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TNA's Tag Division Sucks

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Plump, Juicy User
Just read a post from NSL where he commented that the tag division is the "backbone" of TNA. However, I realized that is a farce and TNA's tag division isn't the backbone at all. Maybe the backbone of a jellyfish, but that's not very impressive. Let's look at it, shall we?

The Champs - The British Invasion are currently the #1 team in TNA, or so that's what we're told. But really, how can you have a great tag division if these are your champs? Sure they're British and they're in the World Elite, but so what? Brutus Magnus and Doug fuckin' Williams aren't a very impressive combo. I'd much rather have Big Rob in there.

The Overused - There are a few threads out there talking about Beer Money breaking up, and you know why? They're stale. They've been in feuds with pretty much everyone in the tag divison at the moment. Plus, they aren't that exciting to begin with. To me, they're just 2 guys with long hair that look similar. Kinda boring actually.

The Underdogs - MCMG of course. They get praised for their flippys and all, but they haven't done jack shit as far as titles go, but they're the top face team in the division at the moment. I prefer them much more as singles wrestlers, especially Shelley.

The Shit Old Guys - Team 3D. How many promos do we need to hear screaming about respect? They aren't exciting in the ring anymore at all and I'm just sick of them.

Who? - Lethal Consequences, what ever happened to those guys?

As you see, TNA's tag division sucks right now, despite all of the praise it gets. I'm sure you'll agree.
Through the course of TNA, the tag division has been their backbone. It's not at it's best right now, but I'd still say it's pretty damn good.

The British Invasion are great heels, and Magnus and Williams can work a good match against just about everybody i the division. Team 3D can play either side, and if they weren't involved in a different feud right now, they'd be right in the thick of things. They can still work just as they did in WWE, and their mic work is still among the best TNA has to offer. MCMG and Beer Money are both great tag teams, and there's only been 2 threads on BMI splitting up.

It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it has a little something for everyone, and the matches have been worth watching.
TNA's tag division gets a lot of praise? Alright, I'll test your theory by giving TNA's current tag division all the praise I can think of. Not exactly scientific but I think you'll get the point.

I like The British Invasion's logo. It's kind of cool.

I like the Machine Guns' new theme music.

LAX are doing really-- wait, scratch that one.

I'll agree with your assessment that TNA's tag division is, in fact, turd. Even during Beer Money's supposed "glory days" it was pretty bad - even though it included LAX. When you randomly have the IWGP and/or NJPW titles in there, you can be pretty sure it's a bad product. It's been a mess for years now.
Through the course of TNA, the tag division has been their backbone. It's not at it's best right now, but I'd still say it's pretty damn good.

I'd argue the main event is the backbone, as it is the most important, or would that make it the brain? I get what you're saying though, the tag division has been a big part of the company throughout TNA's history and there will always be peaks and valleys.

The British Invasion are great heels, and Magnus and Williams can work a good match against just about everybody i the division.

I wouldn't call the BI "great" by any stretch of the imagination. "Pretty good" at best. Sure, they're decent enough and have had a few slightly entertaining matches, but they don't have the WOW factor champs should have.

Team 3D can play either side, and if they weren't involved in a different feud right now, they'd be right in the thick of things. They can still work just as they did in WWE, and their mic work is still among the best TNA has to offer.



I wouldn't call that a very good promo. 3D is just annoying as hell.

MCMG and Beer Money are both great tag teams,

Once again, you're using the term "great" rather loosely.

and there's only been 2 threads on BMI splitting up.

A few can mean 2, can't it?

It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it has a little something for everyone, and the matches have been worth watching.

It's sorta decent, but it certainly isn't as good as it has been in the past. It's more or less living off of it's past reputation.
Through the course of TNA, the tag division has been their backbone.

I'd say the X Division has been their backbone, a la WCW. The main event might be shit but you can still rely on the cruiserweights to do a few cool spots and give you your money's worth. The tag division has been more like a cool side attraction.

It's not at it's best right now, but I'd still say it's pretty damn good.

It's probably the best tag team division in American wrestling today. Unfortunately, that's not saying much.

The British Invasion are great heels, and Magnus and Williams can work a good match against just about everybody i the division.

