Total Non-Stop Action: If Only.....


It's goin' down forreal!

Lockdown Results
Team Garrett def. Team Eric
TNA Tag Team Title Match: Samoa Joe and Magnus def. The Motor City Machine Guns
TNA Television Title Match: Devon def. Robbie E
Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim def. Velvet Sky
Crimson def. Matt Morgan
Jeff Hardy def. Kurt Angle
Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Eric Young and ODB def. Rosita and Sarita
TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: Bobby Roode def. James Storm

Before the PPV went off the air, none other than Shane McMahon came out to announce that he has purchased TNA and that it will be taking a one month hiatus. He promises big things for TNA now that he's in charge. He also announces that TNA will now be held at the Toyota Center in York, Pennsylvania that holds a capacity of 4,000 people which Shane believes a TNA show can draw, for the time being as the iMPACT Zone undergoes some renovations. TNA will be making it's re-debut on May 17, 2012 (In BT time not real time).

JAM's Note: Well, realism is out the door here but who cares. Also the rosters will be up after the first show.
Hey JAM! I know that you have some tasty things lined up for this and the whole Shane-O deal should really make some drastic changes to TNA, and that is what it needs!

I can't wait for you to get it off and running, good luck bro :)
iMPACT Preview​
May 17, 2012 - Toyota Center - York, Pennsylvania

The dawning of a new era begins on iMPACT Wrestling this Thursday Night. In what was a shock to many, Shane McMahon arrived at the end of the Lockdown Pay-Per-View to announce that he had bought TNA. Not only that, but he announced a one month hiatus to make some changes to TNA Knowing his lineage, Shane could very well be the man to put TNA on the map and give his father in that other wrestling organization some competition. One would wonder what Shane has in store for TNA. He has promised to open the show to talk to the fans of TNA. To find out what he says, tune in on Thursday Night on SpikeTV!

Other than the big news of Shane McMahon being sole owner of TNA, expect to see some fallout from the Lockdown Pay-Per-View. With Slammiversary creeping up on us there sure will be some interesting developments, probably most concerning the IT Factor Professional Wrestling, TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode. It'll sure be interesting to see how all the talent respond to seeing someone like Shane McMahon with the power over TNA.

Also, we have learned that after the one month hiatus, Shane has definitely made some changes to TNA. Whether that be roster-wise or presentation-wise, or anything else, remains to be seen. Since the month-long hiatus has passed the TNA Pay-Per-View Sacrifice, Shane has announced that they'll be going straight into Slammiversary on June 10, 2012. A lot of mystery going into tonight's show. But with Shane now running things, the ship hopefully sails right this time.

Shane McMahon opens the show
Fallout from Lockdown
Slammiversary developments

Some tweets from TNA Superstars
@AJStylesOrg said:
Should be an impactful iMPACT!

@realvelvetsky said:
Really excited for TNA now with someone in charge who knows what they're doing.

@RealMikeTenay said:
Had a good talk with the boss. TNA is going places.
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HERE COMES THE MONEY. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll produce. I'm desperate to see how you can break through the glass ceiling and challenge WWE and how Shane fits in to all this.

Lockdown Results
Team Garrett def. Team Eric
TNA Tag Team Title Match: Samoa Joe and Magnus def. The Motor City Machine Guns
TNA Television Title Match: Devon def. Robbie E
Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim def. Velvet Sky
Crimson def. Matt Morgan
Jeff Hardy def. Kurt Angle
Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Eric Young and ODB def. Rosita and Sarita
TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: Bobby Roode def. James Storm

Before the PPV went off the air, none other than Shane McMahon came out to announce that he has purchased TNA and that it will be taking a one month hiatus. He promises big things for TNA now that he's in charge. He also announces that TNA will now be held at the Toyota Center in York, Pennsylvania that holds a capacity of 4,000 people which Shane believes a TNA show can draw, for the time being as the iMPACT Zone undergoes some renovations. TNA will be making it's re-debut on May 17, 2012 (In BT time not real time).

JAM's Note: Well, realism is out the door here but who cares. Also the rosters will be up after the first show.

Hey I have an idea, where users choose current WWE star or famous legend. I write out the matches, give them PMs giving them options their wrestler can do before or after the match. The results would be random.
So, is this the part of the forums, where I should post the sign-up thread? cause it seems pretty much dead part of the forums.
Reports are that the TNA Tag Team Titles are vacated as of now which means that the team of Magnus and Samoa Joe are no more. Word came in from Shane McMahon's office that he felt both guys would flourish more as singles competitors. With that being said, the tag team division is now left with a huge hole to fill. But Shane seems to be confident as to where his tag team division will go. Could we be seeing a new tag team in the mix?

BIG changes are said to be done with the roster. We see some big names released or quit now that TNA is under new management. The reason may be that they don't want to be run by a corporate head like Shane. But the overall feeling backstage is happiness with Shane as the new owner. Only time will tell if TNA is a success.

Shane is said to be very excited about his X-Division. With Austin Aries as the center of it all, he has big plans to really make the division enjoyable, making it a staple once again in TNA. It was said that Shane looked at the roster and just didn't see any guys that could hang with Aries in the ring so there will definitely be some new guys to give Aries a challenge.

--- Source: WrestleScoop
man i cant wait for your first episode! wondering what the roster changes are. shows looking like its gonna be pretty good though JAM.
May 17, 2012 – Toyota Center – York, Pennsylvania
The camera pans around the Toyota Center acknowledging the TNA fans, giving them their mere seconds of fame. A huge pyro display is shown at the entrance of the ramp before we hear the voice of Mike Tenay. He welcomes us to the new era of TNA wrestling since the purchase by none other than Shane McMahon. He says that tonight is one of their biggest nights in history with agrand total of 4,100 people in attendance to watch iMPACT Wrestling LIVE! Taz comes in saying that Shane has promised to open the show to address the IMPACT crowd. Before long.......

The new owner of Total Non-Stop Action, Shane McMahon makes his debut on iMPACT! He comes out with a lot of gusto and a lot of fire in his step as he dances around like his old self. He ignites the crowd with his dance moves as the cameras go to some random fans copying Shane's dance. He makes his way down the ring slapping hands with whoever is willing before entering the ring with a microphone. It takes him a while before speaking as the crowd lets him know that they approve of him being the new owner of TNA. He dances once again to a huge pop from the Toyota Center crowd before finally speaking.

He welcomes everyone to the new era of iMPACT Wrestling. He says that he's real excited to get things going but he really needed to address the crowd to shake off the nerves that he has. He says that he knows a lot of people expect a lot out of him and that he'll do his best to do what's right for TNA. He mentions that at Bound For Glory, he announced a month hiatus and during that hiatus, a TNA PPV has passed which was Sacrifice. He tells the crowd not to fret because even though they're skipping that Pay-Per-View for this year, it leads them to a huge Pay-Per-View in Slammiversary X! He then addresses other issues such as iMPACT now being in the Toyota Center for the time being while the iMPACT Zone is being renovated. And lastly, he promises the crowd that TNA will be bigger and better than ever before because of the changes he has made. Before he can continue....

The music of TNA's World Champion, Bobby Roode plays nearly sucking out the air of the arena as a chorus of boos fill the atmosphere. Roode comes out with outstretched arms as if taking in the boos as a positive thing to hear. He does this all the way down the ramp before he reaches the steel steps to enter the ring. He has eye contact with Shane before going across the ring where a crew member gives Roode a microphone.

Shane extends his hand for a handshake to the World Champion but all he does is look at it. Finally realizing that Roode wouldn't accept his handshake, Shane pulls his hand back which signals the beginning of Roode's promo. Roode says that he should have opened the show instead because he's the most important guy in TNA. He gets the “WHAT!” treatment from the crowd but it doesn't seem to phase him as he keeps talking nonetheless. Roode says that he heard of the many great things that Shane has in store for TNA but didn't hear anything about the World Champion being in his plans.

Shane responds saying that first, to never interrupt him again and that second, he couldn't forget his World Champion in the plans that he has to improve TNA. In fact, he says that Roode will be a fighting champion in this new era of TNA and that he needed to find Roode an opponent or opponents to defend his World Championship at Slammiversary X! Roode is outraged and says to not do this. Shane continues on saying that he knows the perfect main event tonight. He says that tonight, Roode will be in action as he runs the gauntlet against three men! Shane then makes it even more difficult not telling Roode who his opponents will be. To make matters worse, if any of those men defeat Roode, they'll be facing him for the TNA World Championship at Slammiversary X! Roode stomps around the ring outraged at this announcement and leaving the ring in the process. He looks back at Shane in anger as Shane has that “You had it coming” face on. The crowd is loving TNA so far. And with that, Shane tells the people to sit back, relax, and to enjoy the rest of the program before leaving the ring as well.


Back from the break, the camera are backstage as we zoomed into a nameplate that read Shane McMahon. As the cameras zoom out, we can now see that the cameras are in Shane's office where Shane is seated in a big chair and in front of him is Kaz and Daniels. Both men express their approval of having Shane being the owner of TNA. Shane thanks them for the support but goes on to more serious business. Shane says that the Tag Titles are vacant at the moment and if Kaz and Daniels want to be the tag champions. Kaz and Daniels have big smiles on their faces and say they do wanna be the champions.

Shane then has a crew member bring in the Tag Titles and places it on his desk. Just when it looked like Shane was just going to hand the titles to Kaz and Daniels, he pulls them back and places them nicely once again on his desk leaving Kaz and Daniels confused. He continued on saying that he wants them to first prove themselves against a new tag team that Shane has signed. Shane tells them to look behind them and none other than the Usos stand behind them! The Usos have smiles on their faces as well, having their tongues stick out, all excited for their match. Kaz and Daniels look frustrated as they just barge through the Usos to exit Shane's office to prepare for their match next.

The duo of Kaz and Daniels look to be all business tonight since that short debacle in Shane's office. Kaz and Daniels have no intention of playing to the fans tonight as they have scowls on their faces. They angrily stare at the people who try and make contact with them even Daniels who goes as far as pointing and telling off a fan who touched him while he was making his way down the ramp. As soon as they enter the ring, boos rain down on them but they duo pay no attention to it. Daniels even tries to get the crowd to all be quiet by motioning his pointing finger.

The lights now dim and a spotlight is pointed directly at the entrance where the Uso Brothers perform. The smaller Jey Uso leads the pre-match ritual, Siva Tau, while his older brother Jimmy, follows intently. They get a big ovation from the iMPACT crowd especially after their performance when an impressive display of pyro accompany their entrance. The brothers slap hands with the fans in the front row before entering the ring ready to go.

Match One
Kaz and Daniels vs. The Usos
We join the action about three minutes in where we see Daniels and Kaz showing some good teamwork as they work on the bigger Uso, Jimmy. Daniels and Kaz use quick tags to wear down Jimmy showing their veteran know how. Kaz is now in the ring with Jimmy looking to inflict more damage. He springboards off the ropes to hit with a leg drop on Jimmy's throat for a nearfall. Kaz gets Jimmy to his corner where he tags in Daniels. Kaz connects with a splash on Jimmy but before Daniels can hit a splash of his own, Jimmy uses what energy he has left and hits a clothesline of his own. Kaz then tries to throw punches of his own but Jimmy hits a Samoan Drop on Kaz that sends him rolling outside.

Jimmy finally gets an opportunity to tag in Jey with the crowd cheering him on. Jimmy inches closer while Daniels crawls to his corner but has no one to tag, instead he uses the ropes to get himself to stand. Jimmy finally tags in Jey and he comes out with a fire inside of him. He connects with consecutive clotheslines on Daniels. But Daniels doesn't let up as he rakes the eyes of Jey. Kaz is finally back on the apron and he gets a tag. Daniels whips Jey off the ropes and drops down only for Jey to receive a dropkick from Kaz for a two-count. Kaz then gets Jey up, but Jey fights out and connects with chops to the sternum of Kaz. Kaz tries to clothesline Jey but he ducks and locks Kaz's arms before performing a Full Nelson Bomb! Jey quickly runs to Daniels in the corner to get him off the apron which he successfully does after a stiff forearm. He then tags in Jimmy and they set up for a big move. Jey whips Kaz across the ropes and pops him up to Jimmy who then connects with a vicious Samoan Drop! Jimmy then goes for the cover – 1, 2, 3!

