Top 10 Worst Wrestle Mania Matches

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
In you're oppinion what are the worst Wrestle Mania matches in it's 22 year history?

1. John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield (Wrestle Mania 21)
2. Big Show vs. Akebono (Wrestle Mania 21)
3. The Undertaker vs. Sid (Wrestle Mania 13)
4. Tag Team Battle Royal (Wrestle Mania 14)
5. All of Wrestle Mania 9
6. Triple H vs. The Ultimate Warrior (Wrestle Mania 12)
7. Owen Hart vs. Skinner (Wrestle Mania 8)
8. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant (Wrestle Mania 3)
9. Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter (Wrestle Mania 7)
10. Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna (Wrestle Mania 10)
Rowdy Piper vs. Goldust in the parking lot brawl should make the list at 1#
Mr.Benjamin said:
Rowdy Piper vs. Goldust in the parking lot brawl should make the list at 1#

What are you on about it's one of the best matches of Pipers career and the only decent Goldust match I can think of.
I Think the worst match would have to be the big show akebono match. WHAT WAS THE POINT?
I think Goldberg vs Lesnar has to rank up in the top 10 somewhere...the best thing about that match was them both being booed out of the Garden.
I think the Goldberg/Lesnar match sucked. Which makes no sense with the characters that these two had built for themselves they should have had a "SLOBBERKNOCKER" of a match at Wrestlemania XX but instead it really sucked and was boring as hell. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin giving them both stunners at the end of the match was just priceless.
brets my favorite wrestler ever... but when he beat yoko at WM 10, wtf... yoko just fell and bret pinned him, it wss ridiculous and ruined the match....
lesnar vs. was the last match for both since lesnar wanted to try and become a football player and goldberg decided he wanted to try and move on to other things in his career. You could just tell neither one cared about the match and just wanted it to end.
they still could have put a little more effort in to it, a lot of fans paid good money to see that match, they shoed in that match that they didn't give a crap about the fans that helped make them stars they are(or were)
1. Big Show vs. Akebono (Wrestlemania 21)
2. Boogyman vs. Booker T and Sharmell (Wrestlemania 22)
3. Cat Fight: The Kat vs. Terri (Wrestlemania 2000)
4. Molly vs. Victoria (Wrestlemania 20)
5. Gimmick Battle Royal (Wrestlemania 17)
6. Fatal Four Way Tag Title Match (Wrestlemania 20)
7. Playboy Pillow Fight (Wrestlemania 22)
8. Casket Match (Wrestlemania 22)
9. Rikishi & Kane vs. X-pac & Road Dogg (Wrestlemania 2000)
10. Lesnar vs. Goldberg (Wrestlemania 20)
First and foremost, whoever put Hogan vs Andre as one of the worst matches of all time needs to be banned. FLAT OUT! Regardless of the "lack of technical wrestling" that was involved, this was by far the most important match in wrestling history. It was not the best either, but without this match, or Wrestlemania 3, pro wrestling would not exist in the form it does today. This match introduced wrestling to more people than at any other time in history ever, period. So whether you hate Hogan or not, you have to give your respects to him AND Andre. We all sympathize with Kurt Angle for the pain he was wrestling through, maybe do some research and find out what it was like to be Andre in that match!

I would also like to add, after watching the entire Wrestlemania Anthology collection, the worst match, by far was "Adorable" Adrian Adonis VS Uncle Elmer. Uncle Elmer was a 400 lb senior citizen. It took him seriously 5 minutes to get to the ring. He even fell down after trying to punch Adrian!
Ultimate Warrior Vs. Hulk Hogan
Big Show Vs. Akebono
John Cena Vs. Big Show.

I can't think of any more.
Agreeable. I think I've seen every WrestleMania there has been and I have to say from a standpoint of build up and delivery the one I have to say....
Brock vs Goldberg- For all the reasons everyone else has pointed out. They were both HUGE names and the build up to this match was ENOURMOUS and this was the match millions of people had been praying to see. And then it finally happened it was a total let down for all the hype it was suppose to carry.
My least favorite 10 matches-

John Cena vs Triple H- WM22- As much as I love Triple H maineventing, I don't think it was a WM caliber match, and the ending was horrible.

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior- Two wrestlers with limited moves- horrible match.

Brock vs Goldberg- Complete let down, I think Lesnar is a good wrestler, but there was nothing good about this match.

Boogeyman vs Booker T- Boogeyman should not have been wrestling, let alone wrestling at WM.

Play Boy Pillow Figt- Candice vs Torrie- I think the Playboy Pillow Fight says it all, pillow fights belong at slumber parties.

The Kat vs Terri- Ugh, horrible. I hate this match.

That's all I can think of.

Flames Out
theiceman said:
I think Goldberg vs Lesnar has to rank up in the top 10 somewhere...the best thing about that match was them both being booed out of the Garden.

it would of been a good match if it hadnt leaked that they would both be leaving wwe after this event
Personally, i think all of wrestlemanias matches were boring. there all too fuckin long! 30 mins for a match for no title. pretty boring. The only good matches in wrestlemania are probably the last matches. there the ones that actually make the ppv. but lately, the main events suck more then the ppv itself. I havent seen a good wrestlemania yet.
i agree, the lesnar vs goldberg match was horrible and lesnar is my all time fav. i also have liked goldberg through his career, that match was suposed to be one of the biggest of the decade they both probably really didnt care about it cuz they were both leaving, look at the effort that lesnar put into the wm19 match against angle, he even attempted a shooting star press, and hes 300 pounds!
I think just about every hardcore title match in wrestlemania history sucked,
especially the hardcore invitational at WM16, what a ******ed mess
GentlySpitItOut said:
Personally, i think all of wrestlemanias matches were boring. there all too fuckin long! 30 mins for a match for no title. pretty boring. The only good matches in wrestlemania are probably the last matches. there the ones that actually make the ppv. but lately, the main events suck more then the ppv itself. I havent seen a good wrestlemania yet.

then clearly you are watching the wrong show, every match at wrestlemania has sucked? there is so much wrong with that comment for any wrestling fan who has ever watched the wwe to make!
I don't know about top ten but to me By far, hands down it has to be Brock Lesner vs Goldberg. That match was pitiful. They were both leaving and they both put an atrocious match that night. That match could have been better regardless of Goldberg's inability to pull off a decent move. (i guess you could fiugure I wasn't a Goldberg mark in his day). Lesner was great and he could have carried Goldberg into a half decent match but neither individual cared about anything other than collecting their last paycheck that night.
Goldberg vs lesnar was plain horrible they wasted 5 mintures just standing there
WJX said:
then clearly you are watching the wrong show, every match at wrestlemania has sucked? there is so much wrong with that comment for any wrestling fan who has ever watched the wwe to make!

its one mans opinion. take it easy. sure there were some good matches. but most of the time there all shity. every match is over rated.

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