titles in his career and look at how stellar his matches were. They were pretty much Championship worthy. Maybe a 'Match of the Year' should be Triple H's aim.
I believe the shhhovel has enough on his resume. He is a Grand Slam Champion,Royal Rumble Winner, King of the Ring, one of only a handful of WWE Undisputed Champions, he has a lot more on his resume than Ric Flair. I do not think he needs anymore. Those titles Flair had were in a company that was not WWE related.

I am sure he has enough juice left to go and do that but what does that accomplish? I think its an awful idea all around.

NO he shouldnt pursue it in my opinion.

Sue he does, but again whats the point?

You answered your own question.

I do not see it as a major reason to pursue to add another 4 title reigns in a short span of time. It's not how many titles you have it's how long you held it and how well you handled it.
A few years ago I think that the record 16 time champion really stood out because there weren't a lot of guys that were multiple time champs at all, let a lone anywhere 16 times. Now there are tons, just about every guy that has held a one of the major world titles has had it multiple times. So no I don't see it being that prestigious of an accolade anymore.
As a wrestler you really can't proclaim to be going after the title of most world championships simply because you have to lose the title as well. Any athlete would rather be champion for extended periods of time. To go out and say that he wants to be the man with the most title reigns would also in turn be like saying one doesn't care about how the title is obtained or losing the title wouldn't be a big deal because he is going for the record of being most decorated. Don't see it being feasible.

But that's just one mans poorly written opinion -T Dub
Ric Flair's '16' World Championships is nothing in today's world.

Breaking The Undertaker's streak to me would seem a lot more important than Ric Flair's ammount of World Championships. People come so close to beating The Undertaker but just can't do it, where as people win world championships all the time like Edge. Becoming a 16 time champion seems more realistic than defeating taker at a WrestleMania so I agree with Triple H, the streak was the last thing he had to do.
The reason that I don't think that Triple H should go for a record like this is because the thing that would make a record like this valuable is being able to use it. Triple H has at least hinted that he will not be around much longer in the ring, so what good would the title of most world title reigns to be him.

Look at Flair, he is still around and that title means a lot to him as he has been introduced by it for years now. The same wouldn't be said for Triple H I don't think. The other problem is you can't make a rivalry out of it. Whoever holds the title will not be involved in this storyline so I don't see a huge benefit from it.

The other problem I have with this record is that it doesn't always symbolize the top star. Some wrestlers have more reigns because the reigns are less important and don't last very long. When you look at Flair you know that he has lost a lot of title matches as well. Just a little rambling because obviously its an important achievement but then you look at guys like Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold who had only 10 world titles between them but are largely considered two of the best of all-time.
I like this it is a great idea. Here's how i think it should play out. Let the Miz hold the title a little longer until HHH finally gets his shot at summerslam. Have the game take him down ending the longest streak recently. Have them them hot potato the title back and forth one more time with miz cheating to win it back possibly with the help of the mystery GM. Finally end the feud at survivor series in hell in a cell with triple h coming out champ. In January he can come out and talk about how last year all he cared about was breaking undertakers record. Well now this year he wants to go for someone elses. The greatest one out 16 time world champion and vow to not only retain at the royal rumble but then go on to win it. He does so setting up a WWE/World Title Unification match between him, and the kicker, the first ever Undisputed Champ Chris Jericho whos won it and held on to it for a good period of time after a recent comeback taking out a top face on SD.

On a side not I do not want to see a triple h / undertaker rematch for 20-0 they already did that with michaels they need to bring in somebody else don't know who it should be.

To get back to topic:
Should Triple H pursuit Flair's record?

Does Triple H have enough time left to break the record?

Should he tie it and not "outshine" Flair, or go ahead and break it
Not sure if he should go on to break it but would love to see him tie it an next years WM to go along with the rock miz match

Is the record even looked at prestigeously enough for Triple H to try?
I think so it doesn't get talked about that much anymore possibly because flairs on TNA and there title might not even be recognized lol but it was something flair took great pride in.
Rick Flair is regarded by many as the best wrestler of all time (not by me), or one of them...16 reigns, amazing career.

As much as i like/respect HHH, i don't know that people regard his career as highly as Flair. Flair is a step above. Bc of that, i don't see him beating flair's record. it would cheapen it i think.
winning 16 titles in this era is like winning 2 in Flair's Era.
So, even if Triple H can pull off 4 title reigns in 2 years, it's not going to even be an accomplishment, Look at Edge's title reigns... him hot potatoing the title has made the prestige worthless.

I don't think Triple H should pursue the record, I think he has enough left to fill the title-less feud spot of cards and put over some great matches, Sheamus could use some more rub to get back to where he was.

Trips could break the record as soon as this year, just needs to feud with orton or Cena with the title in the middle and he can get 5 or 6 reigns in a year....

In the end, Ric's titles will stand through at least this era, Cena/Orton/Edge have a half dozen title reigns each that are worth less than one of Ric's title runs.

Then again, if anyone's disrespecting Flair's Legacy, its the man himself with his TNA run.
In my honest opinion I don't think anyone will try and break 16 title records, think about it, each hall of famer or future hall of famer has had something in there career that has made them unique that has lead them to greatness, undertaker has the streak, hogan has slamming Andre at mania, chris Jericho is the first undisputed champ, Austin is the savior of the attitude era, etc etc...... My point being the record CAN indeed be broken, but out of respect for his best friend and out of respect for a legend, Triple h won't be chasing or breaking that record, and it's one of those records like takers streak that shouldn't be taken away from him
Should Triple H pursuit Flair's record?
Definitely, Flair is in TNA so why have someone with a huge record that in your rival promotion?

