Tomko resigned with WWE


Getting Noticed By Management said:
Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer reports that Travis Tomko has resigned with WWE.

I know Travis visited a WWE Smackdown/ECW show in Atlanta after leaving TNA and spoke with John Laurinaitis then, and I understood he had visited other shows since. Travis had hoped for a regular spot in Japan, and was thinking of getting into MMA but neither happened.

TNA had initially left the door open to use him again and did once but creative had soured on using him for future dates due to issues when he was under contract.

No info on when he might start.

Obviously this will fuel speculation he will join Christian Cage again in WWE.

This could be a pretty good thing. Since Tomko left WWE he has grown tremendously as a wrestler. I would like to see him come back and have a spot as a mid-card wrestler. He has the look and now the skills to succeed in the WWE so now WWE just has to give him a decent push. I think he'd be perfect as a U.S , I-C or even a ECW champion. WWE is realy lacking a atheletic big man and i think Tomko could be that guy. Althou chances are if Christian resigns with WWE he will be stuck bieng his flunkie. But hell , At least he'll be getting the big bucks again for bieng a flunkie.
Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer reports that Travis Tomko has resigned with WWE.

I know Travis visited a WWE Smackdown/ECW show in Atlanta after leaving TNA and spoke with John Laurinaitis then, and I understood he had visited other shows since. Travis had hoped for a regular spot in Japan, and was thinking of getting into MMA but neither happened.

TNA had initially left the door open to use him again and did once but creative had soured on using him for future dates due to issues when he was under contract.

No info on when he might start.

Obviously this will fuel speculation he will join Christian Cage again in WWE.

Brilliant news for the WWE. Tomko was very good with TNA, and had many good, solid matches. He developed his character well, and really came into his own. Obviously him with Christian would work very well, as they did very well in TNA together and should be good in the WWE too.

Your thoughts?
I suspect Tomko will be coming to the WWE if Christian does indeed return too. Tomko's a decent wrestler for a big guy and when he does return i hope that WWE do not push him straight away. Its one thing welcoming a guy back but its another piling all that pressure on him just for the sake of his return.

I enjoyed Tomko's work in TNA, he had a few good matches and now looks the part as a pro wrestler. i think this proves that TNA has better wrestling trainers then WWE. I'd also like to se him have a long time in the mid card, i say long because he needs to fit in first before being pushed and then possibly dropping the ball. I can see him feuding with guys like Mike Knox or Tommy Dreamer depending what brand he is on. We may get a surprise if he appears on Smackdown and possibly feuds with Taker or Triple H

I would hate to see a guy who has just come back from a rival wrestling company to have a belt slapped on him and with the honour of holding such a prestigous thing after only a few weeks in the WWE. i like Tomko but its just to much pressure giving him a push like that when he comes back.

If he does indeed sign for WWE again i hope he stays a singles wrestler and cuts himself off from being Christian's side kick or anyone elses. I'd like to see him on RAW because there are some great feuds he could have there with Kofi Kingston and Mike Knox.

I suppose Tomko will be happy being in the WWE again and earning a huge pay check but what ever happened to wanting to wrestle? What ever happened to putting your body on the line and being so passionate about wrestling that you even help collect the admission fees?
Tomko has always been a wrestler who I really liked. The guy just looks like a badass, who can just rip anybody apart. Sadly his first stint in WWE was as Christan's bodyguard and rarely got to showcase his in ring talent. In TNA Tomko has gotten much better in the ring, and when he returns to WWE I think they will see that and give him a decent push that he truly deserves. I see him being a great IC or Untied states champ, and maybe in due time, getting pushed as a main eventer. I would love to see both because frankly Tomko is a favorite of mine.
This will only be a good thing if WWE pushes him right and gives him a proper storyline. Like it has been said Tomko has grown alot since his WWE days in both his wrestling ability & character. He really got the fans behind him and I think if creative treats him properly he could become the next Batista.

The only downside with Tomko is I feel he is very wooden on the mic, but that's just a small minus. Plus he lacks a certain kind of charisma to me, but I still think he could be a good aset to the WWE. He can be a good fit on Raw or Smackdown or even dominating ECW. I just hope he doesn't become just a lacky/second wheel to Christian(if Christian returns).
This is interesting news actually, I'm all for it if they give him the proper push. Since he left the WWE the first time, he's been really growing as a wrestler in Japan and TNA. His run with Styles was one of the most entertaining teams I've seen and he's proven himself as a singles wrestler also. I could most definetly see him on ECW to start out with possibly even winning that title and eventually move to SD to compete as an uppermidcarder.
I didn't know Tomko was this popular, he already has two threads about him resigning in the WWE section. I've always been a fan of Tomko and where ever Christian goes it seems Tomko goes as well as there are reports that Christian has signed a new contract too. I started a thread a few months ago about which show Tomko would be best for. My choices are RAW or ECW. On ECW, he could immediately become mainevent talent there, and give Hardy some good competition for the ECW title as it seems Morrison and Miz are too busy fighting people on RAW. It all really depends on how the WWE wants to play him with Christian. Will he go back to being the problem solver, or will he get his own identity. Perhaps WWE will put them together then do a proper feud with them, unlike what they did in TNA. I wish I didn't have to go to work because there is more I want to write, but as for Tomko, he has improved much in character, in the ring and on the mic, and since he left the company on good terms I see him getting a decent middle card push. Let's just hope his fate doesn't become that of a similar man in size, Snitsky. Is that guy really still around..., oh well.
i was happy to hear this news today. Tomko is a good pickup. I cant wait to see what kind of storyline they will use him in. Hope they dont blow it. he better not be a ECW superstar. Tomko could easily become US Champ if not IC champ.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Tomko. I think he looks like a watered down Batista and has even less talent.