Which they have about twenty times now. And they're alright heels. They hang out with Eric Young, cheat and grimace a lot. They serve a purpose. Also, like I said, fucking cool logo.

Team 3D can play either side, and if they weren't involved in a different feud right now, they'd be right in the thick of things.

They always are. For, like, the past three fucking years. "Hai guys, mind if we get our 27th title reign? Cool, lulz."

They can still work just as they did in WWE, and their mic work is still among the best TNA has to offer.

You mean "Blah, blah, blah, disrespect, blah, blah, blah, WWE *cheap heat* blah, blah, blah, me and my brother", "Testify!!"? OK then.

MCMG and Beer Money are both great tag teams, and there's only been 2 threads on BMI splitting up.

They're better as four singles wrestlers. Even if they weren't, they've been knocking about for ages.

New game; name all the teams in TNA that have not yet had at least two matches together.
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I have been a fan of wrestling since my youth in the early 80's. I have seen some great tag teams in my time. I believe that if you are going to use terms like "great" and "pretty good" you might want to define them. I would be happy to offer my opinion.

To be a good tag team I think the following is base essential:

1. Ring awareness-knowing and using the ring and locations in it to your advantage.

2. Chemistry-know and trust your partner's strengths and abilities

3. Smooth promos- you have to be able to talk to build it up for the fans

4. Know what the fans want and deliver- heel or face you have to work the audience in and out of the ring

5. Have a good grasp of your profession- You better be able to wrestle...duh

If you can do all of these well you have a pretty good tag team. If you are very good at all of the above and can take it up another notch you are great.

No the TNA does not have the Road Warriors, the Crusher and the Bruiser, the Hart Foundation, the Brain Busters, the Black Jacks, or the Wild Samoans. But, TNA is working with some of the best talent right now in the business. The real problem is the writing not the stars. 3D, is still one of the best teams going. You are not being fair to Beer Money Inc. or the British Invasion as both are up and coming, and better than most of what is going on in WWE today. The writers are the real problem. Blame what is the problem not what could be the solution.

I hope you don't write off what could become the backbone of wrestling television.
Disagree. TNA's tag team division is good.

I wouldn't mind a Beer Money break up, and the addition of a few more teams. The Young Bucks come to mind. I know Matt Morgan is high on them. I also love me some Canadian tag teams. I often wish they would bring back Petey Williams and team him with Kevin Steen and have Scott D'Amore manage them. Imagine that feud with the MCMG's?
I'm kind of on the fence on whether TNA's Tag Division sucks or not. Unlike the WWE they have more "true" tag teams that aren't just two guys randomly paired up for a tag run, but on the other hand.... most of the teams are getting stale.

The British Invasion aren't great as champs, Magnus is the only one of that trio that I don't find boring. There are worse teams out there, but I don't like these guys much.

Beer Money were great a year ago when they were heels and had that long run with the belts.... now I'm a little tired of them. Speaking of Beer Money, why did they take "Sorry about your damn luck" out of their entrance theme? Random nitpicking details, I know.... but that was something cool they should have kept.

MCMG are a great team but are they ever going to win the belts? They would be a much better pick as champions than the British Invasion since the MCMG are a great team but not great by themselves. Also, their new song kinda sucks.

Team 3D are old but like the MCMG, they are awful by themselves. They need to stay a tag team until they retire. I don't mind that they have so many tag team title victories.... honestly, it does sound impressive when they start yelling about how they are 20+ time tag champions. The most entertaining tag team after the MCMG, which is not a good thing since these guys are getting old.

TNA's tag division is still better than WWE's in the sense that it actually exists.... but WWE has them beat in one area.... JeriShow are much better tag team champions than any current TNA tag team. Also.... is there really even a point in having those IWGP titles on the line on TNA shows? I couldn't care less about those titles.

The TNA tag division might not necessarily "suck", but it's not that awesome either.
The British Invasion aren't great as champs, Magnus is the only one of that trio that I don't find boring. There are worse teams out there, but I don't like these guys much.

1.) You're not supposed to like the Brits. They're British heels.

2.) I think Magnus comes off as the non-boring one, because he does all the promos. I think this is done more because if they let more than 1 person talk, they'd have to let them all talk, and who really wants to hand Rob Terry a microphone?

