Too Much Cena?


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Now I am not a Cena Hater.My problem is not with Cena.My problem is with Wwe management.It just seems to me as they use him to much.Here is a basic episode of Raw: A Heel comes out cuts a promo and Cena interupts them then most likely him and said person will main event Raw.Then you'll see cena in a backstage promo and then 9 out of 10 times he beats the guy.(and even if the guy beats him he never does it fairly )Cena main events basicually every Raw and Every Ppv. I just don't see the Wwe's point for doing this cena is as over as he's ever gonna be.They have nothing to gain by over using him like this. Thoughts?
He main events payperviews because the buy's will go up. I mean, he could probably just be in a regular match other than the main event and buys will still be fine but WWE wants to keep everyone revolved around him because he is the face of the company and brings in the most revenue.

As for RAW, I can agree it gets dry. But hey that's why RAW is for entertainment and Smackdown! is for wrestling. ;)
There is never too much John Cena in WWE because his top spot is completely justified. He has consistently good matches, and is very entertaining on the mic. He is the total package of what a wrestler should be. Not to mention he is also quite the draw as television ratings and pay-per-view buys are always at a steady number when Cena is around. He is also a merchandise juggernaut and makes a ton of money for the WWE in that in regard as well.

He may be in the spotlight during an entire show of RAW basically, but he is that show's top star and he loses a lot more than people think, although I will say that in the last month or two he hasn't lost all that much. But in the end it isn't an issue because people pay to see him dominate his opponents for the most part and that's what WWE gives them. John Cena is RAW and the WWE's top star/draw so you will continue to see him in a lot of segments of the show and win the majority of his matches and in the end it's totally justifiable.
WWE's relentless "PUSH CENA" campaign is 1 of the 2 reasons i don't watch Raw and just read the results. the other reason, for those who care, is that the product just bores the hell out of me. i'd rather spend 9-11 on Mondays listening to a Michael Bolton album

ANNNNNYWHO...i could do w/o so much Cena but it won't change until they find someone who can sell more tickets, merch and ppvs then him...although everytime i read about ppv buys the numbers keep dropping so that might be an invalid argument.
Vince McMahon is not a booker. He is a business man. When you are in it for the money, you will keep the guy that draws best for you in the spotlight. It's as simple as that. Sure, Cena is not the most entertaining wrestler nor is it fun to have him shoved down out throats, but it's going to happen, like it or not. Like ToWhomItConcerns. said, I choose to simply not watch RAW. If there is nothing better to do, sure, I'll tune in - but it's not something I follow religiously like I used to do with WWF/E and WCW. Right now, I watch TNA every week so I guess you could say that it is my drug right now.
Cena is the top draw and face of the company, so obviously he's gonna be involved in the bigger feuds and matches and almost always be in the main event, because that's who the people want to see. If they had Cena wrestle in a 5 minute opener then not appear on the show again, a lot of people would probably turn the channel to something else. Also, he's one of their best match workers and can usually put on a great ME. Take this past weeks against Darren Young, for example. Not many people thought Young was gonna win, but Cena made him look like a million bucks by having Young take him to the limit. Sometimes a loss can be just as useful for a wrestler as a win.

Cena shouldn't ALWAYS be in the Main event, but over 75% of the time he should because he's the draw and face of the company and that's who people want to see. Obviously Orton/Sheamus/Nexus/Jericho/Edge can be in the ME's as well, but more often then not it should be Cena.
as long as cena is making wwe money he will be over used. untill the day comes when all fans are tired of him and stop buying his t-shirts will be the day we dont see him mainevent raw or a ppv and since that is unlikly we will continue to see super cena week after week untill he retires or an injury causes his career which i dont wish on him
the way i see it cena might be ok on the mic and yes he does bring in alot of money but thats where is stops. face it the guy cant wrestle. the only good match he ever had was his debut match against kurt angle. he preformed more moves in that match alone then he has in the past 5 years. come on the guy cant take a bump either. half the time he lands on his ass rather then on his back. all his matches are the same bullshit. he gets his ass handed to him by a heel then he gets pissed. after that he does his running shoulder block and then that spinning power slam. after that we'll see that stupid 5 knuckle shuffle and then the finale the fu or the stfu. there u have it. how many times have u seen that match. there are super stars that deserve the title more then he does.
the way i see it cena might be ok on the mic and yes he does bring in alot of money but thats where is stops. face it the guy cant wrestle. the only good match he ever had was his debut match against kurt angle. he preformed more moves in that match alone then he has in the past 5 years. come on the guy cant take a bump either. half the time he lands on his ass rather then on his back. all his matches are the same bullshit. he gets his ass handed to him by a heel then he gets pissed. after that he does his running shoulder block and then that spinning power slam. after that we'll see that stupid 5 knuckle shuffle and then the finale the fu or the stfu. there u have it. how many times have u seen that match. there are super stars that deserve the title more then he does.

