Top 5 favorite albums


Reaper of Miracles
Name your top 5 favorite albums, by any artist, that you like to listen to the most

My 5, in no certain order

Death, The Sound of Preseverance - the best black metal album ever made

Nile, Annilation of the Wicked - complex music and lyrics by Karl Sanders and co.

The Berzerker, Dissimulate - Speed and more speed, absolutely overwhelming

Kreator, Enemy of God - great guitar rifts and music thats easy to follow

Arch Enemy, Wages of Sin - the Amott brothers are the best guitar team ever, plus Angela Gossow is the hottest female black metal singer in the world
1) "Stadium Arcadium" - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Basically was the CD that defined my summer last year. Seldom came out of my car stereo last year. It's RHCP's best CD for sure and the best album of the year last year in my eyes. I'm completely obsessed with this album.

2) "Crimson" - Alkaline Trio - Same situation as above except it defined my summer the year before in 2005, lol. Seldom came out of my car stereo and is Alkaline Trio's best CD.

3) "Hours" - Funeral for a Friend - Basically the one CD I would put into Crimson's place in the summer of 2005. Again, Funeral's best CD. (I guess that makes sense... three of my favorite bands... their best CDs among my favorites).

4) "Goldfinger" - Goldfinger - The first punk CD I ever bought, and they were my favorite band for a long time. Brings back a lot of good memories listening to this.

5) "Keasbey Nights" - Streetlight Manifesto - This last one was hard. I have a lot of CDs that are either too knew to consider among my favorites (Incubus's and Brand New's latest CDs, for instance), and other's I don't like enough to be considered among my top five, or I think it's unfair to consider just one of that band's CDs among my top five. Anyway, for this CD, it's a remake of the CD by the same title by a band called Catch 22, which is Streetlight's former band, and it's better than the original.
these are in no perticular order

Metallica- Master of Puppets, perhaps the greatest metal album ever put together, a must have for any metal fan, this is the only CD i've had to buy more than once because it kept getting stolen, or just got wore out(I don't know how it just started sounding like crap one day at work, and no matter how much I cleaned it, it didn't improve, still a mystery to this day)

Tool- Aenima, it's just one those albums that you just can't stop listening to

AFI- Sing the Sorrow, this was the album that introduced me to these guys, when I first got it, it stayed in my CD player in my car for 2-3 months, it's still in my car, just one of those CDs that if I don't know what I want to hear I can stick that in and know that I'll be satisfied

Korn- Self-titled, this is the Album in my mind, Blind was the song that finally made me feel satisfeid with music, I didn't know what I was suppose to be listening to until I heard that song then everything just clickedf for me and I knew where I belonged, just the opening of that song, Are You Ready!!!, made me feel like it was right, then the rest of the CD is great aswell, Korn is the band I owe much of my musical influance to

Deftones- White Pony, just a great album, plain and simple, they'll nevwer top this one

this was a hard list to come up with cause there are so many great albums out there that I hate to leave off this list, but It's interesting to see what others are putting down, did anyone else have a hard time limiting it to just 5 albums?
mine are:

5) A Protrait for the Ransom - Losing Focus (My Friends Band): A great debut album by an up and coming band.

4) Lost and Found - Mudvayne: With songs like Happy?, Fall into Sleep, Forget to Remember its a great cd.

3) Back in Black - AC/DC: IMO the best AC/DC album.

2)Girls, Girls, Girls - Motley Crue: It has a few of my fav crue songs, but dr. feelgood and shout at the devil are just as good.

1) Appetite for Destruction - Guns N' Roses: The best CD of all time! G N' R is a legendary band, they have awesome albums(UYI 1 &2, GN'R Lies, and the highly anticipated Chinese Dimocracy),and their live performances are off the hook!
What the fuck, this is so weird I definately posted in this thread last night, guess it never made it huh?

In no order...

1)The Doors - The Doors - What can be said about it really? I grew up listening to this album on vinyl in my dad's house. The Doors were always he favorite band and I have him to thank not only for the Doors being my favorite band but for most of my music taste as well. I remember growing up listening to everything from world music to hardcore punk to folk to classic rock in his house.

