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Triple H fan appreciation Night.

Just seeing those pictures made me realise how much I want HHH back. Maybe not as a face, but there's a lot of young talent who could benefit from a good fued with a legend and there's not many of them left. Even though everyone expects him to squash people he's not stupid, he's 41 and he doesn't have that much time left. He's got an exec board position so he's going to do what's best for business.

Just having someone on screen who's not reading from a script and is completely natural will be refreshing for a change.
I'm not going to lie to you guys, I am a Triple H mark. As long as there is some hope of Triple H coming back to the ring, then I am going to be happy enough with that.

However, the OP is way wide of the mark with his estimation.

Please remember that Triple H has been out for months after getting surgery. Whilst he was out, there is no way he could have been working out to the same degree as he was. The surgery would have meant that he has lost a lot of muscle mass. However, looking at those photos, he doesn't look that bad at all. There is nothing to suggest that he looks weak or has lost a huge amount of muscle since he went out. He looks fine and this tread is people looking for a reason to count him out.

Triple H will be back and it could be sooner rather than later. His match looked quite fun and giving him Alberto Del Rio might give Del Rio a rub. Bringing him back to do the same for other younger guys, like Wade Barrett, is an absolute must.
The line "Triple H returns for one night only" makes me think that they will do a storyline in which Triple H comes out to announce his retirement and then Sheamus steps up asking Triple H to admit that he is the reason why HHH is retiring and Triple H obviously takes exception to this and they start feuding once again.

But seriously HHH does not exactly look bad. He only looks to have grown a gut and that can happen if you are injured and not working out. Remember Austin at Backlash 2000?
Don't know about others,he seemed OK to me.After all he's taking time off due to injury.Only thing that hit me was I felt he was looking older.
Triple H looks a lot smaller, but that's expected. I mean what takes years to build in the gym can in a couple months of not being able to work out, all disappear.

The question for HHH now is could he make a decent comeback? Does he want to stick around the sport way past the time he should have left (like Flair)?

Even if he took steroids as if they're candy, it's still hard work to build up your body, and what would be the point? He's already accomplished everything anyone could wish to. The only thing that coming back and being less than what you're remembered would do is tarnish the memory we all have of him.
Triple H has been on the shelf for a while, and he's had to deal with an injury during his time off, so him being a little bit out of shape doesn't surprise me at all. The match with Del Rio probably helped him get rid of some ring rust. It's going to be a while before we see Triple H wrestle a match on TV. We will see Triple H back in a WWE ring some day, and I think that time will come very soon. I can see Triple H returning at the Royal Rumble to confront Sheamus. He could eliminate Shemaus, win the Rumble, and go on to wrestle for the for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.

Triple H still has some gas left in the tank as far as being in-ring competitor goes, so I don't think he's going to hang up the boots anytime soon. And as far as a send-off goes, I'm sure Triple H will have a nice ceremony when he decides to retire. He's not going to go away quietly.
its only a matter of age. i mean come on now he's been wrestling for how long? Give him a break. I would love to see him come back in a HEEL capasity. Whether u like to admit it or not, wwe is ALWAYS much more interesting when HHH is on tv, particulary as a heel. but since he IS getting up there in age, i think he should have a light schedule, wrestle only on special occassions, and finally have a retirement match (sooner rather than later)...even after that, id love to see him still as an active tv figure via, gm, a manager, wudeva
I honestly cant BELIEVE the amount of peoples threads I have read on forums thinking Triple H is done as an active wrestler. After ALL that he has accomplished from the 13 times as champion, His feuds with most of the top guys in the business, To main eventing mania 10 times. But despite it all, For some reason I can't understand people think that SHEAMUS, SHEAMUS has put an end to his in ring career :banghead:

Sheamus has been taken under Triple H's wing granted, But there is NO WAY ON GODS EARTH that he is going to be credited with the HONOR of retiring Triple H. You don't have someone of Hunters status being knocked over by someone like Sheamus who WASN'T BUILT UP CORRECTLY FOR THAT ROLE. And besides if Sheamus REALLY did take out HHH then it would of been played up WAY more then it was on tv and Sheamus would b the most DOMINATE guy on raw. I mean can u imagine THE GUY WHO ENDED THE KING OF KINGS CAREER LOSING TO SANTINO MARELLA ON RAW LAST WEEK :lol:

