Top Ten Wrestling Weapons

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
10.) Salt/Baby powder/Mists- Yokozuna with his salt, Muta with his mist, and many more between that with baby powder, this weapon can blind your enemies, and leave you the ability to take them out.

9.) Tacks- The pain of becoming a pin cushion. You see it time and time again in TNA, those tacks being brought to the ring by Abyss. Or the lock on Edge's face when he met their mean side.

8.) 2x4- HOOOOOOOOOO! Hacksaw Jim Duggan's equalizer time and time again, and this guy is like 70. Obvious it has some use.

7.) Trashcan- Coast to Coast is made oh so special with the trashcan used over it. Usually the carrier of weapons, the trashcan itself can be used to injury many a superstar.

6.) Baseball Bat- Fear any weapon, this would be the choice of the 20 or so NWO members in WCW. Sting brought this Black Betty in to even the numbers time and time again. That image of the late 90s, with the man descending from the rafters will always remind us of this tool of destruction.

5.) Ladders- Tables, LADDERS, and Chairs, oh my. From Bret Hart bring this match in, to the first ladder match ever with Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon (figure that out), to Triangle Ladder matches, to Money in the Bank, to Tables Ladders and chairs, the WWE history is surrounded with these stairways to hell. They can be used as rams, as high spots, and in many many creative ways. They are a WWE favourite.

4.) Sledgehammer- Triple H. That is all I have to mention to make people realize the destructive force of this weapon. It can shatter bones, and peoples' homes with a single blow.

3.) Chairs- Stone Cold unleashing hell with his fold up chair. What a great image that is. The Chair, probably the most accessible weapon of all time, in an arena with 1000s, they can be pulled out of anywhere. Conchairtos to knock people out for weeks, to wrapping the frame around an opponents limp and stomping it. yes, they are dangerous.

2.) Barbie- Ah, Mick Foley. If he is not taking that disgusting sock out of his crotch, which would have made the list if this was a top 11 list. Yes, barbie, that piece of lumber covered in barbed wire, with its clubbing blows and the ripping steal, it makes a dangerous weapon every time it is used.

1.) Tables- "D-Von... GET THE TABLES!" Yes how we love that phrase. Not as we love people going through tables. If it is a set up table, a stack of tables, an announce table, or a times table, there is nothing that gets the fans up and ready to cheer for the pieces of shattered lumber more.
That is a solid list, but I would have had to put Chairs as number one. I mean c'mon. You even see it in parodies of wrestling from movies and shows. This is the most popular and most used weapon of all time. Chairs should definitely top any one's list of greatest weapon ever. Other than that, I liked your list a lot. Your list will probably resemble my own list. I just had to post my rant on chairs first!
I really like your list for the most part as well i would only make two changes which are the following:

Coming in at number 2. The Steel Chair...easily accesible for sure and has been a weapon used by just about every wrestler at some point. It has been used by the likes of Steve Austin to demolish an opponent to being used as a prop for a wrestler's move such as RVD's Van Terminator i believe and also Randy Orton's RKO. This weapon has always been around and will continue to be.

No. 1...The Sledge single weapon in my eyes can be synonomis with a single superstar like the sledgehammer can be tied to Triple H. From the first time HHH started using it which i believe was at Armaggedon 99 against Vince till now it has proven to be the great equalizer and eliminator. It ties in perfectly with his gimmick and anytime he pulls it out whether he is a face or heel he gets a good reaction from the crowd.
RVD's Van Terminator should've secured a higher spot for the steel chair. I'm also kinda sad that Tommy Dreamer and his Singapore cane is missing from this list.
My list would be:

10. Singapore Cane: it may not be a match ending kind of weapon but it sure looks like it hurts and it adds a lot to a hardcore match.

9. Beer Bottle: This is one of my favorite weapons and it can be used to look brutal and with fake glass and all not cause any real damage so its a win win kind of thing to hit someone over the head with.

8. Guitar: I love seeing someone hit with one of these it looks so real and brutal with the pieces of wood everywhere this has to be on my list.

7. Baseball bat: it goes without saying that you can not leave the bat out of a list like this it is a weapon that is not used that much but when it is its worth it.