3.) You need to watch yourself more Doug Williams matches. His finisher is absolute greatness (roll through German suplex), and he can work as a brawler or mat technician. I'm not saying he's a breakout singles star, but he's not bad.

I think they're great champs. With the amount of face teams in the division, heels need to hold the belts, and it works great within the stable. They've worked well with Beer Money and the MCMG, so why not leave the belts on them a bit longer, and see what they can really do over an extended period of time?
1.) You're not supposed to like the Brits. They're British heels.


I agree there, the laughter is because you crossed out "British" lol

2.) I think Magnus comes off as the non-boring one, because he does all the promos. I think this is done more because if they let more than 1 person talk, they'd have to let them all talk, and who really wants to hand Rob Terry a microphone?

Yep, you're pretty much right there. Usually the better talkers catch my attention first. I am more impressed by a great promo than I am by a great match because the promos help show who I am going to support or not, giving me answers to questions like "why should I even watch your match?". I don't think I have ever heard Rob Terry on a microphone, but yeah he probably would suck.

3.) You need to watch yourself more Doug Williams matches. His finisher is absolute greatness (roll through German suplex), and he can work as a brawler or mat technician. I'm not saying he's a breakout singles star, but he's not bad.

Alright, I'll be sure to look more closely at his next match. Remind me during the LD in case I forget. Magnus is definitely still going to be the bigger star out of the 3 when they split up though.

So why not leave the belts on them a bit longer, and see what they can really do over an extended period of time?

It couldn't hurt I suppose.... I would still rather the MCMG be champions, but that's just me.

I agree there, the laughter is because you crossed out "British" lol

I'd hate to be demodded for racist remarks. It was all in good fun, anyway.

Alright, I'll be sure to look more closely at his next match. Remind me during the LD in case I forget. Magnus is definitely still going to be the bigger star out of the 3 when they split up though.

I'm sure Magnus will be, if only because he can work a promo. Watching their tag matches might not be enough for Williams to stand out. Usually they're on the wrong end of big spots, and their offense is heelish, and works to wear down their opponents. The best bet is to just go on YouTube, and look it up.

It couldn't hurt I suppose.... I would still rather the MCMG be champions, but that's just me.

I agree the Guns need a run with the belts, but it takes time to build right now. It's such a big deal they've never had the belts, that simply tossing the straps on them would be foolish, and not be the draw it could be.

And, that's the beauty of the tag division right now. You have teams that have held way too many titles, teams that are in their primes, and a young team that is pushing to be a legit title threat. They can all work either side of the heel/face coin, and they all make it convincing.

I'll agree it's not near the glory days that it once had, but these teams are fine enough to get it through.
It was all in good fun, anyway.


I'm sure Magnus will be, if only because he can work a promo. Watching their tag matches might not be enough for Williams to stand out. Usually they're on the wrong end of big spots, and their offense is heelish, and works to wear down their opponents. The best bet is to just go on YouTube, and look it up.

Any matches in particular you recommend I look up?

I agree the Guns need a run with the belts, but it takes time to build right now. It's such a big deal they've never had the belts, that simply tossing the straps on them would be foolish, and not be the draw it could be.

They could enter a storyline against the British Invasion, lose the first title match but look strong, then win it in the rematch, starting a good run for them after that. It'd still look like a big deal then wouldn't it?

And, that's the beauty of the tag division right now. You have teams that have held way too many titles, teams that are in their primes, and a young team that is pushing to be a legit title threat. They can all work either side of the heel/face coin, and they all make it convincing.

I'll agree it's not near the glory days that it once had, but these teams are fine enough to get it through.

They are enough, but it's still missing something. It would be great to have that one great dominating top team who are believable as champions that destroy all the competition.... if this team were heels it would be a great way to get a face team more over by defeating them (see my scenario on MCMG above, only not against the British Invasion.) I'd like to see something along those lines happen once it can.
They could enter a storyline against the British Invasion, lose the first title match but look strong, then win it in the rematch, starting a good run for them after that. It'd still look like a big deal then wouldn't it?

This would all have to happen at PPVs though, and as much as I love TNA, you and I both know they'd foul it up...

