TNA's Savior Has Arrived!

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Sarah Palin is in TNA!

Eh? Fake? What are you talking about? That's the governor doggone it!

Yet again, TNA continues to amaze me. They spend months building up the storyline with the Beautiful People to capitalize on a woman that has fallen out of the national spotlight 2 months ago. Yet again I can only ask, what were they thinking? Do they think this is funny? She has a bio on their website, meaning she's likely to be staying around. Seriously, WHY? She was a meaningful person leading up to the election. For those of you that don't live in America, let me make something perfectly clear: the election got more coverage than anything in history should be allowed to have. I for one was sick of it. So what does TNA think? "Let's do it even more!" WHY??? Is this supposed to be funny to me? Am I supposed to really believe that a governor has come to TNA to mentor the Beautiful People? It could have worked for a one time thing. That I could have shaken my head at and shrugged off as WWE has done it time and time again, but this is ridiculous.

What do you think of the character and should she stay?
It is a very poor attempt to get publicity to say the least. It is true, Sarah Palin is so last year it isn't funny. Yes, Saturday Night Live was successful in their imitation of Palin, so why not copy their copy! Except Saturday Night did it months ago when it was relevant. No body thought that TNA had a chance to get Palin on the show, not even she'd go that low, but to have a poor imitation of her is horrendous. This is why TNA seems to be dying more than it is growing.
I wouldn't say that it's dying, but it seems that it's living day to day with their storylines and that there's no real direction. Palin is just another example of their lack of originality. SNL nailed Palin so perfectly because they have one of the best comediennes around right now who just happens to be a dead ringer for Palin. Put that together and there's almost no way it couldn't have been gold. Throw in the timing of it and the real Palin appearing and you couldn't have gotten better, proven by the ratings going through the roof. Unless they sell everything they own, TNA isn't getting Sarah Palin on their show, and even if they did it wouldn't work at this point anyway. People ahve almost forgotten her as the election is over. Who cares anymore?
Having not watched TNA at all in a year I find this really sad. Sarah Palin? Did they really think an imitation of her would have the ability to draw people to watch they're show? OMG Sarah Palin is in TNA! We have just got to watch it even though she has no relevance to anything anymore! LOL This like TNA itself is a joke. They will die out and fade away because of bad booking and a creative team that is only innovative to people in Timbuktu. I think they will keep her because they are grasping at straws now to do whatever it takes to try and get a rating (notice how I said rating and not ratings). No matter how idiotic the storyline or gimmick......
tna is just embarrasing, jeff jarrett was always a mid carder at best in wwe but now is one of the major people, they still consistenly using scott steiner and kevin nash who are both past it and can no longer take a bump as they are broken and battered, there writing staff has VINCE RUSSO on it is this real as he is without a doubt one of the worst wrestling writers ever and is shockingly still employed, they still dont pull in as many viewers as ecw, ecw is wwe's embarrasment but it still pulls in more views than tna
TNA is an embarassment to wrestling. They have the best talent in the world and they keep pissing it away for dumb shit like the Sarah Palin BS (well, she does kind of come of as a braindead hick so maybe its a good fit for TNA).Seriously though, Even if she was in the white house and still relevent, it would still be the stupidest thing ever because it makes no sense. What does Palin bring to the table that is remotely relevent to TNA or wrestling in general? TNA has really got to stop F'ing around, stop trying to hire every wrestler who was once popular but now past their prime, and start building talent, storylines that make sense and go somewhere, and stop pissing away their money and our time, because it is quite obvious that the Back Office in TNA knows jack shit about wrestling or making money.
Tell me about it. This storyline sucks so much ass. I feel bad for some of these employed by TNA sometimes to be honest, lol.

Also, in regards to you saying the election got more coverage than it deserved...

How can you say that? We were facing the biggest election in history. Either way we were going to make history with the first woman Vice President or the first African American President. It got a lot of coverage but it deserved it. America is in a recession and we need to save ourselves.

