TOO many HEEL pushes


Dark Match Winner
I don't know if you guys realise but there are a ridiculous amount of heels and PUSH for heels in WWE currently as opposed to faces. I only actually realised this when I was discussing who the Royal Rumble winner SHOULD BE with a friend. If WWE are going to create an interesting program that viewers will want to watch every week they need to utilise their star power properly so they can have interesting feuds. The problem with this is they DONT utilise their starpower properly because there are just WAY too many heels on both brands in comparison to faces. It is almost impossible to create face vs heel feuds, and heel vs heel feuds are very rare and difficult to book (as it will create crowd confusion, especially to this current younger audience). So basically I have compiled a list of faces that ARE currently listed on both RAW and SmackDown! from and their current status.

John Cena: Is over as hell, we've all seen enough of him holding the title he is currently in a great feud with Punk and deserves to remain there with no involvement with the Championship what so ever. Because he is a leading face they screen way too much of him to make up for their lack of other faces. Which brings me to my next guy.

Randy Orton: Is basically turning into a tweener version of Cena, his viper gimmick is overdone now and hes cutting emotioness boring promos about how he wants to "hurt" his opponent. He is very over which is great, but he needs to polish up his character more and he is also taking up a credible amount of tv time as a face to make up for small numbers. In my opinion, Orton doesnt need the title for awhile and he doesnt need to be on RAW. Cena has RAW and Orton should have SmackDown! Period.

Edge: Currently World Champion but isnt going to be around for much longer. I've read articles saying that he won't wrestle past 2012. Edge ONLY needed the title because there were NO other faces who were in a stable condition of holding the title on SmackDown! Edge holding the title is helping put Dolph Ziggler over which is good but this also creates the issue of pushing heels over faces.

Rey Mysterio: Injured. Battered up and bruised and he can't even work out anymore. This guy needs to retire soon. He's done his job and he's help put over guys like Del Rio, but Rey can't continue on wrestling.

HHH: Injured. Due for a return at the RR but will feud with Sheamus. He doesn't need the title any longer and will most likely spend more time managing the backstage aspects of the company.

Big Show: Slow with terrible matches. Big Show just cant be a world champion anymore. He helps put guys over but he will also be soon to retire just like Edge and Rey are.

Undertaker: In the same category as Edge, Rey and Show. Undertaker is injured almost all year round and its unfortunate that he will retire soon.

Christian: Injured currently and as the WWE states his situation is "touch and go".

Mark Henry: Basically there to put younger talent over, he is by no means a main eventer at all in comparison to the above names listed.

Goldust: Injured currently and is only there to put younger talent over.

Chris Masters: A tweener face with a great body, a great finisher whos young. WWE really need to utilise this guy to make up the face numbers on the roster. He is getting no TV time which is absolutely ridiculous. The steroid allegations have worked against him from being pushed.

Yoshi Tatsu: Never gets tv time, never will be over as a main eventer. Basically a jobber which is sad to say.

JTG: Rarely gets tv time but is over.

Primo: As above minus the last part.

Santino & Kozlov: At least they get TV time and have relevance of ridiculing the non-existant tag team division.

This leaves the last 4 stars that actually are getting ANY push that are young faces:

R-Truth: Not so much getting pushed but he holds a midcard title here and there and he gets a relative amount of tv time. He will never be a world champion and will always be a lame rapper that will never be over with smarks.

Kofi Kingston & Daniel Bryan: Both are currently holding midcard titles and have been in the midcard for quite awhile (especially Kofi). Kofi really needs to move into the main event picture, but Bryan needs to spend a bit more time in the midcard.


John Morrison: The only face deserving of a push that actually needs it at the moment and needs the world title. He is the only FACE that is worthy and needy of winning the rumble. He will be the future face of WWE but WWE are using the first two names (Cena & Orton) to hold Morrison back from his potential.

