Triple H injured - out for several months

Bobby B

Time to play the game
Well, just when it couldn't seem to get any worse for WWE Creative, Triple H (if the story is correct) has had an operation and will be out for several months:

Source: Text taken

The undisclosed operation that Triple H underwent this week was to repair a torn muscle tendon in his arm. Though he had been plagued recently by issues with both surgically-repaired quads and his neck, this is a new injury that may have been suffered while filming one of his two upcoming WWE Films. His planned SummerSlam return bout against Sheamus is likely out the window now as he is expected out for several months.

It would appear that the initial plan for Summerslam was Sheamus vs HHH.

This may alter MITB plans too.

What are your thoughts?
How could it possibly change the Money in the Bank plans? Triple H being out wouldn't have any influence whether John Cena or Sheamus walks out champion in that show.

I think it's a shame that Triple H is gonna be out. I would say he could've been a great addition to the storyline with The Nexus. As well as he could have helped put over Wade Barrett as a singles star just perfectly. And to make it ultimately a shame thing the fact that Triple H was said to have been booked to be in a grudge match with Sheamus is gonna destroy a bit there as well.

I hope Triple H is back soon. And that he's gonna be well. Because thats what matters. Not what the storylines turn out with his absence but whether he can return and put on the matches he needs to put someone over. As well as to have the feud to do the same thing.
Apologies - re-reading my phrase it was unclear.

By "money in the bank plans" I meant the 8-man Raw ladder match - not the Raw main event.

I figured that with Cena having his feud with Barrett/The Nexus - then maybe the Winner of the 8 man ladder match might be a face/cash it in early to setup an emergency feud to fill the gap.

Also, this could release him for being General Manager - although I guess they still want him to have that impact on the return feud against Sheamus - even if it's going to be delayed.
The WWE has been getting along just fine with Triple H taking the summer off, so I fail to see how this really equals any big problems for WWE Creative. The rumor of Triple H & Sheamus at SummerSlam is a rumor that's been floating around almost since Triple H left to take some time off, so nothing was ever confirmed about that.

Don't get me wrong, I like Triple H but I don't think him possibly being out for several months is going to put a huge hole in WWE Creative's plans. If anything, it might be another opportunity to elevate more younger wrestlers. Besides, from what I understand, Stephanie is due to give birth sometime this month and it's only natural that Triple H would want to spend some real time with his new baby.
Wow. My original thought was that Nexus would cost Cena against Sheamus at MITB, and Cena Vs Barrett and a returning HHH vs Sheamus at Summerslam. But with HHH out, i would have to say that someone will probably cash in the contract at Summerslam RVD style (announced before hand).

Also, this means that HHH could definitely be the GM, especially if he cant compete for a while.
Apologies - re-reading my phrase it was unclear.

By "money in the bank plans" I meant the 8-man Raw ladder match - not the Raw main event.

I figured that with Cena having his feud with Barrett/The Nexus - then maybe the Winner of the 8 man ladder match might be a face/cash it in early to setup an emergency feud to fill the gap.

Also, this could release him for being General Manager - although I guess they still want him to have that impact on the return feud against Sheamus - even if it's going to be delayed.

I still don't see how the Money in the Bank ladder match plans are being changed. Reports was that Triple H was scheduled to return for Summerslam not for Money in the Bank. Triple H most likely wouldn't need to be involved in there anyway. There is already 3 former world champions in there.

Triple H taking the spot of a young up and coming star therefore wouldn't make sense. As opposed to include.. say Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder or Yoshi Tatsu. Any of those talents could be included.

Sheamus will find someone to feud with. Don't worry about that. WWE in no doubt will have something going on. Any of the current talent in the Raw Money in the Bank ladder match could easily challenge and give Sheamus a feud to work. There's a lot of main event talent still available outside of John Cena. Randy could easily work a Sheamus program again.

