Triple H :Face or Heel?

Face or Heel?

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Great Khali Mark
As most of you know that HHH is returning very soon and there is speculation on whether he'll be face or heel. Why don't we discuss on who you want him to be. Will he be an anti hero just like when he returned from his 1st quad injury and just wanted to beat everyone up or will he be my personal favourite the evil, bastard heel, who likes to hit people with sledgehammers.

P.S I do know that he is planning to return as a face at first, but this is to discuss on what persona you prefer.
triple h in the top 5 for best of all time wrestlers.. number one heel of all time the only guy that can hold the world title for months and no1 wud complain whether it was as a heel or face. wen he cums back he shd be a heel and take the belt from cena but hopefully lashley does that first then we cud see a triple h lashley fued that wud be nice
This is a hard decision. You love to hate him as a heel and you love to cheer him as a face. And he's so good at making the distinction between the two it's ridiculous. Triple H is simply the best in the business, he doesn't lie!

Whether personally I prefer him as a heel or a face, I don't know. Like I said he's great at both, and it really depends on what the business needs at any given moment. But the truth is after some of the stunts he pulled when he was a heel that made me hate him a little bit a couple of years ago, I'd rather see him as a face and be able to cheer for him, but he's amazing at both.

Right now WWE needs him as a face. They need him to come in and lift the company from the problems it's having, and he can do that best as a face for now.
the annoying this with triple h is not only is abilility to define so well between face and heal but the continuous different personas each character can have personally i would like to see him return with his gimmic that he did when returning from his first injury but then again as long as he dosent return with the suit as apposed to sledgehammer and jacket im open for anything
Prax is spot on this is a damn tought choice. I have enjoyed Hunters work as a face and absouletly despised him as a heel. Which shows what a great job he has been able to do at both.

Atm the WWE needs Hunter as a face but thats not what I believe he is best at.

I think he was built up as the dominate heel for so long that you cant forget that. He was the guy that everyone hated, there was no limit to the things Triple H would do to win, especially to keep that coveted world title.

I mean the guy was hated so much that he was able to get Batista over, not just by carrying his immobile ass in the ring but also by being so hated everyone cheered for big Dave.

As much as you wanna cheer for him as a face, Hunter imo does his best work as a heel, and I think that if the WWE had the luxury of doing so he would be a heel again.
for me this is a no brainier, HEEL!!!, he is easily the greatest heel the business has seen, at least in the last ten years IMO, as heel he can do some of the most diabolical evil things imaginable, I would love to see him return to the heel level he was at in 99-00, to me those were the best years of his career, so yeah, I want to see him come back as a heel, but Prax was right on when he said Triple H was great as either Heel or Face, so either way I'll be happy when he returns, just wish he would be healthy and come back already!!!!
I actually would like him to be a face when he returns, RAW doesn't have many main event face superstars. Let’s see we got Bobby Lashley, John Cena and… well that’s practically the only ones. Yet if you look at all the main event heels King Booker, Randy Orton, Mr Kennedy, Umaga it would make no sence to bring him back as a heel when there struggling with face’s as it is.

So yeah Triple H should come back as a Face in my opinion. :ph34r:
Triple H is best at beinga Heel. There no question about it. This is a guy that you love to hate as he get anyone over almost. He plays the cerberal assisaion part so well that he comes off eveil and uncaring only caring for his own needs. He is good as face but he seems lost as he rather be booed than cheered. His character is more fit to play the heel role and will be thatonce the time calls for it. But for awhile we will see him as a face.
The way he left, i'd like to see him come back as a Face, but the music leads me to believe he will be a Heel. I guess we'll find out soon!
Easy decision for me;

He should come back as a heel. He was arrogant, took cheating to the max, but he was also smart and ruthless. I hated him more as a heel then I cheered him when he was a face. But he's so good at both I wouldn't mind him coming back as a face. If he did come back as a face, I'd like to see an eventual feud w/ a heel Cena.
well Midian, you are right on RAW lack of faces, but Triple H as a face would be nothing but a mistake right now, i mean, if you have John Cena...! and Bobby Lashley...! as the faces right now ,it is pointless to put Triple h down there, it doesnt mean that he cant be a better face, in fact he run circles around those two... but what about having Triple H as the top heel and turn face Mr. Kennedy in the process? not only it is better having Triple h as a heel, but Kennedy will end as a big face sooner than later, what better time than now?
well Midian, you are right on RAW lack of faces, but Triple H as a face would be nothing but a mistake right now, i mean, if you have John Cena...! and Bobby Lashley...! as the faces right now ,it is pointless to put Triple h down there, it doesnt mean that he cant be a better face, in fact he run circles around those two... but what about having Triple H as the top heel and turn face Mr. Kennedy in the process? not only it is better having Triple h as a heel, but Kennedy will end as a big face sooner than later, what better time than now?

Yes you have a point Triple H when heel always makes the crowd hate him and would make a good top heel, again. But think about this Mr Kennedy recently came out on RAW and badmouthed the WWE fans saying it’s the peoples fault he lost his money in the bank, does this sound like a guy who is about to turn face?.

As for Lashley I can hardly bare myself to call him a Main Eventer he’s one of the most boring guys I have had to watch on RAW in a long time. We really need another top face around RAW and well Triple H could be just that for at least the time being until Shawn Michaels returns.

Just look during the DX run for an example of how much the crowd can love him as a face just as much as the hate he gets from him for being a heel.