6. Tacks: Mainly because you can hit a move like a powerbomb or a spear and other moves that might win the match and make it even more painful when abyss brakes out those tacks the crowd goes crazy.

5. Trash can: this wonderful piece of medal mold your face into it and can be put over your head or bashed onto your skull my favorite trashcan moment was when samoa joe put it over scott steiners head and beat it with some kind of weapon ( i do not remember what) but then he came out all bloody that was awesome.

4. Barb wire: Wrap some barb wire on pretty much anything and it will become 10 times more brutal.

3. Sledge Hammer: the games very own trademark a few shots with this and the crowd is on there feet this takes the number 3 spot for me because it is the "Vintage" weapon of Triple H and it has made its mark on WWE.

2. Tables: they have to take this spot all day long sending your opponent threw a table i mean come on its crazy.

1. Steel Chair: the most common of the pro wrestling weapons and a very brutal one that can be used in many different ways it has to be number 1 for me.
Decent thread, but I'm not really a fan of the lists here, especially since so many of them list weapons that are unique to one wrestler. That's stupid. So, I'll make my own.

Honorable Mentions: The Ladder, The Turnbuckle, The Ring Steps, Microphone

10. The Arena Barricade - Cold. Hard. Unforgiving. Momentum swing...all of these describe what happens to a wrestler and his body when he is violently thrown into the barricade that surrounds the ring. It's been used to injure backs, chests, necks, arms, legs...basically every part of the body. It's been used to choke people, and has been a tide turner many a times.

9. The Steel Cage - Yes, it's a match type, but to say the cage is not a weapon is to say that Hulk Hogan wasn't a champion. There have been countless faces that wore the crimson mask due to the unforgiving nature of the steel cage. There's a reason that steel cage matches have always been the final step in a heated feud.

8. The Ring Post - While it is part of the ring, it is most definitely a most insidious weapon. How many shoulders have we seen separated or broken due to the ring post? How many legs did Bret Hart cripple with a ring post Figure Four? How often has pushing a wrestler into a ring post been a turning point in a match? Without a doubt, this structural support has led to some incredible punishment over the years.

7. Salt/Powder - I'm not sure anything so harmless has ever had a greater knockout punch than taking a shot of powder in the eyes. And, not only did it pack a nasty knockout punch, the referee never seemed to notice that a previously unpainted wrestler now had a completely white face. So, it's light to carry, easy to conceal, packs a mean punch, and is undetectable by referees even at its most obvious. A great weapon.

6. The Television Cable - Back before we had all the fancy new weapons, the television cable was a common way for a bad guy to wear out the fan favorite, by depriving him of oxygen. Rarely was a wrestler disqualified for the blatant use of weapons and a choke, which means this weapon was not only effective, it was also good strategy.

5. The Ring Bell - While not as common today, the ring bell has always been an easy weapon for wrestlers to get their hands on and use quickly, without being noticed by the ref.

4. The Championship Belt - How people can forget this one is beyond me. Many a title has been won with a cheap shot from a title belt. Getting hit with the title will usually spell the end of any match.

3. The Table - The popularity of this weapon has reached near cult like status over the last 15-20 years, in part because it is necessary to pull off some of the insane stunts wrestlers use today. Without a doubt, going through a table always equals pain.

2. The Brass Knuckles - A weapon not found as commonly today, it was a heel's best friend for decades. With one good shot, a heel would knock the good guy out and win the match...that is if the referee didn't catch him first.

1. The Steel Chair - This should be a given. It's the time tested go-to weapon for heels and faces alike, and despite being ****ed out over the last decade, is still considered a brutal weapon.
Don't forget the roll of quarters either. Especially when the roll would break and coins would fly everywhere.

Green Mist- I love it because I think it's hilarious that in the wacky world of professional wrestling it seems almost every Asian wrestler does it. If the professional wrestling were South Park, instead of beady eyed, disconnected headed :)][) Canadians; we have green mist spitting asians.

Fire- Just because it makes any match look like something out of Street Fighter.

Tables- How or why someone can have an overwhelming urge to put someone through a table will never be something that I'll ever pretend to comprehend... but I will always remembering Bubba Ray Dudley for it.

