Top 5: Underrated Musicians/Bands


Resident Hip Hop Junkie
With the success of my Top 5: Overrated Musicians/Bands thread. I thought I decided to make another one of these threads & this thread is about the Top 5: Underrated Musicians/Bands where you can list who is underrated in your opinion.

Anyways let's get this thing poppin shall we. My list is below this.

1. Tech N9ne: Tech N9ne is one of the greatest Underground Rappers in the game today & he is way better lyrically, delivery wise & just a better all around rapper than those main stream rappers. He is the best selling MC to have ever come out of Kansas City, Missouri & he is one of the fastest emcee's in the world today. If any of y'all haven't listen to Tech N9ne yet then as a fan of his I would suggest that you start downloading his music pronto cause you will not & I mean you will not be disappointed in what you hear from him.

2. Scarface: One of the greatest rappers to come out of H-Town. Scarface is one of the most popular rappers in the game today despite not having very much mainstream exposure. All his solo albums & his material that he did with The Geto Boys is considered to be classics. He is described as your favorite rapper's favorite rapper & I think that describes him best cause not many people can touch him lyrically & every album that he releases are always great.

3. Ca$his: Now I know it is real early in his career, but I think Cashis can be real big in the rap game in the next upcoming years. If you have ever heard his material off of The County Hound EP then you will know exactly why I think he can be real big in the game for years to come as the material off of that was great & I think he can only get better.

4. Obie Trice: Yes he is somewhat of a main stream artist, but I believe that he doesn't get the praise that he deserves. Both of his albums Cheers & Second Round's On Me were great in my opinion as they are albums that you could listen to the entire way & not shut it off after 5 or 6 songs unlike other rappers. I'm hoping that his next album Bottom's Up will be either as good or even better than his first 2 albums cause I believe that he can do great music despite not being on Eminem's record label anymore.

5. Trae: Not that long back, I purchased his album Restless & even posted it in the Album Suggestion & Review Thread. Well that album made me wanna hear more material from him & sure enough I found more material of him & I must say he doesn't really get alot of credit that fellow H-Town rappers Mike Jones, Paul Wall & Chamillionaire get. His delivery is phenominal & he doesn't put out bad albums for the public either. I personally can't wait for more new material from Trae.
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1. Collective Soul: They don't get the credit they deserve since they're an early 90's band that wasn't from Seattle, but they were just as important to the Grunge movement as anyone and Ed Roland is the best vocalist to come from that era. They've also been more consistent than most 90's bands as they've never really put out a bad album. Not to mention that "December" is one of the best Alt-Rock songs ever recorded.

2. Type O Negative: They don't get respect from the Goth community for being "too Metal" and they don't get respect from the Metal community for being "too Goth", but they're an amazing band. They can move from heavy and militant to melodic Gothic excess flawlessly. They also have a great dark sense of humor and don't take themselves to seriously, which a lot of bands could learn from.

3. Fantômas: Like most post-Faith No More, Mike Patton projects, Fantômas isn't very well known but it should be. Patton's vocals are incredible and the songs are like nothing else out there. Their "Director's Cut" album of movie theme covers is simply amazing.

4. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry: One of the most original Goth Rock bands but have somehow always flown under the radar. They have the Gothic sound personified but with enough distinct variations to seperate from the pack.

5. Public Image Ltd.: Everyone talks about the Sex Pistols but this John Lydon project is head and shoulders above. Lydon's vocal abilities are better showcased and the songs are just plain better.
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1. KiTTiE - I know Dewey and I have an unnatural obsession with all things Kittie, but they really are under-rated. They're one of the best bands I've ever seen live, and have lasted through a ton of line-up changes. I may be alone in thinking this, but I think their moderate success in the 90's, has allowed al of the modern women of metal to succeed. They changed the way a lot of fans viewed metal, and more specifically, women in rock/metal.

2. Avenged Sevenfold - I'm a big fan of theirs, and don't understand why so many people like to shit on them, like they're the worst thing to ever happen. Their albums have showed maturity, and their music has evolved with the times. They may not be the best band in the world, but they're certainly not the worst.