So what else is holding the push of faces? The influx push of a ridiculous amount of heels:
Del Rio
Tyson Kidd
Members of Core
Members of Nexus

There are way too many superstars being pushed as heels as opposed to only 1 superstar that is being recognised as potentially being pushed as a face which is John Morrison. Kofi and Bryan are in limbo holding midcard titles. Cena and Orton are already over as hell and are established faces. R-truth is just R-Truth. All the other faces are injured and have been wrestling for 15-20 ready for retirement.

I know this is a ridiculously long email, but the point has to be made. This has created a ridiculous amount of difficulty booking for Wrestlemania (especially Cena stating that Cena vs Orton at Wrestlemania sounds like a great match --- uhh two of the top faces on RAW against each other? just stupid). It has also only paved success for one potential face (Morrison) who isn't even number 1 contender anymore and faced Daniel Bryan (ANOTHER FACE) last week on RAW. WWE have screwed themselves up by 10x the amount of guys as heels as opposed to 1 face which is John Morrison.

You guys are the geniuses, how would you solve such a problem? Which guys would you turn face from the list of heels and how would you book them?

Cheers, Isaac Jan
WWE knows that some faces need pushes but they are not following up on it. In 2010 alot of superstars left i.e Batista, HBK and Jericho and many helpful midcarders have left Shelton (maybe could've gotten a push) Matt Hardy, Shad, Charlie Haas, Kaval and more.

WWE should build up the great mid card talents that they have.

JTG: Over as heel, maybe the WWE could build him up to having an Eddie Guerrero alike personna. Lying, Cheating and Stealing Alberto Del Rio's car maybe WWE could start him off small like getting a bunch of cheap victories and then he could hold a midcard title for a bit then eventually have him beat a bunch of main eventers and you have another main eventer.

Kofi Kingston: Great talent, if WWE added a little bit of a mean streak to him to make his personna more badass like how he was when he was feuding with Ziggler over the summer and when he was feuding with Orton he could be a main eventer.

Christian: I don't even have to explain myself.

JoMo: He already has a push going or him WWE just has to follow up on it.

David Hart Smith: Great in ring maybe needs Natalya as a valet to get him over.

Primo Colon: Hard worker, very charismatic give him the push his brother never wanted.
JTG should be ic champ already, or atleast in the running for it.

Chris Masters could be REALLY successful if they pushed him right. Being on NXT is showing off a little bit of his personality. All they need to do is giving him some smackdown screentime and give him a power finisher and/or a credible finisher.

Trent Baretta is starting to get a little push so it'd be good little push so he'd also be a good addition to the midcard so the likes of Kofi Kingston can move into the main event.

It's a shame a lot of good guys like MVP are gone from last year... They'd be handy right now

They could also turn Curt Hawkins Face... Or Builp up Zack Ryder and Turn him face
So what else is holding the push of faces? The influx push of a ridiculous amount of heels:
Del Rio
Tyson Kidd
Members of Core
Members of Nexus

This list is just... wrong. For one, you listed Barret and Punk, but then went on to list the members of Corre and Nexus. Last I checked Punk and Barret are in those groups. But anyways...

Riley isn't getting pushed, he's just getting tacked onto the ends of all of Miz's matches, and usually ends up getting this shit beaten out of him.

Oh look, Otunga is in Nexus, too! Yet you STILL seem to have members of Nexus listed at the bottom...

Tyson Kidd is a jobber at the moment. He even lost to the man nobody loses to- Mark Henry. Even his personal bodyguard got buried. That's really a big push...

Rhodes hasn't done anything but wrestle. Has he gotten any title shots. He loses more often than he wins, and aside from his brief Tag Team title run he really hasn't done anything since splitting from Legacy.

when was the last time DiBiase even won a match? How can you seriously use him to try to back your argument that there are too many heels getting pushed? By your logic Chris Masters is also getting pushed, yet for some reason he's not on your list of faces... Why?

McIntyre being pushed? He lost to Trent Barreta. He's in a spot similar to Cody, except take out the "Legacy" and fill it in with "Chosen One Gimmick".

Swagger never wins, either. Where is the push, I don't see one.

Members of Nexus don't get pushed, either. McGillicutty is one of my favorite rookies, yet I haven't seen him even wrestle in a match yet since he joined Nexus... same for Harris. Otunga gets attention, but when he gets in the ring he jobs.