No im afraid Triple H's reign over his knigdom is yet to continue. And may I say "Long live the king!" And I am awaiting his return .....As a HEEL :worship:

Didn't HHH's injury to his arm happen when he was in the gym after he was taken off of tv by Sheamus?
I honestly cant BELIEVE the amount of peoples threads I have read on forums thinking Triple H is done as an active wrestler. After ALL that he has accomplished from the 13 times as champion, His feuds with most of the top guys in the business, To main eventing mania 10 times. But despite it all, For some reason I can't understand people think that SHEAMUS, SHEAMUS has put an end to his in ring career :banghead:

Sheamus has been taken under Triple H's wing granted, But there is NO WAY ON GODS EARTH that he is going to be credited with the HONOR of retiring Triple H. You don't have someone of Hunters status being knocked over by someone like Sheamus who WASN'T BUILT UP CORRECTLY FOR THAT ROLE. And besides if Sheamus REALLY did take out HHH then it would of been played up WAY more then it was on tv and Sheamus would b the most DOMINATE guy on raw. I mean can u imagine THE GUY WHO ENDED THE KING OF KINGS CAREER LOSING TO SANTINO MARELLA ON RAW LAST WEEK :lol:

No im afraid Triple H's reign over his knigdom is yet to continue. And may I say "Long live the king!" And I am awaiting his return .....As a HEEL :worship:

Though I agree with you that Sheamus does not have the 'honor' of retiring HHH, it would have had to have been booked this way. People thought he was done because of his REAL injury. If a real injury wasn't allowing him to get in the ring anymore, it would have had to have been scripted as Sheamus ending his career. Whether he earned it or not.
Yeah HHH looks smaller, but no way due to roids. The man is injured. I cant wait for HHH to come back, RAW blows without him. Nexus are lame, Orton is dim. The best part of RAW is now John Cena for crying out loud. Bring back HHH and do it soon, but Hunter PLEASE grow back your beard, coz dam you are even finer with it
Now i'm not commenting on the way he looks I have no problem with that but the heel part idk if they even should consider it. Yea triple is a great heel but we have seen that from him what about five times now and him bein face I actually have no problem with he's actually entertaining like that. But you said the company needs a dominate heel right? Somebody else can do the role just needs the right push andd the right amount of heat. Triple h would fit perfect for the role but we've already seen that. He has already left his legacy as a heel and a dominate one at that. Give someone else the chance to take that role instead of depending on the same old same old and notice all the things triple h did when he was a heel....the program rating was different. I am all for the idea of turning john cena, or pushing somebody up to that dominate spot
Can't a guy take some time off to be with his wife and newborn? Maybe not if your not married to the bosses daughter. Roids or not, HHH is a great draw. Don't be naive and think he hasn't juiced!
Frankly , I think he looks greater than ever!

First off , he has shaved.Not only he looks different from recent years , but he also looks younger and brighter.

Second of all , he is lost some size which i personally love.I think people should learn to not expect body-builders as wrestlers , cuz this way you're gonna have some big muscular guys who can't wrestle is gonna be superior to a smaller guy with more talent in ring or on mic.(Take Daniel Bryan as an great example.)

I'd be really happy to watch him on TV with this look.
I like the look. Reminds me of his Evolution years. And of course he looks smaller, he's been on the shelf for months, he's not on roids anymore, and after all, he's 41 years old.

This appearance is very telling though. Not to mention the street clothes are a pretty good indicator that he won't be back anytime soon. Maybe the Rumble at the earliest, but I doubt it.
somebody already sayd it, bring him back at the KOTR format thing, aslong as they intend to name the winner the King Of The Ring, id like to see either DB Kofi or even Del Rio win it, Del Rio would be cool cus i think he could cut a promo against trips oki, and trips can cut em with the best of them, also they could have a hell of a match, this is my idea for it

