Too Cool: Another Underrated Tag Team/Stable


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

Unlike the Headbangers who I think are underrated by the WWE, I think Too Cool is underrated by the fans because they were around during the same time as The Hardys, E & C & The Dudleys, 3 of the best teams in WWE history. Had they been around a little bit sooner or a little bit later I think Too Cool would be held in the same regard. These guys are high on my list of favorite Tag Teams.​

Too Cool started out in April 1998 under the name Too Much and they were a heel Tag Team and feuded with Taka Michinoku and they also helped Jerry lawler in his feud with Al Snow. On the June 13, 1999 episode of heat they re-debuted as Too Cool but were initially still heels. A few months later Rikishi joined and Too Cool bacame a face stable. It was then they beat E & C for the WWF Tag Team titles on the May 29, 2000 episode of RAW. Pretty soon after that Scotty got sidelined when he underwent neck surgery and Brian got fired.​

However Too Cool reformed in late 2003 and in 2004 the team of Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi won the WWE Tag Team titles from The Bashams making Scotty a 2 time Tag Champ as a member of Too Cool and Rikishi and Grandmaster Sexay each holding Tag Team gold once.​

Now there title history and some matches.​
  • WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – Hotty and Rikishi
  • WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time) – Rikishi
  • WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time) – Scotty 2 Hotty
  • WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – Sexay and Hotty


I remember Too Cool. I agree with you these guys were so underrated. But they were a team when the WWF/E had an amazing tag division so at least they had good matches. I would've liked to see them win the gold more or been in a decent feud with the Hardyz, Dudleyz, or E&C.
Too Cool are exactly the sort of thing the WWE could use right now. They were a great tag team inside the ring, and plus they were entertaining, and were way over with the crowd even though they got pretty much zero mic time. They'd certainly fit in with the WWE's current PG rating, while still being recognisable faces from the Attitude Era. Seriously good tag team who could, if they were resigned by the WWE, give the tag team division a much needed boost.
I couldn't agree with you more. The major difference I see when watching most WWE programming is just how not over many of the mid card acts are. During this era of wrestling a team like Too Cool is what made WWE so wildly popular. You had performers getting ridiculous pops from the first part of the show to the last.
It was also obviously the best thing that any of these performers were involved in. None of them were ever as over as they were when they were Too Cool. Rikishi never got close to the level of popularity he had when he was connected Scotty and Grandmasta. They were also part of some big storylines, working with the radicalz when they first entered wwf. This is a team that will never get the respect they deserve because their height of popularity was for a relatively short term. But when they were hot it can't be argued that they were a great moneymaker for Vince and great entertainment for all the wrestling fans.
A Too Cool thread, I like it.

Yeah I think Too Cool are severely underrated by fans, they were fun, I used to really like watching them dancing around like idiots, they are former tag champs from an era widely recognised as having some of the greatest teams ever. Did I mention they were fun. Maybe not prestigous, maybe not Hall Of Fame Bound but very popular during their time.
I agree that Too Cool were underrated, but I think they were underrated by WWE more so than the fans. Watch Royal Rumble 2000 Rikishi was WAYYY over with the Madison Square Garden crowd. Whenever Too Cool would have other Random Tag Teams like the Hardys or Dudleyz dance with them the crowd would pop like crazy. When Grandmaster Sexay returned to WWE in 2004 the crowd reaction was great considering he was only a lower/mid card wrestler during his career. I think Too Cool deserves more credit than what they have. I would love for them return but I doubt it happening.
Good choice, Milenko.

I would agree, to some extent. I would argue that this was the besrt team to not rely on Tables, Ladders, and Chairs (oh my!... sorry) to get themselves over. They were over as soon as they added the break dancing.

However, they by themselves wouldn't get over. It took the gimmick of the white boys that can dance, and one fat, fat, fat, fucking fat ass. The problem was, once you got behind the gimmick, there just wasn't too much really going for these men. They were fairly bland in the ring, and just too small to be convinced that these men were on the same level of the Hardys, E&C, and The Dudleys. These men were even smaller than the Hardys... That should tell you boat loads about the size of these wrestlers. And once the act of the dancing got a bit hackneyed, we simply didn't care anymore.