Winners: The Usos (7:12)

The cameras then show a video of Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim and Madison Rayne talking backstage. There is no audio but we see that they hi-five and hug each other before exiting Gail's locker room and making their way down to the ring to address the Knockouts.


The music of Gail Kim can be heard in the background as we see Gail Kim and Madison Rayne already in the ring, each with microphones at hand. Gail speaks first saying that she is honestly bored at the moment because no Knockout can even come close to beating her. She says that when she looks at the Knockouts roster, she feels pity and that she'll be champion for a long time. Madison Rayne then speaks agreeing with everything that Gail says before saying maybe her and Gail should have a match for the title one time. Gail looks infuriated but calms down instantly before saying that maybe they should because they're the two best Knockouts in TNA. However.....

The crowd gives a big reaction to the newly-signed Melina Perez! A red carpet is laid out for her while the press take shots of her coming down the ramp. The crowd loves that Melina is in TNA and what's to come next, her entrance. She gets clear of the press and before long, she hops up and performs her signature entrance on the ring which gets a lot of “oooohs” from the crowd. She smiles at Gail and Madison who look confused as to who they're seeing in the ring with them. Melina is handed a microphone at ringside.

Melina tells Gail that if she wants a challenge to look no further than her because now that she's in TNA, she's ready to win some gold. Gail laughs at Melina and tells her that she's no better than the rest of the roster. Melina takes offense to this and pushes Gail back so hard that she drops her mic. Gail would have none of it has she springs forward with a stiff forearm. Gail and Madison then begin double-teaming Melina stomping on the A-List Knockout. Within seconds, the crowd pops once more to see a charging Mickie James sprint down the ring to help out Melina. The two faces dispose of the heels who clearly want to fight more. Shane then appears on the TitanTron and says that if the Knockouts want to fight so bad, next up will be Melina Perez vs. Madison Rayne. Shane spices things up more as he announces that if Melina wins, she gets a shot at the Knockouts Title next week. The champion is enraged from the announcement before iMPACT goes to a quick commercial break


Match Two
Melina Perez vs. Madison Rayne
With Gail Kim and Mickie James on the outside looking on, Melina and Madison went into battle tonight. Melina and Madison put on a show for the iMPACT crowd as they exchanged maneuvers each time as if they have encountered each other in the past numerous times. Melina wins after Gail gets on the apron to distract Melina but Mickie James pulls her off. Rayne then tries to clothesline Melina but she dodges it and kicks Madison in the gut and hits her finisher, the Sunset Split, after her trademark scream. Gail and Madison retreat up the ramp as Melina and Mickie celebrate in the ring.

Winner: Melina Perez (4:53)

The announce team then send it to the back with their new backstage interviewer, Taryn Terrell. She introduces her guest, TJ Wilson. She asks him if he feels nervous going up against the current X-Division champion, Austin Aries. Wilson smirks at this remark by Terrell and says that he isn't nervous at all. He says that Aries should be the one who is nervous because he hasn't faced anyone like him yet until today. He proclaims that not only will he defeat Austin Aries tonight but he'll be the next X-Division champion. Wilson then leaves after his comments then another video plays.

The video is of Shane McMahon in a black background announcing that next week, vignettes of new talent that he signed will be played during the commercial breaks. He says that he's excited for everyone to finally know the roster that he has in store for iMPACT. Not only that but he also announces that the week after that, there will be a battle royal to crown the new Television Champion.


Back from the break, we hear the music of TNA's X-Division Champion, A Double, Austin Aries. He gets a big pop from the crowd and rightfully so as he comes down arms stretched taking in the cheers. He slides into the ring and takes off his cape until he finally gets on the ring apron to pump up the crowd even more.

TJ Wilson comes out to a surprisingly large amount of boos. He is smiling as he makes his way down the ramp looking ready to go into battle with the X-Division champion. But we see that his mood changes when he sees a fan flashing an Austin Aries sign at him. Wilson grabs it and tears it apart and continues on smiling before entering the ring.

Match Three
Austin Aries vs. TJ Wilson
The matchup between Aries and Wilson was surely one that no one should miss. Aries took the early advantage as he grounded the more versatile Wilson with his technical abilities. However, Wilson found an opening and slowed the tempo of the match even more when he got the advantage. Wilson seems to be working on the left leg of Aries. He even goes as far as slamming Aries's left leg on the steel post. After repeatedly stomping on the left leg of Aries, Wilson took the time to taunt the crowd but that would prove to bite him back in the ass. Aries gains a little momentum after Wilson kicked out of the surprise small package from Aries.

Aries used some quick Arm Drags to ground Wilson for a little bit. He finally gets more offense in as he whips Wilson across the turnbuckle where he runs full speed and connects with a dropkick that drops Wilson. Aries then drags Wilson to the center of the ring where he does some theatrics before winding up and hitting the Pendulum Elbow! The crowd loves the match up so far and are even more thrilled that the Pendulum Elbow didn't finish the match. Just when it looked like Aries had the advantage, Wilson sweeps Aries off his feet and grabs the left leg for a single leg Boston Crab! Aries desperately fights to keep the match on. He gets close but Wilson has enough power to drag him away from the ropes. Aries looks like he's about to tap but instead uses sheer willpower to grab the ropes.

Wilson argues with the referee but can do nothing about it. Wilson looks to end the match as he gets Aries to his feet. He kicks Aries in the gut and lifts him up for a Brainbuster?! But Aries uses his right leg to connect with knees to the skull of Wilson. Wilson drops Aries but Wilson performs a go-behind on Aries and locks his hands to perform a German Suplex! But Aries has enough strength in his legs to stand on his feet! Aries kicks Wilson in the gut and connects with a quick DDT! The crowd again cheers for both men who are really going at each other. With the momentum going in his favor, Aries is up first and grabs Wilson by the legs and gets in position. He slingshots Wilson to a turnbuckle and connects with a neckbreaker! The crowd is going crazy now as Aries goes up top. Instead of going for his usual Brainbuster, he performs a 450 Splash! He hits it and goes for the pin – 1! 2! 3!

Winner: Austin Aries (9:20)

The video cuts backstage where we see Brooke Tessmacher and Kurt Angle conversing over at the water jug. They seem to be having a good conversation until out comes Magnus. He then smiles at Angle and looks over at Brooke and asks what she's waiting for before Magnus shoos her away. Kurt doesn't look too happy and says that he just shoo'd away a beautiful woman. Magnus is looking as cocky as ever and seems to hit a nerve when he tells Kurt that he is no stranger to shoo-ing away beautiful women referring to his recent divorce. Kurt then smiles at this comment from Magnus before slapping Magnus across the face. The camera zooms in on Magnus a little seeing that he is checking for blood and when it zooms out, Kurt is nowhere to be seen.


Back from the break, the cameras are following someone from behind. When it zooms out, we see that it's TNA World Champion Bobby Roode. He barges into a door and we see that it's Shane's office. He tells Shane that this is no way to treat your World Champion. Shane looks puzzled as if he doesn't know what he's talking about and tells Bobby that this is good for iMPACT and that the fans want to see the gauntlet happen. The two argue and bicker but before anything can go wrong, Shane tells Bobby to get out of his office right now or he will be stripped of the title. Roode isn't happy about this and angrily exits Shane's office.

After a brief while, Crimson is next to enter Shane's office. Shane says that he's been expecting him. He tells Crimson that he sees a star in him and that over the next couple of weeks, he wants to see that star power. Crimson seems flattered by Shane's comments. To make it even more interesting, Shane says that if he is impressed with what Crimson does, a World Title shot could be closer than he thinks.

The cameras cut to ringside where Samoa Joe is in the ring with the spotlight on him. Joe looks a lot better physically, seems as though he lost some weight. Joe says that the one month hiatus that TNA took has really helped him. He says that he saw his career sinking and that he had to do something about it. He says that he hit the gym everyday to get back into proper shape. He says that he has lost 18 pounds and will continue to do so until he is in tip top shape. He continues on saying that since TNA is under new management, he too will be under “new management”. He says that there's no more fooling because he really needs to step his game up with all the new talent coming in. However.....

The theme song of a very familiar superstars plays. The crowd pops at the sound of the music and sure enough, out comes John Hennigan. He tells the back to cut his music. He introduces himself as John Hennigan and that TNA will now be his home. He laughs at Joe's promo basically saying that he is a new person. John says that Joe will always be a big boy no matter how many pounds he loses. But he does commend Joe for trying to get in shape because the new talent in TNA will surely be more than he can handle. He ends his promo by saying that he should get a body like his and maybe, just maybe, people will start to take notice of him. John's music plays again and he makes his way to the back with Joe in the ring looking very angry. The announce team then hypes up the main event that will happen NEXT!


Back from the break, we hear the music of the TNA World Champion Bobby Roode. He looks menacingly at every member of the crowd tonight while he holds his World Title close. Roode gets the loudest heat of the night but it doesn't seem to bother him. He raises his title in the air in the middle of the ring which gets him even more heat. He bounces around getting loose while he waits for his opponent.


*I AM*
The crowd goes nuts for the first person that Roode must face in the gauntlet! With all the pyro that surround AJ's entrance, the crowd gets louder and louder. AJ finally lowers his hood and slaps hands with the fans at ringside. He enters the ring and looks over at Roode before getting on the turnbuckle and poses for the fans.

Main Event
Gauntlet Match
Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles
Roode and AJ are no strangers to each other as they have battled in the ring before over the World Title. AJ gets the early advantage here as the fans really get behind him. He has Roode in a chin-lock only for Roode to get out of it and back AJ down to one of the turnbuckles. The referee tries to separate them but it works to no avail as Roode sends his shoulders to the abdominal area of AJ. Before the count of five however, Roode stops his onslaught on AJ. He looks over to the crowd to show that he is not phased by AJ being his opponent.

He goes back to work on AJ but AJ delivers a hard right hand that sends Roode back. He whips Roode across the ropes and dives down and with Roode rebounding off the ropes, AJ delivers a picture perfect dropkick but only gets a two count. Roode is holding his chin, really feeling the effects from that dropkick. Roode tries to crawl over to a turnbuckle but AJ is right on his tail. AJ tries to get his hands on Roode but Roode backs him off, swatting his hands away. Roode finally reaches a corner and has the referee shield him. AJ sees this and pushes the referee aside but this gives Roode just a split second to hit a low blow on AJ! Roode is up and kicks AJ in the gut and hits the Pay Off suplex for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Bobby Roode (Gauntlet Time: 5:04)

Roode then gets himself to a vertical base before kicking AJ out of the ring. He gets massive heat for this heinous act but motions to the back for his next opponent to come out. Roode takes a short breather in the corner and yells at the referee to get his next opponent out so that the can finally be done with this whole debacle.


Another huge cheer for another fan favorite, the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy! He comes out dancing and fired up with his trademark face paint. You can hear Hardy yelling to his creatures to get really fired up and it works as the cheers are louder than ever. Roode can be seen taking a deep breath here before the ref asks both men if they are ready to go.

Main Event
Gauntlet Match
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy
Much like AJ, Roode has had his battles with Hardy. But Roode has the advantage here after a quick rake in the eyes to Hardy. Roode gets Hardy in a corner where he delivers hard blows to every part of Hardy's body that was exposed. Seems as if the champion is frustrated as he takes out his anger on Hardy. With Hardy down, Roode delivers two consecutive knee drops across Hardy's throat. He goes for the pin but only gets a two count.

