To Push Or Not To Push: That is the question.


Getting Noticed By Management
We all know that the WWE is in need of new main event talent. This thread is dedicated to wrestlers who are in the (upper) midcard that have a chance to be pushed. Whether it will happen is up to the WWE to decide. However we as fans also have a realistic opinion on the situation. After all we are the ones watching from the sidelines and we can tell who has been entertaining us the most. Now I know that everyone has a different opinion. I dont expect most of you to agree with my list. However I do want you to post the reason as to why the wrestler in question is likely to be pushed or not. After all the build up the WWE has done we can tell that they want to add someone to the main event tier. So here is the list I shall provide you with, I expect you to judge these wrestlers reasonably.

To Push Or Not To Push:

Jack Swagger, Verdict: Not to push. Simply put he is too inexperienced. He has come from ECW to Raw and has yet to impress me with his skills. I was however very impressed with what he showcased on ECW. But unfortunately he hasn't been able to show us what he can do. So he should stay on Raw, feud over the United States championship and then we'll be able to judge his worth.

MVP, Verdict: To Push This is a man who has had good feuds, good title reigns, a good gimmick (till he turned face) and most of all good opponents. Like Batista, Taker, Kane, Benoit, Hardy and Mysterio. He has momentum, Mic skills, ring skills, and 4 years in the business. So my confusion remains here. Why is he in a midcard feud and why hasn't the WWE pulled the trigger yet? MVP is very much wasting his talent on the midcard and deserves a lot better. His first appearance on Raw featured him with Legacy and from that point on he kind of blend in with the roster. He was noticeable, but didn't stand out. MVP is certainly main event caliber, so I think he could be used in the main event.

The Miz, Verdict: Not To Push We have all been amazed with Mizanins work and level of entertainment that we blindly shout ''Main event! Main event!''. But the fact is that he's not ready. The Miz needs to evolve his character more, needs to learn how to play the crowd more and most importantly he needs to win a singles championship. I have high hopes for Mizanin. 2 Years ago I agreed with IC25 that this guy would make it. And people laughed at his face. But I'm sure The Miz has converted all of his naysayers with his oozing charisma.

Dolph Ziggler, Verdict: Not To Push I really wanted to say push but I've got to be honest with myself here. The guy is fairly new, is in a good feud and has charisma. But he also was suspended, and thats a risky talent. And we have no idea if he could handle the main event scene. Nor do we know if the audience will accept him. I say that his time will come. He's a very entertaining talent and I hope he becomes the IC champion. But for now the midcard is where he belongs.

John Morrison, Verdict: To Push I've mentioned many times how I absolutely love this guy. He gets great reaction from the crowd, has a great move set and has the ability to work a great match with anyone. Morrison has never looked so good in his career. The crowd eats everything he throws at them. The WWE put him in matches with Smackdowns main event. He even defeated the WHC. He's over, and he's a great worker. So I say push.

Christian, Verdict: To Push This is also a man who payed his dues and has worked matches with many high caliber superstars. In TNA and in the WWE. Christian is over enough for people to consider him as a main event contender. He brought the ECW championship prestige and has worked great matches in ECW. The WWE made a fascinating yet fantastic move by putting him there. He has evolved into the WWE way of wrestling and knows what to do. I just hope that the rumor about Vince and Christian isn't true. Because I find Christian to be entertaining and charismatic enough to be a main eventer.

As I've said these are the wrestlers I think the WWE is going to add into their main event sooner or later. The WWE is in dire need of fresh ME talent and what better way then to add new guys to blend your ME open. The WWE isn't that crazy to ignore the fact that they almost have the same ME since 2007. And that there haven't been any new ME created stars.

With that being said I want you to think about this list and give your response to it. To Push Or Not To Push, that is the question.
We all know that the WWE is in need of new main event talent. This thread is dedicated to wrestlers who are in the (upper) midcard that have a chance to be pushed. Whether it will happen is up to the WWE to decide. However we as fans also have a realistic opinion on the situation. After all we are the ones watching from the sidelines and we can tell who has been entertaining us the most. Now I know that everyone has a different opinion. I dont expect most of you to agree with my list. However I do want you to post the reason as to why the wrestler in question is likely to be pushed or not. After all the build up the WWE has done we can tell that they want to add someone to the main event tier. So here is the list I shall provide you with, I expect you to judge these wrestlers reasonably.

To Push Or Not To Push:

Jack Swagger, Verdict: Not to push. Simply put he is too inexperienced. He has come from ECW to Raw and has yet to impress me with his skills. I was however very impressed with what he showcased on ECW. But unfortunately he hasn't been able to show us what he can do. So he should stay on Raw, feud over the United States championship and then we'll be able to judge his worth.

MVP, Verdict: To Push This is a man who has had good feuds, good title reigns, a good gimmick (till he turned face) and most of all good opponents. Like Batista, Taker, Kane, Benoit, Hardy and Mysterio. He has momentum, Mic skills, ring skills, and 4 years in the business. So my confusion remains here. Why is he in a midcard feud and why hasn't the WWE pulled the trigger yet? MVP is very much wasting his talent on the midcard and deserves a lot better. His first appearance on Raw featured him with Legacy and from that point on he kind of blend in with the roster. He was noticeable, but didn't stand out. MVP is certainly main event caliber, so I think he could be used in the main event.

The Miz, Verdict: Not To Push We have all been amazed with Mizanins work and level of entertainment that we blindly shout ''Main event! Main event!''. But the fact is that he's not ready. The Miz needs to evolve his character more, needs to learn how to play the crowd more and most importantly he needs to win a singles championship. I have high hopes for Mizanin. 2 Years ago I agreed with IC25 that this guy would make it. And people laughed at his face. But I'm sure The Miz has converted all of his naysayers with his oozing charisma.

