TNA's Tag Team Division


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The Tag Division is starting to really shape up.

Motor City Machine Guns
Beer Money
Ink Inc.
Generation Me
Orlando Jordan & Eric Young
London Brawling
Gunner & Murphy

And looks like a new tag team with Amazing Red and Little Red.

Hogan and Bischoff are doing a great job bringing back a true tag team wrestling division. Please Vince, take note...

What are you guys' thoughts on TNA's tag division for 2011?
I actually think the division has taken a bit of a back-seat for a while now, and unfortunately for TNA, it's been riding it's own laurels for some time now.

Don't get me wrong, I was glad as hell that MCMG finally won the titles, but I've been rather unimpressed with their actual run since the Beer Money, Inc. Best-of-Five series (probably because there was little depth in the division at the time who could/should have been elevated to compete for the titles).

While TNA has plenty of talented teams, they have few elite teams — Beer Money, Inc. and Motor City Machineguns being the only two IMO.

Ink Inc. Make for good depth performers, but I seriously doubt championship gold is ever in their future, and the same goes for Generation Me and London Brawling (who haven't been a tag team for months).

The division is fine, but it's credited too much for what it used to be (something IMO it no longer really is).
I think it a Pretty Good Division, the Best of 5 between Beer Money and MCMG was Great but recently the Tag Division had taken a bit of a Backseat to the new Immortal Storyline which is the Focus point of the show which it should be. I think that the divison could get even better in the Year 2011. The division has Two Great Teams in Beer Money and the Guns Three Solid Teams in Ink.Inc Gen Me and London Brawling all are Very Solid teams but I'm not sure if they are a ready to become Tag Team Champions, then you have the comedy of EY & Orlando Jordan, and I think Red & Mercer could make a Good Tag team. The Division is Pretty Good and 1 of the Best Things about TNA but I think it could be even better in 2011.
Yea, compared to WWE, their Tag division is awesome but like IDR said... There really aren't many teams besides Beer Money and MCMG that would really make good champions...

That's why I would love to see them add a couple more teams... Maybe Hass and Benjamin, Senshi and Daniels, or maybe a new team that we've never seen before...

I miss the old school big guy teams like Demolition, LoD, Stieners, Harlem Heat... It would would be nice to see two newcomers that could be compared to teams like that... Could you imagine a new version of the Stieners in TNA?
hahahahahaha.......tank abbot and shark boy as the shark tank, dude thats one of the most hilariously entertaining comments ive heard in a long time
TNA's Tag Team Division is one of the very few things about TNA this year that I've liked, and that's due mostly to the MCMGs & Beer Money. Compared to the WWE's tag team scene, those two teams alone make TNA's much healthier than the WWE's currently.

Over the past week or so I've done a little thinking and I've reached a similar conclusion as IDR. When you look at things, it does seem that the tag team scene has sort of been riding on its overall past strength. In my view, the actual strength of the division really has been with the Guns & Beer Money. If you take them out of the equation, it just simply doesn't seem to be nearly as impressive.

Ink Inc. is an interesting team but Jesse Neal is still, to a large degree, something of a nobody and Shannon Moore is...well, to be quite honest, so is Shannon Moore really. He's been in the business for 15 years and what's he done exactly? They have a different look and they can be fun to watch but they're just not nearly on the level of either the Guns or Beer Money.

Generation Me is another young team. They're fast, have a lot of energy and have had some fun matches in TNA this year. They're just not nearly on the same level as the Guns. Their feud over the tag titles showed that I believe. Besides that, GenMe jobbed cleanly not long back to Eric Young & Orlando Jordan. They've fallen fast and they've hit hard.

Eric Young & Oorlando Jordan are basically TNA's version of Santino Marella & Vladimir Koslov. Believe it or not, Santino & Koslov are actually the more serious team. Young's bit now is that he has brain damage and he runs around trying to be funny in his matches with Jordan playing the straight man, no pun intended, and serious competitor. They just don't interest me at all but don't be surprised if they actually do get a title run in 2011.

London Brawling, I've never seen them wrestle a match. It'd be nice to see Desmonde Wolf be part of something relevant but this team is nothing as it stands right now. Less than nothing actually and they have more to prove and show than really any of the other teams going.

Gunner & Murphy are two low level thugs of Immortal. They occassionally wrestle tag matches and get their asses kicked just like those two fat goombahs that worked as security for the Main Event Mafia.

So yeah, as of right now, I think that the Guns & Beer Money are pretty much it. Without them, TNA's Tag Team Division is on the same level as the WWE's right now.
I really think that the tag division in TNA is somewhat overrated, sure by comparison to WWE's tag division it looks fucking amazing but it really isn't that great and it certainly doesn't have the depth that some people say it does. I mean look at MCMG's reign, they have had a total of two feuds in about six months in Beer Money and Gen Me that sure as hell isn't depth. Sure they have great matches together but it gets a bit tiresome after a while and they all start to become the same.

Apart from those teams I mentioned there isn't really anyone suitable to hold the titles either. Gunner and Murphy aren't even really a tag team and they are green a hell inside the ring, they are not even ready to be in a feud with another tag team. Young and OJ are nothing more than a comedy team and not even a good one like Santino and Kozlov. London Brawling haven't even wrestled a match on impact yet to the best of my knowledge so I cant really rate them fairly. Ink Inc are all right, they are probably okay to feud for the title but I can't see them winning them as they aren't really that good.

So unless TNA sorts some shit out then it looks like we will be seeing the same three teams going for the titles over and over in MCMG, Gen Me and Beer Money.
I'd like to see two guys who haven't been used very much with the crowded roster form a team. Samoa Joe and Hernandez. Call them the Head Hunters, Assassins, Bad Company, etc. They haven't done a lot in the singles ranks and they could work well together as two big guys who can move. They would need to work as a team and even have matching singlets...

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