triple h acting like a baby



i don't know if it's true or not but it was reported that vince and triple h wanted billy gunn and roadogg back but they impersonated him and now they don't want them anymore. if it is true does anybody else think triple h is acting like baby. the incident that happened w/ roadogg and billy gunn. they impersonated him and now he doesn't want them back. it also said on this website that vince wanted them back to but after that he's not interested in taking back either. the wwe really needs all the wrestlers they can get and i think that if they are going to do the dx for a longer time they should bring them two back. i think dx would do a lot better. it let me know triple doesn't care about the wwe as much cause if he did he wouldn't let little feelings like this get the best of him. vince i don't know why is would bother him just cause they said something about triple h. we all know that if triple h wasn't married to stephanie he would have no say in any of this vince probably would of brought them back. because he's the bosses daugther he can call alot of shots and say what goes on i don't think he should he should have his role of being a wrestler and that's it he shouldn't get any special treatment. if someone impersonated edge on another show i don't think vince would call everything off.
They didnt "impersonate" him.. It was more or less they were talking shit about him saying that he would of never have been a big star if Triple H never married the boss's daughter... And Triple H said he would punch Billy in the face if he ever saw him again..

I wouldnt say Triple H can call all the shots because he married Steh.. That remark has been used wayyyyy to much latley... Its starting to lose its value cause everything you now everything Triple H does revolves around his "politics"... Triple H was one of the best thing to happen to wrestling in the past 10 years.. And besides, theres other wrestlers who have benefitted the company and been around the same amount of time Triple H was that have thye same leeway... Austin, Rock, Hogan, HBK just to name a few.

With all that said.. This really should just be in the Ask A Question Thread.
In the video they bad mouth him very badly and Billy Gunn claims he will punch Triple H if he ever sees him again. This is why they chose to not pursue resigning them. Triple H retaliated with the ever so clever come back of stating that he will punch Billy in the face if he ever sees him again.
well billy was the little bitch that got kicked to the curb
lita21207 said:
i don't know if it's true or not but it was reported that vince and triple h wanted billy gunn and roadogg back but they impersonated him and now they don't want them anymore.

You're basing the Triple H actingl ike a baby off of internet reports, yet those reports make the situation pretty clear as to why both Triple H AND Vince changed their minds on the matter. Reportedly, Vince is a
against the idea on his own merit, not just because Triple H is now against it.

we all know that if triple h wasn't married to stephanie he would have no say in any of this

Speak for yourself. :) We don't "all" know that cause we "all" know that there are plenty of people that have stroke with Vince that aren't married to Stephanie Mcmahon. Yes being married to her has it's major perks and gets him in good with Vince, but to assume that he'd have no say without that, even though plenty of others do, is nothing more than an assumption. Was he not champ before dating Stephanie. Does common sense not tell us that Vince was obviously high on the guy regardless based on various factors that we saw and that hypothetically he still could have been in Vince's good graces (to a lesser degree but in his good graces) regardless? Does common sense not also tell us that no matter what crap Triple H pulls or has pulled over the years, that Vince still has final say? It doesn't matter how much someone whines, begs, demands, etc. It doesn't matter if a gun is being held to Vince's head about various decision either. He makes the final choice. So no matter how much people want to blame Triple H for things (and historically there are a lot of things to blame him for) be sure to blame Vince as well for most of those things.
also with the the saying that triple h is on vinces good side just because of his marriage to steph. that isnt true. in the mcmahon dvd stephanie said vince wanted her to date triple h so obviously he liked him before they dated. also michaels has said vince liking triple h has a lot to do with triple h being punished after the msg incident when no one else did and triple staying loyal. so for ppl just using that saying all the time, grow up and stop listening to all these know-it-alls
Trips and ol' Vinnie are workout buddies and probably go golfing together on non-PPV Sundays. Apparently, Chyna was succinctly dismissed after she had the audacity to speak up after she found out about Triple H and Stephanie were getting freaky while she and Hunter were still dating. I don't know if that's true (and only those involved do), but if it is, then regardless of what happens to the "product" than I think Levesque is a pile of dung. Not only for running around on his old lady, but for having her swept under the rug when she had the balls to voice her disapproval. I don't discredit Trips talent on the mic or in the ring. Not even Billy Gunn did that when he otherwise slammed him in the interview. And to the fact that Triple H was already having Vince's approval for his daughter? Think about it. What is the easiest way to have your main eventer guaranteed to never leave your company? Hand him your daughter. He's not going anywhere, kids. Even the Ultimate Warrior's crazy ass can see this...and he's nutty as a fruitcake.
when i said him being loyal i was talking about right after the msg incident when mcmahon asked him if he wanted to go to wcw instead of being punished in wwe, hhh said he wanted to stay.
lbm5007 said:
what was the msg incident that triple h got in trouble for

use the ask a question thread.....this has been discussed and asked a number of times.
goto wikipidia and type in Clique. theres a whole page on it there.