But if he's popular, I say capitalize on it. Put him where Jack Swagger is right now in ECW and move Swagger over to the midcard on Raw or Smackdown. Swagger is much, much too green to be thought of as a potential ECW champion in the near future, so it'd be best to just have him on Raw's IC scene, while Tomko is old enough that he could be a legitimate ECW championship challenger.

Although, I think I'd die of boredom watching him against Matt Hardy, haha.
To be honest i never really liked him, in his WWE days i found his matches boring and he was nothing more than christians sidekick. I can't recall a decent match by him with anybody and i agree with no fate he reminded me of a watered down Batista. i can't really say anything or have an opinion on his TNA days as i dont watch TNA but i hope it was an improvement on his WWE days.

Now when he comes back where does he fit in? i dont see him on Raw mixing it up with the big stars because Raw already has enough big guys to fill that gap, guys like Snitsky and Knox. i can't see him on ECW because as most people have started that show seems to be a talent enhancement brand and as bland as he was in his first WWE run, i dont think he needs improving. So that leaves Smackdown were i feel he would be most suited, with the exception of Umaga Smackdown doesnt seem to have a big guy in the mid card (thats if Koslov stays in the ME scene) so i can see him fueding with guys like R-Truth or MVP if he gets the eventual face turn.
It's great to see, I mean he has really learned the craft alot more since he left for TNA and Japan. I also like that now Tomko is seen as a bigger player because of he's successful run in Japan, also his successful but tainted run in TNA.

I could see him as a good IC champion and working with the likes of Matt Hardy.
Tomko can plow through Regal, Santino, Mysterio, Punk, Kingston, DiBiase, Rhodes. Keep him away from ECW. Let him take out Cena one night. Why cant Tomko step right in a fight Cena for the belt?
Because he isn't at that point in his career yet. He would be more suited in ECw, where he can make more of a statement and also help out the dying roster. Tomko needs some buffer matches because people still remember who he was from his previous run.
Im kinda leery about how the WWE will actually use Tomko because often times in the past the WWE have brought someone back who was not so successful and attempted to give them something of a storyline and the wrestlers failed (Chuck Palumbo anyone?) Maybe Tomko will be different. If they really want to make him different than last time, keep him away from Christian and Jericho. He needs to have a storyline of his own and a feud of his own that does not involve the two of them. Once he establishes himself as a single star who can handle his business, he will be taken more seriously.
I'm fairly indifferent to Tomko. I neither like the guy or hate the guy. I have to say though, he did impress me when he was in TNA and he certainly improved. He seems to be a fairly talented in ring performer for a big man. If he was signed with the WWE, I think ECW suits him the best. That brand needs talent, and I feel Tomko will have the time to grow further as a wrestler if he does move to that brand. I think he needs to be away from Christian for once as he's been alligned with him for many years now.

A totally gimmick makeover could work, or it could end up like Braden Walker. Tomko could return as a face to feud with guys over on ECW such as: John Morrison, The Miz, Mark Henry and maybe even Jack Swagger. He could help Swagger get even more over which would be a huge bonus. Knowing the WWE though, they'll send Tomko to Raw with Christian so he can be stuck in the lower mid-card without unleashing his true potential. I just think the WWE is just too heel based at the present moment and needs some more new faces to freshen things up a little.

It is a good sign for Tomko if the WWE did resign him. He was doing nothing in TNA and needed to return to the WWE so hopefully he could become a breakout mid-carder. A United States Championship reign could do him wonders. I want this guy to become something other than Christian's lackey, but he doesn't have the greatest mic skills and is fairly average in the ring, with room for improvement.
Tomko is a tough one. He definately made a lot of progress in TNA, but I fear this will be of no value in WWE. The talent roster is already too crowded, and he doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. At best, he gets built up upon arrival, gets in a storyline with a big name, then job him against the star at one of the second tier PPVs. Its a movie we've all seen before. And God forbid they put him on ECW. ECW: where wrestlers careers die.
This one is interesting, as he really never did anything in WWE before without Christian, but he has the look that Vince loves more than anythign. As Rusty said, he has some potential in the midcard. He's a big guy that could pose a decent threat to the US or IC title somewhere down the line. Maybe a feud with Punk over who has the best tattoos. He never was taht great, but he's hardly Snitsky in that he never does anythign at all. I like this signing for WWE, as it takes something away from TNA and might help themselves out a little bit. Small investment for a possibly good sized payoff.

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