To strive for perfection.

I've been on Wrestlezone for a few months now. Im just wondering what I could possibly do as a poster to be recognized as a true great in this chaotic internet world of words.

I began thinking of what I could do in order to draw attention to myself, and become the apple of everyone's eye. Should I go TheOneBigWill's route and post incredibly informative posts showing my view points and how my opinion is parallel to the facts.
Perhaps I should take a more sarcastic approach by copying Uncle/The Monster Sam. Should I go to school and learn about the history of wrestling like Klunder, or just terrible gimmicks like Mastadon?
Should I choose one particular wrestler to get behind like Becca? Or should I take a certain viewpoint that is inherently wrong and defend it with false information like...well a lot of people.

What makes up the perfect poster? If this goes to the far pages of the bar room I won;t be disappointed. Im bored as shit is all.
I advise you read Sly's thread on how to become a recognized poster. Maybe you'll find all the answers to your questions and more by reading it.
Oh damn! I forgot to mention you SavageTaker! Sorry! But then again I forgot a whole heap of people. I've already read slyfox's list. Did when I first came to the site in fact. But I was wondering for some extra special super secret tips.

Does supporting HHH really increase your odds of being red repped or is that another horrible urban legend like The Shockmaster?

Meh forget this thread. Let it die . Yay for Euthanasia!
It's never too late to mention me ;).

And as far as defending Triple probably won't get you bad rep if you don't make up things. As long as you stick to the facts you should be good.
Bring something new to the forums, just be yourself and post regularly. Something will click for you.

And what's up with this "Orphan" advertisment that keeps springing up?
most people with brains will not red rep you for liking trips. Justin, Norcal, me all like trips and are/were mods so it is a wrestler you like.

I suggest finding something that you can be recognised at, I somehow got the reputation as a knowledge for Puro, not totally deserved to be honest.
Ok I understand what you're all saying. The thing is i dont know anything in particular about wrestling. I know HHH spits out water and that Big Daddy V has jiggly, hypnotic breasts. thats like base knowledge.

Ok not completely true. But without extensive knowledge or the tolerance to post voluminous wordy posts, I dont know what else to do. I tried reviving my Dolph Ziggler Match Appreciation Thread, but I was too lazy to even do that.

Seems like being a dick is the way to go.
You could be like me and be an all-around poster who participates in the LDs, but then I'd have to sue you for gimmick infringement.
You could be like me and be an all-around poster who participates in the LDs, but then I'd have to sue you for gimmick infringement.

Yeah. I could start going to the ECW LD and supporting Abraham Washington! OH wait... you too?

the problem with having a specialised area or wrestler is that all the good ones are already taken. Im left with like...Bastion Booger and Fully Loaded 2000 to specialise in.
I support Steve Corino, I have single handedly gotten people to think that he is the last great journeyman champ on this forum.
What does being a heel on the forum entail then? Because if being polite, grammatically correct and informative is like being Ricky Steamboat, then I suppose making annoying threads like this would be like X-Pac.

Well....I did like the 1-2-3 Kid...."Hey Guys! Lets start a funny picture thread!!" Is it something along those lines?
Norcal, me and Harthan were adamant it was you who shouted KENNNNNNNNNNNEDY during the divas match at this true?

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