Top Guy John Cena

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Throughout the history of wrestling there have been top guys who deserved it, top guys who didn't deserve it, top guys who that were on top with an amazing talent core and top guys who were on top because they were the only ones who could actually bring in money. Today I'm gonna focus on top guys and their talent core.

Guys like Hogan and Austin had an amazing talent core with numerous guys who could draw money with them, then there were guys like Bret Hart. Now Bret was a great wrestler and the most over guy in the New Generation but a lot of his time on top had to do with the simple fact he had no one to compete with him as a top draw as either the talent wasn't that good or they weren't built up as of yet. This brings me to John Cena.

I think its safe to say that Cena more than deserves the spot he's had, no matter who has challenged him as top guy he has always risen to the occasion and asserted his dominance as it were to stay on top of the WWE mountain. With that said I can't help but think a lot of the reason why he's had such a long stay on top has more to do with the fact of who his competition is than it has to do with the greatness of John Cena.

I'm not trying to downplay Cena's success by any means but honestly, I think if anyone on the current roster had even the slightest ability to draw consistently then there's a good chance Cena wouldn't be on top right now. As good as Cena is I don't see him on the level of a Hogan, Austin or Rock and I feel it's a big reason why the Cena hater's say "he sucks". I truly think Cena is great, I don't think there is any doubting that but at the same time I think he's the best of a bad situation.

There is some really good talent on the roster (Orton, Punk, Bryan, Sheamus to name a few) but none of them are consistently strong draws, they aren't the guys that will make the casual fan pay attention and watch wrestling (or buy PPV's) and none of them are the guy you want following John Cena after his time is done. You could argue it's because of creative, you could argue they aren't marketable and you could argue they aren't good enough and all point have merits, but the fact is they still aren't strong draws.

With all that said I ask 1 question:

Is John Cena on top because he's "that good" or is he on top because he's the best of a bad situation.

I don't expect a long drawn out answer (although it's welcome) but I would like to see what you think on the matter.
I think it maybe started off as 'best of a bad situation' before soon turning into 'he's that good'.

2004-2006ish felt like a couple of "well what if we try this?" years in WWE, moreso on SmackDown than Raw, but it provided opportunities for talent to show what they could do if they were boosted up from their more familiar surroundings; Guerrero, JBL, Benoit and Cena.

People behind the scenes allegedly weren't convinced by Cena's abilities but when he was given the ball, well, he's still running with it even now.
I guess the hate wouldn't be as strong if Batista, the guy they pushed at the same time as Cena, didn't get hurt every 6 months or so. I would say the past 2 years Cena have been the placeholder for the Rock as the biggest face. I think WWE pulled the trigger with Punk Sheamus and ADR in recent years but those didn't pan out as expected. Punk finisher is a power move on a smaller guy. Sheamus and ADR have foreign accents that probably won't get over in America as the top guy. Now they are pushing Bryan but his inability on the mic is glaring.

Orton has the whole package to challenge Cena and probably was groomed to take over but his out of the ring attitude in previous years probably cost him a chance to be the top guy before the Cena hate became popular even among those who has no reason to hate on Cena.
John Cena makes fun of the mentally challenged, especially kids. He's also a pervert, enjoying horse/nun porn on a regular basis.

He spreads nasty rumors about all the other wrestlers, managers and referees. Like the time he told Vince that Punk made a stinky dookie in Stephanie's rental car, even though he is the one that did it.

Basically, the movie Mean Girls is why Cena is top guy. He's totally a cunty 17year old girl.
Alastor said:
I think WWE pulled the trigger with Punk Sheamus and ADR in recent years but those didn't pan out as expected.
The only one of those that sort-of failed was ADR. Punk (while I personally think he's wrestling's own Nicki Minaj) is pretty over and was white-hot before his hiatus - stupid boy - and Sheamus is over in a Smackdown kind of way.

BaconBits said:
He's also a pervert, enjoying
horse/nun porn on a regular basis.
Just wanted to quote this.

John Cena is great. He's a very big athletic guy who's golden on the mic. The way he gets booked irks me sometimes, but that's not on him (as far as I know).

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