A great way to bring some FCW Talent up to the main roster


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What do you guys think about the idea of WWE bringing in a manager that is really good on the mike. His gimick would be that he searches "the globe" for great talent and he is going to start bringing some fresh talent into the WWE. He then starts debuting some of the best FCW talent each week (Steamboat,Tyler Black,Cemeron, ect.) From what I undertand there are quite a few guys down there that have enough in ring talent to come up to the Big Shows they just are not there yet on the mike.(or the WWE doesnt have any angles to bring them in to be a part of) Some of these guys could continue to work down in FCW or behind the scenes on mike work, when they get good with promos they backstab the manager and leave the stable and fued with them. The manager then brings in new talent from FCW to take thier place in his stable and feud with the talent that just boned him. Thoughts......????
Sounds like a good idea.. i thought wwe struck gold when they brought in Nexus as a dominate Stable of nxt guys but they eventually messed up the whole angle.. They needed a heel manager to make them even better then they were.. I remember at 1 point there were rumors of hhh being behind the nexus angle and other names were being thrown around.. anyway I think they should have Joey Styles or Michael Cole or even Abraham Washington (what happened 2 him lol) bring in Some fresh new guys to dominate and be a nexus type of faction
Sounds like a good idea.. i thought wwe struck gold when they brought in Nexus as a dominate Stable of nxt guys but they eventually messed up the whole angle.. They needed a heel manager to make them even better then they were.. I remember at 1 point there were rumors of hhh being behind the nexus angle and other names were being thrown around.. anyway I think they should have Joey Styles or Michael Cole or even Abraham Washington (what happened 2 him lol) bring in Some fresh new guys to dominate and be a nexus type of faction

believe it or not washington is wrestling in FCW and has been since ecw went out
I believe this could work very well but I don't want them to do anything similar to the nexus I want someone like CM Punk to lead this faction and have him say he has a surprise for everyone and then week by week we will see the debut of Rollins,Amberose,Ohno(:banghead:)Antonio Cesaro,Sandow Etc until maybe they can have matches with mid carders or someone like tyson kidd and let them just have some solid matches on raw let someone like amberose be the mouthpiece or punk
Love the idea though
Im not liking that idea. Personally, that's just me.

However, I would like to see Armando Estrada being in the role of Paul Heyman and just debut someone new like he did with Lesnar...OR like Estrada did with Umaga.

After a bit you have gain, not too many, a few more guys that he manages. DO NOT mistake this for a new stable. He would basically be a male version of Vickie Gurerro, managing a few different superstars of all sizes and styles.
I don't really want these guys just put on Nxt or Superstars, I really miss those promos they would air about new talent coming in on Smackdown or Raw. I think the last time they returned to that was with Kharma.
You can't put people on the main roster who are still green on the mic, and expect them to get better overtime. That would be total suicide for their careers. Yep Yep Yep what it DO.
If Teddy Long loses the GM ship, he is a perfect candidate for this as he was a manager back in the day and was always using the "new talent" line. William Regal would also be another good one as he can carry the mic work for those who are not as seasoned and is a proven teacher.

The one I do want to see back is Jim Cornette, let him let rip to an extent, he'd be a great guy to come in and "feud" with Laurinitis and his gang.
Bring new talent in... the question is who looses out? There is only a specific amount of TV time that WWE can give and right now most places are being used.
I dont know how to view the idea of bringing new talent in...who I do agree deserve it! Before WWE sort out a U.S. and Intercontinental division (unofficial division) and the still flailing Tag Team division.
We need more Mid and Lower Mid card Feuds with current superstars before we bring more guys in.

I can think of plenty current Roster Talent that I would Future endevour right now.... and this idea could only work if WWE started cutting some of the fat. *Cough* Evan Bourne *Cough*

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