Corre is a little different, as it seems that group really does have them working as equals, but then, Gabriel has always been pushed because Vince likes him a LOT, and he always gets really good exposure. It's too early to tell if anyone in Corre besides him and Barret will be getting any real spotlight time.

Please, stop talking out of your ass, because your brain is in your head.
Kofi Kingston is the one who really stands out in my mind as someone deserving a push. He is really over with the crowd. yes he is the IC champ, but he needs to be in the main event level. the fued with orton a few years ago should have elevated him there but didnt.

Trent Barretta also is someone who could use a push. he has some really good matches with Drew Mcyntire in recent weeks. I think he should get a decent mid card push maybe for the IC title not sure, he is good the ring, over with crowd, but needs a new gimmick. i just cant see him getting a push with his current gimmick.
This list is just... wrong. For one, you listed Barret and Punk, but then went on to list the members of Corre and Nexus. Last I checked Punk and Barret are in those groups. But anyways...

Riley isn't getting pushed, he's just getting tacked onto the ends of all of Miz's matches, and usually ends up getting this shit beaten out of him.

Oh look, Otunga is in Nexus, too! Yet you STILL seem to have members of Nexus listed at the bottom...

Tyson Kidd is a jobber at the moment. He even lost to the man nobody loses to- Mark Henry. Even his personal bodyguard got buried. That's really a big push...

Rhodes hasn't done anything but wrestle. Has he gotten any title shots. He loses more often than he wins, and aside from his brief Tag Team title run he really hasn't done anything since splitting from Legacy.

when was the last time DiBiase even won a match? How can you seriously use him to try to back your argument that there are too many heels getting pushed? By your logic Chris Masters is also getting pushed, yet for some reason he's not on your list of faces... Why?

McIntyre being pushed? He lost to Trent Barreta. He's in a spot similar to Cody, except take out the "Legacy" and fill it in with "Chosen One Gimmick".

Swagger never wins, either. Where is the push, I don't see one.

Members of Nexus don't get pushed, either. McGillicutty is one of my favorite rookies, yet I haven't seen him even wrestle in a match yet since he joined Nexus... same for Harris. Otunga gets attention, but when he gets in the ring he jobs.

Corre is a little different, as it seems that group really does have them working as equals, but then, Gabriel has always been pushed because Vince likes him a LOT, and he always gets really good exposure. It's too early to tell if anyone in Corre besides him and Barret will be getting any real spotlight time.

Please, stop talking out of your ass, because your brain is in your head.

I think what you fail to realise, is that these guys actually get TV time compared to guys like Chris Masters and JTG (who are potential young faces). So they basically give heels ALOT more tv time than being able to give it to potential faces. You also fail to use common sense to why I pitched Barrett and Punk separately from the Nexus and Corre. Barrett is basically a spokesperson of the Corre and Punk likewise for the Nexus. Everybody underneath them are basically pawns I suppose (except Otunga, who seems to be getting some sort of push). So regardless whether Rhodes, DiBiase, Swagger, Mcintyre, Tyson Kidd lose or what not at least they get tv time which gives them some relevance rather than no tv time. I think actually being on TV relates to getting a push when you have guys like Primo and Tatsu at the bottom of the barrell doing NOTHING.
It's really easy to get heel heat. All you have to do is go out there and punch some beloved star in the face, and the fans will boo you. Why is Miz the WWE Champion while Morrison is left behind? Miz is a heel, and Morrison is a face. It's harder to get people behind you when all you have to go on is...well...nothing. There's no easy way to get a cheap face reaction that doesn't bury the heels in the process. Morrison has been a heel. He was one of the best tag team wrestlers and the ECW a heel. Being a villain is easy, it's being the face that actually takes time and a lot of creative direction. Creative is lazy. So we have a ton of heels.
I think what you fail to realise, is that these guys actually get TV time compared to guys like Chris Masters and JTG (who are potential young faces). So they basically give heels ALOT more tv time than being able to give it to potential faces. You also fail to use common sense to why I pitched Barrett and Punk separately from the Nexus and Corre. Barrett is basically a spokesperson of the Corre and Punk likewise for the Nexus. Everybody underneath them are basically pawns I suppose (except Otunga, who seems to be getting some sort of push). So regardless whether Rhodes, DiBiase, Swagger, Mcintyre, Tyson Kidd lose or what not at least they get tv time which gives them some relevance rather than no tv time. I think actually being on TV relates to getting a push when you have guys like Primo and Tatsu at the bottom of the barrell doing NOTHING.