Also, Too Cool's popularity was heavily based upon Rikishi. For some reason, wrestling fans found it extremely funny to watch this man dance. And even more horrifying, these fans also found it funny to watch this fat man sit on other people's heads, thong and all. We loved it when he would do it to folks like Stephanie and Kurt Angle. But what happened as soon as it got old to the fans? And then, even more to the point, what happened when Rikishi turned heel? There's only so many times you can watch a fat ass sit on another guy's head, and it be funny. once Rikishi lost his steam, Too Cool became more or less an after thought. Did you ever notice the correlation between Tool Cool's popularity, and the date that Rikishi turned heel?

Milenko, I know you've said you started watching from 2002 on in. Well, do you remember the team of "Too Hot" by chance? Same guys, same talent... And they absolutely fucking floundered. And even more so, let's watch Too Cool without Rikishi...


I forgot Edge and Christian used to come through the ring from the stands... Pretty cool. Anyway, the best part of that match was the Holly's commentary. That should speak volumes.

Now let's throw one timely fat ass into the equation, and also an Olympic Gold Medalist to get some well deserved heat.



Doesn't that look so much better?

By themselves, Too Cool was average, but with Rikishi? Yes, they were an underrated stable/tag team.
I saw scotty wrestle an indy event a month back. After he won, using ol' W-O-R-M, he was really cool with the crowd. He brought in two little kids, and had them try and do a worm. It was really cool of him. Those kids will remember the time they were 5 years old, and doing the worm with Scotty. In the middle of a ring, and in front of a few hundred people nonetheless.

With this new PG era, Scotty and Brian would be a great tag team. The WWE wants to reach out to the young children, these guys were loved by children. The trio would stand in the middle, do their dance, and it was funny. I don't know if having Rikishi basically having guys toss his salad would go over so well, but the rest of it, is gold. Give them a few minutes of camera time, so they can have kids come into the ring. It will be a great moment for the kids, being on international television with their heroes. Plus, WWE likes money, these kids would buy so much too cool merchandise.

Only problem is, Grandmaster Sexay CANNOT stay clean. In his second go around with WWE, he lasted less than a month. If he can stay clean, Too Cool could be back in full force. I know it's not going to happen, but Too Cool, please return to WWE television.
Sorry guys but these guys are what they are. An opening show act. It was fun for a lot of people to see Too Cool, but no one really cared if they were there or not. Because Brian could not keep clean, they disappeared for times, only to return with a fan reaction of "ohh yea I forgot about these guys". They might be okay wrestlers, but their gimmic was like Santina, it just gets old quick, but seems to stay around too long. Their only tag title regin lasted less than a month. As far as Rikishi goes, well he is certainly not underrated either. He had multiple chances to get over, but he just could not get to the main event status. He was pushed in the Royal Rumble like 3-4 years in a row. He was thrown into major fueds with guys like Austin. Rikishi being revealed as the guy that took Austin out was a great chance. He was given the IC belt, but for less than 2 weeks, cause no one cared. Then he could not even make main event status in TNA. Too Cool are good together, but they are a Bushwackers level tag team. Rikishi is pretty good worker for a big guy, but will never be main event status. At this point I would not even put a midcard belt on that guy if he was on my roster. Not underrated, the fact is these guys are what they are.
I hate to come in here and be a Negative Nancy, but Too Cool was nothing but a lower man’s version of a real great tag team in PG-13.

Think about it... PG-13, two small, Southern, goofy whiteboys into Hip-Hop. That's all Too Cool was basically, am I right? The only difference was that PG-13 was actually entertaining as hell and knew how to get an unbelievable amount of heat. When they were heel, the crowd fucking hated them with a passion, and when they were face... they made the crowd laugh their ass off. The only time Too Cool would ever receive a pop was when that ****** would do the Worm, but that was it. That team had nothing else to offer.

My point is, this thread should be about PG-13, because they're probably the most underrated tag team in history. And even today Jamie Dundee is entertaining as hell in his shoot interviews, and on fucking Jerry Springer whenever he's on.