They are enough, but it's still missing something. It would be great to have that one great dominating top team who are believable as champions that destroy all the competition.... if this team were heels it would be a great way to get a face team more over by defeating them (see my scenario on MCMG above, only not against the British Invasion.) I'd like to see something along those lines happen once it can.

I know exactly what you mean, and when that team comes, it will boost the entire division back to where it was as recently as a year ago. This is a shot in the dark, but it's a possibility...

Matt Morgan and Hernandez have been working together lately, and even teamed up once or twice...If they're not going to be main eventing any time soon, why not make them a legit team, and let them cause havok among the division. We know they can both work, and they can do just about everything in the ring, so I think with a decent story as to why they're teaming, I think they could pull it off.

As for Williams matches...I'm not sure. you'd have to just search him. I didn't see any until I looked him up on YouTube.
First, in response to the single most glaring question in this thread: No "two" can't be "a few." By definition, two is "a pair," and three or more is "a few."

Whew! Now that I've been of help giving a solid answer to the only part of this thread that's not purely based on conjecture, speculation and plain ol' personal taste factors, I'll weigh in on the suggestion that the TNA Tag Team Division sucks.

1) Hands down, the fact that they even have a tag division where actual tag teams -- you know, pairings (that's two!) of wrestlers which partner exclusively, not two (that's a pair!) singles wrestlers paired (see, I told you) up for the sake of giving them a storyline -- gives them a defined leg up on the competition.

2) The fact that they have five such tag teams to even debate also puts them ahead of the competition.

3) The rest comes down to personal preference.

Whether or not particular tag teams float your boat is almost entirely a matter of individual tastes and the show's writing. Personally, it's working fairly decently for me. That doesn't mean I don't have things I'd like to see changed, though.

One of the biggest problems I see in TNA right now is that, because of writing the division to include nearly every single team in the title hunt simultaneously, it has created storyline burn-out much more quickly than might have happened if they had allowed teams to build one-on-one feuds which extended over a longer period. It also prevents any two teams from developing a truly memorable rivalry along the lines of Rock 'n Roll Express vs. Midnight Express (the epitome of tag team excellence).

In closing, I have to say I love MCMG, and I personally believe TNA would be smart to build the tag division around these two. I genuinely miss the days of cohesive tag teams dressed alike and using a wide array of double-team maneuvers. To me, these are what truly exemplified tag team wrestling. The Machine Guns have the charisma, the look and in-ring style to bring out the best in their opposition.

It would be great to see TNA bring in other such teams to challenge these guys. Personally, I'm pretty impressed with some of the teams competing in NWA Anarchy. I think their tag champs Talent & Money would put on a great match with MCMG.

Meanwhile, whomever suggested MCMG might not be "Great" because they've never worn the gold, The Rockers never won the WWF tag titles, but they put on some of the most amazing matches in the E's tag team history. They're undoubtedly one of the "greats," without ever having the straps to prove it.
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This would all have to happen at PPVs though, and as much as I love TNA, you and I both know they'd foul it up...

True, and aren't they supposedly cutting down to fewer PPV's after January? Watch them foul that up somehow too.

Matt Morgan and Hernandez have been working together lately, and even teamed up once or twice...If they're not going to be main eventing any time soon, why not make them a legit team, and let them cause havok among the division. We know they can both work, and they can do just about everything in the ring, so I think with a decent story as to why they're teaming, I think they could pull it off.

Now why didn't I think of that? Morgan and Hernandez would totally dominate the division. It could give both of them something to do while waiting for a world title opportunity and do some damage in the process. It would be the best thing to happen to the tag team since Beer Money's first run. I just hope that if TNA did this they would not use some really complicated or stupid reason to team them up.... because they've never done THAT before. (sarcasm lol)
Morgan and Hernandez would totally dominate the division. It could give both of them something to do while waiting for a world title opportunity and do some damage in the process. It would be the best thing to happen to the tag team since Beer Money's first run. I just hope that if TNA did this they would not use some really complicated or stupid reason to team them up.... because they've never done THAT before. (sarcasm lol)

Putting Morgan and Hernandez together, in my opinion, is an extremely bad move for both as individual wrestlers and the tag team division as a whole. One of the things I have always felt makes for a strong tag division is for it to be largely built on actual TAG TEAMS. Taking the titles away from the legit teams and putting them on two singles wrestlers disenfranchises the team wrestlers who may never see a major singles push. Suddenly you have these previously mentioned five teams sitting around with nothing to do. Bad business!

