Tommy Dreamer Done With TNA

Yeah, I was one of those people who couldn't stand Dreamer's time in TNA. Dreamer was never a huge draw, but TNA decided to push him pretty hard, and he did take up a good amount of TV time every now and then.

Dreamer was one of the more popular ECW originals. He was one the guys who mad fans want to chant "ECW! ECW!" Dreamer has milked the legacy of the old ECW long enough, and I can't say I care he's gone, and I'm sure Dreamer's departure won't have a big impact on TNA.
Is it just me or are all of these older guys that jumped ship from WWE to TNA thinking the grass would be greener on the other side realizing one by one that it is a sinking ship just waiting to bottom out? Just saying.....
I could see Triple H hiring him to go to FCW to evaluate talent, seeing as prior to the revival of ECW, he worked in WWE's Talent Relations & recruited developmental talent by working indy shows
I don't get why TNA wasted TV time turning him heel. If he wasn't locked into a contract. I'm really glad he's gone as a wrestler, I wouldn't care if he stayed as agent. As long as I don't have to see him wrestle or hear another one of his whinny promos. I haven't cared much for him since ECW. The ECW style covered up his lack of wrestling skills which was perfect for him.

He cried during promos more than most grown men do in their entire life. I lost all respect for him when he first came to TNA. Because of all the crying he did about how WWE destroyed ECW's legacy. It's funny to me that he wasn't crying about it when he was cashing WWE's paychecks.

I'm sure he now wishes he wouldn't have bashed WWE so openly. If WWE does hire him back as an agent or a talent scout. He'll look like a hypocrite for all the WWE bashing he did.
I really fail to see why people are saying "This is what you get for being in TNA" type responses.

If he was still on WWE television...well, IF he was still on WWE television (which lets face it, is not fucking likely) he would be jobbing anyway.

He has no more use in the ring. Hes slow, hes boring and the only way he gets a reaction is if theres weapons thrown across the ring.
I'm fine with him hanging up the boots. But I personally think it's a loss for creative that Dreamer is going & Russo is staying.
No big loss here Dreamer is a guy that I've always like since his days in the Original ECW but that was a pretty long time ago but its now 2011 and there is really no need for him to be on TV. I wouldn't have mind he got a backstage job like helping creative or being agent and help out the younger guys, Dreamer is extremely passionate about the wrestling business and think that a backstage role would have been a good role for him, but he's gone for good and I can't say that I'm upset about that. I wish Tommy the best in what he does next.
Tommy Dreamer is much like Rob Van Dam, he's a prime example of what was cool in the '90's ages and doesn't have to be cool in the year 2011. I'm sure he'll get something, I can anticipate that he'll go work in a few Hardcore brawls for some indy promotion, or you never know. Might take his office job with WWE back like he did until the ECW One Night Stand idea came to play.

Dreamer was a bit of a hardcore Icon, and his matches and storylines in ECW were pretty cool, and even legendary to a degree, but this is 2011 and ECW is dead and buried. Dreamer is an aging man, and he has lost what he once had. He's like Raven, Sabu, Sandman and others. A man full of memories from ECW.
I would like to see Tommy Dreamer in a backstage capacity in either TNA or WWE. I think he has a lot more to give back to the business and his intellect should not be wasted because he has hung up his boots. I do wish him well in whatever he chooses to do next though.
I always liked Dreamer. He was a good, honest guy who worked his ass off in ECW to help the company do as well as he did. He just loved to wrestle, not being bothered about fame or titles, he just wanted to do what he enjoyed. And he made a good career out of it.

However, I think its probably time for him to hang up the boots, or just concentrate on wrestling in smaller companies. He doesnt have much left to contribute as an on-screen talent in WWE or TNA now, hes past his best. As a manager of a new hardcore style talent in TNA, he could be useful but as that isnt happening I think its probably the right time for TNA and Tommy to part ways.

I wish him all the best, the wrestling business could do with more guys like Dreamer who put the company before themselves and do whats right for business instead of just focusing on making their own star brighter

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