Too Many PPVs

ashe draven

intercontinental champion
A thread i read a wk or so ago, what ppv felt like a true spectacle, got me thinking. Are there too many ppvs? Its also been reported on this site that Vince has told his distributors that he is dropping one of his june ppvs. I peresonally think he should go alittle further. Even if he charges more money. For some time now its seems ppvs are quickly thrown together, w/ very to little buildup. For the $40 dollars they charge theres very few quality maches. And most of the time we have duplicate main events & other recycled matches. My point is having so many ppvs over the years has made them lose their luster & significance. Forget the spectacle factor, only Wrestlemania still delivers that feeling year after year. I doubt itll ever happen, but i think WWE should reduce their ppv schedule to this-
Jan- Royal Rumble
July 4 week end-King of the Ring
Late Aug-Summerslam
November- Survivor Series
Dec-Free PPV-Night of Champions
During the off ppv months have a 2hour Saturday Nights Main Event. I believe
this would bring back an big event feel to the ppvs. Thoughts?
September 2 Dismember, November 2 Dismember, December 2 Dismember are locks due to skyrocketing buyrates.

All other PPVs will be removed to accommodate The Rey Mysterio & Friends Variety Hour.
I also think they should cut back. Matter of fact, I think we should return to brand PPVs. Where they take turns. Like, you have the RAW PPV, then 3 weeks later, you have the SmackDown PPV, and so on and so forth. Or, just cut back PPVs altogether. 45 bucks every 3 weeks is hard on my wallet, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

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