Triple H shouldn't be the General Manager. I don't see why we would want to put a currently active superstar who could put talent over in the General Manager position. And sure you could argue "But Ferbian are you forgetting Stone Cold and William Regal?" No I'm not. But Stone Cold was an exception. It was entertaining. William Regal putting over talent has never truly worked. He's a mid-carder at best.
I still don't see how the Money in the Bank ladder match plans are being changed. Reports was that Triple H was scheduled to return for Summerslam not for Money in the Bank. Triple H most likely wouldn't need to be involved in there anyway. There is already 3 former world champions in there.

Triple H taking the spot of a young up and coming star therefore wouldn't make sense. As opposed to include.. say Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder or Yoshi Tatsu. Any of those talents could be included.

Sheamus will find someone to feud with. Don't worry about that. WWE in no doubt will have something going on. Any of the current talent in the Raw Money in the Bank ladder match could easily challenge and give Sheamus a feud to work. There's a lot of main event talent still available outside of John Cena. Randy could easily work a Sheamus program again.

Triple H shouldn't be the General Manager. I don't see why we would want to put a currently active superstar who could put talent over in the General Manager position. And sure you could argue "But Ferbian are you forgetting Stone Cold and William Regal?" No I'm not. But Stone Cold was an exception. It was entertaining. William Regal putting over talent has never truly worked. He's a mid-carder at best.

I think what they mean is that If HHH is back for Summerslam, Sheamus might not be the champ come then, but if HHH isnt back, they may keep the strap on him. Coinciding with this, if Sheamus loses the belt for a HHH Summerslam return, it might be to a MITB contender. If HHH is now outin Summerslam, then they might give ther MITB to someone else and/or keep it on them for a while rather than an immedite cash-in.

Thats what I read from it anyway. Though you're right Ferb, it may have no impact what-so-ever.

Anyway, I think its a shame HHH is going to be out longer. I've missed him, even though I've never really been his biggest fan. He could play a big part in the Nexus angle in some way, which would be intruiging to see how he'd fit in to it. We'll just have to see what happens when hes eventually healthy.
I still don't see how the Money in the Bank ladder match plans are being changed. Reports was that Triple H was scheduled to return for Summerslam not for Money in the Bank. Triple H most likely wouldn't need to be involved in there anyway. There is already 3 former world champions in there.

You're out of your mind if you think Triple H being out doesn't impact Money in the Bank. The fact that he wasn't set to return to Summerslam is irrelevant. They're not going to just call up somebody from FCW and plug him into the storylines they had set for Triple H. They now have to find something else for Sheamus to do. Obviously he's not going to just not have a match at Summerslam. And whoever he's going to fight, they have to change the plans that they originally had for him. And so on. This changes the entire storyline structure for Raw over the next several months.

Let's say the plan was for Sheamus to lose the title to Cena, because they felt the Sheamus-Triple H match didn't need a title to sell it. Well, now maybe they decide to keep the title on Sheamus so his match at Summerslam is still a big one. Or maybe the reverse is true and they were going to have Sheamus retain so he could lose the title to Triple H, and now they're going to have Cena beat him for the title. Or maybe they're now going to have some type of indecisive finish to set up for a rematch at Summerslam.

Either way, the chances that this is not going to change MITB are miniscule.
You're out of your mind if you think Triple H being out doesn't impact Money in the Bank. The fact that he wasn't set to return to Summerslam is irrelevant. They're not going to just call up somebody from FCW and plug him into the storylines they had set for Triple H. They now have to find something else for Sheamus to do. Obviously he's not going to just not have a match at Summerslam. And whoever he's going to fight, they have to change the plans that they originally had for him. And so on. This changes the entire storyline structure for Raw over the next several months.

How exactly am I out of my mind? Because of the fact that Triple H wasn't involved in the Money in the Bank? Because I seriously doubt WWE was gonna have anybody from the winners of it cash in on Triple H who probably won't even be the champion?

I believe you're referring to Wade Barrett when you're talking about the person from FCW. Why wouldn't Wade Barrett be given that push? He's the leader of the hottest thing in WWE right now. He's the winner of NXT. And ultimately he's feuding with John Cena of all people.