Roode seemed as if he had enough as he exited the ring and demanded for his belt. He got it and then went on to go up the ramp. However, before he could go any further, Hardy whips himself across the opposite ropes and Planchas to the outside right on Roode! Both men are down and it's not until a count of 8 til Hardy gets himself and Roode back in the ring. Roode pleads with Hardy to not continue and as he gets closer, Roode goes for a surprise school boy pin but gets a two count only. Both men spring up and it's Hardy who starts connecting with some clotheslines. Hardy tries to whip Roode to the corner but Roode reverses only to get hit with a Whisper In The Wind by Hardy! The crowd cheers on while Hardy tries for the pin, only for a two count.

Hardy is really feeling it now as he removes his shirt and throws it into the crowd. He gets back to Roode and hits a double leg drop on Roode's midsection but only gets a two count yet again. It seems as though Hardy is getting a little frustrated but this time he sets up for the Twist of Fate. A kick to the midsection is received by Roode but when Hardy tries to drop Roode with the Twist of Fate, Roode pushes Hardy forward getting a grip on him. As the two bounce back, Roode has him for a pin and get the win with the hold of the tights!

Winner: Bobby Roode (Gauntlet Time: 11:55)

The crowd boos at Roode the loudest they have this entire evening. Hardy tries to explain to the referee that Roode had his tights but to no avail. The referee then tells Hardy to leave and he has no choice but to oblige. Roode has a smile on his face motioning for his final opponent to come out so quickly because he's ready. Roode gets into the camera and says that no one can beat him which gets more heat from the Toyota Center crowd. Roode anxiously waits for his final opponent.


Remember the smile that was on Roode's face? Yeah, it's completely wiped off now that he knows his opponent. Roode's eyes widen as he can't believe who's theme music is playing right now. The music plays for a moment before finally, Randy Orton makes his TNA iMPACT debut! The crowd goes nuts for Orton! Roode can be seen in the ring pleading with Earl Hebner that the man that just came out can't be his opponent. Earl seems shocked as well and only shrugs at Roode. Orton has a focused look on his face as he has a chance at the World Title so soon. Before he enters the ring, he does his signature pose that only gets him even more cheers from the crowd!

Main Event
Gauntlet Match
Bobby Roode vs. Randy Orton
Roode still can't believe his eyes with Randy Orton glaring at him as if staring into his soul. The bell quickly rings and as soon as it does, Roode charges towards Orton but Orton ducks. With Roode rebounding off the ropes, Orton hits a devastating Power Slam! The crowd is loving what they're seeing at the moment which is evident from their constant cheers. Roode holds onto his back after receiving that powerful Power Slam. Orton gets Roode up and just holds him by the hair before hitting a Standing Dropkick! Orton goes for the cover but only gets a two. Orton then starts to stomp on every exposed body part that Roode has. He gets Roode up to his feet and tries a clothesline, but Roode ducks and exits the ring. Orton is hot on his trail but Roode gets back in the ring and stomps on Orton the second he gets in the ring.

He continues stomping on Orton before delivering a knee drop on Orton's throat. Roode then has something in mind as he unties the turnbuckle. Earl Hebner tries to stop this but Roode continues on untying the knot on the turnbuckle. Roode even went as far as pushing aside Hebner and that's when Earl got really pissed. He points to his official logo saying that he could've DQ'd him right there. Roode pays no attention to this. Earl then begins to tie up the turnbuckle again. Roode turns back to work on Orton but out of nowhere, RKO! Orton drops Roode with a devastating RKO that got the biggest cheer from the crowd tonight. Orton goes to cover Roode. Earl then stops tying the turnbuckle and goes to count the pinfall, 1! 2! 3!

Winner: Randy Orton (Gauntlet Time: 15:37)

The crowd roars for Orton's win. Tenay and Borash still are in shock that Orton has arrived in TNA and are screaming all over the place saying that tonight has been a great night but they have to end it now. Orton goes on to climb the turnbuckle where he does his signature pose. Shane McMahon then comes out from the back and applauds Orton. Orton acknowledges Shane by pointing at him and Orton continues to pose for the fans. The last image of iMPACT was of Orton posing on the turnbuckle while you can still see Roode recovering from the RKO that he received.

Quick Results
The Usos def. Kaz & Daniels
Melina Perez def. Madison Rayne
Austin Aries def. TJ Wilson
Bobby Roode def. AJ Styles
Bobby Roode def. Jeff Hardy
Randy Orton def. Bobby Roode
SXEnightmare's Review:

Shane and Roode open the show good opening segment roode in the main event running the gauntlet should be intersting hopefully we get some good matches there also loved how shane put roode right in his place.

Daniels/Kaz vs The Usos short but good opening match with the usos picking up the victory and winning the tag team titles. not sure i really like having the usos in TNA but they add another team to the tag divison maybe ill change my mind as it goes on.

Melina vs Madison first off just wanna say i LOVE the fact you brought melina in i always liked her so it should be intersting to see what you do with her. the match was good melina gets the victory hopefully gail retains next week save the title change for a little bit maybe.

Aries vs Wilson this was a pretty good match aries winning was the right decision looks like hes getting a brand new finisher which im not a fan of sense the brainbuster seems more devasting.

Roode vs Styles short match roode wins as expected i thought styles would last longer then he did against roode though.

Roode vs Hardy Roode wins again this time beating hardy im glad hardy made it past the 10 minute mark having roode go through atleast 1 battle before his last opponet is a good idea.

Roode vs Orton well we get another surprise in randy orton honestly i dont like the idea of orton in tna but hey your show you can do what you want man im just not at all interested in orton. Orton wins which atleast makes sense but honestly im not looking forward to this match maybe you will make greatness out of it though which would be a nice surprise.

overall this was a good show loved seeing jomo and melina join tna but i hope the rest of the new people bring brought in (i assume there is more) are not straight off the wwe roster that would be my only negative thing to say is not enough of pushing talent already in tna but other then that i like your work and look forward to your next show.
The GrandSword Review

Jam man, very much looking forward to another TNA thread here in BT and just like the Nightmare you’ve gone with a huge name in the wrasslin’ biz to head up your new direction – Shano Mac! Let’s get started as here comes the money. Shane tells everyone some admin stuff about skipping ppvs, and renovations to the impact zone… not the strongest promo from him. Out walks the dominant and devious Champion to get in his face. Shane establishes himself as a face general manager, (which we’ve had in TNA for a while now, Sting, Hogan) by telling Roode he will be a fighting Champ and be against 3 men tonight and if any of them beat him will get a title shot at Slammiversary X. Sad face no King of the Mountain match.

Let’s get into the action… Daniels and Kaz want the tag belts, but the Usos are the new guns in town. Have to say I don’t like the Usos, and then I hate the fact that they went over Daniels and Kaz. A nothing generic WWE team goes over TNA veterans.

KO Champ Gail gets in the ring to say there is no competition for her, then she is met by another former WWE wrestler. Madison Rayne is the one who gets defeated not Gail at least but yet another WWE talent defeats a TNA original. 2 for 2 Jam, the TNA fan in me isn’t liking this so far I have to say.

Another ex-WWE guy is here in the form of TJ Wilson against our X Champ Austin Aries. Aries gets the win thank goodness.

Magnus possibly starting a feud with Kurt.. digging that.

Joe is in the ring and cuts a promo about losing weight. It sort of adds to the admin type stuff Shane kicked the show off with, and I kind of feel it’s unnecessary really. The out comes that bully John Hennigan, picking on Joe’s weight. That bastard! And that’s it. Wow, Joe’s a bit of a pussy. Why didn’t he beat the shit out of the pretty boy?

So here comes our main event. 3 matches in one. It seems to have come around quite quickly and we didn’t get to see too many of the TNA roster due to all the new WWE guys Shane has brought in. Hopefully the three guys are big TNA names, but I’m sure Shane has one more surprise up his sleeve. So here we go. Roode defeats the Phenomenal One in 5 mins, this disappoints me a little. I know he’s got 2 more guys to fight and he is the Champion, but AJ Styles… who’s next, and it’s Jeff Hardy. Hardy (sort of the Cena of TNA) doesn’t do much better by lasting 6 mins by pulling the tights.. or jeans.. whatever it is that Hardy wears. If anything this makes Roode look pretty damn impressive. Even pulling the “tights” these days is seen as a clean victory.

So who’s next and it’s an absolute shocker, the Viper Randy Orton, one of WWE’s biggest stars has signed with TNA. So after Roode has faced AJ and Hardy he now has to face one of the top guys in the business, in his debut showing. RKO and now we have Orton defeat the dastardly Champ in under 5 mins with his RKO. Even though it’s kind of picking the bones a little after 2 previous matches, it is still a well known WWE guy walking in and pinning the Champion. So that’s 3-1 for the WWE tonight. Thanks goodness for Austin Aries.

Big fantasy debut you pulled out Jam with Orton making his debut. It’s tough to know exactly how you would debut such a huge name into your federation. You chose to have him defeat a man who had gone through two guys already. I’m not sure if the gauntlet match actually did anything for anyone. AJ and Hardy got jobbed out and then Randy came in and not sure if he looked strong or not, or if Roode looked dominant or not… I like your format, love the summarised version that allows your readers to enjoy your show and add our own bit of imagination to your matches.

Looking forward to your next show to see how you build towards Roode vs. Orton at Slammiversary 


Been looking forward to this man!

Right I am reviewing as I am reading so let's get it started! Here comes the monaaay! Shane the obvious choice to start the show, and no problems with what he said before his interruption. Also, I like how you have decided to take TNA on the road, and it is in Pennsylvania and not the iMPACT Zone. The interaction between the face boss in Shane and the heel champion Roode was good, and I like that there is conflict already; a good thing to establish where your two most important characters are standing with each other right from the off. Even though Shane has stacked the odds against Roode in the main event with a huge stipulation, I think I know who is coming in from our previous conversations about this, but I'll have to wait and see! I wouldn't mind seeing Shane eventually aligning with Roode and becoming the heel boss, as they aren't actually that different due to their fondness for money.

Nice to see that you didn't just give anyone the titles and Kaz and Daniels are being forced to earn them, and The Usos are a great addition to the TNA Tag Team Division as they have been (and still are) being completely underutilized irl. To the match itself it was a good read, and I like the way you have only decided to write about the finish (it is easier than writing in full matches for a weekly show). You really made The Usos come out of this looking strong, and as I said they will be great in TNA. You did however make sure that Kaz and Daniels did not look too weak, but it was important for Usos to win here and make their first mark in the company.

MELINA! Another great signing for TNA, and she is being put into the title mix right away! I'm not too sure about this, because it seems that the ethos for the TNA Knockouts is that they usually have to earn their place, because correct me if I am wrong, I've never seen someone just walk into that Division and get a title shot instantly. Well right move after all of that to Melina then gets her shot. I hope that Madison will retain, as the successful defence against Melina is better than Melina just winning the title right away.

The Aries/Wilson match was a great read again, but Wilson is now the 5th person to debut tonight; I think these debuts could have been spread a little, as the old TNA talent doesn't seem to have much space here. But the match flowed beautifully, and a feud between these two over the X Division title would be a great one to establish Aries further and really cement Wilson in TNA. I think this one has some legs, and I can't wait to see how Wilson reacts to his first night in TNA being a loss.

An interesting little segment between Kurt and Magnus, and I hope that this is the start of something big between these two; as Magnus has the chance to possibly be right up with the big boys after even being competitive in a feud with Kurt Freakin' Angle! If this is going to be a long feud between these two; I'm not sure the first match one on one should be at Slammiversary, because I'm hoping for a King of the Mountain Match, maybe for the number on contendership, but one of these two will cost the other? I don't know what you got planned for these two but I'm sure it'll be good!

Hmmm.... Not sure about the Joe/Hennigan situation. I think if Joe was to promise to get better and go back to how he was and a new gimmick(?), getting someone else involved right off of the bat is the right way to go. I'll stay with ya on it, but I would have preferred to have seen more of a journey for Joe of sorts where he increasingly gets better and then someone like Hennigan gets involved and ridicules him. But John is now in TNA, and that is yet another new guy in, and with the promise of some more, TNA is changing. I would however thought that Hennigan would have been an X Division guy myself, but a feud with Joe could do wonders for both men.