Steel Chairs- The violent usage of steel chairs is an iconic part of professional wrestling and someone should write a doctoral dissertation on it. I've seen chairs used for so many insane things that it should have it's own list.
Edge and Christian's two and one man ConChairTos are outrageous orchestrated acts of furniture violence. Sabu's launching pad creativity should have it's own Jordan spoof logo for T-Shirts, posters, and basketball shoes.
Rob Van Dam should have his own reality show where he just goes around giving people Van Daminators and Van Terminators to unsuspecting people like Punk'd or Jackass, it would make a great and entertaining television and film franchise. Hopefully, Jean Claude can be a part of it too.
And who can forget La Parka playing a chair like an electric guitar? I wish I had the editing software to make youtube videos making it look like him and Hulk Hogan are having a Guitar Hero Rock Off.
Not to mention, all the innumerable insane stunts that ECW and the Japanese have done with chairs.

Ladders- No one is ever disappointed when a ladder is used in a match. Shawn Michaels and Jeff Hardy are the best, and if Hardy comes back to the WWE they should have a ladder match at Wrestlemania. Just them two, no Money in the Bank multi-man melee. This would be an example of professional wrestling as being artful anarchy and something that would sell PPVs like gangbusters.

Head- Because it's what everybody wants, needs, and loves.
I think Sly has come up with the definitive list for "generic use." While I disagree with him that posting items indiginous to single wrestlers is stupid, I certainly appreciate his more macro approach.

Even with Sly's list, some of those items were used particularly well by single wrestlers. In the case of the ring post, Bret Hart was very creative on both the receiving AND the given end. Watching him apply the figure four leglock to Steve Austin against the ring post was the definition of pain, but seeing Razor Ramon whip Hart towards the turnbuckle so hard, and then seeing Bret trip and SLIDE INTO THE RING POST, ribs first, was some of the best selling and creative maneuvering in wrestling history. Great Royal Rumble title match that is often forgotten.

As great as Sly and Tm's lists were, even they forgot a fave of mine, the weight lifting belt. Doom (Butch Reed and Ron Simmons) used to wear their weight lifting belts to the ring and often attacked opponents with them, whipping the shit out of them in the ring. Those things are stiff leather and have metal buckles on them - they'd hurt like a bitch. Hollywood Hogan used the weight lifting belt later on.

As far as the items that specific wrestlers used, I didn't see anybody mention the Shock Stick that the Mountie used to use. I loved it because I hated it. He was such a bastard with that thing. When he poured water on Roddy Piper and shocked him, only to have Piper get up, win the match, and reveal a heavy undershirt with the words "Shock Proof" on it, I marked big time. That was also Pipers first and only singles title in WWF.

From Rick Martel, The Atomizer. He used it to blind Jake Roberts, leading up to the abysmal yest fondly remembered blindfold match.

Speaking of crazy egotism, both Shawn Michaels and Lex Luger utilized the mirror from time to time. Michaels actually almost had the mirror used on him by Marty Jannetty, but that backfired big time, and Sherri got hit.

Am I the only one who despises the Green Mist?
10.Sledgehammer The sledgehammer, a symbol for HHH and a weapon used for those personal fueds.

9.Title Belt The weapon of choice for the cheating heel. Also helped champion Eddie a bit too

8.Mist Great Muta used it enough until it was an art form and Tajiri made it famous in WWE

7.Guitar The weapon only used by a few but became a classic weapon when it's used today by double J

6.Brass Knuckles A weapon for the sneaky heel when he's ready for the knockout punch

5.Barb Wire Bat The hardcore weapon used by Foley the most and is for some reason always under the ring

4.Singapore Cane One of the most brutal looking weapons made famous by the Sandman and Dreamer

3.Ladder The weapon that allows for the most innovation. You think you seen everything they could do, then you watch the new money in the bank and they top it.

2.Chair A weapon synonymous with wrestling, in every wrestling spoof in history you see the chair. It's played its place in wrestling as well as the most common weapon.

