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Triple H fan appreciation Night.


Occasional Pre-Show

Now, after looking at these pictures, I can come to one conclusion. HHH may not be returning to the Ring. and if he does... It wont be in December or any time soon. Go through them all. He looks awful, and really small for him.

i think we will see The Game (if he returns to tv) as either the GM or a manager type roll.

My questions are, after seeing these pictures, do you think HHH will be back anytime soon?

Or for that matter, do you believe, as I do, that we are better off without him sucking up TV time when there are quite a few more deserving younger talent who are underutilized as it is?

Or do you want HHH to come back and squash the locker room as always?
I really hope he does, and as a heel soon after his return. Some guys are just better heels. In no particular order Ric Flair, Jericho, Christian and HHH are always better bad guys...

As far as his size goes I remember when he returned a few years back after injury against Booker... He looked small like close to 245 as opposed to the 265+ he usally is. He looked good in the ring, and quicker.. So if he returns and he still looks good just smaller I am all for it...
I saw it too. And exactlt what i thought. when i saw his body size i was SHOCKED!!!
he used t look so muscular and big. now he looks like a normal wresler. what im amazed at is the fact that its only been little months and hes changed so much.and therefor i dont want him to wrestle anymore.i dont want hi to get hurt. and i think he should be gm.
There's nothing in this gallery to suggest that he looks terrible. He looks like he had a small match with Alberto Del Rio in his street clothes, and did a nasty looking pedigree. Other than the fact that he shaved his facial hair off, I don't understand why you would feel this way.

Yes, I would like a HHH return. No "younger talent" who isn't in the main event (pretty much just the Nexus) deserves HHH's spot.
He doesn't look as big but by no means does he look terrible. The guy puts on a match, does his finisher, and we're worried he'll never be back? If anything, this is GOOD news. These are professional athletes, they can tune their body back up. HHH is a beast, he's not done yet. He will be back.
He doesn't look bad. In fact, he doesn't look any worse than the Undertaker did the night he returned (@ the PPV, in the casket). The Undertaker was pale & bloated. HHH is pale & thinner. He can spray on a tan or get in a tanning bed for a few hours, & he can hit the weights for a month & look back to normal. And, if he's brought back the right way, he won't need to be in the ring for a while. But considering he put on a match with Alberto Del Rios, returning to the ring probably won't be a problem either.
He looks smaller because roids wear off quick when you stop taking them. If anybody honestly thinks he wasn't on the juice then they need their head examined. He hasn't been on TV, has a new job in the company and a new kid. He has no need to hit the gym. He wil sadly be back at some point though most likely sooner then later. No one in the business stays retired....I'm looking at you HBK.
I don't see the big deal as to how he looks. He's more or less always looked like that. he's always been that big and he's always had that inflated belly. If anything, the only real difference in him is that he no longer has his beard (although his chest does look a bit way to small). . Besides, even if he isn't in top shape, you gotta give the guy a break. He probably hasn't exercised or trained in quite a while. Give him a few months and he will be back to normal.

And to answer the second part of this thread. Yes, I would like to see Triple H come back as an in-ring competitor and smash the shit out of the locker room. I am speaking of course, of seeing Triple H returning as a heel. I have stated time and time again, the WWE is in need of a dominant heel. And the perfect person for that role is Triple H. Sure, you have NEXUS, but they are a group, I am talking about an individual. I want to see the type of heel that is unstoppable, a heel that can't be taken down, the type of heel that is DOMINANT. Triple H fits this role perfect.
I don't really think he looked that small but I will say this.....I am beginning to think the WWE is leaning towards 1 of 2 ways of bringing him back and nothing else...

I think WWE might be thinking about turning him into the GM which I am fine with as long as they acknowledge that he can "no longer wrestle thanks to Sheamus" or that he has been appointed Vince's right hand man because he is his son in law. Honestly I don't think either will happen because...

Triple H will return during the 2011 Royal Rumble and either A) WIN and face Wade Barrett to end Nexus or B) Return to face Sheamus, meaning he either costs Sheamus the Rumble match or wins to challenge him for the title. Win, Lose, or Draw at WrestleMania, Triple H is one of the top draws in the company by name so there is absolutely no way he will be off the WM card after being away for so long. This fan appreciation appearance is just a tease for what is to come: Triple H will return later as opposed to sooner and will play a major role in a main event WrestleMania match.
He looks pretty much like he did when he entered WWE in 1995. Perhaps with the re-signing of William Regal....maybe Trips is looking at reforming The Blue Bloods hahaha, have them tag and finally have a tag team able to help elevate The Hary Dynasty....