Main Event Time! No surprise AJ being the first guy in, as I thought he was going to feature here. AJ saves a lot of face here with Roode getting the dirty win, as if Styles would have lost cleanly in 5 minutes it would have been a travesty of sorts. But typical Roode taking the easy way out knowing he has another two men to face is smart, and Roode remains relatively fresh going onto the next guy. Jeff Hardy not lasting much longer than AJ is good for me to see, as I do not understand why that man is still considered employable. Roode getting cockier as the match progresses is the running theme here and you are getting it across well, and another dirty win. Obviously the smile vanishes, and in comes the new face of TNA, and a man that I knew was coming ;) but it would be plain stupid to have Roode beat Orton too, and I'm not sure yet who will win at Slammiversary, but at this point I think Roode is going to do it somehow. Orton in TNA really allows you to have a few dream feud which I hope to see like Orton/Styles, Orton/Joe, Orton/Angle again, and so much more!

Good first show, and I can't wait for more from the McMahon era!
Impact Review:

The Shane and Roode encounter was a great way to start off the new Impact. Obviously, Shane had to open things up, and he was able to give an alright promo, without blabbing everything about his new changes. Roode interrupting fits right in with his character, Shane O Mac's the new big dog in town and this would threaten Roode, so he needs to make a statement and assert himself. That is a stupid idea, because it just lands him in hot bother. Both men lay themselves out on the table with this one, and it helps give us something to build on in the future, but I hope you can turn it around so it isn't Roode vs. Hogan/Sting Mark II. Gauntlet match for the number 1 contendership is a great idea, but i don't know if it's really great to have the champion and challenger facing off in a match before Slammiversary. I prefer to keep guys seperated, particulalry for a major PPV main event build. Despite that, it served it's purpose and gets an 8/10.

What the hell? How did Shane get from out of the ring into his office and already into conversation with someone in the space of a 3/4 minute commercial. Was it like Wiggum P.I. when the Big Daddy is being chased and runs into the office and turns round in the chair just in the nick of time for the dramatic turnaround? Anyway, aren't Kaz and Daniels tag champs anyway? Surely you could've just had them defend the titles against the Usos instead of possibly giving them two seperate reigns? Usos are a great team and they showed themselves really well against Kaz and Daniels. Enjoyable little match which debuted the Usos perfectly. The strange vacation of the titles brings the scores down, but it still gets a 7/10

Quite liked Madison trying to worm her way into a Divas title match, thought thatw as quite funny, particularly Gail Kim's not-impressed reaction. Urgh, Melina is a mental cow, but she is a good talent. She's quite good in-ring, but I have a great dislike for her. That said, I vividly remember Melina and Gail Kim had a cracker on Superstars once, so a fued between the two could be great. Surely this means that we'll be seeing a JoMo appearance down the line though? The match was your usual Gail Kim/Madison Rayne fare, they do their best to tip the odds in their favour with ringside intereference, although it's good to see them finally getting something approaching what they deserve. I see a 2 on 2 fued brewing here. It's a Knockouts match, so I highly doubt I'd ever be lavishing you with snowflakes for this one, but it was passable defintiely. 6/10.

TYSON! :D I love Tyson Kidd, me, and can be such a cocky dick that this interview made great sense. Excited about these new signings, but I'm even MORE excited about Kidd vs, Aries. Tyson Kidd doesn't have bad matches, and neither does Aries, clearly this will be great... And I was right. You nailed the free-flowing pace and switching of momentum between the two perfectly and I really feel you made Tyson look like a legit threat. I hope he gets an X Division title run, or at the very elast an extended fued with Aries as a PPV match between the two would be gold. You've ramped up Tyson's ********ishness with the sign ripping and gloating which I loved. Could have been longer, but it's a first match on Impact so there's plenty of time for that in the future, so until then you get 9/10.

I like Crimson, so this encounter is good news to me, but you'll have to do a lot of work on him to get him up to World title standard. WHAT DID I SAY? YES! JoMo's in TNA! A perfect addition for the X Division, in my opinion but... oh wait, he's calling Samoa Joe fat. I get the sentiment, but I feel it was just a bit basic. I think there should definitely be something else to base this beef off of apart from "I'm John Hennigan, I'm an arrogant prick. You're Samoa Joe, you're a lard-arse". I am definitely looking forward to their matches though. Crimson getting pushed gets big points, but the lack of depth to Joe/John brings it down a bit to 7.5/10.

Roode/Styles was done really well, I think. The pace was obviously a bit quicker than usual, but you were really able to show Roode's desperation with the hand swatting, the referee shield and the low blow. It really made it look like Roode had the fear. And right away, it continues with a rake to the eyes first thing on Hardy. Roode really is using every trick in the book, but Hardy keeps coming at him with everything in his arsenal. An enjoyable fast-forwarded match, a sort of trailer for the full-length matches the two have had. And next up... it's Orton! This is MASSIVE for TNA, a real gamechanging moment for them. Great idea to have on the first new Impact, although the only question I have is could Orton's in-ring debut have been saved for Slammiversary? Orton's first match could have been buyrate central, but this way is just as good. It's a hard decision: Make a definite Impact moment, or make a large buyrate? Nonetheless, great way to debut him and although I'm not Orton's biggest fan, it's clearly going to really legitimise the new regime. Roode using every shortcut in the book in the space of 10/15 minutes and then having the smile wiped off his face was great. If this had happened in real life by now, it would be one of the Slammiversary vignettes they keep showing on Impact at the moment. 8/10.

Overall, a good Impact. Definite room for improvement, but it's only the first episode, so that's allowed. I'm really looking forward to the Kidd/Aries and Joe/Morrison fueds from an in-ring perspective, but everything on the show was interesting and I'm really forward to how you spin Roode/Orton at Slammiversary. 91 out of a possible 120, if you put it into a calculator gives a very acceptable 7.5/10. Well done!
Opening Promo:
It was great to see Shane in such high spirits and enjoying his first night in front of a new iMPACT! crowd in Pennsylvania. The month's hiatus was quite a wait for loyal followers but now's the time to see if Shane's preparation and family money will pay off.

Roode's interruption is sudden, but not exactly surprising. He needs to make a statement to try and remind Shane that he's the boss. He's done it and gotten past every other manager he's had up until this point and it doesn't seem like that's going to change. Then the bullet hits us - Roode's going to have to survive a Gauntlet if he wants to protect his title. Shane won't be pushed around so easily.

Great dynamics between the two and an enjoyable read. - 9/10.

Backstage Promo:
Shane got back to his office pretty quickly. Possibly pre-recorded? Only a small issue, he could have just made good time. Nice teasing from O-Mac and a good introduction for the Usos, nice to see them in charge. He could have given them the titles but as he should, they have to work for it.

Solid, but nothing exceptional about it for me and the speed he reached his office in was a little jarring. - 6/10

Match One:
Tough match as new and old have to face each other down. Kaz and Daniels fight hard but they're clearly caught by surprise when the Usos hit them hard and fast. Jey and Jimmy seem to synch up as well as ever and there's nothing quite like a brotherly tag team. The TNA staples are outdone and defeated and it feels worthy and satisfying after so long of putting up with these two.

It felt a little short and I was surprised Jey and Jimmy bossed it so easily, but solid otherwise. - 7/10

Gail-Melina Promo:
Not too much to say, it's a pretty solid promo from them all and nice to see a new signing in the form of Melina make her entrance. Shane's offer seems very fair and it's a good way to introduce and put over new talent. - 7/10.

Match Two:
Fairly short but that's not entirely surprising. I never rated Madison Rayne but she does last almost 5 minutes. I wonder if Gail Kim has what it takes to stop Melina. Not much to say here really, very standard, sets up for a hopefully exciting feud between our Knockouts Champion and Melina. - 7/10

Match Three:
Now this got me excited. Tyson's one of my favourites out there and whether he's Kidd or TJ Wilson I'm marking out. Aries is also in my TNA Fave Five, #3 to be precise, and I'm totally excited to see a feud hopefully develop between them. Match was nicely paced and long, puts over both competitors and I can only imagine how amazing it would have been to see them live. Glad Aries won as TNA's existing talent needed to prove it's strength as well.

Strong match, strong booking, exciting concept, well executed. - 9/10

Angle-Magnus Promo:
Short but sweet, I'm interested in seeing where this goes. - 8/10

Shane's Office/Joe Promo:
Nice to see Roode still resisting this and being as big an ass as he can be. Shane still maintains his strong position and it seems like he won't be as easy to push around as Roode thinks. Maybe he needs some backup. Should be interesting to see Crimson in a singles push, if he can back it up in the ring and on the mic. Samoa Joe losing weight? I somehow find it hard to visualize right now, but I wish him the best of luck.

Solid promo, entertaining and furthers the story well. - 8/10

Gauntlet w/ AJ Styles:
Good match, shorter than I expected from AJ though. I guess Roode really does have his number and TNA's poster boy is slipping rapidly out of this spot. Maybe this will light a fire under him, maybe not. Either way it puts Roode over well.

Good match, just wonder if it favours Roode a little too much. - 7/10

Gauntlet w/ Jeff Hardy:
Hardy gives Roode a much tougher match and it puts him over nicely. Hardy comes close to winning that Championship belt but it doesn't seem to be enough to stop Roode's momentum as he's just on a devastating run. Pity Roode didn't get himself DQ'd for Hardy's sake, but this worked well for the story as now he goes into the last match with a ton of heat.

Great match, nice to see Hardy last long only to get cheated. - 9/10

Gauntlet w/ Randy Orton:
A long slug of a match was inevitable here - even tired, Roode's tough enough to put on a hell of a battle against the best. He's proven that before and here he proves it again. Orton's a surprising signing, I really didn't see this one coming and I don't think Roode did either. His emphasis on the turnbuckle probably cost him the match and it left a delicious taste of irony that he probably would have been better off without cheating for once. I'm not entirely convinced I like Orton on TNA but I'm open-minded as I'm just not a huge Orton fan in general. Your booking could win me over, but I personally don't want to see him just walk in and win the title. As has been said, WWE is winning this battle 3-1 so far.

Great match but I'm slightly iffy on Orton. - 8/10

  • To many former WWE talents went over on the first show and it made your roster (TNA) look very weak in comparison. Why should be believe that the TNA guys are on the level of the WWE guys when the WWE can come into the company and beat the TNA guys on debut? It became a little stupid as TNA just continued to lose each match. Aries was the only TNA guy to win and he only beat Tyson Kidd who is low card WWE.
  • To see Randy Orton go over Roode really annoyed me because it hurt James Storm so bad. Storm has known Roode for a long time but can't beat him. Orton comes in and does it first go. It didn't make anyone look good.
  • Shane opening the show was the right way to go about the night. I liked his little deal.
  • More mid card guys should have been used instead of AJ and Hardy. Those were two big PPV matches you could have used and you threw them away on episode one. Short term thinking doesn't help anyone.
  • I wanted to see more talking from Roode. He should have pinned a former WWE guy and cut a promo about nobody can beat him. Then Orton comes out and they stare down each other to close out the show. That would have been a better way to bring in Orton because he doesn't pin the champion on week one and look like a sure bet to take the title.
  • I liked the format of the show. It looks really nice and the recap style you use works. It gives you enough to enjoy the show and get some quality action.
  • A lot of this can sound negative and I think the entire concept of Shane buying TNA is a little "done" but you're giving it a go. This is by far the best work you have done. You're improving and I want you to keep going with the thread. Don't get to over the top with WWE talent and if I see Cena in TNA I'll lower my head in shame.
  • Keep going with the thread Jam and I wish you luck with future episodes. I'm interested to see what happens with Roode/Orton in the coming weeks. You've got me reading, hopefully you can keep me.
TheCult's review

First things first you're format is really good and makes it clear to read the show so that is a plus straight from the off.