1.Table I choose this weapon because of the innovation involved and when you get sent through it you know it's over. The innovation comes in with the thumbtacks, flames, and the double table. Table spots are some of the famous in wrestling from a hardy swanton to a 3D
5) Ladder-Cold... Steel... Structure... I absolutely love the Ladders! Ladders are one of the few weapons that can be used in many different ways. When someone gets nailed with a ladder your like OHH DAMN. Just look at Joey Mercury. When he got nailed in the nose by that ladder, he was pulled out of the match.

4) Table-If a table is used correctly, it loooks so good. "D-von... GET THE TABLES." That is one of my favorite quotes in the world.

3) Tacks-So small, yet so powerfull. Abyss is ruthless with these. Mick Foley vs Abyss was one of by favorite matches ever. Those tacks go straight into the back and it looks so evil. The only thing that could have made that match better could be Mankind vs Abyss.

2) Kendo Stick/ Singapore Cane- Those two sticks leave marks on your skin like crazy. I do some martial arts and one time i had the presteguis honor to be hit a couple times. Those hurt and I feel bad for the hardcore legends who had to take those shots numerous times.

1) Steel Chair-Instead of reading "steel chair"- i read Sabu. Sabu is one of my favorite legends and users of the Steel Chair. The eerie sound of a Chair-shot just makes you feel weird. There is no other word for it.
10. John Cena's padlock - Years ago when Cena was a wandering mid-carder searching for a place to solidify himself, he used the padlock. Oh how I loved/loathed watching him skip over to the corner and grab that Master padlock. He won a lot of matches with that thing.

9. Tacks - Surely you've stepped on a tack, or pricked yourself with one. It hurts, it's annoying. Imagine.. thousands of them. Scattered about, surely going to make you a human pincushion. The pain, ohhh the pain. It doubles when you have to eventually pull them out.

8. Barbedwire 2x4/Bat - The ultimate in pain. A baseball bat is bad enough. Wrap that puppy in barbed wire? Jeez. Mick Foley made this what it is today. Whenever he pulled out "Barbie" you know you were in for some bloodshed.

7. Handcuffs - Oh man. You handcuff your foe to the ropes, then you beat the shit out of him. What better way to utilize a weapon? People have been hit with these as well. They can be considered weapons, can they not?

6. Ladder - A 15ft metal ladder. That's gonna cause serious pain. Whether you get hit with one, thrown on one, get one slammed on top of you. It hurts. It's impossible for it not too. Don't think you can get hurt with a ladder? Ask Joey Mercury!

5. Table - So many options. You can set it on fire, you can stack multiple ones, you can walk across it, you can slam people through it. It's definitely a popular weapon.

4. Briefcase - Popularized by Edge with his MiTB briefcase. It's a more recent weapon. Edge took advantage of it every time he had the chance. He struck down John Cena and anyone else who got in his way of the WWE Championship with the heavy metal briefcase.

3. Ring Steps - For you to say this isn't a weapon, that's just asinine. The extremely heavy solid steel steps hitting you directly in the skull, or your leg, or wherever else. That's gonna break something. They don't even have to come off the ground. Throw your foe into them! Bash their skull against the metal!

2. Chair - The most popular weapon without a shadow of a doubt. It seems to be the most innovative. You can hit people with it, you can cover it in tacks, you can wrap it in barbed wire. You can wrap it around someone's neck, or their ankle and render them incapable of using that bodypart. You can set it up and use it as a platform for a jump or a high-flying move of some sort, or.. you can sit in it. There's nothing more satisfying then the sickening crunch of skull against steel.

1. Kendo Stick - This has always been my favorite weapon. It looks so innocent. A light little stick? What could this possibly do to me? Then someone hits you with it. That THWACK! Oh man. The bamboo slapping against your bare skin, that fucking hurts. The sound makes it. It's light and flexible, so you can move it fast. Repeated thwacks. It can make even the biggest man fall over and weep in pain.
I won't add a list of my own, simply owing to the fact that most weapons you could think of have already been listed and anaylsed as much as you could like. I mean, is there really beating a steel chair or a table? One thing I would like just to mention is a particularly brutal instrument of pain. I think it was more particularly devastating because of the fact it was so mundane. Smashing someone over the cranium may not look as painful as a flaming barbwire baseball bat, but theres something so sinister in reducing a man to a puddle of blood with something everyone has at home, maybe even within arms reach. Thats why, for my inclusion into a list, I would certainly add a favourite of Ed Farhat. Better known as The Sheik, he used this:

