Top Five WWE Heels


Occasional Pre-Show
There has probably been many threads asking who your favorite heels are but im going to post another one anyways. Again these are IMO MY top 5 heels in WWE. Here are my picks

5) Randy Orton- I loved his heels roles he possibly played the best heel role thru the late 2000's. His heel in Evolution was OK, his heel character in undertaker was GREAT, as well as his heel character in RATED RKO. And deff liked his heel character in 2009 into 2010(with legacy) but we all know the story what happened to his heel character now hes a top babyface and just isnt the same guy.

4) Chris Jericho- There was a point in 08, 09 i think where i just hated this guy he was so annoying and so cocky i just hated his ways. And was pretty happy when orton punted him because i knew he would be "injured" for awhile. H did great as a heel vs HBK thru his 08 fued with him possibly one of his top 5 fueds in WWE. But now that hes gone i really want him to come back because he is a big part of WWE weather ppl know it or not. And is a great freakin wrestler. would love to see Y2J vs CM Punk at Mania 28.

3) The Rock (03', Hollywood heel)- In 03 the rock returned from hollywood and played a great freakin heel IMO. He came back and beat hogan an No Way Out 2003 and Would go on to defeat Stone Cold for the first time (at mania) 19. He was just such a great heel in 03 i wish it could have lasted longer could have fueded with guys like brock (again) but in a better fued and with kane or taker or something. But now that he returned before mania 27 he is meant to be a face unless people boo him like in 03. But that was by far his best heel role IMO.

2) Triple H 2002-2005- What can i say hes my #2 pick HHH was the top heel in wwe 2002-2004 he main evented 3 manias in a row as a top heel (4 including john cena at 22 but wasnt big heel at 22) against booker t, benoit and hbk, and batista. I remember i started watching WWE for the first time when i was a little younger and i couldnt stand this guy no joke i despised him with a freakin passion. Especially when he was with evolution. When he was a heel he was ruthless and didnt giva shit about anyone but him self.(That's how evolution broke up). His fued with Shawn Michaels was brilliant and had great matches with goldberg, batista, and many more. He was main eventing every PPV as a heel he was his best as a heel like it or not and was meant to be a heel. Don't get me wrong hes good as a face but not as good as a heel. That's why im hoping by after Mania he turns heel as a heel COO and gets johnny Ace Horse voice outta the Picture any who he was a brilliant heel.

1) Vince McMahon- Ahhhh..Vinnie Mac he is the true definition of a heel. We know how it all started Montreal 1997, Survivor Series The screwjob. Then he began his 6 year long war fued with stone cold steve austin, the fued that kept WWE on its feet during the monday night wars. That was his best fued at the best fued in Wrestling history IMO. He was just a mean son of a bitch who didnt care if u were fired or if ur ass was getting kicked by The Corporate group. Esecially with steve austin who he hated with a passion. I would personally like to see vinnie mac come back and run raw maybe middle of next year and fued with Punk to make punk a stone cold like character(not exactly like him but u know). I would also like the idea if Punk doesnt face austin and mania 29 we could see vinnie mac vs stone cold at mania 29 or posibly 30. This would end there fued once and for all but anyways vinnie mac is the greatest heel in WWE history as far as im concerned.

Gimme ur thought and opinions on these and give me ur top 5 heels in WWE history..

5. HBK - He was a wonderful heel. He was one of those people who were such good heels, thier face days sorta sucked compared to the heel ones.

4. Chris Jericho - the reason i picked him is personal. He is one of my all time favorite. But, as he was a heel recently I can remember my grandma (yes, she loves WWE) screaming at him. She simply couldn't stand him. That is how she treats Miz now.