Sorry to get off topic with that, but yeah.
TNA is good for one thing... actual wrestling. Besides that, their product is dogshit. Even a loyal TNA fan has got to be saying to themselves, "What the hell am I watching" when they see another garbage character like Sarah Palin join the TNA roster. Everything that organization does is a carbon copy of something or someone else. Let's review a quick list (sorry if I missed any):

Jay Lethal = Randy Savage
Abyss = Kane
Shark Boy = Stone Cold Steve Austin
Consequences Creed = Apollo Creed from Rocky
Kip James = Rico
Sarah Palin = um... Sarah Palin

It's just an absolute joke!! And they keep recycling different forms of the same exact characters from their OWN company:

Petey Williams = Scott Steiner
Black Reign = Relik = Abyss = Suicide (is it just me or do they all seem like a similar version of the same character??)

I think they were making much more headway and progress when they were concentrating on putting together better wrestling matches than their competition. Instead, they're taking existing characters and storylines and trying to put their own spin on them. The majority of their fanbase is an EXISTING wrestling fanbase (i.e. people who have seen all of this bullshit before in other professional wrestling programs). So not only are they embarrassing themselves to newer viewers, but they're turning away their loyal wrestling fans!!! Those are the worst fans to lose, considering the fact that they (we) are the ones keeping pro wrestling alive.

If they ever want to get me to watch their television program again, they can start by bagging the Sarah Palin character and they'd better start getting original. I've been watching wrestling for almost 25 years. If I wanted to watch pro wrestling from the 80's and 90's, I'd stop being cheap and shell out the cash for WWE 24/7. That's my :twocents:.
TNA is good for one thing... actual wrestling.

It's becoming more and more of a cliche. It's very much true though. The in-ring product is generally good.

Besides that, their product is dogshit.

A shame too - their house shows are fucking good.

Even a loyal TNA fan has got to be saying to themselves, "What the hell am I watching"

Yes. Yes I do.

Everything that organization does is a carbon copy of something or someone else. Let's review a quick list (sorry if I missed any):

I wouldn't say carbon copy.

Jay Lethal = Randy Savage
Shark Boy = Stone Cold Steve Austin

Do these really count? I mean, they are intentional parodies.

Consequences Creed = Apollo Creed from Rocky

Definitely not a carbon copy. Other than the surname all they share is a taste in ring gear.

Kip James = Rico

Not any more.

Sarah Palin = um... Sarah Palin

Well, yeah. But the fact that it's unoriginal is not what makes it shit.

Petey Williams = Scott Steiner

Again, intentional parody.

Black Reign = Relik = Abyss = Suicide (is it just me or do they all seem like a similar version of the same character??)

You might have something here, though Rellik and Reign were relatively short-lived characters. I don't think Suicide really fits in there though. He's crap in his own right.

But yeah, the Sarah Palin character character is stupid and irritating. It made catching up with TNA before going to see them a fortnight ago an absolute chore.
It's nice to hear someone agree with me on so many levels and I thank you for that, but...

Definitely not a carbon copy. Other than the surname all they share is a taste in ring gear.

Have you ever seen this guy cut a promo?? He honestly thinks he's Carl Weathers...
Should they keep the Sarah Palin gimmick? No. Should they keep the woman impersonating Sarah Palin? Yes, as it is none other than Daffney, who is best known as the screaming goth chick from WCW. Daffney could add much to TNA's women's division right now. Sure, she is not the best female wrestler, but she sure is better than the likes of Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, and Rhaka Khan.

And, I definitely think they are going to do away with the Sarah Palin character once Daffney comes back to seek revenge for her beating. Ultimately, although it overstayed its welcome, I thought the Sarah Palin/Beautiful People was a good way to introduce Daffney to the TNA roster.
TNA is just a few months behind everything. They make the character of Suicide, to promote their video game that had been up for 3 months, lost all buzz, and clearly wasn't going anywhere. And now they create this Palin character 2 or 3 months too late. If they would have introduced the Palin character at the peak of "palin fever" when Sarah was on every magazine and on every TV show then maybe they could have capitalized and they could have got some press, but now "Palin fever" has subsided and there is no press.

TNA just seems to be too far behind everything it's ridiculous. As for the Palin character, I'm pretty sure they are going to get ride of her and reveal it was Daffney all along who will then feud with The Beautiful People. But it's obvious "Sarah Palin" won't be staying in TNA to much longer.
I think what a lot of you are missing about the Palin character, is that you were not suppose to ever beleive it was Sara Palin. None of the wrestlers (in the storyline) believed it was her. The only two people that believed it was Palin was the Beautiful people, and that was the point to make them look stupid.

