Today I lost a friend...


Too Sweet To Be Sour
I'm not one to normally air personal feelings here, but today I lost a friend. He was going into his 11th grade year, just like me. My classmate, has been since Kindergarten. He wasn't my best friend, or even near a good one. We never hung out or talked an entire a lot, but he has been my teammate in every sport we have ever played, including football this year He was probably going to be an all-state track runner this year, and an all-conference wide receiver and cornerback. More importantly, he was my teammate, and my friend. He was a great guy, and prayers for his parents, sibling, teammates, friends and girlfriend are out from me tonight. I know it means nothing to you, some teenager none of you knew, and airing personal stuff isn't the smartest thing, but I feel it's something that needs to be shared.
Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3343324 said:
airing personal stuff isn't the smartest thing, but I feel it's something that needs to be shared.

No youre wrong on that, airing personal stuff is a good thing, especially if you are having a hard time dealing with it, and you have obviously taken it hard, therefore talking about it is a good thing. RIP
Thanks guys. Everyone in the area is devastated, I don't know how we are going to walk into football the next time we have it, I am assuming practice will be canceled for awhile. It's a shame to see someone this young pass away.
My condolences, I'm sorry you had to experience this, even if he wasnt your closest friend. Its always a shame when a successful life is lost, especially a young one. I dont know what else to say. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well as the family of your teammate.
It's this kind of stuff you see on the news all the time, you see the interviews and you try to shake off that bad feeling. You see it on teen dramas and after school specials, and you always point out the one you know who that could be, but you never think it will happen. And then it does. And I know I will move on, life goes on, but it's just for awhile you do not know what to do.

The sad thing is, I always knew he was the wild one, I have since he entered high school. He has been the one for the past few years that partied too much, drove too fast, hung out with the wrong people. I knew that, I pointed it out to other friends, but I never knew this would happen. I never imagined it could.
I hope I'm not being too invasive here but how exactly did he die? Sorry if thats not appropriate to ask but I cant shake the curiosity.
Wow I'm sorry, I actually expected people who get a kick out of being cynical critical deuchebags to have some respect for the dead. Those who hide behind an undeserved sense of accomplishment obtained from a failed attempt to be a wiseass to show some courtesy and not sink to that level, regardless of what section of the site we're on. You know theres a reason why the rest of the world looks at wrestling fans, expecially the IWC as little whiny babies. Only on the internet would a half-though out attempt to bash someone with unrelated and inaccurate information while they are trying to pay their respects not be considered distasteful. Ohh and I can already see it now, maybe a meme, or another one liner, or a fuck off in response to what I have just thought out, fitting to a world where a fist cannot fly through someones face or an undefinable scold be performed where one has crossed the line between humorous and disrespectful.
Wow I'm sorry, I actually expected people who get a kick out of being cynical critical deuchebags to have some respect for the dead. Those who hide behind an undeserved sense of accomplishment obtained from a failed attempt to be a wiseass to show some courtesy and not sink to that level, regardless of what section of the site we're on. You know theres a reason why the rest of the world looks at wrestling fans, expecially the IWC as little whiny babies. Only on the internet would a half-though out attempt to bash someone with unrelated and inaccurate information while they are trying to pay their respects not be considered distasteful. Ohh and I can already see it now, maybe a meme, or another one liner, or a fuck off in response to what I have just thought out, fitting to a world where a fist cannot fly through someones face or an undefinable scold be performed where one has crossed the line between humorous and disrespectful.

Yeah, and this rant helps. Shut up.
I'm sorry man. You always here about these stories, but I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a friend die. I've had grandparents die and stuff, but I think a friend passing away would be different. Maybe not sadder, but sad on a different level.
I've had a few people who went to my high school die over the past year. It's a weird feeling, even though I wasn't close to any of them. Hell, two people I went to high school with have been killed this summer. One was an accidental manslaughter and the other one got shot after a bad drug deal.
Yeah man, it's tough...same graduating class as me, hard to see someone you've grown up with go.
Always wear a seat belt.
But yea, spooky stuff. Guy who was on the wrestling team back in middle school found out he died Final Destination style, some convoluted slip and fall in the bathroom… weird.
One of my classmates who I was good friends with killed himself September of last year, so I know how you feel. It'll get better in time, my condolensces anyway.

And to H33L Turn or whatever, don't become an FSWWE. We got rid of him we don't need a new one. Although you're a slightly better poster in the wrestling section than he is.

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