Top 5 best heels....


Mrs. Danielson
I was watching the new "ECW" tonight and was thinking that it really needs a good heel. Test is pathetic, but he is the closest thing "ECW" has to a believable heel. There have been some good heels over the past 20 years that I've been watching wrestling. Here are my Top 5 best heels ever:

5.) Ric Flair - the Nature Boy was the heel in NWA back in the days of the 4 horseman. It has been so long since Flair had a truly great run as a heel it is easy to forget how good he was.

4.) The Dudley Boys - Ok, I know they are a tag team, but back in the mid 90's in ECW the Dudley's started a riot every night in every city they performed in.

3.) Randy Savage - The Macho Man was loved as a face but even more hated as a heel. Anyone remember when he smashed Ricky Steamboat's throat with the ring bell? This was one of the greatest heel angles ever.

2.) Roddy Piper - Any segment of Piper's Pit would support his spot on this list, especially breaking a coconut over Snuka's head. He was way before his time and was completely innovative.

1.) Shane Douglas - Hands down the best heel ever in professional wrestling. There are wrestlers that had one or two great heel angles, but every heel angle Shane was involved in was great. For 5 years, he was the premier heel in ECW. This is the guy that threw down the NWA belt and attacked Pitbull #1 while he had a legit broken neck. Shane is pure genious.
I'm only 20, so I couldn't give a history lesson on the greatest heels. But right now, I'll give you five WWE heels that are just damn good at doing their job.

1) Triple H - I know he's not a heel, but Triple H as a face just isn't cutting it for me. He's half the performer he once was as a heel..
2) Edge - He's just such a fantastic heel. He mic work seems genuine and he's an excellent worker.
3) Randy Orton - So charismatic and so easy to boo. Orton's such a natural heel.
4) Booker - He basically does everything well.
5) Johnny Nitro - Him and Melina work very well together and make each other more dislikeable
1-Triple H- eialy the best heel since I've started watching wrestling

2-Ric Flair- there is a reason they call him the dirtiest player in the game

3-Jeff Jarrett- I can't think of anybody that draws more naterual hatred from the fans then Jarrett

4-Raven- dark, diaboicale, and pure evil, this is the guy that crcified the sandman for chist sake

5-and of course, Mr. McMahon- this is the guy J.R. like to refer to as Satan himself, he's screwed Bret Hart, tried to divorce his wife, sending her into sadated state for months, and did so many other evil things it would take to long to list them all
1. Vince McMahon - He kills everything we love about wrestling. He killed ECW and thinks he can get away with dragging its legacy through the mud by bringing us WWECW.

2. Triple H - Was the most hated guy in the wrestling world from 2000-2004.

3. Shane Douglas - Cut great promos and made you hate him with a passion.

4. Ric Flair - No need for an explanation here. Pure genius.

5. The Dudley Boyz - These guys had fans waiting outside the arenas wanting to legitamately beat their asses.
Top Five Heels is a tough contest, though here are mine.

1) Edge - He and Triple H were neck and neck, but I legitimately hated the guy. When I watch wrestling, in the back of my mind something always reminds me that is entertainment, but whenever I saw him, I actually disliked the guy.

2) Triple H - For the last few years, there was not a more despicable man in WWE than The Game.

3) Vince McMahon - A great heel, who just abuses power like no-one else. One of those guys who just wouldn't be the same as a face.

4) Shane Douglas - Promos, matches, gestures, every god damn thing about this guy just pissed me off. Could have been first, but unfortunately I didn't see much of him.

5) Dudley Boyz - I swear, if people thought WWE or ECW was real, these guys could be dead. People wanted to bash the hell out of them they were that damn good. What more can I say.

3 Honourable Mentions: Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Roddy Piper

1) Triple H
2) Edge
3) The Dudleys
4) Ric Flair
5) Randy Orton

special mention goes to World of Sport wrestler Mick McManus who I believe was the first ever heel wrestler. (I may be wrong with that but anyway he was awesome)
The Dudley Boyz: I'm not talking about the WWE or T.N.A. Dudleyz. I'm on about the ECW original Dudleyz. They almost started riot's every night with there promo's.