Dolph Ziggler, Verdict: Not To Push I really wanted to say push but I've got to be honest with myself here. The guy is fairly new, is in a good feud and has charisma. But he also was suspended, and thats a risky talent. And we have no idea if he could handle the main event scene. Nor do we know if the audience will accept him. I say that his time will come. He's a very entertaining talent and I hope he becomes the IC champion. But for now the midcard is where he belongs.

John Morrison, Verdict: To Push I've mentioned many times how I absolutely love this guy. He gets great reaction from the crowd, has a great move set and has the ability to work a great match with anyone. Morrison has never looked so good in his career. The crowd eats everything he throws at them. The WWE put him in matches with Smackdowns main event. He even defeated the WHC. He's over, and he's a great worker. So I say push.

Christian, Verdict: To Push This is also a man who payed his dues and has worked matches with many high caliber superstars. In TNA and in the WWE. Christian is over enough for people to consider him as a main event contender. He brought the ECW championship prestige and has worked great matches in ECW. The WWE made a fascinating yet fantastic move by putting him there. He has evolved into the WWE way of wrestling and knows what to do. I just hope that the rumor about Vince and Christian isn't true. Because I find Christian to be entertaining and charismatic enough to be a main eventer.

As I've said these are the wrestlers I think the WWE is going to add into their main event sooner or later. The WWE is in dire need of fresh ME talent and what better way then to add new guys to blend your ME open. The WWE isn't that crazy to ignore the fact that they almost have the same ME since 2007. And that there haven't been any new ME created stars.

With that being said I want you to think about this list and give your response to it. To Push Or Not To Push, that is the question.

Jack Swagger totally deserves a push , just not yet. You even said yourself he is inexperienced. How you honestly say not to push, when he hasn't proven himself quite just yet. I mean he was a good ECW Champion. He is great on the mic too for someone with little experience. I personally, would give Swagger the US belt, let him have a good few month run with it. After that I would let him have a solid non title feud with someone of Main Event status so that we can really see his worth. Then I would place him in the main event for the belt.

MVP does and doesn't deserve a push. I think mostly he would be an amazing Champion, just not on Raw. Right now the focus on Raw is DX/John Cena vs Legacy/Orton. They will not push anyone until this feud has finally subsided and ended. MVP needs to go back over to Smackdown where he can easily get an amazing push and eventually become the Champ. He has great mic skills, and talent. My only problem is one of his finishers is a little kick to the face.

The Miz is currently one of the most charismatic men in the ring. He may be young and inexperienced, but he can work the stick very well. Everyone was hoping Cena would elevate Miz. It just didn't happen. Cena pretty much buried him, and now he gets fired and rehired in a week ( kayfabe ). What they need to do is have him win the US title, maybe a few times, and then possibly try him in the ME, I personally, don't see him as main event talent. Don't get me wrong, he oozes talent, but there is a such thing as being an amazing midcarder :)

I agree with you on Ziggler except for one thing, the part where you mention his suspension. I mean honestly, what does suspension mean for anyone. The biggest heel on RAW and the biggest face on Smackdown have both been suspended and look at their careers. Ziggler deserves a push, and it starts with winning the IC title at Summerslam. The audience will totally accept him, he's a great talent waiting in the corner to be given that spotlight.

I agree 100% on Morrison. Get this man into the main event. He's an amazing in ring talent and a great man on the stick too. His finishers are like nothing I've ever seen before and I love watching him perform these moves. He not only beat the former Champion twice, he almost beat the current one. He's got what it takes to be main event for sure. He needs to be pushed, and soon, before his thunder is gone.

Christian isn't going to be pushed. He's going to stay on ECW more then likely for most of what he has left in his career. Many things have popped up all over this forum and the main site stating his is in the role of being an in ring trainer, showing the newer guys the ropes and setting them up to be shipped off to other brands. He's going to help groom the next main eventers, he won't be one, at least not outside of ECW.

I think one person everyone looks past though, even you didn't mention him. Kofi Kingston. This man is gold. I love him in the ring. I love how he rarely talks too. This adds something to his character. He's a great wrestler, his moveset is great. He is the current US champ and has been since MVP was " supposed to get his push to the Main Event ". Kingston, if booked right, and wrestles like he does for years to come, he'll be main eventing in no time. Hopefully no one goes around calling him a spot monkey though. I absolutely hate this term with a passion. I see him as the black CM Punk, they both kick like a maniac. Mark my words, Kingston by the end of next year, will be main eventing, even if it starts out on one of the lesser shows, he will be in a top spot.

I have high hopes for the whole roster. Many of the older guys, they are the ring generals. They are showing the younger guys the ropes. I'm glad Legacy will hopefully finally get the rub and proper feuds they deserve now.

It's good to see younger wrestlers talked about so much and all their potential. Our next main eventers in my eyes for the next 5 or 6 years will be, Kingston, Swagger, Hardy, Punk, Orton, the other Hardy, MVP, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, and Dolph Ziggler too. Just wait, give all these guys, only the less established guys some time, and they will be in the spotlight with the big belt on their shoulder.
I'm no Mark Henry fan, however I'm surprised WWE pushed Henry just to let him be brought down to Hornswoggle's level. Here is a guy that could be feuding with Orton and he is now demoted to Markswoggle? I'm sorry but even the kids are now starting to despise this character.

Jack Swagger/The Miz- I agree that both of these guys should be put in U.S title feuds over the course of next year so they can branch out. WWE knows now not to put the title on someone who has just been in the company a year or two. I've seen great potential in these two over the past few months. They need a decent feud so they can be seen as main eventers one day.

