Top 10 Technicians To Ever Grace The Ring?

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Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
I'm sure most of you on these boards admire technical wrestling and appreciate the artform that very few wrestlers have mastered. Thus far, who are the top 10 technicians - active and inactive - to ply their craft? Try to keep it in order...

(There are plenty of up and comers like Danielson, Joe, and Punk - but try to stick to guys who have cemented their legacy)

1) Kurt Angle
2) Chris Benoit
3) Bret Hart
4) Owen Hart
5) Eddie Guerrero
6) Dean Malenko
7) Lance Storm
8) William Regal
9) Chris Jericho
10) Shawn Michaels

Obviously, some of these guys are either retired/inactive (RIP to Eddie and Owen) or have noticeably slowed down (Regal and Michaels), but I do firmly believe that these guys - in their respective primes - were capable of putting on fantastically technical matches
1. Kurt Angle
2. Chris Benoit
3. Bret Hart
4. Ricky Steamboat
5. Randy Savage
6. Eddie Guerrero
7. William Regal
8. Shawn Michaels
9. Brock Lesnar
10. The Undertaker

I am looking at this list and I realise there are some controversial choices. I have based my choices on the ability to consistantly put on an entertaining match.
Here is who I would go with...

1.Kurt Angle
2. Dean Malenko
3.Chris Benoit
4.Ric Flair
5.Chris Jericho
6.Bret Hart
7.Lance Storm
8.Curt Henning
10. Little Guido/Nunzio (whatever his name is now.)

I know people are going to bag on my last two alot... Especially the Little Guido pick, but he is a great technical wrestler.

  1. 1.kurt angle,this guy is awsome and is the best wrestler right now

  • 2.bret "the hitman" hart,bret one of the best ever

  • 3.chris beniot,the matches this guy has put on with the other guys on this list were increible

  • 4.lance storm,how could you have a list for greatest technicians with out lance

  • 5.eddie guerrero,r.i.p one of the most entertaining wrestlers ever

  • 6.dean malenko,the man of 1,000 holds can't be left off the list

  • 7.owen hart,r.i.p never got his due in wwe wish he would have became champ one time

  • 8.chris jerico,loved him even in the early days hope he comes back soon deserves a long championship run

  • 9.taz,i know i will get heat for this choice but in his day he was the champion of champions when he was ecw champ many thought he was the best champion in wrestling at the time,could put on a great match with anybody

  • 10.tie shelton benjamin/brock lesner,i know these guys haven't "cemented there legacy" just yet but they are two of the most technicly sound wrestlers ever and deserve to be on this list they could put on an entertaining match with anybody
sorry i picked 11 unsted of 10 this was a hard list to make,and i left out so many other great technicians,oh well here my picks.
I respect all of your choices, but I can't help but respond...

Randy Savage was never really a technical wrestler. His early matches most definitely rocked, but he used more of an old school style. I didn't see that many throws, transition moves, stretches, and holds from him.

The Undertaker - as a quality wrestler - is very controversial. Many people acknowledge that he has been able to always remain popular in wrestling's ever-evolving climate. However, those same people even realize that it wasn't the Undertaker who carried his opponents in his best matches, it was often the other way around. A good technical wrestler can make the stiffest wrestlers look good, Undertaker just looks awkward with certain opponents

Tazz - The suplex is my favorite move in wrestling. In fact, if I were to become a wrestler, I'd emulate his style to an obvious degree. Despite his huge list of throws, Tazz couldn't really put on a scientific match.

Brock Lesnar - Brock is strange. He's an enigma of sorts. He has no streamlined style. Put him up against a high flyer, he'll probably do the same moves as you. Put a technician in front of him, he'll display his mat skills. Put a powerful scrub in front of him, all you'll see is power moves. Brock, like many other wrestler, has it in him to put on a technical classic whenever he wants. However, he's not know for his technical ability.

Thank you fellas for your opinions
In no particular order:-

1. American Dragon (In my oppinion the best wrestler in the world currently)
2. Kurt Angle (The most exciting wrestler to watch despite his neck problems)
3. Chris Benoit (He could have great matches with anyone)
4. A.J. Styles
5. Dean Malenko
6. Lance Storm
7. Ricky Steamboat
8. Ric Flair
9. Tiger Mask #1 (Matches with the Dynamite Kid in the 80's are some of the best ever)
10. Tom Billington (The greatest wrestler of all time)
1. Chris Benoit
2. Kurt Angle
3. Ric Flair
4. Dean Malenko
5. Ricky Steamboat
6. Bret Hart
7. Shawn Michaels
8. Eddy Guerrero
9. Chris Jericho
10. Lance Storm
I have looked at all these mine included and somone has been left out that I think is a top technican... I realized this the other night when I watched some of his matches and it made me realize that Perry Saturn is one of the top technicans. This guy was amazing, he was simply an awesome specimen of a wrestler. He could bring it martial arts style in the ring, he could fly, or he could put you on the mat. So Here is my revised list of Top 10

1.Kurt Angle
2. Dean Malenko
3.Chris Benoit
4.Ric Flair
5.Chris Jericho
6.Bret Hart
7.Lance Storm
8.Curt Henning
9.Perry Saturn
10. Taijiri
I'm surprised that not many of you have listed Owen Hart. I believe Bret's best matches were against Owen. In fact, Owen's moveset was even larger than Bret's. I understand that he did not have as long to show his magnificent wrestling ability, but he put on some of the WWE's best matches ever when the proper opponent was put in front of him.
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