EDIT: Here's a small tribute for those of you who have never had the pleasure of watching PG-13:

Underrated..."you've got to be kidding me".
Nope not kidding you
Sorry guys but these guys are what they are. An opening show act. It was fun for a lot of people to see Too Cool, but no one really cared if they were there or not.
Because they were on the same show as The Hardys, E&C & The Dudleys people didn't give them the attention or the credit they deserve. IF they used Tables Ladders & Chairs as much as those 3 teams they would be one of the best and spoken in the same breath as those 3 teams.
Because Brian could not keep clean, they disappeared for times, only to return with a fan reaction of "ohh yea I forgot about these guys".
They broke up because Scotty needed neck surgery. Brian's problems got him fired after they split.
They might be okay wrestlers, but their gimmic was like Santina, it just gets old quick, but seems to stay around too long.
Are you really comparing them to a guy who dresses in drag to get over? You must be joking. They had/have a gimmick that apealed to kids and if Brian could get his problems under control they would be a great addition to the PG era
Their only tag title regin lasted less than a month.
Again they were around during the TLC era when the likes of The Hardys E&C and the Dudleys where the hot tag teams. Unfortuantly Too Cool got shoved to the side during this time.
I hate to come in here and be a Negative Nancy, but Too Cool was nothing but a lower man’s version of a real great tag team in PG-13.
Great? they did nothing in WWE, ECW or WCW. The only thing memorable about PG-13 is they are 16x USWA Tag Team Champions. You haven't heard of the USWA you say? That's becasue it closed down in 1997.
Think about it... PG-13, two small, Southern, goofy whiteboys into Hip-Hop. That's all Too Cool was basically, am I right? The only difference was that PG-13 was actually entertaining as hell and knew how to get an unbelievable amount of heat. When they were heel, the crowd fucking hated them with a passion, and when they were face... they made the crowd laugh their ass off. The only time Too Cool would ever receive a pop was when that ****** would do the Worm, but that was it. That team had nothing else to offer.
They were members of the Nation Of Domination of course they woud get heat. Too Cool got pops when ever they came out to the the ring. Yeah it was children who popped for them but that's who they were marketed for.
My point is, this thread should be about PG-13, because they're probably the most underrated tag team in history. And even today Jamie Dundee is entertaining as hell in his shoot interviews, and on fucking Jerry Springer whenever he's on.
If I wanted it to be about PG-13 i would have made it about PG-13. Make one about them if you feel that stronlgy about it.

Lets keep this on topic now. I don't want to get into a who's better debate about PG-13 & Too Cool.​
Nope. They're rated just right. Too COol was a novelty act designed to be funny with Rikishi. he was the true star of the team with Too Cool just being there around him. Nothing came of them and that's the best thing I think. They did next to nothing aside from a completely forgettable tag title reign. They were a comedy act and nothing more, so why should they be remembered as something other than that? In short, they shouldnm't be.
Great? they did nothing in WWE, ECW or WCW.

Ummm... wrong. In WWE, they were apart in one of the greatest factions of all time and wrestled against teams such as the Road Warriors and Smokin' Gunns. In ECW, get this.... they were given a Tag Team Title shot on ECW’s second pay-per-view in their history against The Dudley Boys. In fact, I would say PG-13 stole the show that night with their promo before their match, and with the match itself since it was fucking awesome. And they wrestled in WCW as well.

The only thing memorable about PG-13 is they are 16x USWA Tag Team Champions. You haven't heard of the USWA you say? That's becasue it closed down in 1997.

You know what else they did? Feuded with and defeated on multiple occasions The Rock 'N Roll Express, one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history. Top five for sure. And PG-13 were booked to beat them in their own home state, where they were fucking loved as much as anyone in the history of professional wrestling in Tennessee. Has Too Cool ever defeated ANYONE worth mentioning?

Also, I love how you brush off winning a title that many times means nothing unless you were in WWE or WCW. So, I guess all the titles won in the territories before Vince took over meant nothing as well, huh?

They were members of the Nation Of Domination of course they woud get heat.

They got heat when they weren't with them. Hell, they got fucking heat in ECW, which is no easy task. The only kind of heat Too Cool would've gotten there were, "Get the fuck out, you raging ********ers." That's it. Paul E. would've never gave them a push.

Too Cool got pops when ever they came out to the the ring. Yeah it was children who popped for them but that's who they were marketed for.