Oh yes. The pencil. Tell me someone coming at you across a wrestling ring, pencil in hand to gash your forehead open m,ultiple times doesn't scare the hell out of you. Don't worry. I'd be scared too. This would have to be one of the craziest yet simplest weapon around. Much like Abdullah The Butcher and his fork, I think whats really scary is that we could all see, all imagine a pencil being driven into your face a few times, but its a bit harder to imagine yourself falling through a stack of flaming tables. Just a smidge.
Don't forget the roll of quarters either. Especially when the roll would break and coins would fly everywhere.


DaGhost, not only is the good ol' roll of quarters old school, it's ghetto, and I love that! I remember several times where this would happen.

Anyway, I know some people have bitched about weapons specific to only one person. I'm going to go even more specific. For my addition to this list, I'm going to commemorate a very specific "weapon" used in only one match -- to my knowledge -- but it led to a comment from Bobby "The Brain" Heenan that had me laughing out loud (literally, not in that "LOL!" kind of way) for a good ten minutes.

During Hulk Hogan's first match for WCW, he faced Ric Flair for the WCW World Title at "Bash at the Beach '94." In the match, Flair is doing anything and everything he can to get the win over The Hulkster. At one point, Flair's valet "Sensational" Sherri Martel has Hogan in the corner, pulls off her pantyhose and chokes Hulk with them.

To this, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan quips something to the effect of, "Flair and Sherri are pulling out all the stops. They'll use anything they can get their hands on: belts, chairs, even Sherri's underalls."

I was watching that PPV broadcast, and when he said "underalls," I nearly shit myself laughing. The word made me think of some kind of giant "granny panties." That is the most creative foreign object of all time, I think.
I little different approach to this is to list the top 10 individual's weapons, and not the weapon in general...

10. Greg Valentine's Shin Guard (how was that legal?)
9. Outlaw Ron Bass's Whip - Ms. Betsy (loved how it's throw then over the top rope and chock em out)
8. Yokozuna's and Mr. Fuji's Salt (salt in the eyes just hurts)
7. Big Boss Man's Nightstick (when he was a heel, the stick plus handcuffs was burtal)
6. The Mountie's Shockstick (loved the piped in sound)
6. Mr. Fuji's Cane (used a lot for and against Demolition)
5. Hacksaw Jim Duggan's 2x4 (only thing that ever ko'd Andre)
4. Jeff Jerrett's Guitar (SLAPNUTS)
3. Jimmy Hart's Megaphone (not only useful but definitely the most annoying)
2. Honkey Tonk Man's Guitar (played a lot of tunes with that thing)
I'll keep mine to a top 5.

5. Steel Steps - They are big and heavy and cause a lot of damage. They are good when just slammed into someone's face or when they are used as a platform, like at WM23 when the steps were used to piledrive Cena.

4. Table - They are just fun. Whether its one table, a double decker or the four built up outside the ring so someone can come crashing through them of a ladder. Exciting stuff.

3. Ladder - Not only can ladders be used very cleverly as a striking weapon as we've seen in various ladder matches over the years, but they are obviously good for exciting high spots.

2. Thumb tacks - Ouch. It just looks painful when anyone lands in them and they are always one of the highlights of any brutal hardcore match.

1. Chair - Quite simply, nothing is better than a good chair shot to the head. Obviously, that's banned now for good reason but a steel chair is still the best weapon in wrestling and it's also quite useful for snapping ankles and necks.
My Top Ten (gonna try to be different from everyone else's:

10. Taser- This little mother packs a lot of jolts. Saw Goldberg go down by this thing. You know it must be packing serious juice..

9. Flourescent Light Bulbs- I don't know what it is about these shallow tubes, but once smashed to me they sound so sickening..

8. Cheese Grater- A personal favorite of Tommy Dreamer's back in the days of the Original ECW. Man most of us cringed when he used this..or when it was used upon him.

7. Microphone- No real reason why I'm putting this on the list. I just like the sound it makes when it is used to hit someone or when a Higher Up throws it on the mat in anger.