3. Edge- everyone loved to hate this guy. Especially when he was WWE Champion and Lita was with him.

2. HHH- Simply for his Heel promos, they were amazing.

1. Vince McMahon- really no contest here. Its Vince McMahon.
One person you two are forgetting about is Vickie Guerrero. She can draw heat like no one now a days. She gets an extreme amount of boos whereever she is to the point where she can't talk. She consistently makes the crowd hate her with two words. Not only crowd but when shrieks "Excuse me"!. Even I want to boo at my television. Vickie does a fantastic job.
Vince McMahon is probably the greatest heel in WWE history I would agree with that. Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan would be up the top of my list also. I am going to use only wrestlers to make my top five though. The Undertaker during the Ministry was definitely one of the great heel characters in my opinion but a lot of the fans still loved him so he does not make my list. X-Pac got a lot of hate from the fans but I don't feel his character was strong enough to be at the top, not in my top five anyway. Ric Flair would be in my top 5 heels of Pro Wrestling but seeing as it's just WWE...

My top five favourite heel wrestlers are...

5 - Chris Jericho
4 - Ted Dibiase
3 - Rowdy Roddy Piper
2 - Triple H
1 - Iron shiek
this is a good topic so props to the OP. i had to think about who i would put as the top 5 of all time, but then it is my fav 5 heels and that was easy.

5.Edge--if you don't remember how great he was back in 06 with his never-ending feud with Cena...then you must go back and look at the tapes. this is where he becomes a legend and HOF.

4.The Rock--"Die Rocky Die" turned the Rock into, well the Rock. He was a badass in the Nation and you know the rest. if you havn't seen anything from him, buy all of his dvds and see why he is the best wrestler to cross over.

3."Rowdy" Roddy Piper--one of the most entertaining people, one of the best talkers and was such a badass that fans just loved him

2.Chris Jericho--there is only one guy that beats jericho. he was excellent in the ring. excellent on the mic and was so good. soooo bloody entertaining and rediculous, if anyone disagrees with Y2J being number two,then he will be first to call you "a bunch of hipercrites". i hope he comes back to add more chapters to his legacy.

1."Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it sill has the longest line" Woooooooooooooooo. i highly disagree with VKM even being mentioned. i hate the fact the people will give HHH more credit than he deserves, and no nwo member, hogan, legend killer can match up to the Dirtiest Player in the Game! Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler of all time and no doubt is the greatest heel of all time. he made everybody that wrestled him look better than they could do on their own, and he was so great over so many years in every promotion he worked for. to not have Naitch on your top 5 heels of all time would discredit you instantly...*IF* it wasn't a 5 fav heels list. (not to mention we all have our own opinions) thank you for reading.
5. The Iron Sheik - He is one of the most hated wrestlers in wrestling history. He was anti American and people couldn't stand him for that. In the early 90's he aligned himself with the Iraqi, General Adnan and this is when the Gulf War was happening so ypu can only imagine what was going on at live events. He was loud, obnoxious, and crude. He didn't care what he said and people absolutely hated this guy.

4. Edge - He was great whether he was a face or a heel. He had more success as a heel both in a tag team with Christian and as an amazing singles star. The thing about Edge is, is that I think he is 100% better as a heel then he is a face but i absolutely hated him. He had something that only a handful of wrestlers had and that to trick the crowd. He had the rare ability to have the fans love him one minute and then have them absolutely despise him the next. He is one of if not the most successful wrestler in WWE history.

3. Triple H - In the mid to 90's all they way to the mid 2000's he was the best heel in WWE. No one could touch him. I absolutely hated this guy. He is the one gut that I truly could not stand. He bitched and moaned and he always got what he wanted. He cheated to win and he beat everyone. He beat the greats like Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Mick Foley (who he retired), Kane, The Big Show, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Edge, Goldberg....and these are only a few. He was gold on the mic and was able to have the fans truly hate him. He will go down as one of the best wrestlers in history.

2. Chris Jericho - He is my all time favorite wrestler. He is one of the most successful wrestlers in history. He was so smart in the ring and had great wrestling ability. He is in my opinion the best wrestler on the mic. He was like no other. He is the best when it comes to making the fans hate him. like Edge only better he had the ability to have the fans love him one minute then hate him the next whether he was a face or heel at the time. He has won virtually every title WWE has had and has won numerous types of dangerous matches. He also has the ability to steal the show at Wrestle Mania which he has done. Not only that he has the best and most memorable debut in wrestling history.

