Total Nonstop Predictability

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Degenerate Mizfit
Was TNA serious with BFG last night? I mean, come on, the Monster's Ball match, you know, going into a feud with Angle, they wouldn't have Samoa Joe lose steam by losing to the best of the mid-card. The X-Invitational...what a shock, they hype the return of Austin Aries (Starr), and WHOA!!! He wins the battle royal...oooooh wow!!! Eric Young vs Larry Z? Come on, did anyone think that EY was gonna lose when he ventured into "Larry Land"? And let's not forget the BIGGEST shock of the night...STING WON THE OWRLD TITLE!!! OH MY GOD!!! Seriously, I was all for TNA and watched every episode, including those wonderful early ppv's with midget's whacking off in trash cans and shit, but they are, dare I say it, getting as predictable as WCW, circa 2000. For being the "Super Bowl" of TNA...BFG kinda blew, I felt like a Bills fan watching the real Superbowl...completely let down. The only Bright spots were the Six Sides of Steel tag title match, the X-Title match and the 8 Mile Street Fight. TNA > WWE..nah..more like TNA = WCW
lol i agree totally with your post man. The thread starter. And the person abaove me wow what insight u have.
lucci said:
your a damn fuck
from what the ladies say...I'm a damn good fuck...but anyway, dude, are you gonna tell me that you didn't see all of this shit happening at the ppv before it happened? It's not's common sense.
lucci said:
your a damn fuck

And your now banned

1789 said:
lol i agree totally with your post man. The thread starter. And the person abaove me wow what insight u have.

Thats kinda a spam.. Add more to your post next time :)
Ok i agree with some of what you said, but most of the matches I guessed wrong. Of course we knew that eric young, sting, and joe were gonna win, but I really didn't see christian winning especially in Rhino's made up match. i also didn't see LAX regaining the titles. So ya have the card was predictable, but I was also really surprised on how some of the matches turned out
Hey some of the matches might have been predictable but that doesn't really take away from the quality of the matches. BFG definetly had a match for any kind of wrestling fan, this was much better than the WWE's wrestlemania this year.
Wrestling is always going to be somewhat predictable because it is booked, so the matches are predetermined. They let the person win who is best for business as champ, unless its Jeff Jarret who wins then he wins because his ego books himself to win most of the time. So yes, some outcomes are predictable, but usually that is better than always being shocking, because shocking is the under dog winning, or Sting losing last night and his career is over. Would you want Sting to lose that match, no, so why be upset that the predicatble happened, you know? You will never find a wrestling card that you can't pick at least 2 of the winners, I would put money on it.
This belongs in the BFG thread, Im closing this down.
tha420dgnr8, flippyskate 21, Aeksis8745, jefferson411 you can put your posts in the BFG thread stickied on top
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