Wade Barrett is more than able to be pushed as a main event star now. People might freak. But it's true. He looks legitimate up there. Me and one of the other moderators (Doc) argued that for a casual fan Wade Barrett standing face to face with John Cena. Wade actually looked like the veteran main event player.

Besides there's no where that I'm saying that Wade Barrett is getting plugged into the feud with Sheamus as Triple H was supposed to be. I'm saying he could take the spot in the Money in the Bank instead of R-Truth. There is absolutely nowhere that there is being reported that Triple H is taking the final spot in the Money in the Bank match.

The storylines might change a bit. But I don't believe that the Triple H injury will influence a pay per view that is scheduled to happen before the pay per view he's scheduled to return up to.

Let's say the plan was for Sheamus to lose the title to Cena, because they felt the Sheamus-Triple H match didn't need a title to sell it. Well, now maybe they decide to keep the title on Sheamus so his match at Summerslam is still a big one. Or maybe the reverse is true and they were going to have Sheamus retain so he could lose the title to Triple H, and now they're going to have Cena beat him for the title. Or maybe they're now going to have some type of indecisive finish to set up for a rematch at Summerslam.

I've read reports from F4Online that said that Sheamus was given the championship to be booked strong all the way till Summerslam for Triple H to return. I didn't read about him loosing the championship to Cena anywhere. The only way it might change a bit won't be at Money in the Bank but it will be that Sheamus might get a longer reign.
Sucks to hear Triple H is going to be out past Summer Slam. That said, creative on Raw isn't hurting with him gone and I think it also means that Sheamus will for sure have the WWE Championship past Summer Slam. Hopefully Triple H can return and offer something to the Nexus feud shortly after, but he should take this time off anyway, injury or not and Raw honestly isn't hurting.
I miss Triple H, but the WWE has so much young talent right now he's really not needed that much at the moment. I'm looking forward to his return feud with Sheamus.
I think Triple H being out will cause creative to make some changes, and it could impact on the results of BOTH ladder matches.

Here me out:

The original plan appeared to be going into Summerslam it would be:

WWE Title - Sheamus vs Triple H
John Cena vs Wade Barrett

Now I still expect Cena to lose the match at Money in the Bank - he's got stuff with Barrett and the Nexus going on, so that leaves (if you agree with my trail of thought) a space for an opponent for Sheamus.

Now - where does this tie in with the Smackdown MITB match?

Well, there were reports surfacing that creative wanted one of the MITB contracts to be cashed in before Summerslam. You don't want two people running around with briefcases. Now, if you ask me, with HHH vs Sheamus planned for Summerslam, the Raw MITB winner probably would hold onto his, therefore meaning that the Smackdown person to cash in their's on Rey before Summerslam.

But now with the big whole in your main event on Raw, the Money in the Bank contract is the perfect way to establish an opponent/new feud for Sheamus. It doesn't make much sense for Sheamus to win on the sunday, then the Raw GM announces a number one contender tournament on the Raw after, when there's a bloke already carrying a contract.

So (and you've come a fair way if you still agree with here). If the Raw MITB person was initially planned to hold onto the briefcase long term, ie. beyond Sheamus' current reign, then he could've been a heel - ie. The Miz. If you want your MITB holder to cash in on Sheamus before Summerslam, it would need to be a face - ie. Orton.

That's why I think it could have a big effect on the Raw main event coming up

Therefore: if the initial plan was for Smackdown to have the early cash in, and this then made them rush the Raw MITB winner - it may change the plans for the winner on Smackdown too.
Is it just me or is HHH getting injured more frequently over the last couple years? Is it age? Steroids? Just beat up? Just an observation...I wonder how much longer before HHH will have to hang it up over multiple injuries. It amazes me that The Undertaker is still able to click with all HIS problems, and HHH seems to be going that same route.
I don't think it changes anything for MitB match plans, because I didn't see HHH as the 8th wrestler in the match, but I hope it doesn't hurt his chances off being out off SummerSlam, his rumoured match with Sheamus, whether its title match or not..I have bee waiting for it since Extreme Rulz ended...