If they'd asked that in a seprate thread I'd have referred them there as well, but really, since it was already brouht up in this thread as part of the discussion, having it answered here isn't the worst idea :)
i'm not saying that triple h isn't good but it makes no sense for someone to say didn't h get the title before he started messing around w/ steph well he was one of the top guys so of course he got the title most likely he would of got whether vince liked him or not. i'm saying he shouldn't get special priv. i'm not saying that he gets it all the time but you know from one time to another he gets it. and vince to say he wanted triple h to date steph when he knew that he was w/ chyna well that's an asswhole and he probably did fire chyna cause she said something was she suppose to just sit back and accept it but then again were talking about vince he has no morals. i remember reading an article w/ chyna talking about the situation and she said that hunter had himself in a mess and now he's stuck cause now he's w/ the bosses daughter and she said he better hope everthing works out w/ her cause if something does go wrong it's his ass and career.
i'm not saying that triple h isn't good but it makes no sense for someone to say didn't h get the title before he started messing around w/ steph

He had the title before he started his thing with Steph..

i'm saying he shouldn't get special priv. i'm not saying that he gets it all the time but you know from one time to another he gets it

A numerous amount of other people in the WWE have the same say as Triple H, For example.. HBK, Foley, Taker, Hogan, SCSA, The Rock... Noticing the pattern? If not.. Its the top stars..

Like I said in another thread, Trips was one of the best things to happen to the WWE.. He was the best heel in the last 10 years.. He has the power to go from face to heel in seconds.. He can put ANYONE over in a match and more.. IMO he deserves every say he gets..
PauLwaLL50 said:
He had the title before he started his thing with Steph..

that's what i said up at top he had the title before getting w/ steph. the rock, hbk, stone cold the top guys do get get privs. but in some cases u know not like triple h does and i do believe billy gunn and roadogg before they were fired from the wwe they said that he over used his powers and started running alot of things up there after him and steph got together and there not the only wreslters that have said that.
I have no doubt what they say about HHH's power is true. But he had alot of power pre Stephanie! I think Chyna is full of shit. HHH may have started with Stephanie while engaged to her, but shit happens.Chyna was on drugs and her and X pac have had their problems too. I thought she got let go because she wanted the same salary as the men! And I think they just didn't renew her contract! The top dogs and bitches get the stroke and power. Remember Sable and Luna Vachon they didn't get along, and Luna got fired because of it. I've also heard the same things about HBK that he was a power monger and gave the Rock a hard time! As for Billy Gunn what an asshole, his gimmick has always sucked! He deserved to be fired. I like the Road dogg But didn't he get fired for drugs? Anyway we all know HHH has alot of stroke but, he's not the only one. They say Booker T now has alot of stroke and he is the reason the Boogie Man and Too Cold Scorpio were re hired!
LenanJosh said:
I have no doubt what they say about HHH's power is true. But he had alot of power pre Stephanie! I think Chyna is full of shit. HHH may have started with Stephanie while engaged to her, but shit happens.Chyna was on drugs and her and X pac have had their problems too. I thought she got let go because she wanted the same salary as the men! And I think they just didn't renew her contract! The top dogs and bitches get the stroke and power. Remember Sable and Luna Vachon they didn't get along, and Luna got fired because of it. I've also heard the same things about HBK that he was a power monger and gave the Rock a hard time! As for Billy Gunn what an asshole, his gimmick has always sucked! He deserved to be fired. I like the Road dogg But didn't he get fired for drugs? Anyway we all know HHH has alot of stroke but, he's not the only one. They say Booker T now has alot of stroke and he is the reason the Boogie Man and Too Cold Scorpio were re hired!
LenanJosh said:
I have no doubt what they say about HHH's power is true. But he had alot of power pre Stephanie! I think Chyna is full of shit. HHH may have started with Stephanie while engaged to her, but shit happens.Chyna was on drugs and her and X pac have had their problems too. I thought she got let go because she wanted the same salary as the men! And I think they just didn't renew her contract! The top dogs and bitches get the stroke and power. Remember Sable and Luna Vachon they didn't get along, and Luna got fired because of it. I've also heard the same things about HBK that he was a power monger and gave the Rock a hard time! As for Billy Gunn what an asshole, his gimmick has always sucked! He deserved to be fired. I like the Road dogg But didn't he get fired for drugs? Anyway we all know HHH has alot of stroke but, he's not the only one. They say Booker T now has alot of stroke and he is the reason the Boogie Man and Too Cold Scorpio were re hired!
Sable also got the shaft on the way out, too. Especially when she found human shit in her gym bag. Billy wasn't necessarily in charge of his gimmick. Rock-a-Billy? Come on, during the attitude era they couldn't find something better for him? When the NAO were riding high, though, they were as over as it gets and their matches were solid as they both could work. It was apparently HHH who fingered Road Dogg for drugs (according to their shoot interview), but who knows? A lot of stuff goes on behind those curtains that you never, ever get to see or hear about. It would be interesting to get Gunn, Dogg & Triple H in a room together to "talk." I'd pay $39.95 for that.
I think DX is not long term enough to warrant bringing back the New Age Outlaws. Triple H may / may not have anything to do with the decisions not to get them back.