Add the fact HHH over taking that record isn't such a bad idea that say he did and became the 17x World Champion, the marks know Flair is in the region of 22x world champion but official records show 16, read Flair's book if you don't believe me.

Does Triple H have enough time left to break the record?
The way belts are swapped and changed in WWE, than yes HHH has plenty time, go back to 2008 he held the belt from April-November now imagine if he dropped the belt and regained it within a month or two? two title runs there and he's already at 13 I believe?

It's achievable.

Should he tie it and not "outshine" Flair, or go ahead and break it?

Even if Trips tied or "outshined" and overtook Flair's number people will question it only happened because he was in Stephs ear or Flair's happened in an era that titles reigns were longer than todays, so it's surplus really it's all opinion.

Is the record even looked at prestigeously enough for Triple H to try?
It should be, thou I don't believe WWE look at in such a shining light as they once did but it's all opinion, I don't believe it's a big deal, look at Edge how many times has he won the belt without some MITB or cheating and how many times has his run being 3-6 weeks? I can name about 5 times straight away and that isn't including his Dolph title win.

As I've already stated it's opinion, but if someone is going to take over Flair's title runs then let it be HHH or someone with his kind of status who've had long title runs most of the time so it's believable rather than Edge who's won most of his and dropped them within 3-6 weeks of winning them.
If Vince is going to get anybody to break that record its going to be Cena, unfortunately.

Triple H does not need this record, he will be regarded in history as one of the greatest. If it wasnt for his backstage politicing he would probably be the best. I think Trips will be looking towards his future roll in running the company.
Um... It's kind of an idiotic goal for a wrestler... er... Superstar to publicly endeavor towards. Can you imagine the segment:

HHH - I have done, unhh, everything there is to do, unhh, in this business. Now, there is one more record to, unhh, break!

Interviewer - Really HHH, what's that?

HHH - Ric Flair's record of 16 championship titles!

Interviewer - Um... so that means you plan on winning the title, and then losing it several times in a row?

HHH - Yeah... So?

Interviewer - Doesn't that sound, I don't know, kind of stupid? Planning ahead at losing the most prestigious title in the business?

HHH - Huh... You know when you put it that way, it kind of does. Thanks.

And then HHH rides away on a unicorn made out of crushed wrestler dreams, and DX glow sticks.
Triple H doesn't need to break Flair's record. In fact, he really doesn't need to ever be champion again, although I wouldn't be completely against giving him another reign. But regardless, it's time for him to step back and let the younger stars shine, especially with his corporate responsibilities increasing. I see him becoming an Undertaker-like character in the near future, who has a big angle at WrestleMania and then going away for most of the rest of the year. He really isn't needed as a full time competitor anymore, not with Cena and Orton as the top faces on Raw and so many young heels rising through the ranks on both shows.

They need not undercut any fresher star's push for the sake of giving Triple H another accomplishment to add to his resume. I can't see how they could possibly fit four more title reigns into his career without having it overshadow a lot of other guys and their pushes.
The sheer number of titles a person can win in a short space of time ruins the prestige nowadays because we all get bored of seeing one big reign and would rather everyone had a shot at the main event (-_-), eg Sheamus has two world title reigns but probably has another 10 years minimum left... Cena, Orton all of them have loads of years left and could easily beat the record.

Still I think he should pursue it and make young talent look good in the process (i.e. HHH vs Del Rio or HHH vs Barret). I don't know if he should surpass it but atleast tie with the record.
no he should let it be, Flair got his wins from votes from board of directors and promoters not due to him being a son-in-law cause like it or not a few of those wins had to be related to that. Flair's was meaningful Trips to me was handed on a platter.
Look at Edge. Won his first title at New Years Resolution, 2006. In five years he has won it eleven times and had a major injury that forced him to take the majority of an entire year (almost 20% of that time) off (the Achilles tendon injury).

When Ric Flair was in the WWE Triple H used to mention it out of respect and claimed that he someday would like to break that record. However, I believe that times have changed and that the need for him to justify himself as the all-time record holder for most championship reigns has dissipated.

You do those sort of things to establish your standing within the industry. I don't believe that he could do anymore to improve his industry standing. I do, however, believe that it would be to his detriment to his record/reputation to break the record.

Would it be looked at legitimately? Or, as I suspect, would it be just another asterisk against his name that people can point to as a misuse of power within the WWE as they already do whenever he is involved in something of particular note?

If the record is broken it shouldn't be by Triple H. A superstar that would could stand to break it would be Cena. That type of record would hold him in good stead long past his retirement. He'll get there too quite naturally at the pace that he is going by 2015-18. He's the type of guy that without those types of accolades will be regarded almost as he currently is "a merchandise seller who wasn't really that great in the ring" but if you add that type of accolade to his name all of a sudden it changes the complexion of that conversation.

Edge shouldn't break it. His legacy will be up there as one of the best tag-team champions ever who became a breakout star as a singles competitor. That's a good conversation to be held in as it speaks for the history of the business when looking at people such as Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, etc, etc. who were brilliant tag-team members who became legitimate main event stars.
no he should let it be, Flair got his wins from votes from board of directors and promoters not due to him being a son-in-law cause like it or not a few of those wins had to be related to that. Flair's was meaningful Trips to me was handed on a platter.

Everyone always says this about HHH, that most of his success is due to be the bosses Son-in-law. I just don't buy it. Sure, I have no doubt he has more pull than most backstage, but I just don't put much stock in the idea that Vince would let HHH do whatever he wanted just because he was with Stephanie. Vince wants to make money, and if HHH wasn't drawing money, it wouldn't matter what Steph said, so by that logic, HHH has always drawn (which he has) and therefore would have had the opportunity anyway. I am sure his relationship didn't hurt his chances, but he would have had the impact he has had either way. To put it off as simple nepotism is silly.

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