Bullshit. The Worm got pops and that was it.

If I wanted it to be about PG-13 i would have made it about PG-13. Make one about them if you feel that stronlgy about it.

Too Cool blatantly ripped off PG-13, so it is relevant to bring their name up.

Lets keep this on topic now. I don't want to get into a who's better debate about PG-13 & Too Cool.

Then why'd you reply to my post?
Ummm... wrong. In WWE, they were apart in one of the greatest factions of all time and wrestled against teams such as the Road Warriors and Smokin' Gunns. In ECW, get this.... they were given a Tag Team Title shot on ECW’s second pay-per-view in their history against The Dudley Boys. In fact, I would say PG-13 stole the show that night with their promo before their match, and with the match itself since it was fucking awesome. And they wrestled in WCW as well.

You know what else they did? Feuded with and defeated on multiple occasions The Rock 'N Roll Express, one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history. Top five for sure. And PG-13 were booked to beat them in their own home state, where they were fucking loved as much as anyone in the history of professional wrestling in Tennessee.
You obvioulsy know a lot about them where i have never heard of them before reading your first post so I won't argue anymore.
Has Too Cool ever defeated ANYONE worth mentioning?
They beat E&C for the WWF Tag Titles and They beat The Hardy's During the time when they were one of the best teams in the WWE
Also, I love how you brush off winning a title that many times means nothing unless you were in WWE or WCW

So, I guess all the titles won in the territories before Vince took over meant nothing as well, huh?
Not nothing just not much. Here's an example, Whenever people ask for a list of the best people who have never held a world title Curt Hennig is on a lot of lists when he has won the AWA title. If they don't win a title in the WWE or didn't win one in WCW when they werein business it does not mean as much
t heat when they weren't with them. Hell, they got fucking heat in ECW, which is no easy task. The only kind of heat Too Cool would've gotten there were, "Get the fuck out, you raging ********ers." That's it. Paul E. would've never gave them a push.
If Too Cool was in ECW they would have been seen as Public Enemy rip offs, that's why they wouldn't have done good there.
Bullshit. The Worm got pops and that was it.
They were an over Tag Team. maybe not as over as some of the other Tag Teams at that point in history but to say only the worm got pops is Bullshit. Watch the last 2 matches I put up and you'll see Too Cool get cheered when there music hits until they get in the ring.
Then why'd you reply to my post?
Debating is fun
Too Cool should be known as the "other" tag team or stable during the attitude era, a stable that didn't accomplish that much other than Rikishi having a bit of success. Their biggest accomplishment was that they were extremely over. The fans popped loud as hell for Too Cool, their little dances, and Rikishi's stink face. Over the years Christopher couldn't stay clean, Scotty was turned into a total jobber, and Rikishi faded. I liked the stable, and I think they could still get a pop to this day, but I don't think that they were that underrated.
Too Cool were nothing more than comedy cannon fodder.
Brian Christopher was highly annoying and had little skill. Scotty 2 Hotty was the better of the 2 yet he had no mic ability.

When they teamed with Rikishi and briefly with Chyna they were at there peak.

The only reason they were a semi hit was cause they were a face team in a sea of heels and screwjobs. And tag teams were plentiful then

Oh and the dancing segments and the last entrance theme they used were midly entertaining.
Too Cool were awesome, basically a team of semi-jobbers who were popular - "The Worm" used to be as cool as The People's Elbow and The Stunner back in school - of course Too Cool aren't good in the actual sense of the word, but they had personality and provided real depth that meant the tag team scene had it's own main event i.e. Hardyz/Dudley/E&C and its own undercard with teams like Too Cool/APA/T&A/Kai en Tai - a quality sorely missing in today's tag team scene - which is solely made up of title contenders.
Too Cool was one of my favorite tag teams. I remember playing as them on No Mercy or WM 2000 I forget which might have been both. I had my CAW with there theme and entrance and all that. I for one always was glad to see them on a show because they entertained me. I hate that I never saw them in person.
Too Cool was a very entertaining tag team, however, wrestling wise, they were average. Sure, they were were over with the fans, and that's what kept them going. They complimented each other very well as we all saw but wrestling wise, they were "meh."

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