2)The Clash - London Calling - This is where the Clash went from the godfathers of punk to creating their own genre of music. There's plenty of punk on here but theres also reggae, lounge, jazz, folk, everything. Even an old school 50s style rocker. Best rock album of the 70s.

3)The Smiths - The Smiths - Simply amazing. This is what made me fall in love with the Smiths and Morrissey in particuliar. If you've never heard the Smiths, shame on you damnit go look them up right freakin' now. No one makes a sadder or more political song then Morrissey, no one spare Bob Dylan maybe.

4)The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses - Very little known band that virtually invented the genre of BritPop in the midst of the punk and rave scene. Their songs just amaze me, they are so timeless and classic it's ridiculious. Every track on this album is five stars, every single one.

5)Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde - Again, what can one say? No one has conrtibuted more to music in the history of mankind then Dylan, nobody. I'd like to see anyone argue that point. His best album(which is damn hard considering he's got about fifteen five star classic albums under his belt) that just amazes me. It's got everything from a blues rocker epic to a sad hymn to love and women.

Honorable mentions go to
Depeche Mode - Music for the Masses
Blink 182 - Dude Ranch
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends
The Beatles - Revolver
The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers
Gang of Four - Entertainment!
Mission of Burma - Mission of Burma
Modest Mouse - Londesome Crowded West
Nirvana - Nevermind

Could go on and on and on..
This is almost impossible to narrow it down to just 5! If you ask me next week, the list may be different... but here we are:

1. Metallica - Ride the Lightning - My favorite band and this is their best work. I'm pretty sure they were the first band to use acoustic intros to metal songs and it happened first on this album.

2. Stone Sour - Stone Sour - Such a good metal album. Has a wide variety of music on it and Corey Taylor is a genius.

3. Down - NOLA - Has a Black Sabbath meets AC/DC feel to it. Great bluesy metal songs.

4. Guns N Roses - Appetite for Destruction - Probably the best hard rock album ever from start to finish. GNR were sooo good with the original five members.

5. Alanis Morrisette - Jagged Little Pill - I haven't heard a song since that I liked by her, but her first album rocked. It's not really in my preferred genre of music but every song on the album is great.
I can't really say a diffenative top 5 as it is always changing.
Iron Maiden- Seventh Son of a Seventh Son: This is just a solid album straight through, from Moonchild through to Only the Good Die Young. it has so many good songs on it that could be in the top 10 of peoples all time songs list.
Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon: You can't go far in the direction of Prog Rock without coming to this album. It is just one of the best Concept albums of all time. There isn't much I can say about this album that hasn't been said before.
The Cult- Sonic Temple: I just love this album it is one of the few full albums that I have on my iPOD at all times. It is just full of very good songs that you can listen to over and over again.
Fleetwood Mac- Rumours: Do I need to say anything more than that it is the second longest album on the Billboard top 200 albums behind only The Dark Side of the Moon.
Mastodon- Blood Mountain: This was close to being the Metal album of the Year last year for me, it just got pipped by Iron Maiden's Latest offering. But this is a great album that could easily go into my CD player any time of the year, the Instrumentals on this are brilliant as are the lyriced songs.

Honourable mentions.
Megadeth- Countdown to Extinction
Elton John- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
The Who- Tommy
Smashing Pumpkins- Mellon Collie and the Infinate Sadness
Pantera- Cowboys from Hell
Suicidal Tendencies- The Art of Rebellion
I haven't listened to Blood mountain yet, but do you think that it's better than Leviathan? I've listened to Remission and I don't like it as much as Leviathan, but would you suggest Blood mountain over Leviathan?
It depends on if you are a Hardcore Mastodon fan, because it is a slightly different offering from Leviathan. I don't own Leviathan myself I have just borrowed it and listened to it but it is difficult to say, because I have a biased Opinion of it so, Im not the best to judge. Remission is supposed to be more of the Hardcore style, so Mastodon has changed in the Short amount of time that they have been putting out Albums as Mastodon.
Remission just seemed dull, kind of like it was lagging. By comparison, I think that Leviathan was well written and Mastodon managed to blend a unique sound that fed off the fact that they were to simulate the water element. By comparrison, Remission was supposted to be driven off of the fire element, but their were times when Remission just seemed out of place.
No particular order here's 6.