Extend the mysterio fued, have them fight each other a few times, before the atuly KOTR, make it so there even, like 1-1 in matchs 2-2, have them both advance to the end and meet in the final and put on one hell of a match, then at the end, have them play his music and crown him and just have Cole say, The King is---- have some all hail to the king motorhead bangin and down comes HHH, pedagreeing everyone in site then you could even have Stryker or King finish the sentence and say "THE KING OF KINGS IS BACK COLE" some may hate it, but id MTF out for that,
Triple H use to do a lot of weight lifting competitions and stuff but after the birth of his first child, while rehabbing his quad he started doing more cardio than weight training because that is what he had time for. Let's face it, when you have young ones you don't have time for five hour sessions at the Gym. So he cut down his body fat and was much more quick, lighter on his feet. He just had another newborn so that means more cardio with a baby carrier strapped to your chest or baby monitor by your side. Poor guy, he going to lose all his muscles with all these kids.
I'm not really sure if HHH will be coming back anytime soon. If he does, I sure as hell wouldn't want him to squash the locker room (as you are suggesting). In an ideal world, he would work with the younger talent and help put them over. Since online reports seem to indicate that the company wants to make Smackdown the number one brand, I wouldn't be surprised to see HHH head over to the blue brand. The RAW roster is already stacked as it is and moving him to Smackdown would help create new storylines and fresh feuds. Would be something new and I wouldn't mind seeing it.
It amuses me that people can't wait to see Triple H back, but two weeks later you bandwagoners will change your tune again, and cry and bitch because he's on tv. Also, who the fuck has ever said Triple H has done steroids? Im sure he has in the past, but to say so in the last 5 years is beyond ridiculous. He's either had a gut, or looked really cut and trim. No signs of steroid use at all.

Yeah, also HHH isn't done, why on earth would he be? He's not THAT old, and he still outperforms 95% of the roster. Apparently some people don't understand that storylines and a bicep injury have kept him out of action, not because he wanted to be. Although it is fucked up that he's always out when something interesting happens. I.E...Nexus, and the Invasion angle.

Soon enough HHH will be back, and back as a FACE, you morons. If he comes back as a heel I will eat my fucking shorts.
think there is a HHH interview floating round were he actually says that because of his 2nd quad op he had to train 'smarter', as he put it, and concentrate more on his overall ripness (by losing weight), rather than tryin to be the biggest looking guy, to make his career last longer! personally, my first reaction was also man he looks smaller, and not jus slimmer, more like the ball shapes have fell off his shoulders. Trips has never looked like a bodybulder in a t-shirt, he always just looked bulky. If you read the muscle & fitness article (from last yr i think) he looks ripped and trim in that too so i think its a planned transition period for the game not just a 'cant be @ssed training moment. of course his injury and other priorities are gonna contribute but, this man released a bodybuilding book! dare say he would choose bodybuilding over pro-wrestling! nofin to worry about over his return tho, tv ratings are doing well without him but he will be back for a mania storyline no doubt
It amuses me that people can't wait to see Triple H back, but two weeks later you bandwagoners will change your tune again, and cry and bitch because he's on tv. Also, who the fuck has ever said Triple H has done steroids? Im sure he has in the past, but to say so in the last 5 years is beyond ridiculous. He's either had a gut, or looked really cut and trim. No signs of steroid use at all.

Yeah, also HHH isn't done, why on earth would he be? He's not THAT old, and he still outperforms 95% of the roster. Apparently some people don't understand that storylines and a bicep injury have kept him out of action, not because he wanted to be. Although it is fucked up that he's always out when something interesting happens. I.E...Nexus, and the Invasion angle.

Soon enough HHH will be back, and back as a FACE, you morons. If he comes back as a heel I will eat my fucking shorts.

I couldn't agree more that the so-called IWC can't get over their dislike of Triple H. He has put over alot of guys in his Career (tapping out to Chris Benoit & John Cena at Wrestlemania plus putting over Batista at Wrestlemania) but the IWC idiots either forget or don't want to remember and just get on the guy for being Married to Stephanie.

I for one am looking foward to Triple H coming back when is ready to Return Full-Time. I think RAW could use him to go along with Cena,Orton,Nexus,Sheamus,Miz,and all the other guys.
He just looks like a guy with normal build, but still strong. He hasn't had a reason to be in the weight room as much anymore. And whatever supplements he was taking, he probably stopped. Triple H has finished his first main run, after maybe a few years he will come back and have another long one, like Shawn Michaels, except for HHH it isn't from a career-ending (almost) injury, it's from taking time off to help run the business, and be with his family.

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