MVP/ Dolph Ziggler- MVP has the potential to be main event if used properly. I'm glad him and Swagger are feuding. For a long time there MVP was barely on Raw and spent most of his time on the view. WTF? It gives WWE exposure but ruins the character. I can't comment on Ziggler since I don't have Smackdown on satellite. It sounds like Ziggler has potential to be the IC champ. I do believe any new talent should be pushed to the moon though.

John Morrison/Christian- I haven't seen Morrison on Smackdown but I have seen him wrestle numerous times. Morrison seems over in the ring from what I've seen online, but needs to work on his persona out of the ring. I say after some mic work, he will be all set. I think he should be main eventing, but it's too soon for him to be WHC. Christian has been on a roll in ECW. I just think Christian is too big for ECW. He needs to be on Smackdown ASAP. Especially since Jeff might leave soon. Christian could be the face Smackdown needs. Just imagine the feuds with Punk, Jericho, Morrison, Mysterio, or even Kane/Taker.
Jack Swagger, Verdict: Not to push. Simply put he is too inexperienced. He has come from ECW to Raw and has yet to impress me with his skills. I was however very impressed with what he showcased on ECW. But unfortunately he hasn't been able to show us what he can do. So he should stay on Raw, feud over the United States championship and then we'll be able to judge his worth.

That is absolutely correct. Jack Swagger has the complete wrestling package, is believable as a threat at anyone by the fans & is a particularly good worker. However, he needs some serious work on his charisma & does not have the crowd completely locked in as a Main Event player. He still is also very inexperienced despite the fact he is able to withstand the pressures & uphold his responsibilities as shown in ECW & the match with John Cena. He needs some work in the US title picture & maybe a nice solid feud with MVP before attempting to move up to the top tier talent alongside Triple H & ther rest

MVP, Verdict: To Push This is a man who has had good feuds, good title reigns, a good gimmick (till he turned face) and most of all good opponents. Like Batista, Taker, Kane, Benoit, Hardy and Mysterio. He has momentum, Mic skills, ring skills, and 4 years in the business. So my confusion remains here. Why is he in a midcard feud and why hasn't the WWE pulled the trigger yet? MVP is very much wasting his talent on the midcard and deserves a lot better. His first appearance on Raw featured him with Legacy and from that point on he kind of blend in with the roster. He was noticeable, but didn't stand out. MVP is certainly main event caliber, so I think he could be used in the main event.

Well, I would have to agree with this... but there a few problems that you have stated in your argument to push him that will lead him not to be pushed as of yet. You said that he had a good gimmick until he turned face. True, he is not as successful in his endeavours to pull off the face character like he was with his heel role. As a midcarder on the entertainment brand RAW, MVP is sufficient to remain a face for the time being. He is doing well enough. Also, you say that he doesn't stand out from the rest. If you agree that someone doesn't stand out, then why push them into the Main Event? He belongs in the US title picture as he has not got that Main Event "It" Factor to be pushed, but this is what his feud with Jack Swagger should be attempting. To build up both characters & to test the waters to see if these guys can pull off the Main Event roles of being in high-intensity feuds. What a couple of months & I will come back to discuss.

The Miz, Verdict: Not To Push We have all been amazed with Mizanins work and level of entertainment that we blindly shout ''Main event! Main event!''. But the fact is that he's not ready. The Miz needs to evolve his character more, needs to learn how to play the crowd more and most importantly he needs to win a singles championship. I have high hopes for Mizanin. 2 Years ago I agreed with IC25 that this guy would make it. And people laughed at his face. But I'm sure The Miz has converted all of his naysayers with his oozing charisma.

I disagree. I feel that The Miz can be pushed towards the Main Event very soon & be successful in his endeavours. So far, he is the only midcarder who has been able to transition between the midcard & the Main Event successfully & be believable by the crowd. His charisma & mic skills are worthy to his cause, & right now surpass the expectations of the midcard. If you have skills that surpass the midcard, its time for higher grounds. However, his character needs some tweaks before becoming a full-fledged main eventer. But whose to say that is stopping him from going to the uppermidcard? He can tweak his character with the push, as most wrestlers seem to do.

Dolph Ziggler, Verdict: Not To Push I really wanted to say push but I've got to be honest with myself here. The guy is fairly new, is in a good feud and has charisma. But he also was suspended, and thats a risky talent. And we have no idea if he could handle the main event scene. Nor do we know if the audience will accept him. I say that his time will come. He's a very entertaining talent and I hope he becomes the IC champion. But for now the midcard is where he belongs.

Exactly. Ziggler is like Swagger. He has the package to go to the promised lands, but he is still too inexperienced in the WWE and needs to gain some in the midcard. They are testing how well he does with the Mysterio feud over the IC championship. It is a good thing that the WWE decided to pull the plug on Ziggler winning the championship at the previous PPV as he is clearly not ready for the responsibilities. He needs to establish himself as a credible threat in the midcard before moving up & needs to tweak his character. With the addition of Maria & the Mysterio IC title feud, he is doing well for himself in getting noticed.

John Morrison, Verdict: To Push I've mentioned many times how I absolutely love this guy. He gets great reaction from the crowd, has a great move set and has the ability to work a great match with anyone. Morrison has never looked so good in his career. The crowd eats everything he throws at them. The WWE put him in matches with Smackdowns main event. He even defeated the WHC. He's over, and he's a great worker. So I say push.