Equally bad is killing the momentum both Morgan and Hernadez have built over time as solo stars. Unless the plan is to pull these performers from their build toward singles accomplishments, teaming on a consistent basis should be avoided. It would re-brand them as "tag team wrestlers," not singles superstars-in-the-making. TNA has been extremely successful in breaking Hernandez from his LAX tag team stigma, so I would utterly hate to see him backslide. Morgan has recently been allowed to shine, too. Pairing these guys up just isn't smart.

There is an exception to this rule, though. A gimmick which has worked with extreme success over the years is to take two solo stars in a heated rivalry and, through some twist of fate or turn of circumstances, "force" them to team up. Of course, in doing so, they inadvertently end up with the tag titles and are "required to get along" to keep the belts.

Putting Hernandez and Morgan into a rivalry (though both are faces, so it might not work without some manipulation) and then giving them the straps might be really fun to watch. Of course, the reason this is different than simply tagging them up as a "regular team" is because from the very start the fans know -- and are anticipating -- the break-up and feud.

In fact, they not only are looking forward to it, they're anxiously watching to see just how far the team can go before it implodes. This allows both to leave the team bigger solo stars than before and would give the guys a great program after-the-fact, better preparing one or both for a major singles title run as the result.
1) Hands down, the fact that they even have a tag division where actual tag teams -- you know, pairings (that's two!) of wrestlers which partner exclusively, not two (that's a pair!) singles wrestlers paired (see, I told you) up for the sake of giving them a storyline -- gives them a defined leg up on the competition.

2) The fact that they have five such tag teams to even debate also puts them ahead of the competition.

It's isn't about TNA's tag division being better than the WWE, it's the fact that it isn't very good itself. Just because there simply are tag teams, that doesn't mean the division is good. Sure, it may be better than most other tag divisions out there, but I think we are just setting our standards too low.

3) One of the biggest problems I see in TNA right now is that, because of writing the division to include nearly every single team in the title hunt simultaneously, it has created storyline burn-out much more quickly than might have happened if they had allowed teams to build one-on-one feuds which extended over a longer period. It also prevents any two teams from developing a truly memorable rivalry along the lines of Rock 'n Roll Express vs. Midnight Express (the epitome of tag team excellence).

This is a great point. For a period of time there, it seemed like almost every tag team title match was a 4 team thing. After a few PPVs, it gets old, but you can't put any "new" contenders in the title picture because you've used almost all of your tag teams on each PPV. It just makes the whole division stale.
Just read a post from NSL where he commented that the tag division is the "backbone" of TNA. However, I realized that is a farce and TNA's tag division isn't the backbone at all. Maybe the backbone of a jellyfish, but that's not very impressive. Let's look at it, shall we?


The Champs - The British Invasion are currently the #1 team in TNA, or so that's what we're told. But really, how can you have a great tag division if these are your champs? Sure they're British and they're in the World Elite, but so what? Brutus Magnus and Doug fuckin' Williams aren't a very impressive combo. I'd much rather have Big Rob in there.

Willaims is ok. Magnus is good on the mic on occasions. But I do agre that they should be nowhere near the title picture. They suck compared to others.

The Overused - There are a few threads out there talking about Beer Money breaking up, and you know why? They're stale. They've been in feuds with pretty much everyone in the tag divison at the moment. Plus, they aren't that exciting to begin with. To me, they're just 2 guys with long hair that look similar. Kinda boring actually.

I'd agree that they're getting stale, but maybe factor in the potential of being great singles wrestlers as a reason as to why people want them to break up. I for one would love to see either pushed as singles wrestlers.
The Underdogs - MCMG of course. They get praised for their flippys and all, but they haven't done jack shit as far as titles go, but they're the top face team in the division at the moment. I prefer them much more as singles wrestlers, especially Shelley.

Just because they haven't won the title shows how bad the booking is. It's disgraceful. But to call them shit because of it is wrong. As far as singles wrestlers, I actually prefer them together.
The Shit Old Guys - Team 3D. How many promos do we need to hear screaming about respect? They aren't exciting in the ring anymore at all and I'm just sick of them.