I'm excited by some of the new signings and Shane running the company, I've got to say I was shocked when Orton appeared as the final man in the gauntlet, even though I like the new signings I feel you could have introduced them in different weeks instead of piling them onto the first show. However I am looking forward to the direction of the company and will definitely be reading.

That graphic that you see above is no joke. Randall Keith Orton has made his TNA iMPACT debut this past Thursday Night and he did it in a big way. Orton has always been a very dangerous man and TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode, found this out the hard way. The iMPACT crowd at the Toyota Center in York, Pennsylvania bore witness to Randy Orton making his presence known by winning a match against Bobby Roode via an RKO. If this is how vicious Orton can be, it seems that he put the whole locker room on notice with that RKO.

Many are wondering why Randy Orton would jump ship to TNA while he was employed by one of TNA's competitions. Well, caught up with Randy Orton as he sat one on one with iMPACT's play-by-play commentator Mike Tenay. Here's the video:

The TNA logo is flashed before our eyes as we enter a dark room where the video is of ESPN E:60 quality (if you guys don't know what's that, go and search it up, it's really great). It can now be seen that Randy Orton is sat across from Mike Tenay in folded chairs. The two are seen shaking hands before the interview finally gets started.

Mike Tenay: Welcome one and all. Tonight my special guest is the man who defeated TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode, and will have a chance to claim the gold for himself, The Viper, Randy Orton. Randy, it's good to have you here.

Randy Orton: Good to be here Mike, let's do this.

Mike Tenay: If you say so. Randy, I know you know the question coming up first but I'll ask it anyway. Why did you make your debut in TNA Wrestling?

Randy Orton: You see Mike, the answer is very simple. You can find it in the name of this wrestling promotion, Total Non-Stop Action WRESTLING. The whole time I was in that other place, I felt that I didn't live up to what I was trained for, WRESTLING. Instead, I did what was told to me and did it half-heartedly. That's not the way I wanted to spend the rest of my wrestling career. And for me to be playing second fiddle to someone who is still on top of the business despite having the brightest shirts in the world is ridiculous.

Tenay nods his head at Orton, listening carefully.

Randy Orton: I am a third-generation superstar, Mike. I deserve better and quite frankly, I believe that is what I can get from TNA. TNA has the best WRESTLING roster in the wrestling business so this is definitely a place I can get used to.

Mike Tenay: Indeed it is Randy. So this past Thursday, you defeated Bobby Roode for a shot at his World Title. Roode's been on quite an impressive run, doing anything possible to retain his title belt. What can you do to go into Slammiversary X and leave with the gold around your waist?

Randy Orton: I've seen Roode in that ring and in all honesty, we are a lot alike. We get the job done by any means necessary. He'll actually be a tough opponent, but with one strike of my RKO, I put him down for the count, 1 – 2 – 3.

Mike Tenay: Fair enough. As you know Randy, we also have a new owner in Shane McMahon. I know you're familiar with him, so what do you have to say about him?

Randy Orton: Shane's the one who brought me in here, so I'd like to thank him for that. I think that he's a very smart guy and knows the business well so TNA is in good hands. Plus, he's the son of Vince McMahon, I'm sure he picked up some things just by watching his father.

Mike Tenay: I'm sure it's in good hands too. Well Randy, we have time for one last question. Is there anything you'd wanna tell your TNA fans? Something to expect from you?

Orton gives us a smile, whether that be a sadistic one or a genuine one, we won't know but he seems excited.

Randy Orton: No words can explain the excitement I feel right now. If you're a fan, then you're lucky because you won't be in the ring with me, or won't be in my way of any sort. But when you're a part of the TNA locker room, I'd watch my back. You're just an RKO away.

The camera focuses on Orton's expression here as he it looks like he is ready to get his tenure in TNA started. Orton's eyes are piercing staring at whoever will stare back at him watching on their television. The video fades as it reveals the TNA logo once again.

Tweets From The Locker Room
@BrookeIMPACT said:
Looks like the Viper's ready. So am I!

@SamoaJoe said:
Ha, admire what you said Orton. But if I get in your way, Joe's gonna kill you.

@RealKurtAngle said:
You're in the big leagues now Orton! I guaran-damn-tee it!


Shane McMahon has really made big splashes on the the debut episode of iMPACT Wrestling with him in charge by bringing talent like TJ Wilson, John Hennigan, Melina Perez, The Usos, and his biggest signee, Randy Orton. However, Shane has confirmed that these are not all the talent he signed to TNA. He plans to really mold TNA into what it should be and really bringing some competition to his father in WWE.

The first episode of iMPACT Wrestling under Shane McMahon's reign has garnered a 1.6 rating. The rating really picked up when the main event started when TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode ran the gaunlet. Shane says that he expects this number to increase even higher in the days to come.

--- Source: WrestleScoop

JAM's Note: Hey guys, glad that the first show got some feedback. I see that a lot of you are saying that too many guys debuted and that maybe some of them may not have been realistic signings. I'd just wanna say that it's a FANTASY thread anyway. There will be realistic things that happen though, so do not fret guys. Oh and the roster will be posted real soon, promise. Second show will be on it's way soon!
workhorse Review:

Firstly, great to see a new BT from you Jam, I'm sure it will be great.
So now lets dive in.

* Shane's start of the show was exactly as it needed to be. He got a feel for the crowd and announced his intentions. Smart booking to have the (heel) World Champ interrupt him. I liked the little conflict here. Shane obviously wasn't happy with Roode's arrogance and he gets punished by being put in a Gauntlet Match. Great start, Shane-O gets his first promo in, Roode gets a short heel promo and we know that by the end of the night, Roode will have an opponent for Slammiversary X!

*Kaz and Daniels think they have the Tag Titles handed to them but it turns out they have to earn them. I'm happy The Uso Brothers are the team you've brought from WWE. I really like their work and I hope you have high expectations for them. Only gripe for this part is that perhaps you should've had the match end in a double DQ or something so that both teams are still open in the race for the titles. It seemed as if Kaz and Daniels were just there to put over The Usos. Nonetheless, I'll see how this pans out as I know you'll have something creative in store for us.

*Knockouts action was fair, you got Melina immediatel invested into the angle with Gail and Mickie so this seems like it has potential. Onto the Aries vs Wilson (Kidd) match. I also think TJ is a perfect fit for TNA. His mic skills aren't great but he is a tremendous wrestler. Exciting stuff for the X-Division here. Great match from Aries and Wilson and I hope we see more of them in the future. Joe comes out and talks about his potentially career saving work. I liked it, we feel sympathy for Joe who is a long time TNA guy. Hennigan makes his first appearance and I loved his arrogance. It would've gathered great heat and I'm sure we'll see more from these two in the future.

*Mainevent time! AJ is first and Hardy second, two big TNA stars. Roode picks up two cheap wins so to not make Hardy or AJ look weak. Out third is RANDY ORTON!! What a bombshell this would be in real life. It's hard to know what exactly it would be like having Randy on iMPACT so I guess we can use our imagination. Randy gets the win and a title shot at Slammiversary. He's obviously a big star and it's the right move having him in the title hunt early, but this early??? Time will tell my good man.

*Overall, I enjoyed this show. TNA shows are usually easy to read because they're shorter and contain mainly matches. The show was clearly about Shane taking over as well as the conflict with Bobby Roode so I guess the lack of regular TNA big names (Sting, Ray, Angle, Anderson, RVD (I don't know what these guys are doing in TNA atm in real life so forgive me if they aren't on iMPACT as much)) Anyway, Roode vs Orton for the title should be very interesting. Lots of guys like Crimson, Styles, Hardy as well as those mentioned above will hopefully get some sort of feuds or direction in your next few shows. Overall I enjoyed it and was (for the majority) happy with how you handled the former WWE guys.

Well done and good luck with the rest !

IHW's Feedback

TNA- May 17, 2012

It has been a while since I have done this, but lets jump into it.

Shane O'Mac In Charge could go either way. I wouldn't mind for him to pick an onscreen GM and he be the over all authority figure like Vince.

Shane and Roode- This is a great way to start of the new show. It is a good way for Roode to gain some heel heat and to set up the main event for the night. Good job.

Tag Division- This was a good way to introduce the new rise of the Tag Division in TNA. I like Kaz and Daniels teaming, although they could provide more in the X Division or even competing for the TV Title. I think you should start thinking about new tag teams and begin building them up as soon as you can. You could have done without the Usos.

Tag Match- The format of your match here is a bit different. This is more of a format I would want to write, as I can't really get into the matches. I do hope you give more detail to the main event.

Knockouts- Melina. Hmm? I don't know how I feel about this. She was okay at best in the WWE. Plus, TNA already has girls like James and Tara who have been lost in the mix. I think this spot could have been filled by anybody on the knockouts roster. But, we shall see where this takes us.

TJ Wilson- Now this is one I am proud of. The X-Division needs more depth, and Kidd is a perfect way to start. He is wonderful in the ring, and should really be able to showcase his skills in TNA.

Aries vs. Wilson- I like how we get a little bit of character from TJ when he rips the sign and then continues smileing. The pairing is great and the match was wonderful.

Morrison- He is another good pick to go to TNA. I am intrigued to see where this thing with Joe goes.

Main Event- Gauntlet matches are always fun. I expect for the last entrant to be a big surprise as you pick AJ Styles as Roode's first opponent. Starting the match of with a challenge. This is a perfect way to showcase Roode's talents without making him look to bad. The match was way quicker than I would expect. But, Roode did cheat to win, so the logic is there. Up next is Hardy. Should be a bit longer and it is. Roode okays dirty once again. And now I know he will lose the last match. And que Orton. I am okay with this, as long as he doesn't hog the spot light for too long. Him winning and facing Roode at the next PPV is fair. It is a big match that will happen at a big PPV.

OVERALL- I really enjoyed the read. I think you may have brought in some unnecessary talents like Melina. But, I am okay with a few like Morrison and Orton. They can help the show out a bit. I really hope you don't bring in more main event guys. TNA has such a wide scene already with guys like Storm, Anderson, and RVD. And, none of these guys were on tonight. So, main event is packed. I hope you give a lot of focus to the X Division and the Tag Division, as well as the TV Title. Those are the areas that need the focus.

Good Luck!
Dynamite's Reviews

Returning the favor here.

I really like what your doing here with TNA, Shane has always been my favorite Mcmahon so seeing him in control should be entertaining.

I really like Magnus so him starting a feud with a talented Angle should be good.

Bringing in Randy Orton is a nice surprise but he''s never been my favorite and always thought AJ Styles should be the top face of the company, just my thoughts.

Also I hope you find something good for Austin Aries and the X-Division, I'm assuming there's no weight limits so it could lead to some interesting things. I'd love to see write a Ultimate X match.

These are just my quick thoughts, look forward to reading more. Good Luck.
iMPACT Preview​
May 24, 2012 - Toyota Center - York, Pennsylvania

The first episode in the Shane McMahon Era is officially in the books. With many new additions to the roster, TNA is looking to be going nowhere but up from here, especially with the signing of guys like TJ Wilson, John Hennigan, and the Viper, Randy Orton. With Orton beating the World Champion last week, he is guaranteed a shot at the title at Slammiversary. Will Bobby Roode feel the sting of the Viper or will the Leader of the Selfish Generation reign supreme once again? Shane has made good in his promise to make TNA an even more enjoyable company. The first episode of iMPACT Wrestling under Shane McMahon scored a 1.6 rating which is up from it's last show which garnered a rating of 0.9.

In other news, TNA's newest Knockout, Melina Perez has also made her presence know. Last week, she answered the call to face Gail Kim. With the scruffle that happened, Shane announced that Melina would get a shot at the Knockouts Title if she beat Madison Rayne that night, which she did. So tonight, she looks to strike gold and be the new Knockouts Champion.