This is clearly the obvious choice to push to the main event. With the possibility of Jeff not signing with the WWE, they need somebody full time who can take his role quickly. John Morrison is that answer. However, I am unclear with the direction of his face character. He was great with his heel character & was not getting stale at all. He still had a couple of years left in him being the overly-cocky heel & has the charisma to boot. The face is a nice change & emphasises his wrestling abilities, but he did much better at the heel tactics.

I would also like to add that the SmackDown main event scene is very skewed at the moment, where midcarders & uppermidcarders get the chance to showcase their talent. They need to switch around some superstars on the roster to bring up some more heel talent, as the ME scene will soon be crowded with face characters [i.e. Undertaker/Edge return with possible Jeff signing a new contract].

Christian, Verdict: To Push This is also a man who payed his dues and has worked matches with many high caliber superstars. In TNA and in the WWE. Christian is over enough for people to consider him as a main event contender. He brought the ECW championship prestige and has worked great matches in ECW. The WWE made a fascinating yet fantastic move by putting him there. He has evolved into the WWE way of wrestling and knows what to do. I just hope that the rumor about Vince and Christian isn't true. Because I find Christian to be entertaining and charismatic enough to be a main eventer.

A two way street for Christian. Yes, he has the ability to be pushed & switched from ECW to RAW or SmackDown as a heel or a face character & be believable in his role. He certainly has the experience, the wrestling ability & the charisma that defines that role. However, he is being used on ECW as a veteran to teach the new future talent, which is a must at the moment. He is portraying the man face role veteran whilst William Regal will soon be the heel role veteran. In saying this, ECW does have Tommy Dreamer & Goldust to play these roles if neccessary. So really, Christian can be pushed at any given time, but his experience is needed on the ECW roster.
I have the following to say about the mentioned peoples:

Swagger, no, but I do say keep him in some good storylines. I think that there is some serious potential for character development here. What we have here is a snot-nosed kid with a helluva lot of talent and drive. It's my opinion that the real purpose of Swagger is kind of Vince's way of trying to craft himself a new Kurt Angle. While he's got a lot of those qualities, I don't think he's there yet. He needs a storyline of taking some solid hard knocks and learning a little humility or at least that he needs more than just a couple of amateur wrestling championships to make it far in the WWE.

MVP, I think he could stand a push. He's shown himself already to be a solid contender for the WWE Championship, but they've always stopped him short of number one. I say that after Orton vs. Cena is resolved, or even before, MVP needs to involve himself there. I don't know if he's ever had a heavyweight champ run, but I think it's time. And, contrary to what many have said, I rather like him as a face. He seems to show a bit more maturity.

The Miz. This guy is already getting way more of a push than he deserves. I'll give him his due, he knows how to work the mic, but not the crowd. In his matches with Cena, he's shown a good deal of wrestling ability, but many of his moves...just didn't look like they had the force that they were meant to, although Cena sold their effects well. I think he just needs a bit more experience, and I agree he needs a singles championship to better establish his cred before moving to the main event.

Ziggler. Definitely not! He's a good wrestler and a good performer in acts of violence but that is where his performing talent ends. On the mic and in every vignette I've seen him in, he's flat, one dimensional, it's like someone took an "actor" from a used car lot commercial and shoved him in some trunks and said "read these here lines, good luck." Until he learns how to be in any way believable, don't give him a main event spot where there's a chance for him to have a lot of speaking parts.

John Morrison. Yes. Give him a push and give it to him now! It's the perfect time what with the feud between Punk and Jeff. Shove him into that mix and make it a three-way, as a secondary threat to Punk and then, when Jeff goes on hiatus, as the primary one. John Morrison has already had a few midcard titles, I believe he was ECW champion as Johnny Nitro, and has been tag-team champion multiple times. It's time for him to move up to serious contendership for the Heavyweight title...and for a Heavyweight run.

Christian. He's a great wrestler, but I don't know if he deserves a push just yet, or if it's even possible for him to get any more of a push on ECW. In the short time he's been back, he's already a two-time champion. Besides, in the land of the one-hour show, there's not a lot of time to showcase your talent. I say move him to one of the other shows, Raw or Smackdown, and give him a decent personal storyline. See how he fares with that. Once I've seen that, I'll make my judgment.

Kofi. I think he should get a bit more of a push, and an actual decent storyline. He's been a mid-card champion twice now (U.S. and Intercontinental) as well as a tag-team champion, but in all that time, his storylines never got personal. You've never gotten a chance to "get to know" Kofi. We need something like that and this would give the needed push.

Mark Henry. I know I may attract some heat for this, but I've got to say that Henry is best in a supporting role, as an enforcer and/or protector for another (rather like The Big Show's case, and his position now for Jericho.) If they're gonna make Henry a face, and showcase his playful and comedic side, they're actually doing a pretty good job of it. I've got to say that when a guy as big and dominant as him does the things he's doing's freaking funny!

And now, I'm going to add one to the list. Evan Bourne. For goodness sakes push this kid! He's got all the talent in the world, he's got a fresh-faced charm, not too bad on the mic, and has a lot of what Rey Mysterio has in terms of crowd appeal. He's an underdog, but right now he's an underdog getting buried. Put him in seemingly impossible matches, yes, but have him pull it out. Frankly, he could be the Rey Mysterio of Raw, just don't mask him.
[115]FalKon;1313935 said:
Well, I would have to agree with this... but there a few problems that you have stated in your argument to push him that will lead him not to be pushed as of yet. You said that he had a good gimmick until he turned face. True, he is not as successful in his endeavours to pull off the face character like he was with his heel role. As a midcarder on the entertainment brand RAW, MVP is sufficient to remain a face for the time being. He is doing well enough. Also, you say that he doesn't stand out from the rest. If you agree that someone doesn't stand out, then why push them into the Main Event? He belongs in the US title picture as he has not got that Main Event "It" Factor to be pushed, but this is what his feud with Jack Swagger should be attempting. To build up both characters & to test the waters to see if these guys can pull off the Main Event roles of being in high-intensity feuds. What a couple of months & I will come back to discuss.

