Triple H :Face or Heel?

Face or Heel?

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He'll obviously return as a face, but eventually I'd love to see a face Kennedy feuding with a heel HHH, could be a long epic battle for the title over several months??

HHH in a suit with shades and the belt kicking off RAW in the middle of the ring on the mic = epic/classic WWE television.
He's got to be a heel again. HHH was one of the greatest heels in the business, and while his face personna in DX was great, I miss the guy who is williing to spend 4 episodes of RAW making an upcoming opponent's life a living hell. Come on! Remember Austin, Rock, the attacks in the parking lot, the ring? Bottom line is, no one is more of a vicious, selfish, miserable scumbag of the Earth than the heel Triple H. I love it! :lol2:
NY Sandman has a point. Heel HHH always made life hell for his opponent. Face HHH did to an extent as well, but overall Heel HHH did it much more effectivly anyone remember Goldberg back when Evolution was around? HHH and Evolution made life a nightmare. Even when he faced Flair he was insane
HHH sucks!! he doesnt deserve as many titles as hes had! hes a good wrestler should be a main eventer but becouse hes giveing the boss's daughter one he wins titles while putting people like booker into the mid-card status, unless its someone that will give him more credit like ortan, hes like the jarret of wwe! not only that but every now and again a wrestler will add a new move to there list eg cena and the stfu, ortan the spike ddt, lashley the spear etc HHH has been the same for years! hell his character hasnt even changed!ever!!
They rumor that he will come back and have a feud with the legend killer randy orton and ortons a heel right now so unless he changes drasticly triple H will come back as a face because they rarely have heel vs heel feuds.
I hope Triple H comes back as a heel because those were the times he was the most dominating. But, unfortunately they will probably make him return as a face and feud with Orton for injuring him. Hopefully he will beat Cena for the title and take him out of action for a while with a sledgehammer or something. That way people won't have to endure seeing Cena and his 5-move arsenal for a little bit. Then maybe after a month or two off Cena can come back not as boring and Triple H can beat him in a match again.
triple h should most definetely come back as a heel. when he was a hell he was a guy that you just loved to hate. he always pissed you off and every week you would tune in just to hopefully see someone shut him up or beat his ass....*sigh* good times, good times
Id like him to come back as a face, beat cena for the title, have a feud with kennedy and then turn heel on hbk and face each other at wrestlemania 24 for the title
Tough question, i personally love Triple H as a bastard heel hitting people with sledgehammers as Cracker5000 said, but i also think he plays a good face as well. Triple H is just simply awesome no matter what, so it doesn't really matter to me what he is
yeahh HHH will definitly come back as a face! but he said that he would of loved to come back as a heel, but he knows that hes going to get cheered so he'll be back as a face but im not worried that he'll turn heel someday! being heel is what he does the best! so my prediction is that randy orton will beat cena at summerslam to become wwe champion (thats what HHH wants) then the game comes back as a face and start a fued with orton for the title. and then turn heel later.
I agree with the fact that he will return as a face. Looks like King Booker is talking that he is the only King of Kings and that should make a rivalry between Booker and Triple H. That might be the reason he returns as a face.

But I hope this ain't the case and he'll return as a heel. Or atleast he should change back to that as soon as possible. He might be the best heel ever, and it suits him much better. And Raw has so many face wrestlers. (Those Evolution days were just great!)
Trips is a great face, but an even greater heel....I can picture him coming back as a face....then doin something that will make the fans love to hate him again.....personally I just hope he's face long enough to face Kennedy at Wrestlemania.
Honestly I would like to see Triple H as a face as a singles wrestler, not apart of DX. I remember his short time as face back in 2000 before disclosing he had Rikishi run Austin over with the car as well as his return in 2002. IMO we saw enough of him as a heel throughout the years and I would like to see him as a face for awhile going for the title or as champion.
We need a Triple H heel. Screw DX. It sucked with just them two and shawn not acting like the old DX shawn. Could you imagine a new evolution with all the old members mending fences being heel and adding HBK. Come on Batista is going no where on raw. Flair needs to be a full time manager and HBK and HHH do work great together. Only problem is Orton being main eventer. But everyone has to agree. ALL of the four were their best together. They could fued with kennedy, lashley, the all mighty cena, and a returning Booker T sucka. Only problem is that the heels would be more over than faces probably. Something to get the people back watching. I see ratings, ratings, ratings.
seriously, triple H will prolly come back as a face by default, by the fans matter what they try to have him do, as far as acting like a heel, people are going to cheer him regardless...ESPECIALLY if he is going head up with cena...Triple H could shoot a puppy with a chain gang shirt on directly before their match, and the crowd would still cheer for him over cena...its the Angle-triple H syndrome..they are just so damn good, that no matter what role they are playing, or what heel actions they are made to do, people will still cheer them, becuase they are THAT damn no matter what happens, Triple H will get cheered like crazy and I cant wait....Cena...its over son...its fucking OVER....
I agree to be honest, whether they want it or not HHH will be seen as a face, and it seems with the whole King Booker bit that's going on at the moment that the WWE realise he'd be a face regardless of what they wanted, and I can see HHH staying as a face for a while if they plan to fued him with Orton for the World Title

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