What we can confirm is that X-Division Champion, Austin Aries will be in action again as he takes on a reported new member of the X-Division. Aries has surely appreciated the new competition he's been having but will this match have the same outcome as his last match, a win? And who could be his opponent tonight? Only one way to find out.

Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim (c) vs. Melina Perez
Randy Orton and Bobby Roode developments
Austin Aries vs. ???
May 24, 2012 – Toyota Center – York, Pennsylvania
Another 4,000 strong fill the Toyota Center in York, Pennsylvania as the cameras pick up on the ruckus crowd ready for iMPACT Wrestling tonight! The voice of Mike Tenay welcomes us to the broadcast saying that this is episode two of the Shane McMahon Era in TNA. Taz comes in saying that if the shows are gonna be more of how last week went, then TNA will be the #1 wrestling promotion worldwide. Tenay agrees and before the two can continue talking....

The music of the Viper Randy Orton is heard all around the Toyota Center which causes quite a cheer from the crowd. Sporting a new shirt, Orton is all smiles tonight as he walks down the ramp slapping hands with anyone who was willing to. Orton even gets close to a young lady who has a “Will you marry me Orton?” sign and gives her a big hug. Before long, the Viper is handed a mic and is ready to address the crowd.

Orton first says that he knows the question in everyone's mind is why Randy Orton is now in TNA. The crowd gives him a small cheer before answering the question. He says that he came to TNA to be the top guy and to be the top guy, he's gotta be the world champion. He continues on saying that like what he said to Mike Tenay in an exclusive interview, he plans on becoming champion not far from now. Having said that, Orton brings up the subject of him beating Bobby Roode which got him a title shot at Slammiversary. He says that at Slammiversary, he'll put everyone out of their misery of hearing Bobby Roode come down and say how good he is. Before Orton could continue...

The music of the current TNA World Champion Bobby Roode almost sucks the life out of the Toyota Center as when Roode becomes visible to the crowd, he is met with a chorus of boos. Not only that but Roode has his personal security staff escort him out to the ring. His security staff get inside the ring first before Roode gets in the ring face-to-face with Orton to ensure his safety but Roode ofcourse thinks otherwise. Time for the champ to speak.

Roode says that he hopes he doesn't mind the security that he brought because they're actually for Orton's sake, not his. He continues on saying that his excuse to come to TNA will be in vain as TNA already has their top guy, him. He tells Orton that he wasted his time coming to TNA because no one likes him and that he'll never fit in here. Orton responds by saying that Roode's title reign is a joke because he hasn't pinned anyone clean but that's okay because come Slammiversary, Roode will not be champion anymore. Roode is angry at this and out of nowhere spits on Orton! Orton wipes the spit off his face before smiling sadistically at Roode which freaks him out.

All is calm before Orton goes for the RKO! But it is to no avail as Roode slips aways and exits the ring. Roode's security then begin holding Orton back but the Viper fights back! He disposes of some of the security that Roode had but the numbers game catch up to him and he is pinned down entirely. The cameras catch Roode on the ramp smiling and screaming at Orton saying that he'll still be the World Champion after Slammiversary, he guarantees it!


Mike Tenay and Taz welcome us back to iMPACT Wrestling and say that they just got word that tonight in the main event, it'll be TNA World Champion Bobby Roode going up against the Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy with Randy Orton as the special enforcer. They also announce that during a commercial break later on in the broadcast that they'll air Mike Tenay's exclusive one-on-one interview with Randy Orton. Tenay says that we won't wanna miss it and that he got chills in that interview with Orton. But enough of that.....

Out comes the Englishman who seems to have something on his mind tonight as he walks down the ramp angrily. The sound of his music causes a bit of heat as he enters the ring demanding for a mic. When he doesn't get it right away, he screams at the person at ringside to give him a mic and he finally does.

Magnus says that first and foremost he wants to thank Shane because he got him out of that horrible tag team with Samoa Joe. The crowd throws him some cheap heat for this. He continues on saying that last week, he was disrespected by a guy who he thought would know what respect was since he's the only Olympic Gold Medalist on the roster, Kurt Angle. The crowd cheer for the mention of Kurt's name. Magnus seems more furious since the crowd applaud Kurt's behavior. He says that he expects that kind of attitude from people from Pennsylvania. He continues by saying he wants Kurt to get down to the ring and try and slap him one more time, this time with Magnus ready for it. They wait for a brief moment before finally....

The familiar theme of the Olympic Gold Medalist gets a huge cheer almost one as loud as Randy Orton's from earlier. Kurt comes down in his singlet with a Slammiversary shirt over it. He gets in the ring and gets up close to Magnus. Magnus, however, doesn't show any weakness as he doesn't budge from Kurt Angle as he approaches.

As Angle approaches Magnus, he smiles at him as if he was impressed but later on slaps the microphone away from Magnus before he could speak. Magnus is now infuriated as he takes off his shirt looking ready to go in the ring. They staredown once more but after a few brief moments, Kurt Angle slaps Magnus once again! Magnus has had enough and throws the first punch. However, Kurt ducks under it and delivers a right of his own, and another! Magnus is back down all the way to the ropes before Kurt reels back and clotheslines Magnus over the top rope. Before anything else can happen, Shane appears on the TitanTron screaming for both guys attention. Shane says that since these two seem to have some serious beef with each other, we're gonna have our first match of the evening with Magnus vs. Kurt Angle next!



Match One
Magnus vs. Kurt Angle​
Back from the break, the two are about to get it on with Brian Hebner signaling for the bell. The two men look to lock up but Kurt has different plans as he goes for the go-behind and slams Magnus down for the takedown. Kurt goes to school on Magnus maneuvering around him, even slapping his head. Kurt Angle gets off Magnus taunting him even more, even shouting at him, “C'mon, that all you got!?” This angers Magnus more as the two lock up once again but Magnus drives his knee to the gut of Angle. He whips Angle to the corner and runs at him full speed to perform a splash but Angle moves out of harm's way.

Magnus tries something again with a clothesline, but Angle ducks under it and gets behind Magnus to clasps his hands for the German Suplex! He hits one! And then another! And another! Magnus rolls out of the ring after the impact of the third German Suplex. Angle is so fired up that he pulls down his singlet but Magnus has seen enough as he starts walking up the ramp. The crowd then begin booing Magnus for his decision. Angle then turns around to see that Magnus is almost out of sight and has a stern look on his face. Brian Hebner then begins counting with Magnus saying “another time.” Kurt motions his hand saying forget him before Hebner finally calls for the bell.

Winner: Kurt Angle via countout (3:23)

The cameras goes backstage as they follow two figures and when they turn around are the Motor City Machine Guns. They make their way around backstage before bumping into TNA's newest tag team, The Usos. Alex Shelley is the one that intentionally bumps into the bigger Uso, Jimmy Uso while the two were talking with a backstage official. Chris Sabin says that they haven't formally welcomed the Usos to TNA so this is them welcoming them. The Usos don't really buy into what they're saying so Sabin continues on saying that they weren't impressed with their match last week. Jey Uso comes in saying that they don't care about their opinion they only care about the fans opinion. He proposes that if the Motor City Machine Guns wanna see how good the Usos are, then they should have a match real soon. Sabin and Shelley look at each and smirk before walking away.

The cameras then go to another area backstage where we see Melina warming up, doing some stretches before her match with Gail Kim for the Knockouts Title. Mickie James enters the frame and tells Melina that she has her back but Melina says that she appreciates it but she wants to do this alone. Mickie then looks distraught before Melina leaves the scene with Mickie looking disappointed.


The crowd pop for the arrival of Melina. A red carpet is laid out for the A-List Knockout as the media begin snapping photos of her. Before finally reaching the ring, the cameras go around the Toyota Center cheering for what's coming next, Melina's split-legged entrance to the ring. She does it, and this gets an even bigger pop than her music. She gets on the turnbuckle and acknowledges the crowd before.....

Gail Kim is flanked by Madison Rayne close by as the two best friends make their way down the ring. Gail doesn't look impressed with Melina in the ring while Madison waves to the crowd who don't acknowledge her. Gail gets on the apron and does her pose with her Knockouts Title. She gets in the ring and goes after Melina already but Earl Hebner holds her back. Hebner holds the Knockouts Title high in the air singaling that it'll be defended. He checks on both ladies before finally asking for the bell to be rung.


Match Two
Knockouts Title Match
Melina Perez vs. Gail Kim

The two ladies circled each other before finally locking up with Gail getting the advantage with a side headlock. But Melina reverses it as she wrenches on the arm of Gail who then reverses this move as well to wrench on the arm of Melina. She follows this up with a forearm right behind the head of Melina. Gail pulls Melina's hair and slams her face down hard, not once, but twice. She goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Gail gets Melina up and sends her to the opposite turnbuckle. She runs full speed at Melina and connects with a drop kick! Melina drops to floor while Gail again tries for the win but only gets a two count. Gail is getting a little frustrated here as she argues with Earl Hebner that that was a slow count. When she goes back to Melina, Melina rolls her up for a surprise pin attempt but Gail kicks out!

Gail looks shocked as she almost got caught there. She tries a clothesline on Melina but she ducks and Melina uses her strength to back down Gail on the turnbuckle. She drives her shoulders into the abdomen of Gail before performing some impressive kick variations on Gail. She gets Gail out of the corner and hits a neckbreaker! She goes for the pin, 1! 2! Kickout by Gail. Melina whips herself off the ropes but before anything can happen, Madison holds onto the leg of Melina quick but Melina dropkicks Madison right on the kisser.

However, the distraction was enough for Gail to recover. As Melina turned around, she receives a kick to the abdomen before being throw into the turnbuckle shoulder first. After rebounding off that move, Gail Kim hits her finisher, Eat Defeat on Melina. Madison Rayne however, gets in the ring and attacks Melina before Gail could cover her resulting in a disqualification.

Winner: Melina via DQ (5:18)

Gail then begins screaming at Madison for interfering in her match. She screams at Madison that she had that match won. But Melina recovers and starts delivering rights to Gail but Madison is there to break it up. Gail and Madison then stomp on Melina before Mickie James comes out to even the score. But that is to no avail as well since the Gail and Madison work together very well. They dispose of both Melina and Mickie and throw them out of the ring. Gail's music plays and the two have their arms raised in victory. However, Madison attacks Gail from behind. She hits her finisher on Gail and disposes of her to the outside. She screams at Gail that Gail is nothing without her.

Backstage we go inside the office of the owner of TNA, Shane McMahon. He seems to be fixing up his desk, finally putting his name piece on it. Before TNA X-Division Champion, Austin Aries walks in. The two shake hands before Shane asks what he can do for Aries. Aries says that he first wants to thank Shane for hiring some more competition for him in the X-Division because he was honestly getting bored. But he tells Shane that he shouldn't expect Aries to continue being in the X-Division as he plans to move on to bigger and better things like the World Championship. Shane says that he looks forward to that time but before anything else, he's the X-Division Champion and he'd like to introduce him to his opponent tonight. In walks the newest member of the X-Divison, Matt Sydal! Shane introduces Sydal to Aries and Aries can only smile at this before leaving the frame.


TNA comes back to the music of the X-Division Champion, Austin Aries. Aries gets gets a pretty big pop from the crowd as he walks down the ramp. Once he gets in the ring, he gets the fans all riled up. He lays down on the turnbuckle and patiently waits for his opponent who he found out who it would be just moments ago.

Sydal actually gets a good reaction from the crowd since some of them know him from his days in the other company. Another new addition to the roster and the crowd loves it which is evident by the cheer that they gave Sydal. Sydal is all smiles as he walks down the ramp, slapping hands with the people in the front row before raising the peace sign as he poses on the turnbuckle.


Match Three
Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal

The fans are again treated to a great match between two of the X-Division's finest. Although Sydal is making his debut on TNA, he sure isn't having the nervous jitters like others would, especially against the X-Division Champion. We join the match about four minutes in where we see Austin Aries backing down Sydal to the turnbuckle. Aries drives his shoulders into the abdomen of Sydal before moving back and running full force at him. He connects with a running elbow right on the kisser which looks to knock Sydal out for a moment. Instead of going for the cover, Aries looks to put Sydal after a Pendulum Elbow Drop, but only gets a two count.