Raven: One of the most believable gimmick's in wrestling at one time. His feud with The Sandman when he made his family leave him is one of my personal favorite's.

Terry Funk: For the past couple of year's he's been a crowd favorite, partially because of his age and the fact that he still wrestle's. But watch his promo's from the 70's and 80's and you will see where Mick Foley got his style from.

Vince McMahon: I dont know if he would have been such a good heel if Steve Austin had'nt been so popular but he still deserve's a mention.

John Bradshaw Leyfield: A great comedy heel. He did'nt deserve his original title run but by the end of it he did. He might not be the best of wrestler's but he always make's an effort. He will bump like crazy to get over. And his promo's are some of the best in year's.
I don't really have a top five favorite heels, but why is everyone excluding Ted DiBiase? He was one of the best heels of the '80s
1. Edge numerous people have explained why he is such a great heel i loved his part when he was champion where he went to the kids and said to them "did you think your hero Cena was gonna win? WRONG WRONG "

2. HHH man this guy just cuts heel promo's easily i remember the first time he turned heel after the brand split he managed to get the crowd to turn on him in one night.

3. Christian I actually hated this guy at the start of his singles competition but as i grew older i loved the way he could draw heat.

4. Randy Orton god i wanted mick foley to beat his ass when they had their fued he was awesome as the legend killer.

5. JBL this guy is just a natural at drawing heat his salute at Germany shows how far he's willing to go to get heat as a beleivable heel.
I can't pin a top 5 but I think why Ted Dibiase hasn't been listed is because most of the folks on here are youngings... who brought in the Undertaker? yeapers... who invited a kid onto a stage and told him if he bounced a ball 15 times and after the 14th DiBiase kicked the ball away... THAT makes me laugh each time I see it... who tried to buy the WWF title? yeah, DiBiase is my top... with Flair runner up... :headbanger:
5.Edge... so nasty, he may be my favorite wrestler right now
4. Triple H... much better as a heel
3.Ric Flair...of course
2.JBL...He was made to be a good heel
1.John Cena...I actually liked him heel...his character made sense:p!
Though he wasn't a "wrestler", I have to give an honorable mention to ECW's Joel Gertner. The "quintesentual stud-muffin" was awesome as he announced the Dudley's before each of their matches. How awesome of a heel is an over-weight, hairy guy wearing neck brace, no shirt and a sport jacket who is totally in love with himself. An his insulting dirty nursery rhymes were the best. Fans hated Joel Gertner and he just let them play into his hands. Just had to give him some props. Otherwise, I think that historically, RVDgurl's list would be closest to mine.
Edge- He made Kids cry when he won his second title on RAW in that triple Threat match.

Undertaker- Same thing when he beat Hogan for the Title origianally.

Triple H- He can work a crowd brilliantly as a heel.

Ric Flair- you cannot deny the Nature Boy as one of the Top Heels in the History of the Biz. Whooooo

I can't come up with a fifth one so ill just say a few that I think fall into the category of good Heels.
-Hulk Hogan- no one expected the Turn when he joined the NWO.
-Christian- Good at getting Heat, one of the origianal Cocky Heels, that are now so prevalent out of OVW.
-Ted DeBiase- Everyone else has covered this.
-JBL- He is good as a Heel he goes the extra mile as someone mentioned earlier in regard to that House show in Germany.
-Randy Orten- Cocky Heel that you love to Hate.
-Jake "the Snake" Roberts- Can't forget him if you try.
I agree with the ppl who said to stop forgetting about DiBiase. he was a great heel, and i dont think one time ever was a face. How many heels can say they never were a face at one time or another. DiBiase, greatest heel ever
Yeh i agree with some of them, but You gotta give some credit to randy orton to how he manipulates his natural arrogance into one great believeable heel performance.
1.Ric Flair-They dont call him the dirtiest player in the game for no reason. He was way over as a heel. He did anything he could to win. He cheated to win so many victories.