1. Ric Flair - He is without a doubt the best wrestler in history....period. He was great whether he was a face or a heel. His mic skills is are second to none. He is what everyone strives to be to this very day. If it wasn't for him wrestling would be nothing. He has rude, cocky, and dirty. After all he is called The Dirtiest Player In The Game. You don't get that name for being good.
Great Thread. My Top 5 All time Heels. Im not going to say favorite, but they were heels, and most of these guys, I couldn't stand them.

5. Randy Orton-Always evil and sadistic, and always killing the careers of legends.
4. The Miz-Simply Annoying. Till this day still can't beleive he's a former WWE Champion. #smh.
3. Chris Jericho-Yeah my Favorite in WCW but in WWE, I literally hated his guts.
2. Edge- Loved him as a face, but the one time he went heel, I never was a fan of edge again. And the MITB Concept to his first WHC, was an awful way to earn your first WHC for such a high promising athlete. And when he slept with Lita, that just did it for me.
1. Triple-H. Personal Reasons that shall not be discussed. Just know I dispise the man.

But Good Thread Nonetheless.
In no particular order

Rowdy Roddy Piper-
I mean do I need to say anymore? Piper, Mr. Wonderful, and Cowboy Bob Orton. What a Trio.

The Iron Sheik-
I think he's the greatest heel of all time simply because of all the riots he caused by saying USA sucked basically.

The Nature Boy Ric Flair-
I mean his NWA World Title Reigns was when he had the most heat. He averaged 60 mins a night back then. Faced the Likes of Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat, Jimmy Garvin, Lex Luger, Sting, Ron Garvin and many more. He would get his ass beat for 59 mins and 56 seconds. And somehow get like a small package on his opponent and get the win. Just pissed off every guy who he stepped in the ring with.

Ravishing Rick Rude-
Need I say more???

Mr. Perfect
Once again, need I say more???
Top 5 Heels since Wrestlemania started up for me are:

#5. Ric Flair: His heel run in 1992 winning the belt and the feud with Savage was great. Then, later coming back and being The Games sidekick in Evolution was classic helping Triple H. to many tainted victories.

#4. H.B.K.: From the moment he kicked Janetty to the curb, or should I say, through the Barber Shop window, I knew a heel star was born. All the battles from there on while being IC. Champion were great. With Janetty, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, and so on... HBK was so arrogant and in your face, but he could back it up in the ring with classic matches. Then with the D.X. run with Hunter and Chyna, laughing in the face of authority, mocking people like SGT. Slaughter on a weekly basis was awesome. Shawn truly knew how to play to the crowd and get them fired up like no one else.

#3. Macho King: I really detested savages character when he turned heel against Hogan which lead to a descent match for the WWFC. at Wrestlemania. I hated him turning on Miss Elizabeth , who everybody seemed to love and getting Scary Sherri in his corner. I liked Macho man when he was a face , but I truly think he did his best work as a heel. The feud with Hogan, the feud with Dusty, and the feud with the Warrior leading up to a Career ending Match at Wrestlemania 7 was epic. Oh YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!(lol)

#2. Triple H.: From the time Hunter became the Game in 1999 and started out on his own wanting the title from Austin at Summer Slam 99 I knew he was going to be a big deal for a long time. Then with the Helmsley-McMahon Era in 2000 against The Rock and winning and Keeping the title at Mania 16, the first time in Mania history that the heel won the main event. The crowd was livid, ECW style against Cena. This showed me how good the Game really was, with his intensity, his relentlessness to be the best and his mind games, especially with the running down Austin angle and him being the master mind behind it to start his and Stephanies Era. It was just the work of an evil genious which fitted his character perfectly. I have always thought Triple H. was better as a heel than as a face. But I'll take either at this point in time.