:banghead: WHAT DOES ANYONE SEE IN MVP???!!! He sucks. His promo work is boring. His new "finisher" sucks so much. His bright red tights make me think him and Markswoggle should team up and be The Black Kool Aid Men. The VIP lounge should be canned completely, because it is NOT supposed to be for people like you and me. MVP flat out sucks. I enjoyed him for about 4 seconds when he was prepared to take on Orton and really make a statement. Writing or not, he is now buried and does not deserve to be uncovered.

Miz, Swagger, Morrison & Ziggler all have the look that stars have. Stop marking out for Christian. He's great on ECW, but jumping around from brand to brand is just going to bury him. He can't feud with Edge because they're not on the same level. He has the right to be the Main Guy on ECW, but he's a middle of the pack guy on any other show.
:banghead: WHAT DOES ANYONE SEE IN MVP???!!! He sucks. His promo work is boring. His new "finisher" sucks so much. His bright red tights make me think him and Markswoggle should team up and be The Black Kool Aid Men. The VIP lounge should be canned completely, because it is NOT supposed to be for people like you and me. MVP flat out sucks. I enjoyed him for about 4 seconds when he was prepared to take on Orton and really make a statement. Writing or not, he is now buried and does not deserve to be uncovered.

Miz, Swagger, Morrison & Ziggler all have the look that stars have. Stop marking out for Christian. He's great on ECW, but jumping around from brand to brand is just going to bury him. He can't feud with Edge because they're not on the same level. He has the right to be the Main Guy on ECW, but he's a middle of the pack guy on any other show.

Right... MVP IS a talented individual. I can say this because I can back up my statements with both opinion & fact, something you have yet to achieve. MVP satisfies the charisma criteria for being a professional wrestler. Has no problem in delivering a decent piece on the stick every week & is consistent with his great efforts. The fans actually pay attention to what he says every week due to the reaction that the crowd gives MVP, no matter heel or face. He has the solid character that links with his shady background of being imprisoned, speaking on how he has turned his life around for the better [as a face] or saying that how he turned his life around makes everyone else seem inferior to his superiority [as a heel]. He has a sufficient connection with the crowd & is over with them. People get excited for a match featuring MVP as they know that they are going to be entertained. He may not be the best there is currently, but at least he ALWAYS gives a decent entertaining performing. His wrestlings skills are sufficient enough in the midcard area to get by. He knows how to work a match with his opponents & is very reilable in the ring for the better part.

From the points I have shown here, MVP is a consistently good wrestler who knows how to get the job done. This is the answer to the question you asked "What do people see in MVP?"
MVP needs a new finisher before me or anyone else for that matter can take him seriously in the main event. Nobody is winning a world title with the Playmaker it would look like shit, imagine that in a pay per view main event.

Also, before he is pushed MVP has a long way to go in terms of finding the right character. He face character isn't really working right now he seems a little too over enthusiastic and crowd friendly. When the Rock turned face he kept many of his arrogant heel tactics and people loved him for it. MVP is no Rock but their characters as heels were quite similar and i think their face characters would need to be similar in order for MVP to be more successful. MVP doesn't need to turn back to a heel, he just needs to incorporate some of his heel characteristics into his babyface gimmick. He definitely is no where near as ready for a push as John Morrison or The Miz or maybe even Jack Swagger.

And I'm going to agree with John Morrison needing to be pushed to the main event as soon as possible, and The Miz should be on his way too. Although maybe The Miz would need to improve his finisher too (its still WAY better than the playmaker though).
My verdict on every single one is continue what they are doing... for now. Plain and simple, the fans ultimately determine who gets a push. WWE and Vince will have faith in some guys, give them a moderate push and see if the fans buy into that person. Each of the above has been given a moderate push and simply put, none of them were believable in the main event, not to say it won't happen, just that it won't happen yet. Look at any scramble, elimination chamber, or royal rumble. We all pick our winner based on who we believe is the best choice. Miz was given essentially a main level match and looked unready, christian has been a heavyweight champion in both TNA and ECW and was not a believable world champion IMO. Swagger has shown promise but WWE has booked him very intelligently in giving him and the world a SMALL glimpse of swagger in the spotlight and now working him through the midcard so he can build his moves, mic work, and overall "believability factor"
Jack Swagger - I think he deserves a long run with the US title, perhaps even let him capture the tag titles with a partner (someone mentioned Masters in another thread). He needs more to brag about, and definitely sometime in the future I'd liked to see the world title around his waist.

MVP - Im in limbo when it comes to him, he's changed my mind over the years (I hated him at first) so it's really hard for me to agree with any side of the world title question. I still think he should go to ECW and capture the title there - then I can determine if he's capable of holding the WWE or the WHC.

The Miz - I enjoyed him in the tag team divison with Morrison, and he's doing alright by himself, I'd be okay with him having an US title run. The contenders for the title are really exciting - I wouldn't mind him - Swagger and Bourne going back and forth with the title for abit. I'm not ready to see a world title on him yet - perhaps only ECW? And I hope I'm not making that title sound bad - the matches for it are usually excellent.

Ziggler - another who should remain in the mid-card for awhile. I can forgive him for messing with roids but he's just too new to be a main eventer - I dont even want him holding the ECW title yet - IC title is perfect, stick with it!

