Would fewer PPVs help the WWE?

I think the general consensus (and I agree completely) is that fewer pay per views would be better for the fans as well as the wrestlers. However, in the end WWE is a corporation and they want as much $ as possible. So from their perspective, it is a no-brainer to offer more. In general, there are a few categories of wrestling fans and how they react to pay per views:

1. Never buy them. In this case, it doesn't matter how many WWE offers.

2. Buy only the big 4. In this case, it doesn't matter either.

3. Buy only the pay per views with interesting cards. In this case, from the WWE's perspective, it makes more sense to offer a lot of pay per views, since what fans will find interesting will vary, so offering many gives them more opportunities to find something that interests them

4. Buy the big 4, plus any others with interesting cards. Similar to #3, it makes sense to offer as many pay per views as possible, hoping that enough will find the cards interesting enough to purchase.

5. Buy all or most of them, regardless. In this case, offering as many as possible makes the most sense.

All in all, from the WWE's perspective, they will make a lot more money by offering a lot of pay per views. If they offered fewer, they could only make up the lost revenue by increasing the pay per view price, but that would potentially turn off a lot of potential buyers. Therefore it makes more sense to have more pay per views instead.
Doing a Pay Per View once every second month would help the WWE a lot. The extra four weeks between Pay Per Views will get the fans more interested in the fueds and probably give a much bigger buyrate.

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