2. Dudleys- Fans would actually go to their car and wait to attack them. They spit on fans and did alot of crazy shit just to get over. They were the most over tag team heels in ECW.

3.Shane Dogalus- He revolutionized ECW When he threw the Eastern Championship Wrestling belt on the floor. He got so much heat for that. He cursed. Hell when he broke that guys kneck(forgot his name) and Pitbull 2 tried to break his kneck in return. The fans were booing the hell out of him.

4.Edge- He didn't have that well of a good run as face but as a heel he is awesome. He is funny and makes smart remarks to every face he knows. For example when Jeff came back he said ''didn't you die 3 years ago''.

5.Jeff Jarrett- In TNA they actually threw shit at him when he won the KOTM match. The fans were about to riot. Jarrett had to run quickly in order to get out of the way. The fans wanted him to loose the belt so bad. He was just one of the few to extract the heel character to its full potential.

1. Ric Flair- The greatest wrestler and dirty wrestler of all time

2. Jeff Jarrett- His own fans hate him...not even Vince can do that

3. Edge- He's just a natural heel

4. Triple H- can get you very pissed off

5. John Cena- he played heel AND face at the same time.
Im gonna give you all the top 5 greatest heels of all time! See when you think of a heel, not only are you supposed to think of a bad guy, but youre supposed to think of someone who made you so angry as a pro wrestling fan, if you saw them on the street, you would wanna punch them in the face. Youre thinking Ric Flair or HHH? Edge? No, cuz these guys got cheers even as heels. So here, in my opinion, are the top 5 heels of all time...............

5. JBL- Here is someone who was generally cheered before when he was part of the APA. Then he flips the switch and combines Dick Murdoch and Ted Dibiase. No one thought he could get over, then he became WWE Champion by dethroning Eddie Guerrero. Then he goes on a 10 month reign, and doesnt win a single match cleanly. He beat Guerrero, Big Show, Angle, Undertaker, Booker T and everyone thrown at him. He was HATED. On top of all of his in ring perversions, he punched Blue Meanie for real at One Night Stand, does the hitler stepping in Germany, and never got repremaned! Talk about a great heel.

4. Steven Richards of the RTC- Youre watching WWE in 2000. Enjoying the emergence of TLC and loving the fued of HHH and The Rock. You got bikini matches and hardcore matches. Youre riding a WWE high. All of a sudden, here comes some white socks, black tie wearing idiot telling you the stuff you wanna see, is bad for you, bad for society, and he's not gonna let you watch it. Steven Richards was a sumb*tch! The RTC was a take off of the PTC, and boy did he have heat! Interupting Bra and Panties matches, Hardcore matches and all of that. This was probably the time in his career where he waS most over. As a bast@rd heel!

3. Bret Hart- Everyone remembers Survivor Series 97. Got it. What everyone seems to forget was the 3 to 4 months before that. When he reformed the Hart Foundation with Owen, Davey Boy, The Anvil and Pillman. He was always on Raw, or pay per views telling us that America sucked and Canada was so much better. AND, he was telling us on American television! Remember the stuff with The Nation of Domination and the spray painted locker room? He was a great heel, and even more so, when he was saying all of this stuff, he was WWE Champion! He may have left WWE as the victim, but he sure was the perpretrator before that.

2. Vince McMahon- Where do i begin!?!?!?! "Bret Screwed Bret", "Austin, Youre Fired", "Shawn, dont make me," This man began his evil tirade after the Montreal ScrewJob. Sure, he's made his attempts at being a face, but he has always gone back to his evil "Mr.McMahon" ways. He's fueded with all the top names in the business at one time or another. Austin, Rock, 'Taker, HHH, Micheals, Flair and even with his own family! He had his daughter sacrificed, and had his wife drugged. He's beatin down his son, and has fired countless wrestlers. Hell, he bought out his main rival in WCW! He's my vote for second greatest heel of all time

and now, my number one heel of all time!!!!!!!!