The stupidity of this post astounds me to no end. Cena's matches can get quite repetitive but that is the same for every wrestler in the WWE. You can basically telegraph how a HHH or Undertaker match is going to go from a mile away. Cena is the face of the company and thus that is why you see him in the main event all the time.

I would love you to give me a list of wrestlers who deserve the title more.
it aint stoppin now i'll tell you that much. he's on tv so much because he has a huge fanbase, mostly younger kids. nowadays, children make up a large portion of the wwe's viewers. its all about the greeeeeeeen. cena makes the wwe way too much money to not be in the spotlight week in and week out.
Aside from just saying "It's a business, and Cena draws, now shut up", I'm going to actually express an opinion on the thread.

I think Cena Fatigue is real, and I think it's good that WWE is using Cena to give others some of the spotlight, like Evan Bourne not long ago, and recently Daniel Bryan.

The "John Cena isn't being pushed hard enough!" mentality in WWE right now IS a little tiresome, in my eyes, but they're using him to get more and more people some face time, which is a good thing.
the simple fact is Cena is the Hulk Hogan of the current era, He sells heaps of merch, he promotes the WWE relentlessly, he espouses good ideals, he appeals to a lot of people - esp kids,

Yes he gets probably overused, Hogan was the same and people tired of it. Eventually the tide turned n we had the attitude era, less wholesome, edgier with DX, Rock, Austin.

Eventually Cena will either change persona, show, or step back a bit because people tire of him, or someone else moves up.

Smackdown has Rey who is pushed as the good guy never give up hero.. similar deal.

I like cena, he can be funny on the mike, and can have decent matches.

Supercena is getting way stale and will change eventually.. right Vince? Right?
Oh I had to join this message board when I saw this to comment. I believe there was too much Cena 5 years ago. Now I dont hate on Cena because its "cool" to hate him, I hate him for this exact reason, TOO DAMN MUCH.
There is never too much John Cena in WWE because his top spot is completely justified. He has consistently good matches, and is very entertaining on the mic. He is the total package of what a wrestler should be. Not to mention he is also quite the draw as television ratings and pay-per-view buys are always at a steady number when Cena is around. He is also a merchandise juggernaut and makes a ton of money for the WWE in that in regard as well.

He may be in the spotlight during an entire show of RAW basically, but he is that show's top star and he loses a lot more than people think, although I will say that in the last month or two he hasn't lost all that much. But in the end it isn't an issue because people pay to see him dominate his opponents for the most part and that's what WWE gives them. John Cena is RAW and the WWE's top star/draw so you will continue to see him in a lot of segments of the show and win the majority of his matches and in the end it's totally justifiable.

ok i am a cena hater and his matches are hardly ever good he starts off explosive then gets his ass kicked for 85 percent of the match and then superman comes alive
Now I am not a Cena Hater.My problem is not with Cena.My problem is with Wwe management.It just seems to me as they use him to much.Here is a basic episode of Raw: A Heel comes out cuts a promo and Cena interupts them then most likely him and said person will main event Raw.Then you'll see cena in a backstage promo and then 9 out of 10 times he beats the guy.(and even if the guy beats him he never does it fairly )Cena main events basicually every Raw and Every Ppv. I just don't see the Wwe's point for doing this cena is as over as he's ever gonna be.They have nothing to gain by over using him like this. Thoughts?

he's the face of the company. millions of people will tune in just to see HIS face. and he main events every PPV and RAW because it doesn't make sense for him not to, because, as I said, he is the company's top guy. anyway it's not like he's hogging the spotlight for himself, he's put over lots of people lately.
ok first off all u dumbasses saying cena is funny on the mic you all r on crac. he says the lamest shit ever,ok its funny to kids but how old r u. see these days its easy to tell who r real wrestling fans and the ones that started watching a couple years ago that think there experts. real wwe fans r getting tired of cena. we miss face vs face in a title match. we miss the main event on raw being a suprise. we miss watching a ppv main event were we cant see him.(john cena)i no its not all his fault but if cena were a true wrestler he would go to the wwe and say sumethin about this is to eveyone who likes john cena FUCK YOU
i just dont get why ppl say how great his mic skills are.

to me he just yells shit, then talks calm and then yells again...nothing more. hell Sycho Sid did that. was he a great talker?