#1. Mr. McMahon: From the Montreal screw job, to his wars with Austin, and countless others, this garners the MR.McMahon character the #1 Heel in history. Vince was always so good at it. It just came natural for him to praise himself up and put down the wrestlers, the crowd, and even his own family members. He created the perfect heel to go along with Austin, the perfect face, which created the greatest feud in wrestling history and ultimately saved his company. Anyone who can be that good at being bad is truly talented and a great entertaniner and businessman. Vince, in my mind was as good, or should I say, as bad as it gets. That is why he gets my #1. greatest heel ranking of all time. ( No Chance in Hell!) lol.
Great thread, here are my top 5 heels in WWE from what i've seen which is from mid 90's, i cant obviously judge the one's before cos i havent seen much of them, so here it goes:

5. Randy Orton: had the look of a heel, vicious and his feud with HBK first and then with triple h was very entertaining and showed how good he can be as a heel.

4. Edge: Edge was damn good as a heel, probably that comes from the fact that he was heel for the most part of his career, his alliance with vickie was pretty good, but the best heel work i remember of edge was his feud with matt hardy and even better was with john cena in 2006.

3. Chris Jericho: Jericho is simply outstanding at whatever he does, in the ring, or cutting a badass promo. Jericho was very good as a heel in 02-03 before he left WWE, but after he came back he was damn good with his best in the world at what i do gimmick with the suites, or pissing the crowd off by calling them hypocrites, parasites, jericho is simply too good at pretty much everything he does.

2. Vince Mcmahon: Some call him the greatest heel ever in the WWE, and he is very good indeed. Eversince the Mr.Mcmahon character debuted he has was outstanding as a heel, his feud with Austin obviously is something no wrestling fan would ever forget, but even his other feuds like with the rock, with triple h were bloody damn good. I also enjoyed the feud between Dx and Mr.Mcmahon in 2005 when dx shoved vince's face in big show's ass.

1. Triple H: ok, so many would agree with me, and some pople may not on this, but for me Triple h was the meanest bad ass heel i have ever seen. He was geniuenly hated as a heel, i couldnt stand the guy he was simply the baddest SOB who'd do anything to ger what he wants. His feud with Kurt angle was one of the best feuds i have ever seen, he had a great rivalary with the rock , goldberg, chris jericho, shawn michaels, even with austin to some extent. When we talk about attitude era which is widely considered as golden era for wrestling we talk about the rock, austin, lesnar but they were that damn good as face becuase they had a solid heel like triple h to work with.
1. 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper - there's a reason why he is one of the most recognizable name/face in professional wrestling. He was the guy who everyone wanted to see get their ass whooped in the first 2 WrestleManias, and had more talent than more than half the guys who have ever held a world title without ever having a reign himself.

2. Triple H - People may argue with this but I never really understand how anyone can. Triple H is probably the most dominant heel in WWE history (sorry Yokozuna) and he has put on classic feuds with legend after legend as well as other stars. He was the heel from late 99-01 who helped Austin, Rock, and Undertaker get the huge pops they did. Triple H often got the loudest reaction of the night with his heat and "Asshole" chants and don't even get me started on how over he was as the top heel from late 02-05. A true legend and one of the greatest to ever lace him, the biggest heel of the biggest period of wrestling

3. Vince McMahon - despite what people may say about how often we should see McMahons on television, it's very hard to deny that in 98-00 they were all very over and considerable draws even as non-wrestlers. Vince's feud with Steve Austin elevated Austin to iconic status and Vince to elite heel status simultaneously. The feud lasted on and off for basically Austin's career and each turn always proved to be more exciting than the last. Apart from Austin, Vince has battled with many other top faces and always get a good reaction feuding with HBK, The Rock, Undertaker, even Bobby Lashley and more.

4. Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase - Another prime example of someone who was championship material but was in the wrong place at the right time. Ted Dibiase battled with Roddy throughout the 80's for most heat every night and Dibiase always made a viable contender for the title (most notably in the WM4 main event) although he never won it. His mic skills are really only rivaled by Rock, Piper, Y2J, and Lawler, and his technical ability is well beyond average. If only his sons were any good :-/.....

5. Jerry Lawler - Here's an all-time great who often gets overlooked when people make their list of the true legends of this business. Jerry gets my vote over guys like Yoko, Owen, Orton (both of them), HBK, and Edge because not only was he over as a heel wrestler, but he was IMO the best heel commentator of all-time. Everything he said was memorable and funny (although quite repetitve) and he always had the classic heel antics such as cheating on his predictions, defending all the heels and criticizing all the faces. Back in the 90's when announcers actually put over the talent, no one did better than Jerry and JR. Their passion and energy made every moment 100x better and Jerry was classic.
5. Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan. He was by far my most favourite heel commentator of all time. He had a certain wit about him and the face that you just want to punch.

4. Vickie Guerrero. Currently the best heel in the business today. Nobody draws the crowd much like her mere prescence.

3. Chris Jericho. One thing about good heels was their witty intelligence and Y2J had that in spades. He truly is the greatest at what he does.

2. Iron Sheik. The anti-American that got everyone's blood boiling and was the main heel to bring Hogan's character to the forefront of WWF. Everyone generally seemed to hate his guts.

1. VKM. His feuds with Stone Cold were classic. He's synonymous with all the "ASSHOLE!" chants, and his "Kiss My Ass Club" was pure heel genious.

Honourable mentions: Muhammad Hassan, HHH, Ravishing Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect. Mr. Fuji, Million Dollar Man, Andre the Giant, King Kong Bundy, Vader, HBK, Ric Flair, Psycho Sid.
I'm just gonna go ahead and put down my Top 5 heels for NOW and for ALL-TIME!! So here it is.....

Current Top 5 Heels.

5. Dolph Ziggler

4. Mark Henry/Alberto Del Rio(Obviously NOT a tag!! They could BOTH be higher or lower but they're BOTH world champs, so i'll give benefit).

3. Cody Rhodes

2. Christian

1. The Miz/R-Truth (It's a thread full of individuals, but I did this to add an extra name.....Plus since they're already a tag team anyway).

Btw...I was only gonna add I left out Vince Mcmahon, Vickie Guerrero, Michael Cole, etc. Wade Barrett could've made the list!! Just needs to be used more effectively as though alot more wrestlers!!!

Now, on to my Top 5 ALL-TIME Heels. Alot of people (Ric Flair and others for example) will be left off. Some people that are on this list could be ranked higher....but I don't have all night to think about!! So here it is.....

5. The Rock (Always great at both face and heel.....and was always funny as hell regardless of which one).

4. Randy Orton (Great in Evolution. And I loved The Age of Orton. Seemed like he took everything TOO far and u never knew what twisted, cruel thing he was gonna do next!! That's what u would like out of a heel).

3. Chris Jericho (The man is simply Awesome at what he does. Great in the ring. Great talker. His sarcasm and intelligent insults were funny. He's been heel for majority of his career anyway and was always great at it).

2. Edge (The Rated-R Era!!! Pretty much all I have to say about that. He won at any cost. Made many surprises. Won in the most unthinkable ways. And seeing him win his world titles explain the nickname "The Ultimate Opportunist". He was always great...but REALLY took the WWE by storm in 2005!! He's won 11 world titles in a matter of the last 6 years. Arguably among one of the greatest heels of all-time)!!!

1. Triple H (Speaking of winning at all's a man who did just that his whole career!! The prime example of a heel.....especially from 2003-2005!! He played a great heel so many times but those years I just pointed out.....were some of his best years. He was pretty much a magnet to the World Heavyweight Championship. He kept it for long stints....snuck out many victories, interference or not. And anytime he lost the title, he always made sure some way, that he got it right back. Absolutely one of the great heels!!!