Who? - Lethal Consequences, what ever happened to those guys?
Very underrated. Well, Lethal is. And I'd add Kiyoshi and Bashir under the "Who?" banner.

As you see, TNA's tag division sucks right now, despite all of the praise it gets. I'm sure you'll agree.

I'll agree it ain't great, but it gets praise because it's much better than the WWE's. People judge them off each other, and I'm sure most will agree it's better than the WWEs. And that's why it gets praise.

Through the course of TNA, the tag division has been their backbone. It's not at it's best right now, but I'd still say it's pretty damn good.

I disagree, I'd putr it behind the X division for the early years, from 2002 to early 2007. Then it became a big part. But you also have to say that the World Heavyweight division would be the backbone, as GD said. No?

The British Invasion are great heels, and Magnus and Williams can work a good match against just about everybody i the division.
They're good heels, and williams can work good matches. But they are nowhere near the best in the division.

Team 3D can play either side, and if they weren't involved in a different feud right now, they'd be right in the thick of things.
Which is a big problem. They're oversaturating it with themselves.

They can still work just as they did in WWE, and their mic work is still among the best TNA has to offer. MCMG and Beer Money are both great tag teams, and there's only been 2 threads on BMI splitting up.

Well, as TNA mod, it's your job to make sure there are no duplicate threads :p

But I like the guns and Beer money, I think they're great. But two teams don't make a division.

1) Hands down, the fact that they even have a tag division where actual tag teams -- you know, pairings (that's two!) of wrestlers which partner exclusively, not two (that's a pair!) singles wrestlers paired (see, I told you) up for the sake of giving them a storyline -- gives them a defined leg up on the competition.

Now now, the WWE does have a tag division, but it's shit. A division nonetheless. And TNA's division, as has been established is much better, but it doesn't make it great. The X divsion of 2007 was shit, but better than the WWE's cruiserweight division. Didn't make it great though.

2) The fact that they have five such tag teams to even debate also puts them ahead of the competition.

Jerishow, Legacy, DX, The Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, MVP and Mark Henry. That's six.

And even if TNA have these Teams, it may make them better than the WWE, but as I've said, doesn't make them good.

One of the biggest problems I see in TNA right now is that, because of writing the division to include nearly every single team in the title hunt simultaneously, it has created storyline burn-out much more quickly than might have happened if they had allowed teams to build one-on-one feuds which extended over a longer period. It also prevents any two teams from developing a truly memorable rivalry along the lines of Rock 'n Roll Express vs. Midnight Express (the epitome of tag team excellence).

Yes, which is excatly what I'm saying. Team 3D have oversaturated the division. Beer Money have become a little stale because of feuding with everyone available. TNA need fresh blood or feuds in there, or it will continue a steep descent.
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I have to agree with this for the most part. TNA's tag team division just hasn't really been doing much of anything for me for a while.

The British Invasion hasn't really impressed me all that much. Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams have never really done or said anything that's made me take notice and say "I care about what these guys are doing and are involved in right now".

As for Beer Money, the're one of the few teams in TNA that I actually like. I just think the two have a great chemistry and have been involved in some very good matches over the course of their existence as a team. However, I can understand if some say that they're kind of stale. Beer Money has really done everything that there is to do in TNA in terms of tag team success. They've won the tag titles multiple times and have feuded with every team in TNA at one time or another. I like them, wouldn't bother me at all if they stay together, but what do you do when you've already done it all?

The Motor City Machine Guns are a couple of young and talented guys, but TNA has used them for absolute shit for most of this year. TNA keeps them a team but has Alex Shelly win the X-Division title in January of this year and doesn't really do much with the MCMGs as a team during the time. Then, when Shelly drops the title, TNA hardly uses them. For the next 6 months or so, the Guns are barely even used on TNA Impact or ppvs and, when they are, it's only for some lame promos or an occassional match in which one or both of them gets squashed. Suddenly, within the past few months, TNA just shoves them back onto the air and back into the tag team scene as if they haven't had the Guns doing jack shit for most of this year. I like the Guns, but they've got very little credibility at this moment.

