Ask Tomko Live

hey travis u rock dude and i want ask u a question.

do the divas wear the same kind of clothes backstage like the revealing stuff and r they just as hot?
Eternal Dragon said:
Hmmm, Tomko- What do you want to do next?

Flames Out
Hmmm, Dragon- I'm happy with where i am now so my plans are to continue working in Japan to gain as much experience as i can and to entertain the fans.

Tae said:
hey tomko are you wrestlin anywhere
because i wanna see your matches
It won't be long until my matches in Japan hit video, so until then, you'll have to fly to Japan to see me

PauLwaLL50 said:
Tomko.. Were you treated badly in WWE?
Well i had my reasons for leaving, but mistreatment was not one of them. Perhaps some talent were favored more then others, but my main reason was i felt like i was stuck in a rut, and the ideas they had for me just weren't something i wanted to do

Goldust, Snitsky, and Vito

i'll pass thank you

www.suckmyarse said:
Was it really true that you were going to punch on with Batista when you both were bouncers before WWE?

I think you would have kicked his ass if true.

Rock on.
of course i would have kicked dave's ass :)

seriously though, i don't know where some rumors like these start, I have known him for years dating back to our OVW days when i was Bane and he was Leviathan and there has not ever been any strife close to that level between he or I.

Tinman11 said:
Tomko, are you still friends with any wrestlers in the wwe??
No, i hate them, they can all kiss my ass!

yes, i have made numerous friends within the WWE

undertaker69 said:
wen are u gonna come bakc lol i think its awesome how u post on forums and stuff one day wen im a famous wrestler i wannha do that cuz the fans make u
thank you

Xelios said:
yo tomko, have you had beef wiff broccoli yet?
who hasn't?
Achilles07 said:
Tomko, are you ever going to answer any of our questions? Just kiddin man, I just wanted to say when you were the "bodyguard" of Christian, I thought it was funny as hell when you rushed him up the ladder at Wrestlemania 22. Hope your career goes well.
haha, yes, i loved that spot, thank you

ThePeople'sChamp said:
1. Did you enjoy working with Christian?
2. Do you know how wreslters react when they know they are about to win or lose a title?
1. Yes, his ego problems never rubbed me the wrong way
2. Everyone knows who holds the belt is what's good for the business... except Kurt Angle

Spineshank said:
I got a question. When are you going to answer the rest of the questions. ???????????????????????????????
right now

gamehead said:
Tyson Tomko, what are you doing in Japan and would you be interested in going to TNA, once you think your done with your "training" in Japan, or are you going to the WWE 100%?
I'm wrestling in Japan silly

I have been approached with offers from TNA... that's all i'll say, however i'll have to wait and see how things are going when i'm finished here on where i go next... TNA could just be another WCW by then
Cracker5000 said:
Hey Tomko would you ever consider joining Tna?
Why did wwe release you?
i already have considered it...

I asked to be released

Extreme Hardcore Icon said:
hey travis u rock dude and i want ask u a question.

do the divas wear the same kind of clothes backstage like the revealing stuff and r they just as hot?
don't we all wish, happily for my wife though the answer is no except for Lita

Amy dresses like that everywhere i had seen her
what did u mean about angle and losing the belt? i heared about wm 22 how he wanted it back right after but is that what u meant?
can u name some of the wrestlers backstage that were jerks and arrogent who thought they were better than everyone else
Hey Travis... I have a couple of questions:

1) What was your favourite moment during your time in WWE?
2) Would you have prefered to keep your name from OVW "Bane" when you joined Raw, as IMO, Tyson Tomko doesn't sound anywhere near as good as that... no disrespect to your surname or anything.
3) Finally, who, from any wrestling promotion in the world do you wish to face in a match maybe sometime in the future... as many guys as you like?
Hi Travis. I think it's great that you do this kind of thing, to give back to your fans. I'm a fan from the UK (on WZ at an absurd time, it's 6 past midnight!) and i thought you were amazing in WWE, but didn't like the way they always under-used you and poked fun at you. Although, you're Christian-up-the-ladder thing at WM22 and the match with the "Mystery Woman" at Un4Given 04 were great! If you did return to WWE, where would you like to go, Raw, The Wasteland that is SmackDown, or ECW?
OK, I just wanna say, I remember the crap they did in Japan when Cena walked in on you and Snitsky giving eachother massages, and I thought it was crap the way the were pushing you with that. I hope to see you back in the uS soon, but if you stay in Japan, I don't blame you, I think your talent was wasted over here. And now, my question, any chance you could send me an autographed pic?
Hi, I have a few questions:

1) Who in your opinion are the top 5 wrestlers the business has ever seen?

2) Which wrestlers don't get on with eachother?

3) Who don't you like in the WWE?
Was the Gotee part of your gimmick, or is it your real style?

Also, what was your favorite match and/or moment that you had in WWE?
Ok So I know a question about Christian has been asked but I have to ask it. At the Royal Rumble when John Cena and Christian were in the GM's office, how hard was it to keep a straight face after Christian asked "Tomko hit me a beat" and then after you brushed his shoulder off after his freestyle.
hello travis, welcome to the pit of snakes known as fan forums lol

1. bush or kerry?
2. were you good friends with eddie and your best eddie memory?
3. ever have a "fling" with a diva?
4. most painful wrestling/workout injury youve had? did ya cry? lol
5. favorite wrestling ppv from childhood?

i wish you the best and hope to see you return to tv, hopefully in ecw!
Heh, where do you work in Japan now? I am trying to catch some of your matches but shit aint happening. And how are you adapting to the strong style wrestling that most of japan is praised by? And please dont tell me that youre using a big boot to pin people there :p
Hey Tomko I have Two Questions For You...NO! They Are NOt Both DO YOU SUCK IT,DO YOU SUCK IT! They Are:

1.How Can We be Sure yer actually Travis The Man Tomko?
2.What Made you Join This Board over all others?
I have another one- it's something I've wanted to ask for a long time.

How did you like working with Trish Stratus- since you sort of had an angle with her?

Flames Out
Hey i dont believe this is Tyson Tomko to be real....... If he's in japan wrestlin' a heavy schedule why tha hell would be be answerin' questions on Wrestlezone...... I mean he must have better things to be doin in his line of work...
Hey Travis, you just disapeared from WWE. Hope you'll come back soon.

Anyway I have a few questions...

1.) Did they or Are the wrestlers or staff members allowed to flirt with the divas backstage or is there a policy against it?

2.) How is Vince McMahon in person, is he an asshole?

3.) Being in front of all of those WWE fans, how does that feel? It must be the best feeling in the world.
Colesey_4_Life said:
Hey i dont believe this is Tyson Tomko to be real....... If he's in japan wrestlin' a heavy schedule why tha hell would be be answerin' questions on Wrestlezone...... I mean he must have better things to be doin in his line of work...

It's not THAT unbelievable. True, he's probably a very busy guy, but it's not like he's wrestling 24/7. I would like to believe, that even in Japan, wrestlers get at least one day off. Besides, it's not like Tomko spends all his time on these boards, either, he shows up to answer a few questions every so often.
Yeah, what are your feelings on Batista complainig about SD!
HeyTyson,Ive akways wanted to the wwe, whos the longest in the shower? Its shelton Benjamin Isnt It?

Also, What was the best and worst gimmick that creative came up for you during your run in the wwe, and who would be your ideal tag team partner, from any era?

Peace out.
tomko, why didn't thet push the christain cena fued,....they really had something there!

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