3. SOiL - They haven't put anything new out in a few years, but they were always underrated when they were "active". Halo was a great song, and media all over the country was calling them the next big band. Then they released Unreal, and it all continued. For some reason, everything they've done since, has been panned by the fans, and beaten by the media. I'll be the first to admit their first album was the best, and the change up front has changed the feel of the band. but it's all still very good.

4. Bullet For My Valentine - This band is in my top 10 favorite bands, and is quickly growing in popularity. However, there's still media outlets, and die-hard metalheads that trash this band, and say they have no place woth some of the bands they've toured with. Matt Tuck is a great vocalist, and they have some very well written guitar riffs. Their drummer is also one of the best new drummers out there.

5. Primus - Everyone knows, and loves Les Claypool, but this band is a lot more than just funny lyrics, and awesome bass lines. I love almost every song they've written, and find the drum parts to be better than the bass riffs.
There is no other band on the planet that sound like these guys. Hailing from the beautiful state of Oregon, Agalloch sound like the surroundings they live in. Beautiful acoustic melodies, cellos, violins, mandolins and accordians all woven into agressive yet equally beautiful and dark Black Metal. Amazing.

The band that Radiohead stole their sound from! These guys have been around for decades and have yet to strike into any mainstream popularity. The last time they even came anywhere near my city they played in a small closet of a club that fits less than 300 people, whereas other bands people have mentioned like Primus, Type-O-Negative and Aveneged Sevenfold can easily fill arenas. The thing that really makes this band underrated is the fact that every album in their discography sounds nothing alike. Where the first record sounds like authentic british trip-hop their latest, "Fear of a Blank Planet" has strong elements of metal. A true gem in the underground prog world.

Just recently gaining some slight exposure with their record "Colors" this band has, for the majority of its career, remained in the shadows. Even though critics around the world have praised this band and their "Colors" album, they have still yet to break into any mainstream markets and for sure they never will. When you compose 14 minute long songs recorded at break neck just know youre not making it on the radio anytime soon.

Joey Eppard and his band Three are some of the most amazing and musically gifted of all musicians. It blows my mind that this band is still signed to Metal Blade Records (dont let thier label fool you, they are most certainley not metal) and not signed to a major label. This band does have the potential to sell a million records, but have managed to stay out of the mainstream spotlight. To see this amazing musican's breathtaking guitar skills just go to youtube and search for "Joey Eppard - Bramfatura"!!!

Chris Arp is by far the greatet living guitarist. Though, he still style of play is what keeps his band from jumping into the mainstream. Most people would classify Psyopus as being "noise" but listen really deep and focus in on the guitar alone and you shall be amazed at this skills of this young band.
1. KiTTiE - I know Dewey and I have an unnatural obsession with all things Kittie, but they really are under-rated. They're one of the best bands I've ever seen live, and have lasted through a ton of line-up changes. I may be alone in thinking this, but I think their moderate success in the 90's, has allowed al of the modern women of metal to succeed. They changed the way a lot of fans viewed metal, and more specifically, women in rock/metal.
I'll list that as my number one as well, unchanged, because I couldn't say it better.

anyway, on to the rest....

2.ugly kid joe-These guys came out at the dawn of grunge, and were overshadowed by Nirvana and Pearl Jam, among others, and I could never understand why. Their vocalist, Whitfield Crane had an amazing voice, they had the crunching guitars, and let's not forget their awesome cover of Cat's in the Cradle. Added on top, they had one thing that I find important, humor. They took themselves seriously, but not to an overkill situation.

3.Squirell Nut Zippers-A great neo-Swing band that actually played Swing!!!! Don't get me wrong, I love Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, but they were more a big band style, whereas SNZ were freeform. They got overshadowed by bands like BSO, which I don't understand. They were more mellow, and the singers voice was angelic.

4.Our Lady Peace- I know a few people who enjoy this band, but for the most part, if you ask a random guy walking down the street, they've not heard of them. You get songs like "Somewhere Out There", that have moderate success, and that's cool, but, they have so much better music. Raine has soaring vocals, but can do a decent growl at the same time, and again, the guitars and drums are simply a-fuckin'-mazin'. Check out Naveed and Superman is Dead as proof for their greatness.