Crimson - Alkaline Trio Has become my favorite album. Sorry About That and Clavicle were the first two Trio songs I heard. And because of those I fell in love with everything they've ever put out. My Little Needle just connects with me so perfectly. So many songs I can relate to. Their self titled cd was the first Trio cd I fell in love with, but this one has become #1.

Blind Melon - Blind Melon This one took awhile for me to enjoy, but once I start listening to it I can't stop now. No Rain is genius. The depressing lyrics with the upbeat tempo. I love it. Shannon Hoon was briliant. I'd love to of seen these guys when he was still around. RIP.

Alkaline Trio - Alkaline Trio This was the first Trio cd I fell in love with. Everything from 97' to Cooking Wine to Southern Rock. If it wasn't for this cd I wouldn't of fell in love with Crimson. I love Matt Skiba. He brings so much emotion to the music.

Sing the Sorrow - AFI Thanks to CM Punk I bought this cd, and wow! Havok's voice and the lyrics he chooses just brings so much emotion to this cd. This is their best IMO. I've got about 5 or 6 AFI cds, and nothing beats this one.

Greatest Hits - Tupac I love Pac. So many great albums, but if I had to pick one it would be the Greatest Hits. I don't listen to rap anymore unless it's Tupac or Kanye West's College Dropout.

College Dropout - Kanye West This album is just fun. The beats, the lyrics, the flows. Every song is worth listening to.

Honorable Mentions
Neil Young - Harvest
Blink 182 - Greatest Hits
Blind Melon - Nico
Radio Moscow - Radio Moscow
TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
I don't listen to many whole albums. I usually just like individual songs. That's why some of my choices are best of's.

Audioslave-Audioslave: Cochise has got one of the best opening's of any song I've heard. I'm surprised nobodys used it as an entrance theme yet. And Like A Stone & I Am The Highway are two of my favorite songs.

The Cranberries-Stars:The Best Of 1992-2002:Zombie is my favorite song of all time. It's pretty different from all the other song's. But there's some classics on that album, and there not that popular which I like.

CocoRosie-Noah's Ark: I originally brought it because I liked the uniporn on the front cover, and I was curious to know what it was like. It's really weird. I can't describe it very well.

Manic Street Preachers-Forever Delayed:
There's some absolute classics on that album. I had forgot how good they were until I brought it.

Various Artists-ECW: Extreme Music:
Bruce Dickinsons The Zoo is amazing. I could listen to that over and over again. It's obviously got This Is Extreme, the opening theme tune. RVD's Walk theme, Enter Sandman, Huka Blues, Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck etc.
1. Chamillionaire-The Sound of Revenge - My favorite current rapper and i love every song on this album

2. Tupac-The Don Killuminati:The 7 Day Theory - Tupac's last album before he died and its great

3.Tupac-All Eyez on Me - So many good songs on this album

4.Tupac-Me Against the World - Another great Pac album

5. Tupac-Greatest Hits - Yeah I like 2pac
in no particular orden

the open door - because its fom my favorite band and i love weight of the world

fallen - this is by far the best evanescence cd because every song has something that is different form the other and you can listen it without getting bored

origin - i really want this cd because it is the first evanescence cd and i really want to hear them before they were famous

human clay - i only like this cd because my brother always hears it and i fell in love with a song called witha rms wide open

disclaimer II - this cd is important for me because is was the first cd that i bought with my own money!!! and i only bought it because of the song broken
"Back in Black" - AC/DC one of the best AC/DC Albums ever
"Blizzard of Ozz" - Ozzy Osbourne Ozzys best album IMO
"As Daylight Dies" - Killswitch Engage Killswitchs 2nd Album, they're best so far
"A Beautiful Lie" 30 Seconds to Mars I know 30 Seconds to Mars is like a girl band, but i like this album, there's just something about it
"A Vulgar Display of Power" - Pantera, everything is awesome about this one... I espeically like "Walk"
Hints Allegations and things left unsaid-Collective soul- this has of course teh major hit Shine. This was the first album I ever ehard all the way through and I don't think there is a bad song on it. they show you can be heavy without screaming.

