Too much talent


Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
Is it a good thing?

I ask because watching WWE in the last few years, particularly within the last couple of months, I've noticed a ridiculous level of new talent promoted to the main shows. I mean look at all of the shows.

Bam Neely
Ricky Ortiz
Gavin Spears
Jack Swagger
Evan Bourne

Scotty Goldman
Ryan Braddock
Jesse and Festus
Brie Bella
Primo Colon

Dolph Ziggler
Dibiase (Rhodes as well to an extent)
D-Lo's return

Now in order to push these guys as credible, most of them will need to pick up the occasional W. This is where the difficulty appears...who do you use to put him over? If you want to start putting new talent over on a near weekly basis to build them up and break them in, you start having to completely reshuffle the midcard and make jobbers out of your mid-card until you can get them to a level you want.
The other alternative is bring in jobbers from out of company. This leads to a complete lack of time for the likes of Elijah Burke, Palumbo and Deuce.

So should new talent have been brought in at a slower rate, or is dropping so many new guys in to feud with each other the best way of doing it. Your thoughts?
I was just going to start a thread on this topic, but you beat me to it. You can add Primo Colon, Evan Bourne, and even Natalya to that list also.

I think that their philosophy is for every Evan Bourne there will be 2 or 3 or more Braden Walkers. People like DiBiase, Rhodes, and Kofi are here to stay, but Braddock, Goldman, Spears, Swagger, Zigler, etc can all be repackaged at some point.

I remember reading months back that only a couple developmental wrestlers were close to being ready to be called up and they have debuted over 10 just in the last few months. They must be depleating their roster at FCW quite a bit, even though it seems like a lot of the main roster guys still wrestle there as well.

It's great to see a lot of new faces, but they can't keep up the trend.
I wouldn't be too worried about it, half of those people on your list will probably be released in a couple months anyway. But to the question, I'd rather see new talent brought in at a slower rate and have them work there way up thru the normal "jobbers" then if they are any good go up against the proven guys. Bringing in alot of talent at once is not only confusing but half of them end up sucking and turns out to be a waste of time.
The recent purge of talent within the WWE was necessary because they do have far too many on their rster at the moment, but then they went and replaced them all with a whole new bunch of people. Is Scotty Goldman doing anything at all that Domino or Trevor Murdoch couldn't have done? I think probably not.

There are 17 wreslers active on the ECW roster. They never have more than 4 matches, so these people will never get used. I cannot remember the last time I saw Elijah Burke on TV, but I can remember that he garners far mor reaction and is about a million times more entertaining than Gavin Spears.

The WWE need to get rid of some of this talent fast, or just keep tem on the FCW roster, but use them now and then so the crowd get used to them and their full debuts are not ruined by them having zero reaction, and more importantly to give the current talent TV time. Putting these people on TV before they are ready for TV and beforfe TV needs them will just leave us with a load of wrestlers Braden Walking to the dole queue.
I agree with some of the other guys many of them are not going to last like Goldman and Braddock. but i wouldnt be suprised if Spears And Evan Bourne became The new Rhodes and Dibiase ( though not as a tag team) and main event pretty soon.
What we are whitnessing is one of the biggest upshifts in WWE history, there is a chance that the whole influx of new wrestlers will have people tune out... there will always be a loyal fan base who tune in regardless... so essentially the ones who this will affect most are the people tuning in for the first time. They will see people like Evan Bourne, the biggest prospect in the WWE slightly edging above Rhodes, Dibiase and Manu. They will see guys like Kofi Kingston and they will think hey I like that guy, then they will tune in again the next week to see where his character goes. Lets face it our heroes aren't going to last forever. For the most part WWE is proud of its heritage and so (touching wood we dont have any more cases like Benoit or Savage or Foley now I guess) we wont ever forget our heroes, but it's time to embrace these new talents because at least some of them are going to be the superstars for the next generation.
You can have too much talent I think, because if there were so much you wouldn't be able to fit it all in the main-event scenes they deserve and that would lead to deserving stars being squashed at the bottom, and never getting the recognition they deserve. A nice steady flow of talent is what is best for a wrestling business in my opinion.

You should have your main eventers. Consisting of a few guys. But they should all be really bug, over with the crowd. But immediately after that you should have the mid carders who have a lot of talent and could, with a little more experience, take over a position of main eventing when it became necessary. Finally, the lower mid card who are being moulded into stars. This way the company would never go through a 'dry' spell, always having the talent they need.
There is way too much new talent in the WWE at the moment. They're just jampacking their roster with new wrestlers and they are keeping some of the other wrestlers in the shadows like London and Elijah Burke. But as many other people have mentioned, a lot of the new talent won't last for long, and will probably get fired soon, which eliminates any point of even bringing them in in the first place. If they had brought these guys in slowly, instead of one big flood, it would've worked out much better. Now the midcard and below is just getting crowded and a lot of people are just being used as jobbers and not really getting anywhere. Not many of them are really getting noticed because there is so much new talent, it's like "Oh, another new guy. That's great," And they are getting wasted, but if they had waited another few months to debut they would be getting noticed.
I don't know if any of you will agree with me, but the WWE is doing a GREAT job with the new talent. You have a one hour show called ECW that since the departure of all but one of the ECW originals has been a wash of a show. Almost ALL of those guys first appeared on ECW first then switched to the brand they would be better suited for. I think your all MAD that you think they are overflowing the rosters. How much longer can HHH or Cena last before its time to hang up the boots with the constant injuries they are taking? Is the Great Kali going to carry the WWE into the future, or Will Evan Bourne or Ryan Braddock do it? Its time to start thinking of the FUTURE and not dwell on the Past!

Look at wrestling today. I mean REALLY look at it. While TNA has lost the focus that got them where they are today, The WWE is STEALING thier ideas right in front of their very own EYES! It wasn't Booger T or Angle that made TNA, TNA. It was ABYSS, AJ, ROODE, STORM, ERIC YOUNG, and others! The young guys brought to the wrestling world a NEW outlook! A NEW scheme, a REFRESHING NEW IDEA of what wrestling could become! TNA has lost that FIRE and is walking the WCW GREEN MILE. While once again, the WWE has turned it around on another promotion and is taking their ideas without anyone pointing it out to them (until me), that the WWE is still drawing with the use of those YOUNG GUYS and not the spotlight stealing EGO's!

Believe what you want, but the WWE has a one hour timeslot that was useless with the exception of trying to get their money to work. ECW is the place for all these developmental Talent contracts to get some work before sending them to pasture. Basically, its a SINK or SWIM mentallity I simply LOVE! Why keep wasting your money on these other wrestlers if their not going to make VKM MONEY?

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