Evan Bourne - I've already noted that he should feud with Swagger and Miz for the US title, I was disappointed that he didn't get to win the ECW title before being drafted, he was billed and everything which sucks more ugh (by the way - that commerical that showed him with the ECW title actually aired on SyFy like a week ago? I was surprised because I had seen it earlier in report on wz). I'd be rather happy if he was in the MITB ladder match next WM - and wins it.

John Morrison - I dont need to say anything - we all know its just a matter of time before we see his world title reign.

Christian - he damn well proved himself in TNA. christ why do some people still doubt his talent and skill (Vince). Soon enough - I wouldn't doubt it if they consider him to fill in Jeff's position on SD! although right now Im digging his run on ECW - the program with Regal is getting interesting. He shall capture other world titles in WWE. It's destiny. I seriously have a great feeling that MVP would be able to fill in Christian's shoes as ECW's top face - therefore he can succeed on other brands.

Kofi - I agree with alot of other people in this thread, he needs a real rival - a story - someone who truly sticks a torn in his side. I'd say Edge if Kofi was in the same league as him. I mean Edge did take Kofi out of the elimation chamber - ruined his oppurtunity. Ha no way of that ever happening though. Kofi should take the tag titles off of Jericho & Big Show and run a program with them for the titles. I'm not sure who'd be a good partner for him though - hm? Mark Henry!! it can be one of those classic big/small guy teams - they can have one brutal team finisher. Henry could do the world's strongest slam and right after Kofi can finish it with his do-the-shakes leg drop ha
[115]FalKon;1314425 said:
Right... MVP IS a talented individual. I can say this because I can back up my statements with both opinion & fact, something you have yet to achieve. MVP satisfies the charisma criteria for being a professional wrestler. Has no problem in delivering a decent piece on the stick every week & is consistent with his great efforts. The fans actually pay attention to what he says every week due to the reaction that the crowd gives MVP, no matter heel or face. He has the solid character that links with his shady background of being imprisoned, speaking on how he has turned his life around for the better [as a face] or saying that how he turned his life around makes everyone else seem inferior to his superiority [as a heel]. He has a sufficient connection with the crowd & is over with them. People get excited for a match featuring MVP as they know that they are going to be entertained. He may not be the best there is currently, but at least he ALWAYS gives a decent entertaining performing. His wrestlings skills are sufficient enough in the midcard area to get by. He knows how to work a match with his opponents & is very reilable in the ring for the better part.

From the points I have shown here, MVP is a consistently good wrestler who knows how to get the job done. This is the answer to the question you asked "What do people see in MVP?"

I consistently state fact. I am a fact machine. Here's the facts: since MVP was moved to Raw, he has been given one spot in which to seize the spotlight, and it was overshadowed by a Shane McMahon run in. SHANE MCMAHON?!?! He lost the US Title and has TWICE been unsuccessful in reclaiming it. He is in a mediocre feud with Jack Swagger, who deserves better based on his potential, what he has already shown (ECW Champion), and who will gain more momentum off of this feud than MVP will. I am one of the fans. And speaking of "fans of wrestling", where do you see any on this particular site? I read this every day and see nothing but critics and whiners. My view is objective, as I have been around wrestling for 15+ years now. I know how wrestling works and I understand the era we are in. MVP is not the man to take WWE to the next level, or usher in the next era. Guys like Swagger, Morrison, Punk, and Orton will be the frontliners of this company for a lot longer than an aging MVP. A push into the Main Event is not going to happen for a 35 year old. Seriously, what can you see him Main Eventing? At best, a B or C PPV in the next 12 months, because 35 year olds with no previous Main Event experience don't all of a sudden get pushed into the spotlight. See R-Truth. Essentially, he is the same flailing, boring character as MVP (only a better wrestler), but due to his age, will not be pushed past an IC Title shot.

Please define what you mean by push. A push is something given to a younger, less established superstar who shows qualities that the WWE is looking for in future Main Eventers. Based on this definition, a push is being given to Ziggler, Morrison, Miz, & Swagger. MVP has been shoved to the bottom of the mid card. Based on everything you MVP marks are saying, he should be the one fighting Orton this weekend instead of Cena, when he is so not ready for it. He has gotten no momentum as a face, and the only way anyone should care about the bullcrap coming out of his mouth is if he was saying it as a result of an attack on a well put-over face, because I don't buy him as a face. The things coming out of his mouth are like a PG version of what MVP was doing while he was a VERY SUCCESSFUL heel on Smackdown. His feud with Matt Hardy was a classic and his level of competition was higher when he had more top faces to feud with.

