Tri-Top: Matt Damon

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Well since I know there is one certain poster who is in love with Matt Damon, he will be my next Tri-Top. Matt Damon has one of the best careers going right now in Hollywood, and is a true bankable actor. He has been in multiple great movies, so what are your favourite?

Ocean's Eleven- Matt Damon literally stands out in this movie. Hard to do considering there are multiple incredible actors in the film. I remember Matt more than them all, besides George Clooney in it. He plays his role perfectly, the role of the long conman through the movie and the films.

Saving Private Ryan- Playing Ryan in this film, it takes a while until we actually get to see Damon in the film. But when we do, he plays the role of a private to a top notch performance. One of the first big movies with him in it, he proves himself here.

The Bourne Identity- Well the Ocean Trilogy is loaded with stars, but in the Bourne Trilogy he is by himself. I haven't watched the third one yet, but I did enjoy the first one as a movie. This movie had really turned the tables on what Damon can do as an actor, he is a truly multi-dimensional actor, and it shows throughout this film.
TM knows the way to my heart.

1. Good Will Hunting - This is, without a doubt, my favorite movie ever. Matt Damon is superb in this movie, both as an actor and as the writer. Robin Williams and Damon do a great job playing off each other, the movie incorporate seriousness with traces of humor, and Damon does a masterful job at being masterful.

2. The Rainmaker - The first movie I saw with Damon in it, and the first movie I loved with Damon in it. This is what started my (unhealthy) obsession with Matt Damon. From pulling pranks on another lawyer, beating the fuck out of a wife-abuse drunk to winning against insurmountable odds, Damon pulls it off with wonderful timing.

3. The Bourne Trilogy - Since they were originally three books intended as one story, I will use that leverage to include all the movies together. Jason Bourne is fantastic, and I love the way that, despite not even knowing who he is, Bourne is still one-upping the government agencies out to capture him. These movies have inspired me to read the books, and I have just started the first. On a side note, David Webb (the real name of Jason Bourne) was born in Missouri. Coincidence? I think not.

Honorable mention - The Departed, Rounders and Dogma
To be totally honest, I'm not that big of a Damon fan. However, I think this has more to do with his choice in movie roles rather than with his abilities, as I think he is a great actor. So, I'll discuss the two movies where I thought he did exceptional work:

1) Rounders - I love this movie. It was extremely suspenseful, and everyone in it, even including those with just glorified cameos (i.e., Famke Janssen, Martin Landau, John Malkovich, and John Turturro), gave great performances. Furthermore, Edward Norton and Damon played off of each other so well.

2) The Talented Mr. Ripley - At first, I thought that Damon's Best Actor nomination for Good Will Hunting was just a fluke, or a result of being in a critical/fan darling. But, when The Talented Mr. Ripley came out a couple of years later, I knew that I had been mistaken, as it turned out that Damon was a fantastic actor. I will never understand why he didn't get nominated for this film.
Matt Damon has been in quite a few great movies. It's hard to choose my favorites.

3. The Bourne Identidy: The first part of the triology was great. It's got such a unique story and had my attention throughout. I wasn't much for action and suspense movies before this. Well, I am now.

2. Saving Private Ryan: While this movie isn't centered around Damon, I feel that he still does a great job and gives a memorable preformance in the short time he's on camera. This is one of my all time favorite movies, too.

1. Good Will Hunting: Like Slyfox, I love this movie. I wouldn't go as far as saying that it is my favorite of all time, but it's a great one. Damon played his part perfectly. What makes it number one, for me, is this..

3. The Bourne Trilogy - Without a doubt, the best action films since the first two Terminators, in my opinion. I love these three films, and what makes them so awesome... each one gets better then its predecessor, unlike most films with sequels, especially action films.

2. Good Will Hunting - Everything's already been said. A true classic in cinema, and as far as I'm concerned... Damon and Williams gave two of the greatest performances ever in that film.

1. The Departed - I've watched this in its entirety at least ten times, and probably viewed bits and pieces of it over 50. Whenever it's on HBO or Cinimax, I always just turn it on for a little while. It's such a great film. The dialogue couldn't have been better, and the performances by EVERYONE were spectacular.

Honorable mention goes to Rounders, Dogma, Saving Private Ryan and Ocean's Eleven. He also gave a great performance in The Good Shepherd, but the movie ended up being dull for the most part. And in The Talented Mr. Ripley he gave a tremendous performance, but the ending completely ruined that movie for me.
Good actor choice....

Bourne can you not love Jason Bounre. Unlike most series, this one in my opinion has gotten better with each movie. These movies are more realistic in my opinion compared to the Bond movies.

Oceans about a star studded cast. With that said it is hard to stand out with all these actors, but Matt Damon does. He is the guy who is basically put in training under Clooney and Pitts guidance. He shows a comidic side in this movie while still sticking to the plots very well.

The all time favorite movie. Damon DiCaprio Nicholson The plot in this movie is superb. The acting is superb. The Damon and Dicaprio characters in this movie are amazing with the fact they are employeed by someone and helping who their employer is going after. I can watch ths movie anytime.

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