...........................the answer (for those who missed it) is no.
he's the face of the company. millions of people will tune in just to see HIS face. and he main events every PPV and RAW because it doesn't make sense for him not to, because, as I said, he is the company's top guy. anyway it's not like he's hogging the spotlight for himself, he's put over lots of people lately.

ok really im srry for having to quote you but this is to whoever thinks this Who the hell has he put over.When I think of ppl who have put ppl over I think of Chris jericho he puts ppl over all the time Fyi folks you have to lose a match or two to put someone over and dont bring up the Nexus handicap match cause I think if he would have won that that would have been the last straw and I would have rioted lol.
The stupidity of this post astounds me to no end. Cena's matches can get quite repetitive but that is the same for every wrestler in the WWE. You can basically telegraph how a HHH or Undertaker match is going to go from a mile away. Cena is the face of the company and thus that is why you see him in the main event all the time.

I would love you to give me a list of wrestlers who deserve the title more.

1. the miz...he's having a crazy rise to top and you all know it
2. chris jericho...easily one of the best wwe wrestlers
3. randy orton...MORE than over...nuff said
4. cm punk...future, if not currently a top heel in the buisness
5. kane...which is one and deserved it for ONLY being a world champ for 24hours prior and all the bs he delt with in the past

and that's just 5 i'd love to go on

but on cena himself as much as i hate cena and his boring...yes boring...matches he is definatly the face of the company...when hogan was face he was in every main event and topped every ppv same with austin same with rock same with sting in wcw...when you're the poster child of a company you're happens...much to our dismay

I'm going to have fun with this one.

Easy for me you mean.

1. the miz...he's having a crazy rise to top and you all know it
When has the Miz had a memorable singles match? I remember his rise to the top started after he called out somebody. I can't figure out his name. It's on the tip of my tongue. Oh yeah. John Cena.

2. chris jericho...easily one of the best wwe wrestlers
Chris Jericho can't draw as a champion to save his life. What was his best match as champion? Jericho puts people over and that's all he should do.

3. randy orton...MORE than over...nuff said

I find Great Khali to be more interesting than Randy Orton. Nuff said.

4. cm punk...future, if not currently a top heel in the buisness

Punk is on Smackdown but you'll probably come up with some asinine argument that Cena is holding Punk back.

5. kane...which is one and deserved it for ONLY being a world champ for 24hours prior and all the bs he delt with in the past

Kane hasn't had a great match since the Clinton administration.

EDIT: Kane/Benoit in 2004 was good.

and that's just 5 i'd love to go on

Please do.

but on cena himself as much as i hate cena and his boring...yes boring...matches he is definatly the face of the company...when hogan was face he was in every main event and topped every ppv same with austin same with rock same with sting in wcw...when you're the poster child of a company you're happens...much to our dismay

I'm sure you've heard of the green stuff that Vince loves to put in his pocket and I'm not talking about marijuana. Austin, Hogan, Rock, and Cena made that green stuff for him and that's why they are everywhere. When Orton, Miz, Jericho, and Punk prove to be draws, then you could put them as the poster children of the company. But they're not.

Nice try.
ok first off all u dumbasses saying cena is funny on the mic you all r on crac. he says the lamest shit ever,ok its funny to kids but how old r u. see these days its easy to tell who r real wrestling fans and the ones that started watching a couple years ago that think there experts. real wwe fans r getting tired of cena. we miss face vs face in a title match. we miss the main event on raw being a suprise. we miss watching a ppv main event were we cant see him.(john cena)i no its not all his fault but if cena were a true wrestler he would go to the wwe and say sumethin about this is to eveyone who likes john cena FUCK YOU

Yup, this guy is 100% right. I especially agree with the part about him going to WWE and saying something. People (Carlito) have said that Cena isnt self-centered and greedy in real life. Lets see the truth to that. Its time to move on from Cena. Usher in a new era. Orton is coming on pretty strong, and after him if he doesnt screw up I see The Miz as the next top guy in the business.
this is to eveyone who likes john cena FUCK YOU

Oh boy, I am going to enjoy this...

ok first off all u dumbasses

First off, don't call people names if you want anyone to take you serious and try using real grammar. What you are doing is showing a lack of professionality.

saying cena is funny on the mic you all r on crac. he says the lamest shit ever,ok its funny to kids but how old r u.