Hopefully, he will be okay before SummerSlam..Other than that, I don't think it will hurt anything else, apart from a possible build up to whomever he is to face at SummerSlam!
I have actually missed Triple H even though im not a HUGE fan of him. Now i wouldn't mind seeing a returning Triple H vs Sheamus at Summerslam but now that he needs more time to recover from his surgery, thats unlikely. As far as his return having anything to do w/ the MITB plans, i disagree. Triple H doesn't have anything to do w/ the MITB as far as im concerned. I would love to see HHH as the Raw GM, but not now. As far as who the GM is.. well thats another thread. IMO i think HHH will become GM in the future but I dont think he is the anonymous GM. I do hope that he comes back nice, healthy, and ready to compete. I wouldn't mind seeing him turn heel and joining sheamus either. I also think it would be cool for him to be revealed as the leader of nexus during his return. :)
Triple H missing time past Summerslam CAN affect Money in the Bank plans. It appeared as though the SummerSlam main event was going to be Triple H vs Sheamus. With Game being out past the event though, MITB plans can be affected as follows: Sheamus can retain, as planned, and a face can win MITB, maybe Orton, and cash in right at SS vs Sheamus. Maybe a heel like Miz was supposed to win it, but Randy would then have to win it to cash in immediately. OR, Cena can beat Sheamus at MITB, and face Barrett for the title at SummerSlam, phasing Sheamus out to another feud, maybe with Randy. So at this point, the plans for SummerSlam seem to be up in the air.
I think this impacts alot of things.

First off, i believe Cena will win the WWE Championship. And i also believe that Wade Barrett will be the mystery 8th, and will win MITB.

That said, he cashes it in at Summerslam on Cena, thus negating the "3 month Title shot" ban on all Nexus. I feel that MITB can trump and superceede just about anything, including a GM's ruling.

I think that prior to this, someone else, read Edge or Orton (or an outside shot at Borne) was scheduled to Win MITB, and Sheamus was going to hold the title, then defend and (no doubt) lose to HHH at Summerslam.

So yeah, i think this impacts things quite a bit. Luckily MITB is volatile, and can turn any situation on it's head, so i think that kinda bails out creative.

or we're all being swerved and HHH will be the 8th entrant in MITB, and will win and cash in on Sheamus at Summerslam. it is the one thing that Aitch has never done...
I have to say that, although the injury part sucks, and i hope he recovers safely and quickly, this is a great thing. Not that i dislike HHH, or that i don't like him being around, but because when he comes back, after being out for this long, it is going to be huge! Let him recoup and kind of drop back in the minds of the WWE Universe, and then several months down the line have him return, and challenge Sheamus for the title, and it will make for a blockbuster return, and fued.

This is also good for Sheamus, who's first run on the title left much to be desired. Let him hold on to the title till Trips returns. Have him go over Cena, clean this time, at MITB, and give him a solid, dominating reign as champ. We all know that if Trips were to return and fued with Sheamus for the strap, he would have one within 2-3 months, as their fued had already gone about that long before Sheamus took him out. With Trips resting up, the door is open for Sheamus to shine, and eventually drop to a red hot returning HHH.
i miss Triple H, maybe more than most. i enjoy his ring work and his mic work and i think he has a very unique ability to be a very believable heel and face. he also is great at putting people over or at dominating. i just like his stuff.

my thought is that this could very easily impact a lot of things on Raw and Smackdown as plans will have to change with storylines, champions and contenders and future feuds. i get that. but here is my hope that comes with it.

with Triple H gone for a while, hopefully this will mean that some really good storylines will continue longer and this will develop longer feuds with more storyline build up. if Triple H is out, he can't come in by Summerslam and break up Nexus. that means they stay together longer. if he can't come in by Summerslam, maybe this means that Sheamus keeps the title for awhile longer and becomes a dominant foreign monster and builds some credibility that way.

i trust that Triple H will be back as soon as he's able to and that until then, this will allow other guys to step up. on that note...