If Triple H has all the strokes, why didn't he take the belt and keep it?

Vince McMahon is a businesnessman, s shrewd businessman but a businessman all the same. Althought sometimes his decisions are questionable, he will think for the best of his business. He won't just listen to his son-in-law.
Gunn sucks anyways so who cares. Somebody needs to smack the shit out of Gunn for being a ****** which his reasons were actually pretty stupid. But in reality, we all know Triple H is tougher and on the screen, HHH is more entertaining and is a better wrestler than Billy Gunn.
MadMetal said:
Gunn sucks anyways so who cares. Somebody needs to smack the shit out of Gunn for being a ****** which his reasons were actually pretty stupid. But in reality, we all know Triple H is tougher and on the screen, HHH is more entertaining and is a better wrestler than Billy Gunn.
Why does Gunn suck? Because he was one of the best tag team wrestlers of the last fifteen years in the tag team that was the cornerstone of the WWF's most productive period? Because he was King of the Ring? He can sell? Move fast in the ring? Work a mic? Yeah, he's horrible. So horrible that Vince kept him and Road Dogg around until they got more over than Triple H and their push was summarily dismissed. Triple H is another in a long-line of jacked-up bodybuilders who looks tough, but in reality a shooter like Angle would stomp his ass through the floor or tear a limb off of him. This is why they were kept separate when the show split. Angle makes anyone look underqualified in the ring, especially if they do a little shooting, and Mr. Son-in-law can't have that. Being strong and being a tough fighter are separate things.
Kasey said:
Why does Gunn suck? Because he was one of the best tag team wrestlers of the last fifteen years in the tag team that was the cornerstone of the WWF's most productive period? Because he was King of the Ring? He can sell? Move fast in the ring? Work a mic? Yeah, he's horrible. So horrible that Vince kept him and Road Dogg around until they got more over than Triple H and their push was summarily dismissed. Triple H is another in a long-line of jacked-up bodybuilders who looks tough, but in reality a shooter like Angle would stomp his ass through the floor or tear a limb off of him. This is why they were kept separate when the show split. Angle makes anyone look underqualified in the ring, especially if they do a little shooting, and Mr. Son-in-law can't have that. Being strong and being a tough fighter are separate things.
lol true that Gunn worked on the mic, but the truth about that part was.... he sucked. Why was Gunn one of the best tag teams? Because of Triple H, don't you say? The guy who teamed with Shawn Michaels that were very close with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall when they were in WCW and Nash and Hall pushed HHH as well as Michaels to make a nWo/WWE but instead they had their name DX. They were very entertaining that everybody wanted to watch them, good or bad guys. Gunn was inducted to the hotest stable in wrestling for just saying Suck It and showing his ass. Without that, he's boring. Why was he moved in a lower level and was so boring after he was no longer Mr. Ass? Why is he boring now? Because the man sucks and we stoped staring at his ass.