I do agree the payoff was stupid (The beautiful people just end up getting mud dumped on them), but it did introduce a new knockout to the mix that will hopefully stay around (once they change her gimmick a bit)
Should they keep the Sarah Palin gimmick? No. Should they keep the woman impersonating Sarah Palin? Yes, as it is none other than Daffney, who is best known as the screaming goth chick from WCW. Daffney could add much to TNA's women's division right now. Sure, she is not the best female wrestler, but she sure is better than the likes of Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, and Rhaka Khan.

And, I definitely think they are going to do away with the Sarah Palin character once Daffney comes back to seek revenge for her beating. Ultimately, although it overstayed its welcome, I thought the Sarah Palin/Beautiful People was a good way to introduce Daffney to the TNA roster.

how? that whole storyline was the most pointless shit on TNA television.

As for Suicide, who? they still got that character going? seen him twice since his debut.

If TNA would concentrate on spending money on production values fueds and storylines and i dare to say concentrate on X-Division style wrestling. Depspite the fact it's even less believable than traditional wrestling it is atleast quick and full of OMG moments. If they did this and dropped the whole we are ex WWE/WCW guys and we rule everything TNA, is shit so we are going to run it into the ground crap. TNA ratings may well go through the roof.

They are constantly referencing WWE and how this and that person was the best in the business there, do they not remember that that tactic had a huge effect against WCW during the monday night wars? Anybody who has any idea about history knows who they are and where they are from they don't need to give extra advertising to it. Also the whole parodying WWE characters just makes ya want to see the original more.

oh and get rid of the boring ass comentators, bring back Toni Schiovane lol he was alteast somewhat entertaining.
how? that whole storyline was the most pointless shit on TNA television.

As for Suicide, who? they still got that character going? seen him twice since his debut.

If TNA would concentrate on spending money on production values fueds and storylines and i dare to say concentrate on X-Division style wrestling. Depspite the fact it's even less believable than traditional wrestling it is atleast quick and full of OMG moments. If they did this and dropped the whole we are ex WWE/WCW guys and we rule everything TNA, is shit so we are going to run it into the ground crap. TNA ratings may well go through the roof.

They are constantly referencing WWE and how this and that person was the best in the business there, do they not remember that that tactic had a huge effect against WCW during the monday night wars? Anybody who has any idea about history knows who they are and where they are from they don't need to give extra advertising to it. Also the whole parodying WWE characters just makes ya want to see the original more.

oh and get rid of the boring ass comentators, bring back Toni Schiovane lol he was alteast somewhat entertaining.

Are you asking me why The Beautiful People/Sarah Palin angle was worthwhile? It's because, as I stated in my previous post, it brought a new Knockout into the fold. Sure, they could have introduced Daffney in a more simple fashion (e.g., just bringing her out as the scream queen character she usually plays), but I think her being introduced as an impersonator of Sarah Palin allowed her to show her ability to do more than just shriek when it comes to things besides wrestling.

And, as I also stated, I do believe the storyline overstayed its welcome. However, I am willing to overlook this simply for the fact that it adds someone new to TNA's Knockout roster.
I'm gonna come out with it and be completely honest. I DID NOT KNOW that this was Daffney from W.C.W. I mean, David's Daffney, the scream queen, the nut job, Daffney. Fooled me completely. I think it's mainly because she got skinner though from the looks of it. Anywho..

I liked this gimmick. While the Palin bit got old quicker than the story ended, it kept the Beautiful People tangled up in something that allowed them to remain on television in a storyline that doesn't involve them mindlessly just parading around, wiggling their asses. Not to mention, the end result of the storyline seems to be adding two more very upset and now vicious & violent Women to the Knockout's division.

While Love & Sky were already involved in the division, they (maybe Love a small bit) weren't taken seriously. Perhaps this will motivate them (through storyline) to train harder and fight back against Wilde & Roxxi, who seem to have been the two whom set them up.

Meanwhile, as for Daffney. Well, I love that she's returned. She was my favorite to watch out of all the Women in Wrestling from W.C.W. (well, not counting Fyre from the Nitro Girls anyways) She has a certain something about her, that makes her annoying yet too hard to let go. She MADE David Flair fucking entertaining and interesting. She deserves a Hall of Fame spot.