It seems as if Aries is working on the torso of Sydal as he sends him to the turnbuckle once more. Aries riles up the crowd and goes for a running dropkick only for Sydal to side-step him and hit a standing moonsault! The crowd oooohs at the move by Sydal but when he goes for the pin, he only gets a two count. The momentum shifts in Sydal's favor and this time it's his turn to go on the offensive. With Aries down, Sydal goes up top looking to hit a big move. With Aries finally finding his feet, he turns around and rushes towards the ropes to knock Sydal down but Sydal jumps off and performs a roll to regain his stance.

Aries goes after him but Sydal pulls down the ropes sending Aries outside. Sydal bounces off the opposite ropes looking to perform a Suicide Dive but slide underneath. Aries then rushes in the ring and bounces off the opposites ropes and hits the Suicide Dive! The crowd loves the action going on right now as they start a TNA chant! Aries gets Sydal back in the ring and goes for the pin but only gets a near fall. He gets Sydal up but Sydal comes alive hitting some kicking combination and finally a jumping heel kick right on the chin of Sydal.

Sydal brings Aries closer to the turnbuckle and begins to climb ropes. He signals to the crowd and performs a beautiful Shooting Star Press. But Aries moves, but Sydal lands on his feet! Aries hits a legsweep on Sydal and hooks his legs and falls back sending Sydal face first onto the turnbuckle. The crowd ooohs at this move as well as Aries catches the Sydal after he rebounds from that impact. Aries lifts him high up and hits the Brainbuster for the 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Austin Aries (9:34)

Mike Tenay and Taz banter about how good of a showing that these two men put in the ring. Aries gets his hand raised but his attention goes to the stage as we see TJ Wilson making his way out from behind the curtain. Wilson stops at the stage sarcastically clapping for Aries. He says some words to Aries which the cameras cannot pick up as we now know his intention for coming out. He signals for the X-Division belt to be around his waist soon. Aries responds by smiling and opening up the ropes for Wilson to enter the ring. Wilson can only laugh at this as Mike Tenay explains that up next we'll see the exclusive interview that he conducted with TNA's major signee, the Viper, Randy Orton.

The TNA logo is flashed before our eyes as we enter a dark room where the video is of ESPN E:60 quality (if you guys don't know what's that, go and search it up, it's really great). It can now be seen that Randy Orton is sat across from Mike Tenay in folded chairs. The two are seen shaking hands before the interview finally gets started.

Mike Tenay: Welcome one and all. Tonight my special guest is the man who defeated TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode, and will have a chance to claim the gold for himself, The Viper, Randy Orton. Randy, it's good to have you here.

Randy Orton: Good to be here Mike, let's do this.

Mike Tenay: If you say so. Randy, I know you know the question coming up first but I'll ask it anyway. Why did you make your debut in TNA Wrestling?

Randy Orton: You see Mike, the answer is very simple. You can find it in the name of this wrestling promotion, Total Non-Stop Action WRESTLING. The whole time I was in that other place, I felt that I didn't live up to what I was trained for, WRESTLING. Instead, I did what was told to me and did it half-heartedly. That's not the way I wanted to spend the rest of my wrestling career. And for me to be playing second fiddle to someone who is still on top of the business despite having the brightest shirts in the world is ridiculous.

Tenay nods his head at Orton, listening carefully.

Randy Orton: I am a third-generation superstar, Mike. I deserve better and quite frankly, I believe that is what I can get from TNA. TNA has the best WRESTLING roster in the wrestling business so this is definitely a place I can get used to.

Mike Tenay: Indeed it is Randy. So this past Thursday, you defeated Bobby Roode for a shot at his World Title. Roode's been on quite an impressive run, doing anything possible to retain his title belt. What can you do to go into Slammiversary X and leave with the gold around your waist?

Randy Orton: I've seen Roode in that ring and in all honesty, we are a lot alike. We get the job done by any means necessary. He'll actually be a tough opponent, but with one strike of my RKO, I put him down for the count, 1 – 2 – 3.

Mike Tenay: Fair enough. As you know Randy, we also have a new owner in Shane McMahon. I know you're familiar with him, so what do you have to say about him?

Randy Orton: Shane's the one who brought me in here, so I'd like to thank him for that. I think that he's a very smart guy and knows the business well so TNA is in good hands. Plus, he's the son of Vince McMahon, I'm sure he picked up some things just by watching his father.

Mike Tenay: I'm sure it's in good hands too. Well Randy, we have time for one last question. Is there anything you'd wanna tell your TNA fans? Something to expect from you?

Orton gives us a smile, whether that be a sadistic one or a genuine one, we won't know but he seems excited.

Randy Orton: No words can explain the excitement I feel right now. If you're a fan, then you're lucky because you won't be in the ring with me, or won't be in my way of any sort. But when you're a part of the TNA locker room, I'd watch my back. You're just an RKO away.

The camera focuses on Orton's expression here as he it looks like he is ready to get his tenure in TNA started. Orton's eyes are piercing staring at whoever will stare back at him watching on their television. The video fades as it reveals the TNA logo once again.


Back from the break we hear TNA's very own Asshole, Mr. Anderson's music playing. The crowd gets all riled up for the asshole as he makes his way out from behind the curtains. Anderson gets his patented microphone lowered to where he speaks to introduce himself. Before repeating his name one last time, he is attacked from behind by............CRIMSON! The announcers bicker that Anderson and Crimson were supposed to have a match but it never gets underway with Crimson attacking Anderson. Crimson uses Anderson's own microphone to strike him in the head, leaving Anderson unconscious for a bit.

With that, Crimson takes the microphone and begins to speak on it. Crimson tells everyone his name and that if they didn't know him yet, they will. He says he took into heart what Shane McMahon told him about making an impact because he saw something in Crimson. He said he had no hard feelings towards Mr. Anderson and that this was strictly him slowly leaving his mark on iMPACT Wrestling. After his promo, Crimson sees Anderson stirring, looking to get up to his feet. Crimson looks to help him out as he gets Anderson to his feet. But instead, Crimson grabs Anderson by the neck and performs his finishing maneuver, Red Sky. The crowd shouts abuse at Crimson but he doesn't care as he smiles at what he has just done before finally leaving the scene. Medical staff then run by Crimson to check on Anderson who doesn't appear to be moving.

The cameras go backstage to see TNA World Heavyweight Champion bumping into Kazarian and Christopher Daniels who seem to be talking strategy on how to get back onto the Tag Team Title hunt. Roode interrupts their conversation and asks them straight up if they would help him out with his situation with Randy Orton later on tonight. Roode continues speaking but Daniels holds up his hand and tells Roode to not say another word. He tells Roode that they once helped him but they never got anything in return and that this time, they have a lot on their plate right now so they can't help him. Roode pleads with them as the team of Kaz and Daniels walk away. The cameras continue to follow Roode who turns a corner and sees Robbie E and Robbie T. As soon as Roode starts asking them for a favor, both Robbies walk away, leaving Roode even more frustrated.

*I AM*
The cameras go back to ringside where the Phenomenal One makes his way to the ring. All the awesome pyro and cheers from the crowd accompany Styles as he walks down to the ring. As he makes his way to the ring, Mike Tenay and Taz talk about TNA World Champion Bobby Roode trying to get some help for his match later on with Orton. Taz says that Roode looks to be desperate here since he doesn't want to get involved with Orton until the Pay-Per-View. AJ is now in the ring posing for the crowd and in a rare occasion, TNA iMPACT Wrestling goes to a quick commercial break.





Back from the break, we hear the theme song of The Samoa Submission Machine, Samoa Joe, who is already making his way down the ring. The crowd seem to cheer a lot for Joe as they know that both Joe and AJ will put on one hell of a match for them tonight. When Joe gets in the ring, he slaps hands with AJ performing throwing up his hang loose sign.

Looks like the entrances aren't over as one of TNA's new additons to the roster makes his way to the ring in the form of John Hennigan. Hennigan is dressed in jeans and a nice button up shirt with shades on. Joe and AJ looked confused and stare down at Hennigan as he circles around the ring to join Mike Tenay and Taz on commentary.


Match Three
AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

With the recent heated exchange between Joe and Hennigan, it seemed to fuel Joe in this match. Joe was hard hitting as usual and was precise in every move that he made. However, being the wrestler that he is, AJ had counters for Joe attacks and the two just put on one hell of a match. We join the matchup about five minutes in where we have AJ backed down in the corner with Joe unleashing some vicious chops. The crowd “woooo's!” every time that a chop connects on AJ. But AJ has some fight left in him as he changes position with Joe and starts unleashing some kicks of his own to the sternum of Joe. With Joe dazed, AJ gathers his speed and delivers a running forearm that drops Joe. AJ goes for the pin attempt but only gets a two count. AJ goes outside, holding onto the ropes looking to hit something big when Joe gets to his feet. Joe gets up and turns around to AJ flying in the air with a forearm smash! But Joe catches him and hits a Samoan Drop!

AJ seems to be out of it but Joe doesn't take any chance here as he whips AJ to the corner. He walks over to AJ and hits an impressive kick to the side of AJ's head! The impact could be all around the arena which prompted some “ooooohs” from the crowd. AJ drops down and Joe looks to him and knows what to do next. He places his boot on AJ's face and begins face-washing AJ. Joe reels back and runs to AJ to hit a punt but AJ pushes forward and drives his head into the gut of Joe. AJ again goes outside and waits for Joe to turn around. Joe sees AJ before he leaps off the ropes but AJ still leaps off looking to connect with the Forearm Smash but Joe does his signature dodge, not looking impressed with AJ.

AJ rolls outside to catch a breather but little did he know that Joe was preparing for a Suicide Dive. AJ gets close to Hennigan who stands from his sit and urges AJ to get back in the ring. By the team that AJ gets up and Hennigan looks up, Joe is through the ropes and takes both guys out! Joe is the first to recover and gets AJ back in the ring. AJ finds his feet once again but Joe clasps his hands around AJ's waist looking for the German Suplex but AJ blocks it with his foot. He breaks the lock that Joe had on his hands and hits the Pele Kick! AJ quickly falls on Joe to pin him, 1! 2! The bell rings. We now see that Hennigan is in the ring pouncing on AJ and Joe. We now know that the bell was for an unclean finish. Hennigan hits a Superkick right on the kisser to AJ while Joe gets the same treatment. John drags Joe and then AJ to the corner right next to each other as he gets to the top rope. He performs his Starship Pain on both AJ and Joe and the two felt that completely. The cameras finally go to commercial with the last image of Hennigan raising his hand in the air as he makes his way up the ramp.

Winner: No Contest (10:13)


The cameras are in Shane McMahon's office where a bickering Kaz and Daniels try to convince Shane that they should be vying for the tag team titles once again. With Kaz and Daniels shouting plenty of reasons at Shane both at the same time, Shane had had enough and told them both to be quiet. He tells them that next week, they'll be facing a new tag team that Shane has signed and if they win, then maybe he'll consider them once again. Kaz and Daniels are happy with Shane's decision and they shake the boss's hand before leaving. However, in comes Mr. Anderson, with an ice pack in hand, irate at what happened earlier tonight. He tells Shane that he doesn't deserved to be treated like this and demands a match with Crimson right away. Shane somehow calms Anderson and tells him that next week, there will be a battle royal between eight guys and the final two will battle it out at Slammiversary for the Television Title. He tells Anderson that both him and Crimson are in that match so Anderson can get his hands on Crimson that time. Anderson just walks out of the office but seems pleased with the decision.