Lets face it he can be Face or Heel, he gets the same amount of heat which ever he is, Because he’s that damn good. :)
hes obviously great at both, but i'd rather see him as a heel, hes just more entertaning that way IMO, but i like this guy so much that when hes a face i cheer for him and when hes an evil bastard heel, i cheer for him lol, hes just so damn good, even when cena was face and he was heel, a lot of the crowd prefered triple H over cena

but anyway, even though id rather see him as a heel, the WWE needs a face right now, so its a good thing hes probably gonna return as a face... we got too many heels, King Booker, Umaga, Randy Orton, Mr Kennedy, and thats just on raw.. smackdown only has batista and matt as face at the moment o_O
There's no doubt about it, upon his return, he will definitely be a face. The only question is, will he remain a face, or will he turn heel shortly thereafter.

Everyone here has correctly stated that HHH is awesome in either role. If he is going to be a face, I hope he is not a joker-type, DX-type face; I hope he is more of an ass kicking, knock the shit out of everyone type of face. He's probably better as a heel, but I hope he returns as a face and stays that way for an extended while.

I thought I read somewhere, earlier in his injury, that he wanted to return as a face and finish his career as one. Who knows, maybe fatherhood has softened him somewhat. As well, with all of the blemishes on WWE right now with all of the steroid controversy and scrutiny, I feel they need a strong face character and a strong face champion to lead the company right now.

When HHH returns, the response he'll get from the crowd will be overwhelming. Remember when he returned from his injury last time? Did you hear the response his promos got on Raw this week?

Easy solution. HHH returns as a face. Becomes champion if not right away, certainly pretty quickly. Cena gets pissed off and turns heel again, where he belongs, and re-gains some of the fans that the sappy face Cena has lost. HHH feuds with Orton, Kennedy, heel Cena, Umaga, and lots of others. Plus there can always be face vs face battles as well with someone such as Lashley. WWE rides the wave until people invariably get tired of the "Triple H show" as people used to complain about before. Enter sledgehammer, and HHH goes heel again if they deem this to be his better direction. If not, he finishes his career as a face and surpasses Flair's "record" number of titles held.
Definetley the heel side of Triple H was way more exciting and I thought he was just way better on the mic as a heel.You just had to hate him he was soo bad.
I definitely prefer him as a heel. He got the look of a heel, the attitude of a heel, and the reputation of a heel. It matches his character perfectly IMO, especially since he calls himself the King Of Kings, The Game, and the Cerebral Assassin, those names don't fit well for a face. He did so many "bad guy" things in his career it makes it hard for me to see him as a face(Mastermind of the Stone Cold hit and run, crashed Test and Stephanie's wedding, gathered many minions over the years to do his dirty work which resulted in him defending his title most of the times, and many more besides). As much as I hate to say it, I think HHH will be a face throughout the most of his remaining career, the reason being that he will/already gain a lot of respect from the fans which will result in him being cheered regardless of being heel or face(similar to Taker, HBK, Austin, Hogan, and The Rock, those guys will be cheered even if they are heels). HHH will always be one of the best heels in the history of wrestling IMO.
HHH as a heel back a few years ago was the reason that a lot of people watched Raw. It was actually somewhat interesting seeing him as a heel every week, keeping that title, and one thing that made it even better was that they didn't let being a heel hinder his wrestling abilities. He was allowed to actually wrestle properly, which is something a guy like JBL at the time couldn't do (and Edge can't do now.) HHH is naturally cheered at all times, because he's such a veteran, but the guy oozes a great heel persona, and has been better as a heel than he is as a face for a long time. So, I do prefer HHH as a heel, simply because it's more interesting. I think it's safe to say that we started getting disinterested with him as soon as they began his turn. It's just not the same for HHH to be a face, rather than a heel. There's just too much backstory for him not to be, and I really hope he turns heel soon after he comes back. He and Edge need to be the top heels in the WWE, because it's obvious that they don't have a lot of great heels anymore. HHH is a guy that can be that top heel, and I'd much rather see him be that than a face stuck behind Cena on Raw.
Triple H should come back as a heel because that is what he does best, and I think that instead of having a fued with Randy Orton towards Survivor Series (even though it would be awesome), he should have another fued with Shawn Michaels because they had many great matches during that fued, like there 2 out of 3 falls, last man standing, non sanctioned, and hell in a cell matches, and the reason that fued was so great was because Triple H was a Heel.
I prefer him as a heel, but there are so many top heels on RAW right now, it just wouldn't make sense to bring HHH back as one. I think we will see HHH return as a much needed babyface in preparation for the Orton / HHH fued that we all keep hearing so much about.
I want him to come back as a face. I think pre-DX would be good. If DX got back together that would be nice to. But he will probably be a face, at least until HBK gets back then we will just have to see. But I think when he faces Orton he will probably turn heel.
Come on. He is probibly the best heal ever, and Im putting him against the greats. Piper, Flair, name them and he will be up there. We need a good heel. all the heals right now are idiots. Except Kennedy and Orton. They deffinatly have the potential of being Greats.
I just want to see him back, as a heel, as a face and freakin anything.

I've always prefered him as a heel. People hated him. HATED. He can generate heat like no other and not just cheap heat (ie "Hey random city, your local sports team blows!"). But...he's going to be coming back and people are going to cheer him obviously so I predict he will be back as a face.
very tough question. i prefer the heel persona but without the belt. he friggin never loses it! (cena-esque)
i enjoy the face, and don't really recall a face-title run (face vs Hogan?). If he was a face during that im sure it didn't last very long.

I'm going with a lengthy solo-face run. Let him go back to a heel for his last couple of years
I'd love to see him come back as a face... Do his program with RKO and return to being a heel after that. Once he's done with Orton I can't see him going up against any of the other heels... minus Kennedy... and having a good storyline. I suppose him and Booker could have a King Of Kings story, but that'd be dumb. Like I said before I'd love to see him be a heel again. Make us think back to the HHH that we loved to hate

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