13 Songs-Fugazi- this is the album that really made me go out and look into underground punk from the 80's. When I first put this in and heard the song Waiting Room I was instantly hooked.

In Utero-Nirvana-This album made me more open to expiermentation in music. It showed you can go away from the sound that made you popular and alienate your fan base and still make good music.

Dirty-Sonic Youth- I think this album is often overlooked. It has great songs like 100% and Sugar Kane. It made me open minded to other styles of music.

Siamese Dream-Smashing Pumpkins-the album that got me into SP. I love eh quietness that explodes into loud screaming guitars. THere's a ton of melody in this album.
The Cranberries-Stars:The Best Of 1992-2002:Zombie is my favorite song of all time. It's pretty different from all the other song's. But there's some classics on that album, and there not that popular which I like.

What would you reccomend off this cd?
I love Zombie and Linger. I have no cd's by the cranberries though.
My Top 5:

01. Radiohead - The Bends : This album hit me right around the time I started listening to music. Fake Plastic Trees and Street Spirit (Fade Out) are two of the most beautiful songs ever. Recommended Radiohead: everything.

02. Sleater-Kinney - The Hot Rock : Sleater-Kinney is one of those bands who you either like to the point of obsessing or just can't stand. To me, their voices are absolutely beautiful and the guitars are mindblowing for just a three piece punk band. If you haven't heard any Sleater-Kinney, check out: Burn, Don't Freeze , God Is A Number, Get Up, Memorize Your Lines, One Beat, Oh!, Light Rail Coyote, Jumpers, Entertain, All Hands On The Bad One.

03. Bauhaus - In The Flat Field : Bauhaus are one of those bands much like Pixies or Gang Of Four who are for the most part off the radar but influenced billions of bands. Their playing is some of the tightest I've ever heard. Peter Murphy's voice is one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard (even better than Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode). If you've never heard of Bauhaus, I highly recommend the following: In The Flat Field, Double Dare, God In An Alcove, Stigmata Martyr, Terror Couple Kill Colonel, Hair Of The Dog, Mask, She's In Parties, The Sanity Assassin and Bela Lagosi's Dead.

04. The Catherine Wheel - Adam And Eve : This is the cd I pop in when I feel like going on a long drive somewhere. Its the sound of Talk Talk and a lot of "shoegazer" bands like My Bloody Valentine, Ride and Swervedriver, but with crunchier, louder guitars. Phantom Of The American Mother is absolutely stunning. Recommended listening from The Catherine Wheel: Phantom Of The American Mother, Broken Nose, Ma Solituda, Crank, Pain, The Nude, Texture, Black Metallic, Waydown, Heal, Judy Staring At The Sun.

05. Massive Attack - Mezzanine : My introduction to electronic music and its various forms came from Mezzanine. One of the most atmospheric albums I've heard. Good for playing when I just want to lie around with my headphones on in a dark corner. Recommended Massive Attack: Teardrop, Angel, Inertia Creeps, Dissolved Girl, Safe From Harm, Blue Lines, Unfinished Sympathy, What Your Soul Sings, A Prayer For England.
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Let's see, this is only for the moment, and as Jake said, I prefer individual songs almost always.

Metallica - Black Album: My favorite band by far. The album is just the culmination of Metallica as the Greatest Metal band ever.

Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits: One of the best performers ever, and who doesn't like "Are you gonna go my way"!
The lyrics are great, and well, this is more a "Good times" album, which reminds me of someone special bitch, so then.

Nirvana - In Utero: If you think that "Nevermind" is their best work ever, then you are wrong. Heart shaped box is the defining song of Nirvana IMO, and one of the best of all times. Is the kind of album I can listen all fucking day long without getting bored.Amazing.