What is wrong with big guys? You speak as if it's a bad thing, eh? So, all big guys are bad and should be abandoned? Despite how entertaining they are? it seems you are mis-judging Helmsley highly. Forget that he's Vince's son-in-law that part had absolutely nothing to do with Gunn & HHH, seeing he didn't say that was the reason, obvsiously. Let's not get off topic.
MadMetal said:
lol true that Gunn worked on the mic, but the truth about that part was.... he sucked.
His promos in NAO were fine by any standard and his catch phrase was way more over than "I'm that damn good." So good in fact that it's still in use today.
MadMetal said:
Why was Gunn one of the best tag teams? Because of Triple H, don't you say? They were given the titles
Triple H was nowhere even near the WWE when Gunn was tag team champion even before the days of DX (remember the Smoking Gunns?). Usually a guy who you don't like (in this case Triple H) isn't likely to put in a good word for you in regards to a push. Call me crazy, but that's what I'd figure. Everyone who is champion is "given" the titles. Because it's a work. Triple H wasn't even in the tag team picture and NAO was shuffled into the stable because they were a good fit, not because of friendships. He was still a pre-steroid curtain jerker who was bringing up the midcard fighting for the IC belt up until after Michaels was out, and only then was he allowed to advance.
MadMetal said:
Gunn was inducted to the hotest stable in wrestling for just saying Suck It and showing his ass. Without that, he's boring. Why was he moved in a lower level and was so boring after he was no longer Mr. Ass? Why is he boring now? Because the man sucks and we stoped staring at his ass.
See my above reply. He was put in because he's athletic and can work a mic. This is why he was given another push even after that with the whole Billy and Chuck fiasco. They squashed his push. It doesn't matter how charismatic someone is when they're dropped into basement angles with other workers who can't push them like they should (for a prime example, see the first half of Bret Hart's WCW tenure). He's boring now because he's not pushed to be one of the top guys, plain and simple. A lot of talent in any company can be elevated just by winning some key matches and actually showcasing they're abilities. But when they're jobbed and taken away from any sort of title contention, it sure as hell doesn't validate their credibility. No one really cares about a wreslter/angle that treads water or just sinks to the bottom.
MadMetal said:
What is wrong with big guys? You speak as if it's a bad thing, eh? So, all big guys are bad and should be abandoned? Despite how entertaining they are? it seems you are mis-judging Helmsley highly. Forget that he's Vince's son-in-law that part had absolutely nothing to do with Gunn & HHH, seeing he didn't say that was the reason, obvsiously. Let's not get off topic.
In some cases it is. Kane has been useless since 1998. He can't wrestle an entertaining match past the five minute mark, is slower than snail-shit, and can't sell to save his life and this is the prime reason he hasn't been given a title run since then (and his glorious reign lasted a day, thank heavens). Some big guys are good in the ring, most suck and detract from the quality of a solid match that keeps the fans standing at attention. In the interview, I remember them stating that HHH had squealed an accusation of drugs to the front office. Who'd you think HHH was gonna talk to? Laurinatis? Please. I'm not misjudging anything with regards to Helmsley. You see what you want, so do I.
Billy gunn and Road Dogg are 2 little bum chums
TNA will go to the ground jus like WCW
wasn't HHH talking shit bout Goldberg and went pussy when goldberg rolled up to his his table
Kasey said:
Why does Gunn suck? Because he was one of the best tag team wrestlers of the last fifteen years in the tag team that was the cornerstone of the WWF's most productive period? Because he was King of the Ring? He can sell? Move fast in the ring? Work a mic? Yeah, he's horrible. So horrible that Vince kept him and Road Dogg around until they got more over than Triple H and their push was summarily dismissed. Triple H is another in a long-line of jacked-up bodybuilders who looks tough, but in reality a shooter like Angle would stomp his ass through the floor or tear a limb off of him. This is why they were kept separate when the show split. Angle makes anyone look underqualified in the ring, especially if they do a little shooting, and Mr. Son-in-law can't have that. Being strong and being a tough fighter are separate things.

are u kidding me? triple h is more than just a jacked up body builder. his matches r much more entertaining than billy gun. he has much better mic skills and carried raw for like 3 years. and as far as angle and hhh being separated. the reason is they had already had a long feud and both shows needed a top heel, so think before u just talk shit that makes no sense. hhh isnt some spoiled kid who gets everything he wants. hes earned his way and has a load of talent. much more than billy gunn so before u go listening to what everyone else thinks, remember than vince is a lot smarter than u think and he knows whats best for the buisness and i can guarantee guys like taker and stone cold have the same if not bigger stroke than trips.

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