You kids don't watch wrestling right. You are all elitists that think your opinion matters, and mine doesn't matter either. This is a Glorified Male Soap Opera we are watching, with theatrics. It is not a season long TV show, where the events are finished by the end of a season and the show picks up where it left off. Things need to be drawn out to keep the viewer interested. How interesting would it be if everyone was turning heel and face every third week? It wouldn't. WWE is meant solely to entertain. Be entertained. MVP does not entertain me, so he is failing. I highly doubt (and speak up, those of you over the age of 25) that MVP is entertaining anyone with half a brain when it comes to Professional Wrestling. If the fans REALLY knew what they wanted, the WWE would be out of business. You all want Cena to turn want MVP to be the champion or a Main Eventer. Now imagine they are.....NOW WHAT??? This happens and someone posts a thread bitching about how they don't like it, and now they want Cena to be a face again and MVP back to the midcard because they don't want to see him as champ.
I consistently state fact. I am a fact machine. Here's the facts: since MVP was moved to Raw, he has been given one spot in which to seize the spotlight, and it was overshadowed by a Shane McMahon run in. SHANE MCMAHON?!?! He lost the US Title and has TWICE been unsuccessful in reclaiming it. He is in a mediocre feud with Jack Swagger, who deserves better based on his potential, what he has already shown (ECW Champion), and who will gain more momentum off of this feud than MVP will. I am one of the fans. And speaking of "fans of wrestling", where do you see any on this particular site? I read this every day and see nothing but critics and whiners. My view is objective, as I have been around wrestling for 15+ years now. I know how wrestling works and I understand the era we are in. MVP is not the man to take WWE to the next level, or usher in the next era. Guys like Swagger, Morrison, Punk, and Orton will be the frontliners of this company for a lot longer than an aging MVP. A push into the Main Event is not going to happen for a 35 year old. Seriously, what can you see him Main Eventing? At best, a B or C PPV in the next 12 months, because 35 year olds with no previous Main Event experience don't all of a sudden get pushed into the spotlight. See R-Truth. Essentially, he is the same flailing, boring character as MVP (only a better wrestler), but due to his age, will not be pushed past an IC Title shot.

Please define what you mean by push. A push is something given to a younger, less established superstar who shows qualities that the WWE is looking for in future Main Eventers. Based on this definition, a push is being given to Ziggler, Morrison, Miz, & Swagger. MVP has been shoved to the bottom of the mid card. Based on everything you MVP marks are saying, he should be the one fighting Orton this weekend instead of Cena, when he is so not ready for it. He has gotten no momentum as a face, and the only way anyone should care about the bullcrap coming out of his mouth is if he was saying it as a result of an attack on a well put-over face, because I don't buy him as a face. The things coming out of his mouth are like a PG version of what MVP was doing while he was a VERY SUCCESSFUL heel on Smackdown. His feud with Matt Hardy was a classic and his level of competition was higher when he had more top faces to feud with.

You kids don't watch wrestling right. You are all elitists that think your opinion matters, and mine doesn't matter either. This is a Glorified Male Soap Opera we are watching, with theatrics. It is not a season long TV show, where the events are finished by the end of a season and the show picks up where it left off. Things need to be drawn out to keep the viewer interested. How interesting would it be if everyone was turning heel and face every third week? It wouldn't. WWE is meant solely to entertain. Be entertained. MVP does not entertain me, so he is failing. I highly doubt (and speak up, those of you over the age of 25) that MVP is entertaining anyone with half a brain when it comes to Professional Wrestling. If the fans REALLY knew what they wanted, the WWE would be out of business. You all want Cena to turn want MVP to be the champion or a Main Eventer. Now imagine they are.....NOW WHAT??? This happens and someone posts a thread bitching about how they don't like it, and now they want Cena to be a face again and MVP back to the midcard because they don't want to see him as champ.

Before I start, this is a good post for a solid debate.

Firstly, I am not one of those idiotic posters that claim Cena sucks because he only knows five moves & needs to turn heel. I have never said that & I never will. Cena is doing great wonders for the business at the moment. He is going outside of the professional wrestling world into the mainstream audience to promote the company & many people respect how he acts in accordance to his role. He is also drawing big time for the company & is helping put guys on the map like The Miz & Jack Swagger.

Secondly, I know that the WWE is a sports-based soap opera that continues every week & will never stop, with the exception of when the new year roles around & most of the feuds are ended. I am not one who thinks that people's opinions don't matter & mine only does. I am very knowledgable when it comes to the WWE & will always voice my opinion into the right direction where it should go, amongst many others who agree or post the same with what my posts say.

Thirdly, the fans do know what they want & it seems that the WWE is still in business & doing very successfully well considering it just went through a couple of financial crisis'. These fans you are refering to must be the members of the IWC, who only makes up the minority of the proportion & do nothing but sit back & bitch/praise about the company. No-one is going to listen to these people for having an opinion.

On to MVP. This is what I said to start with:

[115]FalKon;1313935 said:
Well, I would have to agree with this... but there a few problems that you have stated in your argument to push him that will lead him not to be pushed as of yet. You said that he had a good gimmick until he turned face. True, he is not as successful in his endeavours to pull off the face character like he was with his heel role. As a midcarder on the entertainment brand RAW, MVP is sufficient to remain a face for the time being. He is doing well enough. Also, you say that he doesn't stand out from the rest. If you agree that someone doesn't stand out, then why push them into the Main Event? He belongs in the US title picture as he has not got that Main Event "It" Factor to be pushed, but this is what his feud with Jack Swagger should be attempting. To build up both characters & to test the waters to see if these guys can pull off the Main Event roles of being in high-intensity feuds. What a couple of months & I will come back to discuss.

I did not say here that MVP should get the push right now. I specifically explained that he needs to work on himself if he is going to be pushed into the upper-midcard/main event area as he definitely has the creditials to get there. Granted he has not got the total package like Swagger in wrestling terms or hasn't had a decent feud besides the Swagger/US title picture, but MVP is on the RAW brand at the moment. The brand has drawn very thick lines as to who is in the Main Event & the midcard where there is no room for movement with the exception of The Miz. They are using the talent on the brand for entertainment purposes as they know that everyone on the roster is reliable & well established in their roles. This includes MVP. For him to be on the roster may say wonders about his performances thus far within the E. So, at least the company thinks that they see something in MVP. Judging by the way the audience pays attention to him during his promos & how he gets the crowds to cheer for him during the match must mean that they see something & give a damn about the guy.
Swagger - Push, immeadiately. There is no reason to wait. He is just as good on the mic as at least half of the WWE roster, and is improving every time out. As far as in ring work goes, he is easily in the top 10, despite being in the WWE for less than a year. I am a huge Swagger mark and think he should get some gold as soon as possible.