6. Bat- Oh yeah. Dusty Rhodes or Sting, you know it's their thing. Swing Batta

5. HEAD- Al Snow's disturbing dollhead. Pretty much the Attitude Era personified, and it was "What everybody wants"

4. Undertaker's Urn- Remember when this thing used to be around? Lights came out of it like a flashlight in this cheesy albeit awesome way? Just Classic.

3. Damien- Jake "The Snake" Roberts pet snake. This WAS used as a weapon. And very few other foreign objects could generate as much fear as a freakin live snake...

2. Weight Strap- Sometimes Hulk Hogan would use this, brother. Most infamously in the "Yappa (Apple) Pie Indian Strap Match Brother!!" And of course in NWO.

1. Golf Club- To me it's the perfect weapon. Slick, but carries quite a wallup. I can't remember any wrestler who used it, but...good god if they were for some reason to use it in WWE or TNA...I'm sure kids will wanna imitate what they see on tv because it's so addictive to swing that thing.
10) Ring Bell/Championship Belt:The ring bell or championship belt always provide wrestlers with easy access to a weapon. Aside from my number nine pick, this is also the weapon that is most likely to be missed by the referee ensuring a quick victory.

9) Brass Knuckles: This small but effective weapon almost always goes unnoticed by the referee. It is easily consealed within the wrestling attire, and it is also easy for the user to quickly hide it before the referee is able to notice.

8) Thumb tacks: One thumb tack hurts enough. Landing on thousands of them, after being slammed by your opponent is almost unimaginable pain. There is no way to protect yourself from this. It's going to hurt.

7) Tables: The use of tables, for whatever reason, is always a big draw. It is the only weapon that can get the entire wrestling crowd to chant for it. It is possibily the most popular weapon in the sport. It would rank higher on my list if the damage that a table can dish out wasn't so minimal.

6) Ladder: The ladder is a very effective and versitile weapon. You can be thrown off of it, tossed on it, pinned between it, hit with it, land on it. The possibility of damage and innovation that can be done via the ladder is endless.

5)Ring Steps: Making contact with the ring steps always looks good. Body's have been thrown into them, heads have been slammed onto them and they have been picked up and used as a ram onto opponents. Even though no one made the stairs look as menacing as Terry Funk or Mick Foley, they were still able to bring pain to everyone.

4)Trash Can: The trash can was another weapon that had many uses. One could take the simplest approach and use it to hit their opponent over the head or even put the head and upper torso of their opponent into the trash can and then attack them that way.

3) Guitar: A guitar shot to the head never looks anything less than painful. It looks really impressive when the whole guitar doesn't shatter and the opponents head is left surrounded by the edge and sides of the guitar base. Nonetheless, the guitar provided an excellent look and sound whenever it is used.

2) Kendo Stick: Out of all of the weapons that have been used in professional wrestling, none leave the mark that the kendo stick leaves. In a sport that is widely considered fake, its impossible for anyone to say that being hit with a kendo stick is fake and can't possibly hurt.

1) Steel Chair: Easily the most used and effective weapon in all of wrestling. Another weapon that provides wrestlers with multiple uses, and gives the audience both look and sound to make it the top wrestling weapon.
10.) Baseball bat- Yes, it probably is a whiffle bat, but it looks awesome. Sting uses it with a lot of authority.

9.) Tacks- Who can forget when the Mankind vs. Undertaker HiaC match where he fell on the tacks?

8.) Title- This is kind of a weapon. McIntrye has used it well, like the Future Shock DDT on the title to John Morrison.

7.) Lead Pipe- There is no way that this can't hurt.

6.) Kendo Stick- These hurt. The marks left on John Cena in his I Quit match against Orton were awful.

5.) Steel Steps- Not really a weapon, but they can be used as one. The Batisa Bomb on Cena looked painful.

4.) Ladders- The idea of turning a normal object into a painful weapon is amazing.

3.) Tables- Not only do you go through it, you get splinters.

2.) Sledgehammer- Time to play the Game!

1.) Chair- How could this not be number 1? It shows up every other episode of Raw, Smackdown, or Impact.

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