These lists can be changed or go either way at anytime....but these are my current opinions on the best heels in the WWE!!!
In terms of heels the #1 is #1 without dispute but it isn't a single individual, it is a group. The Four Horsemen era of Flair, Blanchard, and Ole / Arn Anderson. Never has there been a greater heel in Flair but you can't mention Flair without the rest of the Horsemen. After that in no particular order (and it is impossible to pick just 5):

Loved by all good or bad, but all bad in the beginning The Legion of Doom, the Road Warriors!! Even as Faces they could have been heels.
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Paul Orndorf
Macho Man Randy Savage
Randy Orton
Baron Von Ratchke
Nikita Koloff and Uncle Ivan
Iron Shiek
Black Jack Mulligan
Bobby Heenan
Harley Race
Vince McMahon
Kevin Sullivan
Sid Vicious
Hercules Hernandez

I could keep going on really great heels that could be top 5.
I'm gonna go with guys that I feel really turned the crowd and viewers against them. If a big group of fans still think you're are not doing your job as a real HEEL. These guys are not in any particular order....they were all awesome heels!

5. JBL - He capitalized on half of the county's desire to see Pres. Bush out of office. He also was GREAT on the mic.
4. Ted Dibiase - Nobody...NOBODY liked the Million Dollar man in the 1980's!
3. Hollywood Hulk Hogan - I was the biggest and am still the biggest Hulkamaniac at hearts ever. I grew up idolizing the man. That being said, I even hated him in WCW as the leader of the NWO. I never stopped liking Hall & Nash. Hogan really turned everyone against him.
2. Kurt Angle - Everyone watching knew that he could beat anyone he wanted to legitimately...but he cheated anyways. The fans eventually began to chant "you suck" as a compliment to Angle, but when it originated, it was far from a compliment. The fans really meant it.
1. Macho King Randy Savage - This is not a sentimental pick. This is the truth. When he turned his back on the Hulkster in the late 80's fans hated him for it. Along with Sensational Sherri as his manager he had a great and successful stretch as the Macho King that has never been outdone in WWE history IMO. :)
Current top 5 heels (wrestlers only)

5.) Alberto Del Riooooooooooooo-Crowd reaction or not the man is good at performing his role.

4.) R Truth-He has been working his current heel gimmick real world. Teaming with the Miz only adds to that.

3.) Mark Henry-Doing well with the monster heel gimmick.

2.) Cody Rhodes-tough call for me here as I was close to putting him number one. Cody Rhodes has the "it" factor and I think he can be the top heel in the WWE for some time.

1.) The Miz-despite the fact that Cody Rhodes is on his heels Miz is the man right now.
OK. For current heels lets go:

5. The Awesome Truth - Miz and Truth have to be on the list as a pair. Love their tag team gimmick. Hopefully the WWE takes advantage of it. Would like to see some legit tag teams put back together and some tag competition.

4. Mark Henry - Enter the Hall of Pain. He has revived the Monster Heel gimmick. But rather than being just a push-over Monster like King Kong Bundy or Big John Studd, he is a title holder.

3. Cody Rhodes - He has taken his gimmick to a new level and has mastered the art of turning the crowd against himself. The amount of heat he gets is undeniable.

2. Vickie Guerrero - NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE gets more heat than Vickie. She would be #1 on my list if not for the one person who has stabbed the WWE Universe in the back.

#1. THE ROCK!! - We still "Can't See You" Rock!!!! John Cena can be a little overboard with his ultra-PG character, but at least he is in the ring. Where has The "I'll never leave again" Rock been?? A quick comeback with a couple of traditional Rock taglines and an even faster exit. The People's Champion has once again left the People. A true politician. All talk, no walk.
All-Time in no particular order.

Ravishing Rick Rude - It should probably speak to something that he is the first guy who popped in my head when asked about top 5 heels of all time. Rude was a heat magnet. He berated the audience like few others ever did, he knew how to get them to boo him, he had all the heel tactics down, and above all else he was a great wrestler and a great talker on the mic. Rick Rude is also one of the only people to ever actually beat the Ultimate Warrior.