5.The Tragically Hip- As a fan of music in general, I don't really understand how these guys haven't blown up in the States by now. I mean sure, they had a token appearance on SNL back in the mid-90's, but outside of that, none of my friends had heard of them before I started playing the music at our favorite bar. For examples of epicness consult the songs "Wheat Kings", "At the Hundredth Meridian", and "New Orleans is Sinking". I can't help but to point again to the vocals, and instruments. But, the music is also beautifully composed.
3.Squirell Nut Zippers-A great neo-Swing band that actually played Swing!!!! Don't get me wrong, I love Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, but they were more a big band style, whereas SNZ were freeform. They got overshadowed by bands like BSO, which I don't understand. They were more mellow, and the singers voice was angelic.

:lmao: I loved this band, and forgot all about them until I read this. They were a big part of the neo-swing movement in the 90's, and I loved it all. Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Brian Setzer Orchestra...All great...Even the Mighty Mighty Bosstones had some good swing stuff...
1. Royce Da 5'9- Royce at one point was on his way to the top, but a falling out with Eminem cost him a deal with Dre and Aftermath. With that being said this guys flow is unmatched by 90% of the rappers out there. I'll take Royce lyrically 9 times out of 10 against any rapper alive. the bar Exam 2 is probably the best mixtape I've ever heard. Here is a sample rhyme from Royce: "I don't want to be compared to the best rapper alive. I'll commit suicide just to be compared to the best rapper that died."

2. Proof- With the exception of Eminem, Proof was really the only the only reason to listen to D12. He could have easily gotten a solo deal on Eminem's label but he instead stuck with his own independent label and released his albums from that. His album "Searching for Jerry Garcia" is amazing. Proof is another example of a great rapper that had his life taken away way too early.

3. Elzhi- He really started to make a name for himself as part of the group Slum Village, but he is an even better solo artist. His album The Preface was one of the best I've heard in a while. Overall I think The Preface was the best album released in 2008. His song Motown 25 with Royce was ridiculous.

4. Cassidy- He has had some success in the mainstream but his best work has been his independent work. When it comes to battling I don't know if anyone can beat him. If you ever get a chance, look up his freestyle battle with Freeway on youtube.

5. Crooked I- He was supposed to be the next big thing on Death Row Records until it went under. I hadn't heard much from him until he came back as part of the group Slaughterhouse. His verse on the song Move On is crazy. Also his song If You Ever Hear Me is one of my favorites right now.
1. Soundgarden
Formerly a platinum-selling juggernaut of Seattle grunge, their popularity has completely faded in the last 10 years. With bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam still ridiculousy popular, and Alice in Chains gearing up for a new release, its easy to forget them, but they are far and away my favorite band. Pretty Noose is forever my favorite song, and Ive yet to find an album that tops Superunkown. If there was any justice in the world these guys would be recognized for the legends they are.

2. Zebrahead
I know one (1) person who listens to this band, and I introduiced them to him. They have got a really good pop-punk-rap sound, they (used to) have a cool rapper-singer dynamic, and their songs are just generally great. MFZB is a solid all around album, and their song Alone is pretty damn sweet.

3. Meshuggah
Granted, these guys are far too intense to ever be mainstream, but they are ridiculously good. Theyre one of the heaviest, most complex bands in the world, with some songs featuring 3 or 4 different beats simultaneously. This sounds crappy, but I swear to God is works perfect for them. Songs like Straws Pulled at Random, Neurotica, New Millenium Cyanide Christ and Combustion are all phenominal extreme metal songs, but sadly go unheard by most peopleé

4. Monster Magnet
The dudes who do Matt Hardys theme music, which is where I heard of them from. Theyve got some great retro classic-rock sounding stoner music from the 90s, Im iffy on their earlier stuff but everything from Dopes to Infinity and after is pure rockage. By no means do you need to be some drugged out hippy to appreciate Dave Wyndorfs powerful voice or the musical skill of the band. Songs like Look to your Orb for the Warning, Powertrip, God Says No and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are all awesome homages to the music of the 70s and 80s.

5. Fozzy
Yeah, Jerichos band. I downloaded their whole album back in 2003 or whatever when they promoted it a bit on Raw, and damn if it wasnt awesome. They arent exactly super metal, but theyve got some awesome songs. Jericho isnt the best vocalist of all time, but he holds his own, and Rich Ward is a sick guitarist. listen to All That Remains, Nameless Faceless, or Happenstance.

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