MVP - Don't Push, simply put, he is awful in the ring. His matches are the most slow-paced, boring pieces of crap in the WWE today. He hasn't looked decent in the ring for months. He completely fails as a face and gets little to no reaction. His only hope is for another heel turn shortly.

The Miz - Push, but not into the main event. The guy has only been a singles competitor for a short period of time, there is no need to rush him into it. As we say by his mini-feud with Cena, he isn't ready for the big boys yet. However, he should capture the US Title soon. He is a great talker and something different, he'd be a great US Champion. Give him the mid card title, and we'll see where he goes from there.

Dolph Ziggler - Don't push. I don't hate the guy, he's at least decent. However, his character isn't all that interesting, he hasn't shown anything on the mic, and none of his matches have made me say "wow." He just doesn't stand out, I see him as a mid carder for life at best.

John Morrison - Don't push. I don't really get all of the hype. I think that his in ring work is overrated and he works much better as a face. Sure he can be funny at times and can do some flippys in the ring, but that doesn't mean he should be a main eventer.

Christian - Push, he is way over with the crowd and very good in the ring. He's an experience guy who has given a lot to the company over the years. First, he needs to get rid of that pesky ECW Title. After that, I think he could fit nicely into the main event picture, preferablly on Smackdown.
[115]FalKon;1316889 said:
I did not say here that MVP should get the push right now. I specifically explained that he needs to work on himself if he is going to be pushed into the upper-midcard/main event area as he definitely has the creditials to get there. Granted he has not got the total package like Swagger in wrestling terms or hasn't had a decent feud besides the Swagger/US title picture, but MVP is on the RAW brand at the moment. The brand has drawn very thick lines as to who is in the Main Event & the midcard where there is no room for movement with the exception of The Miz. They are using the talent on the brand for entertainment purposes as they know that everyone on the roster is reliable & well established in their roles. This includes MVP. For him to be on the roster may say wonders about his performances thus far within the E. So, at least the company thinks that they see something in MVP. Judging by the way the audience pays attention to him during his promos & how he gets the crowds to cheer for him during the match must mean that they see something & give a damn about the guy.

I understand your views on this, but know this: MVP is 35 years old. He doesn't have the time to be pushed adequately. Most of the established Main Eventers were pushed to the scene by their late 20's. MVP is in the same boat as R-Truth. He is too old to be anything more than filler on the weekly show. I honestly don't know what show you're seeing that has MVP getting great crowd response anymore. He got a great response initially when he turned face. He came out, got a nice pop, and would go about his business. Ever since he lost the US Title, his reaction from the crowd is more stagnant than anything. He gets a mini pop strictly because he's against someone who gets booed. His reaction is the same reaction as the ones Primo gets. The crowd is sorta into him because he's a face, but he gets nowhere near the reaction the WWE would like him to be getting. There was an earlier poster who said that he needs to mix in some of his heel tactics to get over. This is what I agree with. He is all of a sudden a goody-two-shoes who acknowledges his past mistakes as justification for a face turn.

Just because he got moved to Raw does not mean a push is necessary. Raw is essentially the Los Angeles Clippers of Draft Night. Rey Mysterio is great, but let's be honest, he didn't work on Raw. Raw has wasted two straight #1 picks. The #1 pick in the WWE Draft is supposed to be a big difference maker. This is not the case the last two drafts. This is my problem with MVP. He didn't have the resume to be a #1 overall pick. Big Show has made more of an impact since being drafted than MVP has. So has The Miz. Make an impact somewhere and maybe this educated fan will get behind you.
The problem with the first post in this thread is that you're not giving us a space time. Are you talking about people that should be pushed within the next year? Are you talking about people that should be pushed right now? I'm going to assume the latter...

Ok, firstly, MVP should not be pushed. He's too old, he's like 35. When you make a main eventer, it should be one that will have the ability to draw for years to come. 35 is quite old in the wrestling world and it's when 99% of wrestlers are past their prime. So if WWE are really looking to help the future, they shouldn't push MVP. Plus I think his ring skills have deteriorated recently... His feuds with Benoit and Matt Hardy made him improve so much and now it looks like he's just lost it. I haven't seen a really good MVP match in a long time, apart from when he was carried by Kofi. He just seems boring. But maybe that's just me.

John Morrison should definately get a push. On SD, he is the second biggest face. He has gone from mediocre heel heat to big face pops in the space of a few months. I never thought he would've been able to be a great face, especially with his bad mic skills, but he has surprised me. The crowd have gotten behind him and he puts on consistantly superb matches.

Christian is a tricky one. He is over enough to get a push, no doubt. And he puts on good matches. But like MVP, he might be too old at this point. But I think give him a title push for a while, see how it goes and then maybe keep him there if he holds his own.

The Miz should not get a push right now, he should be winning matches in the midcard, getting a US title reign. He's great on the mic and his in ring skills are improving but he still hasn't been around for very long and I'm not sure how much heat he'll get when he's not cutting promos on Cena. Give him a year to do well in the midcard and I think he will be ready for a main event push. Not a title reign, but a push.

Jack Swagger should not get a push. I kinda find him overrated in the ring. He can pull out a good match, but only when he's working with a superior wrestler, Cena, Christian etc. And he hasn't made much of an impact outside ECW. And from what I've seen his heel heat isn't very strong. Not to mention he's still quite green in the WWE, still in his first year. So I think he should do the same as The Miz. Do some stuff in the midcard, have some feuds, then he can be part of the next generation of main eventers.

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