Obviously Im joking, but as mentioned above, he has been off the juice for 6 months, of course he was going to lose a lot of bulk. I seriously doubt e have seen the last of Triple H as ana ctive wrestler in WWE. As hes mother in law is running for the Senate, Im sure he needs to be keeping the family name looking in good stead, including looking respectable in public, not a jacked up beast.

Remembering too Hunter is in his early 40s now and has three young children to raise and set an example for. He has achieved everything professionally he could possibly want to do, now he can help elevate the younger guys who are ready for the next level. Hunter will be back after Survivor Series, he doesnt need to be Roided up and huge to be successful, and he knows it
Honestly, I think he looks better, if you take a close look at a few of the pictures, he really looks more toned than ever before.

Before, his arms just looked big, and you could only see the muscle while he flexes or gets tense, he looks like he shed a bit of weight to be honest, and that's hardly a bad thing.
Triple H doesnt look much smaller than he was.. his chest looks a little flatter and his shoulders aren't as rounded but his arms dont look like theyve shrunk.. regardless hes also getting old.. so the older u get ur bound to lose muscle tissue
The only thing I got from the pictures was that Hunter put on a slight gut, but it isn't anything serious. That can probably be lost rather quickly, plus most guys come back and look a bit rusty and out of shape (like Edge). After a month or so back in the ring Hunter will look to be in ring shape and back to being the Triple H of old. So no I don't think he is done and I expect him to return sometime after Survivor Series with the Royal Rumble being his latest comeback date. Hunter will be back and there is no doubt in my mind that he returns.
He looks about the same as he did back in early 2004. Obviously without the bulk of the anabolics, but by no means terrible. He does look aged, but that's probably because he shaved. But as far as returning, he should take his time. He's had two torn quads and other small injuries. not to mention he spent 2002-2005 shoving himself down people's throats. He should, could and deserves a good break.
well i do hope HHH comes back to defeat Sheamus..
how about he is the secret GM and he comes back to defeat sheamus only to turn heel again and side with Nexus in a manager role of some sort..
he is 41 and not getting younger but i still want to see him every week
he could become a heel GM and maybe wrestle occasionally..
Erm, exactly how does Triple H look awful? He simply shaved, went back to the 2002-2003 kind of Evolution look he had. Which by the way was awesome. He might look a little "dry" but he's been out of the ring for months, and even Undertaker looked dry when he returned.

But Undertaker got fixed up, so will Triple H. Besides I think his look should be the least of worries. Especially considering he doesn't look too shabby at all. And he's still rather big (As you alluded to him looking smaller). So I doubt there's anything wrong there.

Also, suggesting that he might never return to the ring is rather bullshit considering the very fact that you posted a series of picture of him being in the ring. Of course Triple H will return to wrestle. It's in his blood, and he's still fairly young enough to go at a high level. He'll most likely never go out of active in-ring competition without some sort of retirement angle / actual retirement.

Besides, with the Sheamus grudge feud looming I doubt that WWE would want to throw that away and not capitalize on it when Triple H does return. Which I could actually imagine would be fairly soon if he is already in the ring wrestling at house-shows.
Did anyone else notice that they'd made him a new shirt/hat? they are also advertising them on wwe.com. surely they wouldn't make him new merch if he didn't intend to return? him being clean shaven doesn't mean anything.
The thing it seems some people are forgetting is he has been injured and had surgery, so of course he wont be able to work out using heavy weights. So he is bound to have lost muscle mass. That doesn't mean he looks bad though, in fact apart from the beer gut i wouldn't have been able to see a difference without people pointing it out.
he will be back. theres a radio interview with him on 10/29 on youtube saying hes 100% but hasnt been cleared to wrestle every week.
Pasty! Great, now we have two human jars of mayonaise.

First off, H has to let the facial hair grow back... if you look at pic #20 of 22 you can actually catch a faint glimpse of what Trips will look like in 10-15 years (if he lives that long, and his heart don't go ka-blooey).

I think he definitely looks smaller now, maybe it's the reason he wrestled in street clothes. Like previous posters mentioned I believe it is more or less from not hitting the gym as much because of the surgery, and the baby-making (and subsequent baby-care)and not so much from not cycling off steroids. As you can plainly tell, he quit those before his SS return match with Booker. I honestly believe Trips wouldn't be stupid enough to take steroids in this era of the business, not after everything that has happened to the WWE over the years.