Okay, so now your definition of a push is somehow not even close to the real definition... fine then, we can play by your book...

John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Morrison, Henry, Bryan, Kofi, Bourne (Is returning soon and wrestles every week), Christian (See: Bourne), Masters (Who does wrestle regularly, what are you talking about?), Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Berretta (Wrestles almost every week as well), Santino, and Kozlov are also getting "Pushed".

Following your flawed logic, I could say there are too many FACE pushes.
I could see Zak Ryder making a good face, throw him in a storyline where he tries and tries to fit in with all the heels on Raw and they keep blowing him off and laughing at him, and then have him snap and attack one of them... it could work.

Trent Baretta is in the middle of something, though I could possibly see McIntyre being the one that becomes face from this angle... he keeps getting the cold shoulder and false accusations and maybe the WWE Universe would start to sympathize with him?

Has McIntyre ever been face? (Sorry, I used to watch wrestling religiously and just got back into it last year after taking a 5-6 year hiatus)
yes i too am sick of heels, yes some of these other guys are close to retiring (undertaker i hope and think will be around for awhile yet), triple hhh is going to be going back and forth between wrestling and backstage but in a few more years will be backstage.
morrison and kingston both need a push for sure specially morrison, randy orton is still good and i believe that he should be hurting people XP, cena..... well we can all agree that his character needs a break from titles, he is a established star, if they wanna use him then great, but not so many titles, big matches yes, feuds absolutely, titles, just stop.
rey has awhile to go yet, give kane his mask, give him some time off to get big again, then have kane come back and leave a path of destruction until he retires would prob be the best bet. let edge run the rest of his career till he leaves or maybe he will choose to stay.
you need people like mason ryan, get him out of nexus and let him do his own thing, this man has the potencial to be the next batista, dont waste it on nexus. skip sheffield, i personally believe with the right push he could be like the new stone cold steve austin. sheamus, yes he is a heel character, but he has lots of potential, i hope WWE doesnt let it go to waste.
daniel bryans, he is good ill give him that, he is a good wrestler, he has potential. they need to get rid of some of these guys that arent doing nothing like: yoshi tatsu, william regal, primo, etc (basically these guys that no one ever sees anymore).
Chris masters needs a puch he needs more air-time, more feuds, more titles, more main event matches, they need to blow him up, he has SOOOOOO MUCH POTENCIAL!! and the WWE is letting it go to waste, and its just horrible to see this happening!!!
christian, either get him back full time so hes not touch and go or just drop him already. evan bourne, he needs a push again, he is entertaining in the ring, he does have potencial, they just havent given him an opportunity yet (partially because he is out on injury).
I don't really see your point about Morrison not receiving a push. Recently he has had two high profile victory's over Sheamus(former 2 time WWE champ and current KOTR) and a very competitive match with world champ the Miz.Clearly he is being pushed.

WWE Needs to push heels more because most of the established main eventers are Faces who have wrestled each other numerous times in the past. By creating new heel stars this gives fresh match ups! This is a good thing no?
I don't really see why you want Masters and JTG pushed,I don't really think they will ever cut it at ME level.
Daniel Bryan has been regularly winning matches and is the curent US champ,is that not a push(despite his stupid "Bella twins" storyline)?

I don't really see your point here sorry.
I don't really see your point about Morrison not receiving a push. Recently he has had two high profile victory's over Sheamus(former 2 time WWE champ and current KOTR) and a very competitive match with world champ the Miz.Clearly he is being pushed.