I think adding "Sarah Palin" to the official roster is a bit much though. This gimmick should've been ended when Roxxi, Wilde & Daffney dropped what looked like poo on the Beautiful People. Not continuing by allowing Daffney to just take up the role of another actual person.

I honestly want to see if Daffney's grown since W.C.W. I would assume she has. But only time will tell. I'm definately excited all over again, that's for sure.
I too enjoyed how you had to turn the TV on mute if you wanted to be ever-so-slightly-aroused by the two moderately attractive people. I also enjoyed how the pictures alone were still mind-numbingly irritating, forcing me into an almost comatose state. And, just finding out that Palin was played by a random woman from WCW who I've never heard of - did not see that coming, well, that's just the icing on the cake right there.

Well done TNA. Well done. Kudos.
Pathetic. Sarah Palin or whatever her name is, is a complete joke. The fact that TNA thinks this character actually entertains the fans is an insult to our intelligence. For the first 2 weeks, I tried to accept this, but with each passing week it took up more TV time while becoming even more ridiculous. When the Beautiful People fell in that shit or whatever TNA called it, I left the room. Something I never, ever do during a wrestling show unless I'm busy or I desperately need to do something else. But I was free when watching this specific episode of iMPACT.

What in the holy fuck did this angle accomplish apart from wasting air time? It did nothing. I'd rather see Angelina Love and Velvet Sky shake their unattractive bodies all over my TV and actually wrestle instead of seeing their horrid faces without make-up, and seeing a woman who's accent is so ridiculously fake, that my dog could do a better impression. And that's no joke. I still have no idea what TNA management was thinking when they brought this woman in.

Everything about her is so damn annoying. The amazing thing is that I won't be surprised if TNA brings them out next week dressed in ****ty outfits, thus making the angle even more completely worthless in the process. One can only hope this woman can stop appearing on my TV before I find myself completely uninterested in TNA.
Pathetic. Sarah Palin or whatever her name is, is a complete joke. The fact that TNA thinks this character actually entertains the fans is an insult to our intelligence. For the first 2 weeks, I tried to accept this, but with each passing week it took up more TV time while becoming even more ridiculous. When the Beautiful People fell in that shit or whatever TNA called it, I left the room. Something I never, ever do during a wrestling show unless I'm busy or I desperately need to do something else. But I was free when watching this specific episode of iMPACT.

What in the holy fuck did this angle accomplish apart from wasting air time? It did nothing. I'd rather see Angelina Love and Velvet Sky shake their unattractive bodies all over my TV and actually wrestle instead of seeing their horrid faces without make-up, and seeing a woman who's accent is so ridiculously fake, that my dog could do a better impression. And that's no joke. I still have no idea what TNA management was thinking when they brought this woman in.

Everything about her is so damn annoying. The amazing thing is that I won't be surprised if TNA brings them out next week dressed in ****ty outfits, thus making the angle even more completely worthless in the process. One can only hope this woman can stop appearing on my TV before I find myself completely uninterested in TNA.

The reason this was done was to make the beautiful people into the more intense and revenge fulled duo that will stop at nothing to get back at Roxxi and Wilde. and then when they bring Daffney back she will again be seeking revenge on them so it pretty much has set them up with storyline for the next few months.

As with regards to the whole accent comment, that was the joke that these two bimbos were supposed to believe that they were actually dealing with Sarah Palin, I'm surprised that you have not brought up the fact that she didn't actually win the election and the whole going to washington thing too.

All in all I thought it was relatively amusing and a good way to build up fueds both now and in the future.
The reason this was done was to make the beautiful people into the more intense and revenge fulled duo that will stop at nothing to get back at Roxxi and Wilde. and then when they bring Daffney back she will again be seeking revenge on them so it pretty much has set them up with storyline for the next few months.

As with regards to the whole accent comment, that was the joke that these two bimbos were supposed to believe that they were actually dealing with Sarah Palin, I'm surprised that you have not brought up the fact that she didn't actually win the election and the whole going to washington thing too.

All in all I thought it was relatively amusing and a good way to build up fueds both now and in the future.

I was just getting ready to state this, but after reading your post you have saved me the trouble. It was a friggin' JOKE, people. It's amazing how serious and bent outta shape people get about everything TNA does.
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