Bret Hart - This one might come off as an odd selection to some because Bret was a notorious face, but I'd have to argue that Bret was a better heel than he ever was a face. If you remember back to the early Attitude Era, it was Bret that got it going every bit as much as SCSA by making Austin the face. He was the one to put him over. His anti-America tirades, heel tactics, and ability to really out wrestle his face opponents which made people hate him even more, really make Bret Hart one of the best heels ever in my book.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Now I have to be honest here, I am not much of a fan of Jake Roberts, but that doesn't mean I can't acknowledge that he was a major major heel. Jake had the gift of gab. He could cut promo's on people that really got in your head and made you believe that he was as dastardly and twisted as you thought he must have been. While never winning a major title, he was a go to guy to get everyone else over, and he did. Plus, he's the only guy I've ever seen bring a freakin' boa constrictor or a python to the ring and use it as a means of gaining an edge over his opponents through pure fear.

The Undertaker - It might be hard for some folks to remember but The Undertaker was one of the biggest heels of his time when he first debuted. Take into consideration that his first big appearance saw him take out Hulk Hogan in devastating fashion, and that he went on a rampage putting people in body bags carrying them away from the ring. That was pretty scary stuff at the time. He took out all the faces of the day and no one could take him off of his feet. He was a supernatural figure that seemed indomitable, and seemingly felt no pain. He was like a zombie that just kept coming for your soul.

The NWO - I had to save this one for last. Even though the NWO became cool to like, they were always heels. Headed my Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall; the NWO was the dominating force possibly ever. As the numbers grew and they became more powerful, it seemed as though the NWO would never be stopped. They caused more chaos and more mayhem than any single individual ever, and as a group, reigned supreme over the biggest wrestling promotion at that time. You can't bring up a conversation about heels without bringing up the NWO as a whole. This was the situation where the whole was greater than the sum of it's parts, but was so because of those parts as well. It's kind of tricky to explain that way, but I think you get my snow-drift. Either way, there was no stronger faction, or group, or stable, and in turn no greater heel role embodied than that of the NWO.
I don't think people are giving Roddy Piper and Andre The Giant their respect as heels. I dare anyone to name any heel with as much heat as those two.

The only other heels that I think can even come close to comparing are Vince McMahon, Ric Flair and Macho King Randy Savage.

Those are my top 5.
These may not be the Top 5 Heels of All Time, or even in the "right" order, but they are my Top 5 Favorites of all time.

Tied at 5th – Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair – Four Horsemen and the New World Order. Do I have to add anything else to this?? They were the two greatest Stables Of All Time and it was all because of their respective leaders. I think that if both stables didn’t have Hogan and Flair leading them, they wouldn’t have reached the success that they did.

4th – Kurt Angle – From Comedy to Drama, Kurt could do it all and back it up. I think he was better as Heel, but pulled off the Face role nicely as “Captain America”.

Tied at 3rd – Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock – I view these two more like Tweeners, but they were great Heels when they wore the “Black Hat”

2nd – Chris Jericho – He was just the Best In The World At What He Does. He was definitely a better Heel than a Face. I think he had success as a Face because of his Heel persona gaining so much popularity like Austin and the Rock.

1st – Vince McMahon – He should be number one on everybody’s list, but being that he wasn’t a full time Wrestler, I can see why some wouldn’t count him to a certain extent.

Most Honorable Mention – Macho Man Randy Savage. My favorite was when he took the WWE Crown from Hacksaw Jim Duggan and his Coronation Ceremony that proceeded.

In today’s day and age, the Top 5 Heels are:

Tied for 5th - Miz and R-Truth
4th – Dolph Ziggler
3rd – Cody Rhodes
2nd – Mark Henry
1st – Alberto Del Rio
The "True / Real" 1st – Kurt Angle (If we're including TNA, then Miz and R-Truth are tied at 6th and everybody else moves down a spot)

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