As far as Team 3D goes, I'm just tired of the Dudleyz. Not that the Dudleyz aren't really any good, but I've seen everything that they have to offer over and over again for close to 15 years now. They're tired and they're stale, but they can't really do anything else because neither of them have what it takes to make it as solo wrestlers. They'll cut one screaming promo after another about respect this and respect that while bragging about their 8,284 world tag team titles and all this. I'm just over it.

For me, the tag team scene in TNA just seems to have dried up or lost its way like the X-Division.
It's isn't about TNA's tag division being better than the WWE, it's the fact that it isn't very good itself. Just because there simply are tag teams, that doesn't mean the division is good. Sure, it may be better than most other tag divisions out there, but I think we are just setting our standards too low.

Yeah, but low standards (TNA) for a tag team division are better than not even having one (WWE). I do agree that the division could be better, but at least it exists.

For a period of time there, it seemed like almost every tag team title match was a 4 team thing. After a few PPVs, it gets old, but you can't put any "new" contenders in the title picture because you've used almost all of your tag teams on each PPV. It just makes the whole division stale.

Yeah, that was when the division got stale. I too got tired of seeing so many triple threat tag team matches and fatal fourway tag team matches, for so many PPV's in a row. It certainly was overkill.... HOWEVER.... I refer back to my previous statement.... at least TNA's tag team division exists. They have enough "true" tag teams to not have to make a division centered around guys randomly being thrown into tag teams all the time like WWE does.
Yeah, but low standards (TNA) for a tag team division are better than not even having one (WWE). I do agree that the division could be better, but at least it exists.

Did you read any of my posts in the thread? I never once mentioned WWE. I don't care if TNA's tag division is better than theirs, that doesn't make it good. This isn't about comparing TNA to other companies, it's about comparing TNA to itself in the past.

They have enough "true" tag teams to not have to make a division centered around guys randomly being thrown into tag teams all the time like WWE does.

They'll eventually have to start creating some new ones as BMI is likely going the way of LAX soon and MCMG should have done so a long time ago. They really need a new face team. If only the PJBH would come back.
I never once mentioned WWE. I don't care if TNA's tag division is better than theirs, that doesn't make it good. This isn't about comparing TNA to other companies, it's about comparing TNA to itself in the past.

Being the best tag team division doesn't make them good? The division may not be as good as it was a year ago or more, but they can still be proud of themselves for being the best right now. While they try to improve their own product.

They'll eventually have to start creating some new ones as BMI is likely going the way of LAX soon and MCMG should have done so a long time ago. They really need a new face team. If only the PJBH would come back.

PJBH is not coming back. Eric is better off in his heel character, Daniels is far better as himself than as Curry Man, and Shark Boy.... vanished after losing to Deaner in that "night with ODB" contest. They were a funny team, but no one would have taken them seriously if they ever won the tag team titles.... and why do you want MCMG to go the way of LAX? MCMG are the most entertaining tag team in TNA.
i will admit that TNAs tag division is not as good as it once was but it is pretty good in my opinion, i like there tag division it is the best in wrestling right now and that is a good thing while they can improve there product.

how TNA can make the division better is maybe sign a few more tag teams i rember when TNA had triple x AMW team Canada the Diamonds in the Rough 3 live crew styles and Daniels and others, they use to have a real good tag team division.

while the guns are great as single wrestlers they are greater as a tag team IMO
Being the best tag team division doesn't make them good?

No, just because your competition sucks, that doesn't automatically make you good. I could go play against a 3rd Grade Football team and score 30 TDs, but that doesn't mean I'm a good football player. You're logic is just silly.

Daniels is far better as himself than as Curry Man,

Curry Man is one of my favorite wrestlers in TNA history. I much prefer him to Daniels.

and Shark Boy.... vanished after losing to Deaner in that "night with ODB" contest.

Shark Boy had swine flu or something, he'll be back and better than ever.

and why do you want MCMG to go the way of LAX?

I don't know if I want them to, but it's going to happen. Shelley needs to cut the dead weight and pursue a singles career, kid has some potential. Sabin can be a jobber or something.
I got too agre with it kind of sucking right now. I dont find it very interesting any more Beer Money Inc have fueded with like everyone in the division and not very interesting any more. British Invasion aren't too bad but need to lose the titles to MCMG, Team 3D are okay but boring when going for the titles.

BTW MCMG should definetly not break up, well not yet at least.
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