WWE Needs to push heels more because most of the established main eventers are Faces who have wrestled each other numerous times in the past. By creating new heel stars this gives fresh match ups! This is a good thing no?
I don't really see why you want Masters and JTG pushed,I don't really think they will ever cut it at ME level.
Daniel Bryan has been regularly winning matches and is the curent US champ,is that not a push(despite his stupid "Bella twins" storyline)?

I don't really see your point here sorry.

A majority of the faces are already established and are on the way to retirement. A majority of the heels are being pushed and are taking on these established faces which won't be around for another year or so (Edge, Rey, Taker etc). They need to create new faces (Morrison, Bryan) to take on the new heels (Swagger, Rhodes, McIntyre, Sheamus, Del Rio, Ziggler, Barrett, Punk, Miz) However, we only have Cena and Orton who are established faces to do this with Bryan, Morrison and Kofi just behind them. There are two heel stables (Nexus and Corre) as opposed to absolutely no face stables (unless you want to count Kozlov and Marella who are complete jokes to the Tag Team Division). So basically you too many young and upcoming heels and only a few upcoming faces. A perfect example of how WWE screw booking is in Survivor Series last year when:

Masters, MVP and Kofi were all eliminated first and they kept the two old veterans Rey & Show from losing clean to "protect" them when they didnt need it. If you want to put over younger faces you'd have guys like Kofi, MVP and Masters be the last to survive as opposed to your established veterans like Rey and Show because losing doesn't affect them since they have been world champions more than once and are recognised as top icons in the business.
The heel list that you mentioned, as you might realize not coincidentally, are younger talents. I think thats something that WWE always does, and rightfully so. That was how SCSA born, how Rock was born, how HHH was born, or even Cena and Orton was born. It's always easier to like a guy who is not pushed to your face as "the babyface". That's why there are too many heels. There are just too many guys with potential out there who will make a breakout and become the face of the company. Out of all these heels, whoever becomes interesting and exciting to watch, although we boo, is the next face of the company.

By saying that, what i mean is some of those guys will turn face and become the face of the company. And the way its going to happen will be putting them against another heel, again someone from that list. There are just too many examples of that, the bad guy screwing the other bad guy and allowing him to become the face. And it won't happen by the current storylines. There are 2 months and 2 more PPVs for WM, and its enough time to start a good rivalry. What i think is during this time heels will turn on eachother and it will build up to WM.
honestly WWE dosent know what to even do with Primo,One Week he in Superstars, teaming with Zack ryder as a heel,next he With a bunch of faces acting face then is in a match teaming with ryder again as a heel,like What are they honestly doing?:banghead:
Cheers are like scholarships. Jeers are grants and loans.

With a scholarship, 99% of the time, you have to have earned it. A grant or a loan often times can be achieved with a little bit of luck and simply being at the right place at the right time under the right circumstances.

Getting cheered is simply harder to do. So, the WWE does what it's always done. That's having virtually everyone debut as a heel and then seeing where it takes them. A face virtually never debuts.

A new guy.... fans prefer to boo them. They don't know them, so they don't like them. So they don't cheer. If anything though, they'll boo. It's just the easier route.

What they then do is find ways to take some of these characters and turn them into faces through storylines. It's happened this way for centuries. Think of some of the biggest names the sport has had. Austin. Rock. Triple H. Cena. All started out as heels. Cena and Rocky, for example, they hoped to push as faces. Didn't catch on.

Fans prefer to see a wrestler suck badly. Then, they want to be given a "legit" reason for wanting to cheer them.

Same can be said for Orton. People only really cared when he became a heel. Now? Couldn't be bigger.

So, pushing heels has worked over time. You'll get moments where the heels outweigh the faces, but in time it balances out.
Well it's obvious why they push heels....for the new faces and it's nothing new. Iron sheik was a major heel being pushed so Tht new baby face hulk hogan could be put over by beating a legit heel. Shawn michaels was a legit heel Tht put over baby face stone cold. Undertaker was a heel Tht put over baby face Jeff hardy as a serious ME's. Jbl and cena, triple h and Batista. The cycle is continuous. Sheamus is now putting over Morrison. And once the young faces are established stars the young heels can be put over. It's called pro wrestling people.

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