Backstage interviewer, Tiffany Terrell then appears on our screen where she is conducting an interview with Rob Van Dam. Tiffany says that Rob asked for this interview and she asks why. RVD says that he was informed earlier in the night that Shane planned a battle royal for the Television Title next week. RVD says he is a part of that battle royal and that since he hasn't carried gold for some time now, he plans to win this battle royal and make the Television Title as important as the World Title just like he did in ECW. In walks Bully Ray which prompts Terrell to leave. Ray says that RVD shouldn't dwell in the past because ECW and TNA are two very different companies. He told RVD that his reign as ECW Television Champion was nothing but a fluke and only went on that long because Ray didn't challenge him. RVD responds by saying that he isn't afraid of Bully Ray and that he won't be bullied by him. He tells Ray that he hopes its RVD and him in the final two so that they can slug it out. Bully asks him who the hell he thinks he is and RVD smiles and does his signature R-V-D line as the crowd joins along before walking away.

In what is probably the pop of the night, the familiar theme music of Randy Orton blazes TNA's PA system as the Viper makes his way down the ring. Orton is dressed in a new Viper shirt which is colored black. Orton has a cold stare coming down from the ramp. He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle before looking around at the Toyota Center crowd. He does his signature pose which gets another good pop from the crowd. A chair is place right next to the announcers table for Randy to sit on. He spots this and makes his way out of the ring before awaiting the arrival of both competitors.

A pop that can possibly rival Orton's, the Enigmatic Enigma comes out to a resounding cheer. With the full on face paint he has going on, Hardy goes around the ring slapping hands with “his creatures of the night” before facing Orton. He just walks by Orton and continues slapping hands with the fans in the first row. He gets in the ring and riles the crowd up by throwing his towel into the crowd.

No surprise that the TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode gets the loudest heat of the night here. Orton stands from his seat as he eyes the champion from a distance. Roode slowly makes his way down the ring much like Orton. He looks disgusted with the faces that he sees tonight which is evident with him not getting anywhere near the fans. He gets into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle as he has his arms spread taking in the heat.


Main Event
Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode​
With Brian Hebner signaling for the bell, Roode looks straight at Orton who is standing up from the sit that was provided for him. The staredown quickly ends when Roode goes back to focus at the task at hand as he goes to battle with Hardy. Hardy takes the early advanutage as Roode isn't completely focused early on because of the presence of the Viper. We join the action four minutes in with the action spilling to the outside. Roode uses the barricade to get himself up but he has no time to breath as Hardy launches himself over the top rope to hit a Plancha on Roode! Orton goes over to check on both men but can only watch the action. Hardy is first to his feet and he brings Roode back in the ring along with himself. Roode tries for a clothesline, but Hardy ducks underneath this and hits a neckbreaker for good measure. Hardy pins Roode, 1! 2! Kickout!

After this kickout, Hardy gets up and powerslams Roode down to the mat. Hardy looks to end this early on as he climbs up the turnbuckle. But Roode recovers just in time to stop anything from happening. Roode connects with sharp right hands to Hardy who is perched on the top turnbuckle. Roode hooks his hands underneath Hardy's arms and pushes him forward off the rope in what looks like a reverse powerbomb! Roode looks to take advantage here as he drives his knees on the sternum of Hardy. He does this three consecutive times before rebounding off the ropes and dropping the knee across Hardy's throat! Roode now goes for the pin but only gets a two count.

With all the frustration from tonight, Roode simply kicks Hardy out of the ring. Roode stares coldy at Orton and starts screaming abuse at him. Orton stares back coldy as well not responding to Roode. Roode goes to the outside and gets Jeff to his feet. However, Jeff runs forward driving Roode's back against the railing. Hardy hits a right hand that drives Roode back. Hardy then gets an idea and moves backwards. He runs full speed and uses the steel steps in aiding him to hit a leg kick, taking himself out in the process. Both men are now down as Orton looks on from his seat. Brian Hebner gets to the count of seven before Hardy stirs and gets Roode back in the ring as well.

Hardy starts building some momentum by hitting two consecutive clotheslines. But on the third attempt, Roode ducks underneath it with Hardy rebounding off the ropes only to be carried upward and slammed down hard with a Spinebuster from Roode! Roode goes to pin Hardy, 1! 2! 3! No, a kickout from Hardy! Roode can't believe it and starts aruging with Hebner. As they bicker, Roode turns his attention to Orton and motions something to him as if saying, “Watch this.” As he turns back to Hardy though, Hardy kicks him in the gut and goes for the Twist of Fate! But Roode counters it and kicks Hardy in the gut and hits his finisher, the Payoff! Hebner begins counting, 1! 2! 3! No! Another kickout from Hardy!

Roode's eyes widen as he can't believe that Hardy kicked out of that. Roode goes outside, walks past Orton, and demands for his title. The people at ringside heed to his demands and give it to him. As soon as he turns around, Orton is in his tracks. Roode and Orton then struggle for the title and it ends with Roode poking Orton in the eye and knocking him out with the title! Both Brian Hebner and Hardy were shouting at Roode to get back in the ring to continue the match. Hardy peeps out of the second rope to grab Roode but Roode pokes him in the eyes as well. Roode rushes in and rolls Hardy, and surely enough he grabs the tights as well! 1! 2! 3!

Winner: Bobby Roode (10:37)

Roode quickly exits the ring and goes back to where his title fell out of his hands. He delivers one last kick to Orton who is still down for good measure. The cameras follow Roode up the ramp closely. He can be heard saying that he's the best wrester in TNA and that no one can beat him. In the ring, Hardy tries to tell Hebner that Roode got him with the tights. Hebner responds by saying he didn't see anything, thus, awarding the match to Roode. The cameras then go to Orton who is now beginning to get up. The camera catches his cold stare at Roode but Roode will not back down as he wins the battle for tonight. Mike Tenay and Taz thank everyone for joining their broadcast tonight and speculate over what will happen next week before they bid everyone a good night.

Quick Results
Kurt Angle def. Magnus via count-out
Melina Perez def. Gail Kim via DQ
Austin Aries def. Matt Sydal
Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - No Contest
Bobby Roode def. Jeff Hardy
The GrandSword Review

1. Stronger second show Jam, plenty of wrestling and we had a lot of things happen to carry toards the ppv. such as Crimson's attack, Orton's interview to break the show up a bit, Morrison's attack, champions in action etc.

2. You started the show with the Orton/Roode promo segment and then went to another promo segment with Angle/Magnus before their match. To break things up, I would have booked this segment maybe at the top of the first hour, because the fans might get too much talking from the start...

3. Possible face turn for Gail Kim... her and Melina would make quite the team. I never really got into Rayne and Gail, I don't think ever quite clicked. Madison being the longest reigning KO Champ until Gail came back is a feud which should have been done and it looks like you might be moving that way.

4. The Randy Orton situtaion ... I feel you might have painted yourself into a corner here a little. Orton, one of the biggest stars TNA has ever picked up, and he is immediately getting a title shot at Slammiversary X. If he loses where does he go from here? I guess there can be interference from a TNA original which stops him from winning the belt to keep him strong, or he wins the title, and TNA's talent looks inferior to WWE's once again...

The prolem with this whole situation is that Roode has been dispatching the TNA good guys for months. Storm, AJ, Hardy, RVD, Sting, Anderson with pretty cowardly means. He does it again to Orton it's really much of the same old same old.

If Roode defeats Orton clean, one it does BIG things for Roode and TNA, but like I said where does Orton go from here? Feuds with Bully Ray? I'm sure you've got a plan so I'll be interested to see where this goes.

Apart from the confusing main event scenario, the show is very strong and a great read.

Well done Jammy!
Peep's Impact Review

* Your new project is up and running Jam, you know how I feel about fantasy feds but I'm looking forward to reviewing this one live! The only way to open the show would have been with Orton and he must have a remix of his WWE Voices theme :p. I wasn't a huge fan of the opening segment, it was very generic. The security guards were a nice touch and I liked the line about them being there for Orton's safety, but the segment didn't have much personality. It just felt like a basic promo that any two guys could have been fed, this is your main attraction and there needs to be something there. I'm a huge fan of Magnus so I'm glad he is getting a big time feud with someone like Angle, again it needs a bit more there but it is only the early goings - you have plenty of time to add to every single feud you have planned. Angle cleans house and Magnus doesn't want anything to do with it, kind of hypocritical from Magnus as he said he was ready but that's something a heel should be anyway - a hypocrite. Your match writing is really solid but maybe try and start each sentence off with something that isn't just the wrestler's name just to keep it fresh. Instead of 'Angle gets to his feet and'.... perhaps 'With a smirk, Angle gets to his feet'.

* Awesome tag team feud in the making, the Guns are an excellent duo and it seems you are tweaking them into heels which is a good choice. A match between them and the Usos should be awesome. I think your goal is to make each division very strong and by bringing in Melina, a charismatic woman who can wrestle also, your making the KnockOuts that much stronger. This whole match was a little confusing, you teased Mickie turning heel (again, a smart booking move) but then you had Madison stupidly break up the pin when her BFF had the thing won. It was just a bit much to process, maybe you could of teased friction between the two for a few weeks then had Maddie turn without Mickie being in the picture. Looking forward to how this plays out though, making the KOs interesting is a tough job but it looks like you're up to it. Another solid addition to the roster in Matt Sydal but Aries takes him out, picking up another victory. So it looks like you're going with Double A and TJ for the X Div Title, I can dig that but Aries beat him already last week?

* Crimson destroys Anderson and I loved his promo here, talking about making his mark. Maybe Crimson clobbers away at many a superstar on the roster before facing off against Anderson at a bigger stage. I feel Anderson should be higher up on the card, a potential feud with Orton would be amazing. That poster looks amazing, did you make it yourself? All the graphics on the show are immense and do a great job of just adding to the whole thread. Hennigan makes his mark in style, taking out two of TNA's originals. Again, a bit more needs to be added to his feud besides attacks and stuff. An almost Dashing Hennigan against a flabby Joe is a solid idea, just needs more fleshing out. Another new signing? I think it's fair enough that it's a tag team but you have a pretty stacked roster as it is, I don't think you need any more single guys. Not to keen on the TV Title being brought in, but then again if you use it right you can keep a mid card separate from the high flying, risk taking X Division. But I'd bet the house on Ken and Crimson being the final two. I didn't see the point in brining in Tiffany? Making the show kind of like WWE Lite. Pushing Bully is a great choice as he's such an ********, getting him started with RVD is a push in the right direction. The main event was a quality contest and Roode showed how far he is willing to go just to win a match. He had a bit of a clash with Orton, but nothing major, was expecting something big to end the show.

Overall: I really enjoyed the show man and I'm sure it's just going to get even better the further you go! I just think the storylines and promos need more fleshing out as every feud seems a little generic. This could just be because the show is recapped and it is hard to pick details out. Slammiversary looks like it is going to be a stacked card, with a tonne of great action - I can't wait!
workhorse Review

*Short(ish) review here man. Good exchange at the start between Orton and Roode. Hopefully if you book it right, this could be an absolute ripper of a feud. As GrandSword stated though, you have to be careful how you book this as one wrong move and you've f***ed up either Orton or Roode. However, I am confident that you've got something great in store for us! I'd also like to add how well I think you've got your ex-WWE guys in. Usos, Wilson, Hennigan etc. all look like they're getting into good feuds. I'm a fan of all of the guys you've brought over. You do need to be careful with your booking because you don't want to devalue your TNA guys (like Aries or AJ or Joe) by having them lose to the WWE guys.

*On the feuds you've got: TJ vs Aries would be an amazing match-up in real life!! Although Aries beat him last week I can sense TJ didn't take it too well and will want another shot at him. I'm guessing TJ will get a few up on Aries as they build hopefully toward a match at Slammiversary X. Gail face turn was hinted to us and I like it. I like the time your investing in the Knockouts. Hennigan's attack only furthers his heel persona and I can't wait to see where this one goes. Finally Roode and Orton feud, as mentioned above, can be a corker, but tred carefully!!

*All in all, another solid show. A little bit longer this time :lmao: You've got some great feuds building towards Slammiversary and I can tell it's going to be a stacked card!!


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