Tri-Top: Britney Spears

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Yes. Britney Spears in a wrestling forum. Sure I may only get a couple posts in it, but a couple is great. But in reality, you all love at least three of her songs. Prove you are comfortable with it here!

Opps I did it Again- This song made her huge, and I can see why. It is incredibly catchy. I hear the song once on the radio and I have it stuck in my head for a week. And I can actually say I don't mind it.

Baby One More Time- By this song, she was the pop princess in the world, and as a young gent, the music video probably made me wish that one day she would show off that body of hers. Unfortunately she did it too late:(. But nonetheless the song was another one of her songs that even me, a fan of punk music grew to enjoy.

Stronger- Her most purely emotional song that she has ever released. It is my favourite of her singles, and she is able to prove that she has a great voice in this song. I just wish she would put more heart in her music like she does here.
Hands Down, the Best thread you ever made TM! :) I never was a fan of Brits first three albums, but In the Zone made me a causal fan. It wasn't until her "breakdown" album Blackout that I become a huge fan! As for my 3 fave Britney songs they are. :)

1. Toy Solider: This was off of her last album "Blackout" and is my all time favorite Britneys song. It's so catchy and the hook get's you as soon as you listen to it. The production is top notch and the beats really make it a jam. While Brit has never been known for her vocals, it's fun songs like this which has made her a world wide star! I just wish it was released as a single, but sadly it never was.

2. Piece of me: This was also off the Blackout album but was actually released as a single. It didn't do too badly peaking at #19 on the BBHot 100. The song was just pure pop fun! The lyrics are fun, yet deep and it sounds great. The video was alittle lackluster but the song is another fave of mine. I still listen to it all the time, singing every word.

3. My third favorite song happens to be her newest single released from her new CD(Circus)and it's called If U Seek Amy! It's such a great dance song and so clever. IF U seek Amy actually stands for "Fuck Me"and if you listen to the song closely, it sounds like shes saying that. It's very clever, but the overall catchyness and fun of the song makes it an irresistable hit!

Hon Mention: Overprotected, Toxic, Me against the world, and out from under.
I'll admit it. She's a guilty pleasure of mine. And, she's sexy as hell. And, that's the reason everyone here still listens to her, whether they admit it or not.

My favorite song from her is Piece Of Me. It's fun to listen to, and I'm hoping I'm not the only one to actually sing along to the chorus. The beat is good, and is easy to dance to, no matter how corny you are. The video is also pretty badass.

I'm also not ashamed to admit that I like her cover of I Love Rock N Roll. While it's nothing like the original, it's still a pretty good cover, and her voice is very sexy throughout the song. The song itself just rocks, and I'm pretty sure even Fall Out Boy couldn't mess it up. On second thought, yes, they could.

Another great song from her is I Will Be There, off the first album. It easily gets overlooked by all the other megahits off that album, and has a different sound from almost every other song, but it still sounds good.

I'll also admit openly, that ...Baby One More Time was the first CD I ever owned. I still have the CD sleeve somewhere also...
This is a splendiforous thread, indeed!

As a metalhead, Brittney's a bit of a guilty pleasure for me.

my three faves are:

1.Hit Me Baby...-The song that started it all!!!! I hear one beat, and I start dancin' like a, um, dancin' guy!

2.From the Bottom of my Broken Heart- It's just a heartfelt song, and I'm a fool for those. Not to mention, Timberlake probably felt like a douche at that point.

3.Womanizer-I just heard a few days ago on VH1, and almost started dancing. I would have, had it not been 5 in the morning.

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