Wait a minute...what? So let me get this straight. First, you are implying that we smoke, and then you ask us if we are even old enough to be in the age not to like Cena. In other words, your saying that we are kids. Hmmm...So kids smoke crack huh....interesting.

see these days its easy to tell who r real wrestling fans and the ones that started watching a couple years ago that think there experts. real wwe fans r getting tired of cena.


So people that hate Cena are real wrestling fans right? There is so much wrong with that statement. Cena is a great character. He is dedicated to the business and gives it his all. He is the top draw in the company and is the main reason for merchandise profit. John Cena, whether you hate him or not, is the "poster boy"/"torch holder"of this business. Some people don't like him. I can understand that. Everyone has the right to their opinion. And maybe Cena has become over-exposed. But for you to be saying people that are real wrestling fans are people that hate Cena, that is completely absurd and idiotic.

we miss face vs face in a title match. we miss the main event on raw being a suprise. we miss watching a ppv main event were we cant see him.(john cena) you need a hankerchief?

i no its not all his fault but if cena were a true wrestler he would go to the wwe and say sumethin about it.

Wow. Just Wow. So in your opinion, Cena would be a true wrestler if he went and told the WWE board of directors that he isn't a good wrestler. And here I always believed that actual wrestling skills is what makes you a good wrestler.

EDIT: And people actually agreed with you! :lmao:

To answer the OP, the WWE has alot to gain by over using him. He is one of the main reason why the merchandise profit is so high. Kids love to see their heroes, and they love to dress like their heroes. And the more there heroes come out, the better for the kids.
John Cena isn't great at all. He acts like he's the best in RAW. He isn't. The only reason why he's in RAW and main eventing all the time is WWE's revenue. WWE gets so much money. Thats all that Vince McMahon cares about, he's not even a booker as terrible as it sounds. John Cena doesn't have great mic skills, he makes lame jokes, and he brags how he makes people tap, or how he beat them. He is being overused. Honestly, his feud with Randy Orton went on for months, thats when I stopped watching RAW. Even in TNA's standards with the Bischoff and Hogan era, I rather watch that. SmackDown is probably the only show thats decent. I get it, John Cena needs to stay in the main event, thats why all the complainers should just stop watching RAW.

Chris Jericho
Daniel Bryan
David Hart Smith
Tyson Kidd
Evan Bourne
Randy Orton
The Miz
William Regal - really talented and underused

these wrestlers are either new, or just very talented stars who could be much more interesting talents. CAPT SPAULD1NG8 speaks the truth, john cena's matches are him getting owned through the whole match until the end where he wins. Even in SummerSlam if you watched it. John Cena's a terrible amateur wrestler.
I just don't see the Wwe's point for doing this cena is as over as he's ever gonna be.They have nothing to gain by over using him like this. Thoughts?

Nothing to gain but MONEY!!!!

He is a HUGE draw. He puts a lot of money in Vince's pocket. So until hell freezes over and Cena becomes a ratings killer he will always be the top guy in WWE.

But I am with you on this. I respect Cena the man but I cant stand Super Cena. Its to a point that I always fast forward through his segments and matches because they are always the same. If Nexus was put together to make Super Cena look more Super then Im going to blow chunks...

They need to turn him heel. Would the kids really turn on him if he did?
Here's the deal. Cena is nothing but a joke now. If people like seeing him do the same thing over and over again week in and week out thats great. It's not for me. Yeah he brings in a lot of money. So what. His character is getting to stale. The older fans and the most loyal fans to the company are getting bored of the same stuff each week. Cena needs to go back to the Word Life era. It appeals to all ages now-a-days. I still watch raw every monday night only because I have to work at 11pm and have nothing better to watch. I'm more of a TNA fan myself. If Vince and the writers would completely change cena back, they just might be able to stop the falling ppv sales and the momentum TNA is getting in the polls.

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