1. Hulk Hogan- I know what youre saying, WTF! Here you have someone, who was the picture of Americana! "say your prayers, eat your vitamins!" He was an american hero and icon. He was the face of WWE thru the 80's and early nineties, and the same when he got to WCW. So when he helped the Outsiders defeat Team WCW at Bash At The BEach 96, it was as if the Anticrist had come out on national t.v. I cant recall a wrestler before Hogan, having trash thrown into the ring at him by the fans. He said stick it to the fans, the people who had cheered him for a decade. He was a perfect heel. Used underhand tactics not only to win, but to keep the WCW title for nearly a year. He brought in people into the NWO that were also hated. Hell, the man who ran the company behind the scenes, Bischoff, was also a member of the NWO, also brought in by Hogan. They dominated everyone in WCW, The Horsemen, the Dungeon, everyone! He's a fan favorite once again, but no one will ever forget his run as the greatest heel of all time!
I can't pin a top 5 but I think why Ted Dibiase hasn't been listed is because most of the folks on here are youngings... who brought in the Undertaker? yeapers... who invited a kid onto a stage and told him if he bounced a ball 15 times and after the 14th DiBiase kicked the ball away... THAT makes me laugh each time I see it... who tried to buy the WWF title? yeah, DiBiase is my top... with Flair runner up... :headbanger:

I saw the topic & was coming on here to say DiBiase!! Here's my rough copy of the Top 5 Heels:

5 - Steve Austin
Austin was one son of a bitch! Kicking ass & taking names. He didn't put up with shit! The Austin vs Bret feud is still one of the most memorable feuds I've seen.

4 - Ted DiBiase
The guy was classic. Great on the mic & made everyone hate him. Plus the guy was a pretty good wrestler... He paved the way for future villians!

3 - Jake 'The Snake' Roberts
He was great as a babyface, but even deadlier as a heel! WOW. I still can't get the images outta my head when he made his cobra bite Randy Savage. Or even before that when he tormented Elizabeth & Savage with the cobra at their wedding. He even locked the Warrior in that chamber of snakes & then slammed the casket down on Taker's hand. This guy did some of the most memorable & dasteridly things to 3 of the top faces at that time.

2 - Ric Flair
Can't say much about Flair, since I never saw him really as a heel. I didn't watch WCW and the only time I ever saw him as a bad guy was his stint in WWF in 91-92, and interviews they show of him. He was heel in Revolution, but more of a lackey at best. He's #2, because what I have seen of him, he had all the pieces together to be one of the best Heels of all time.

1 - The Undertaker
Remember him cracking Hogan over the head with the Urn? How about stuffing Undertaker in the Casket? And this was just in his first 3 years. The guy is the best heel out there cause he plays on "most" people's fear. DEATH. The guy truly is a phenom!

Other mentionables:

JBL - Everybody gots a price! Oh wait that's DiBiase...
New Age Outlaws - These guys made everyone laugh, but they also pissed alot of people off! If not throwing Foley & Funk over the ramp in a dumpster, they were stealing LOD's shoulder pads or smashing a BoomBox over the Headbanger's heads!
The 1997 era DX - Being a big Bret Hart fan, these guys pissed me off to no ends. So did Austin, but knowing the history of Shawn & Bret, it just made it worse.
Andre - The guys size was all he really needed.
nWo/Hulk Hogan - The True Revolution during the mid 90's.
Bret Hart - Although I loved it, he pissed off alot of Americans!
Chris Jericho - Just had the skills to work the crowd, excellent.
Kurt Angle - Needs some mic work, but one of the best wrestlers.
The Rock - 'Nuff Said!

There's probably tons more but those are the best of them
5: Orton, because I simply hate him. Untalented, cocky, etc.

4: Larry Sweeney: As much as I like the sweet and sour one, you gotta hate him. That 80's Heel thing kicks ass.

3: James Mitchell: The dude rocks on the stick, and you can truely believe he's the devil incarnate.

2: John Zandig: He makes me angry, and sad to be a Wrestling fan.

1: Chris Hero: The guy gets heat in ROH, no matter what he does.
1.Jeff Jarrett
2.Christian Cage
3.AJ Styles

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