anyone notice how Christian left Matt Hardy in their tag match on Smackdown? could this mean that he's turning heel. if so, a heel Christian could certainly win Money in the Bank and feud with a face Rey Mysterio. just a thought... and a hope!
The WWE will be fine without Triple H. I'm a huge fan of HHH, and I was hoping to see him return at Summerslam, but it looks like that won't be happening. Raw has been doing great in HHH's absence. The NXT storyline has been very entertaining, Sheamus is having a pretty solid reign as WWE champion so far, Orton's face turn is going well, and we've seen young talent such as Evan Bourne get a big push over the past couple of months. I would've loved to see Triple H be a a part of the Nexus storyline, but it seems like it won't happen.

Triple H's absence is going to help Sheamus. It's going to make the attack at Extreme Rules look a lot more devastating, and the feud between these tow should be good when he returns. Although, I don't think Sheamus will hold on to the WWE title for seven months more. Seven months is a long time to hold on to a WWE title now a days. If we were talking about John Cena, then I might say there's a possibility it could it happen, but we're not talking about Cena. Still, there's a chance Sheamus could lose the title, and win it back again during this time frame, so maybe we might see a feud between Sheamus and Triple H for the WWE title.
When I first read Triple H was going to return at Summerslam and have a grudge match with Sheamus, I was very excited, but seeing he just had surgery and will be out past Summerslam sucks a bit. At the same time though, we always complain that the WWE needs to push it's younger stars, but the WWE's two oldest vets right now are both out of action and the WWE is doing fine without them both.

I cannot wait for Triple H to come back and have his return feud with Sheamus though, as to me, it'll have that Triple H/Batista feel from 2001, at least for me it will.
I am glad that Triple H will need a little bit more time to recover, as the WWE needs to continue pushing them younger stars, and I think HHH/Sheamus feud should not be for the WWE Title, as it is too personal of a feud to revolve around the title.

Sheamus/HHH will know doubt be a great feud with a bunch of emotion and animosity and if booked right could be a feud of the year. HHH getting surgery is almost a blessing in disguise, as the WWE can keep pushing younger stars and also possibly get the belt off of Sheamus by the time HHH returns, possibly even costing him the belt come September or October time.
You know, I was looking forward to his return, but like SC said; this gives a chance for some of the younger talent to get a push. With Sheamus as champ right now I don't think Triple H should be thrust right into the title hunt, he should probably feud with Sheamus after his current reign is over. SummerSlam was supposed to be all about the returns of The Undertaker and HHH but since that won't happen I guess we'll get a larger focus on 'Taker and a new feud we weren't expecting. All in all, this will be a good thing.
Triple H being injured whilst being inactive for quite some time doesn't really effect anything at this point. If anything, it adds some positive points. It makes Sheamus even more credible because he (kayfabe) took out Triple H for several months instead of weeks and it allows some new blood to rise to the occasion. RAW is full of talent and someone like HHH won't be missed over there, per se. It comes for a good time for HHH as well, considering Stephanie is about deliver another one soon. It's allows Triple H to spend quality time with his family without asking for extra time off and allows HHH to breathe some fresh air to heal any hidden injuries he may of had.

Although someone getting injured is always bad, this is one of the times when doing so is a win-win situation for all... except for the actual injury. Hope he makes a healthy recovery and comes back to take Sheamus to the woodshed. No-one will expect it and the pop for when he returns would be epic.
While I'm sure he would have had an awesome return, and he and Sheamus have had good matches in the past, I'm really not too fussed that he isn't returning soon. RAW has been perfectly fine without him, and Cena's been carrying the workload perfectly well. The Nexus and young stars are the order of the day, and not having Trippy in the way must help them out a little bit. Right now, Triple H is more of a bonus than a necessity. It would be nice to have him around, but everything's smoothly without him and I really can't figure out where he'd fit right now other than feuding with Sheamus over the title.

Though he may not return to the ring in time for Summerslam, this doesn't mean he can't assume an onscreen role, correct? Hmm...anonymous GM, anyone?

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