As for getting back into the ring?.. he definitely would not be out of his element. He could get back into the squared circle and romp just like he used too (or until he blows whats left of his quads again and again). I can't see him the compatcity of Raw GM because that gig would only last so long, and besides there is no logical reason for him to be GM, it wouldn't make much sense unless he uses it to ultimately get his revenge match with Sheamus and sets up his WM27 match (which is where I would love to see him put Sheamus over big).
That one caption that said 'Triple H returns to the ring for one night only' made me think he was never coming back to the ring. Which sucks because I am a big fan of Trips. I didn't even though this event was happening sounds pretty cool. Hopefully he does return. Del Rio got a big privelge going in the ring with him.

Where did this event happen?
I am a little surprised that the WWE had HHH wrestle to begin with. Every week Michael Cole mentions how Sheamus was the one who has put HHH out of the business, yet now people can look at pictures of him wrestling on WWE.com? I would think they would of had HHH either come back earlier or hold off on having him appear to still give the impression that Sheamus has ended his career.
He looks smaller because roids wear off quick when you stop taking them.

This statement reminded me of that horrible "All-'Roid" posedown program he had with Scott Steiner years ago, remember? It was one of the most grotesque things I ever saw.

Triple H will be back as a wrestler; never doubt it. Hopefully, he'll be lean and mean when he returns because he always did his best work that way. I think he'll have the sense to not feature himself as the world champion (at least not for very long). But with the way things are now, RAW can use a "sheriff" to run roughshod over the roster and start turning things around. I can't imagine anyone better than Triple H to fill that role.

For one thing, I hope they keep Triple H as a face long enough to deal with Nexus. I'm sorry he's been out hurt, but that fact has allowed Nexus to evolve without his influence. Can you imagine how he would deal with them?

Of course, Nexus is Cena's bailiwick now, but can you guess how the two of them could buddy up and take on Nexus? The point is that guys like Sheamus, Orton, Jericho and Edge hated Nexus, but couldn't allow themselves to truly join up with Cena and combat them.

Triple H as a face would join Cena. Even though he and Cena have been faces all along, they had little to do with each other previously. There would be plenty of reason for them to ally now. I see all kinds of possibilities here.
Jack, hit the nail on the head. Triple H had a couple of different injuries and therefore probably hasn't been able to hit the gym as hard as he use to.

He doesn't look bad. He looks like Triple H that is recovering and perhaps...perhaps contemplating retirement. He's already been world champ 13 times, has feuded and beaten many of the greats, and will be apart of wrestling heritage for years to come.

Speaking on that, it wouldn't surprise me if Triple H came back at next year's Mania to lose to Sheamus, only to beat Sheamus clean the next month, one year to the event he was put out, to avenge all that happened to him. He'd then retire, a year distanced from HBK's retirement and most likely a year from the Undertaker's as well (my guess is if Taker can be healthy enough to wrestle at next year's Mania, he will to extend his streak to 19 and 0, then do so again in 2012 to extend his streak to 20 and 0 before retiring). Given Trips is now getting settled into a more business role of the company, that he has three kids, that he is in his early 40s, that injuries are starting to pile up, that his best friend HBK retired a few months ago, would be enough for him to consider retiring himself.
Having seen these photos, I am more convinced than ever that Triple H is coming back and that it will probably be sooner rather than later. I don't think he looked too bad at all. Sure, he needs to hit the gym and the tanning salons for a while, but considering he's been out of the ring for ages now, I thought he looked pretty good.

I have been speculating for a while now that he will make his return as the mystery GM. This way he can get himself back on WWE television and inject himself back into relevant storylines, without jumping straight back into full time in ring action and the physical rigors that accompany it. This will give the WWE an out in regards to this whold horrid mystery GM laptop thing. He can oppose the Nexus, largely from the sidelines. He can make Sheamus's life miserable out or revenge before he actually has to fight him. If Cena ever does turn heel, they could interact in this manner as well. Didn't I read somewhere that the King of the Ring is returning soon? What a terrific time for the King of Kings to return; have a heel win the KOTR, only to have HHH come out and re-claim his spot as the one true king.

Count on one thing. When the day comes for Triple H to hang up the boots permanently, it will come with a send-off and hype and hooplah of epic proportions. If you thought Ric Flair got a big send-off, or HBK, or that the Undertaker will (as he definitely should), you have to know that Triple H's send-off, rightly or wrongly, will top them all. There's just no way he's getting beatdown by a new guy like Sheamus (friends or otherwise) and just fading off into the sunset. He's definitely coming back to avenge this angle with Sheamus. And he's definitely coming back so that whenever he does leave, he can do so in a manner unlike anyone before him.

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