The Doors - The Best of The Doors (1985) Jim Morrison is the shit. This album bring me SO many memories... I don't know if "Alabama Song" is the Best song ever, but certainly is one of my favorites ever. I could get drunk a thousand times listening Roadhouse Blues another thousand...absolutely the Ultimate rock-Bar album, it fucking rocks.

Heroes del Silencio - The Platinum Collection(Spanish Rock) Probably unheard by the 99.99% of you guys and gals, but this Spain native rock Band is one, if not the MOST influential spanish Rock band ever. Opio (Opium) is one of my favorite songs, and if any of you knows Spanish, this album is just a Basic.
At this moment in time:

Metallica - Ride The Lightning - Metallica strayed away from the all out Thrash assault displayed on their debut album, Kill 'Em All, while in the process adding complex melodies, slower, emotional songs, and throwing in a smashing, and what I consider, to be the greatest instrumental of all time.

Martyr - Hopeless Hopes - One of the most interestingly musical bands, this album defines the genre known as 'Jazz Metal'. They display an awesome musical onslaught, introducing fast, intricate speeds, neo-classically inspired solos, frequent time signatures, and a regular use of dissonant chords.

The Crown - Deathrace King - The ultimate Death-Thrash album. Absolutely blistering. Not many albums match the intensity of this. Provides us with some of the fastest, ear bursting Metal riffs, accompanied by Johan's undeniable growls.

- Close to a World Below - Very intricate and subtle for straight forward Death Metal. It also has amazing prodction, one of the best in the DM game. The guitar riffs and solos are evil, portraying the sound of being smashed into 1000 pieces.

Dave Brubeck - Time Out - The ultimate Jazz album. Better than anything Miles or Coltrane have done. By far. Such a brainy foray into time signatures, the simple joy and emotion of the music is what really comes through in this recording. A mathmaticians dream. Brubeck isn't considered a genius for nothing.
my top 5 favorite albums are-
1. Slipknot- Slipknot
2. Iowa- Slipknot
3. Vol. 3 The Subliminal Versus- Slipknot
4. Korn- Korn
5. Bullet For My Valentine- The Poison

Some others would be cradle of filth - nymphetamine
blue october- history for sale
red hot chili peppers- stadium arcadium
cradle of filth- midian
stone sour- come what(ever) may
breaking benjamin- phobia
Jon Young - City I Luv - Completely unheard of artist, this is his first album. Really great album, he has the potential to become a really great hip hop artist he just needs a little exposure. I suggest you check into him seriously.

T.I - King - Kick ass CD here. T.I is the person that really got me strong into rap with his lyrics and his talent. This CD here shows his qualities really well.

Blink 182 - Greatest Hits - Kind of an obvious choice on why I decided to pick this one up. Obviously its Blink's greatest hits, and Blink is really one of the only actual "bands" that I listen to.

2-pac - All Eyes On Me - Now I understand that I am starting to sound like a wigger, but Im really not. I wear cloths that fit me, I dont talk jibe, I just really enjoy rap music. This is probably an all time classic CD for me. Very insperational.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Jupiter - Their best album by far, and an instant classic in my eyes. This is the only CD that I purchased twice, just so I could have an unopened copy. I love it.
Right now my favourite albums would have to be:

Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death - Iron Maiden was the first band I have ever listened to, and they are the ones who got me into Metal.

Three Days Grace - One-x - This is probably the first album I have ever listened to atleast 10 times. I'm not sure why, but this album is addicting as hell to me.

System Of A Down - Mezmerize - This is the first System Of A Down album I've listened to. I love how the music is mostly about polotics and propaganda, and is also really humerous at the same time.

System Of A Down - Hypnotize - This is the second part of the Mezmerize/Hypnotize set. Same reasons to why I like this as Mezmerize.

Metallica - Master Of Puppets - Must I explain why? :)
Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death - Iron Maiden was the first band I have ever listened to, and they are the ones who got me into Metal.

Really AMoLaD as one of you favourites? I mean it is good, but I still would put The Number of the Beast and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son over that one, with those two being the top and AMoLaD as a fairly distant third.

Metallica - Master Of Puppets - Must I explain why? :)

Yes, I like it as well but Humour us for your reasons.

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