Sarah Palin: Does she have a chance in 2012?


Scientific Skeptic
There have been rumors of Sarah Palin possibly making a run at presidency in 2012, and she has explicitly stated that she is keeping the possibility open for herself. I was originally going to name this thread, 'Sarah Palin: McCain's biggest mistake, or biggest success?', because Sarah Palin has been accused of being the most direct reason for McCain losing, but at the same time she has developed in to an Republican icon of sorts.

Palin has a very large and loyal fan-base at this point following the Republican's losing the presidency, and on the other hand she has a lot critics. How would you respond to these questions?

  • Does Sarah Palin have a shot for the 2012 election?
  • What does Palin need to do to win in 2012? To either clinch a victory, or to give herself a chance.
  • If Palin did become president, what are your thoughts on what you think it means for the USA?
She doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of running in 2012. The Republican party won't do it. Whether or not they're verbalizing this fact at the moment is irrelevant -- she will get ripped apart, limb for limb during the elections, and the Republican party can't afford to take anymore risks, especially if they don't take a good amount of seats this coming November.

The Republicans will elect someone with tons of political experience under his/her belt -- someone who isn't so easily ripped apart the way Palin was during the '08 elections. It was a political nightmare for her. She even had a bunch of red-state, truck drivin', card carrying, cowboy Republicans against her, the stupid shit she was saying in interviews.

I think it's even safe to say that her political career is over, at least on the national level. Sure, they'll keep her around on Fox News, but they'll never feed her to anyone remotely tough on the air.
I am a registered Republican, I can tell you that we would never run her. She is too polarizing. As much as she appeals to the hard right, independents don't like her. Independents tend to be less informed and more willing to buy the smears, whether they be deserved or not.

The right will run Tim Pawlenty. He is a young neocon. He is smooth on TV. He is scandal free and smart. He appeals to soccer moms because of his medwestern easy going nature. He appeals to the right because he ran a surplus.

I would vote for Texas governor Rick Perry as well. He is everything Pawlenty is, he runs a very efficient state and the recession never hurt Texas too badly.
Like FTS I too am a registered Republican and I also agree that the party would not elect her and for the same reasons FTS stated. I really don't know who in the world they are going to have run, and I'm not sure there are too many that I would vote for. I am a registered Republican because that's what it comes down to Rep-Dem, but that doesn't mean I vote based on party alone. If it's a democrat who I feel has the right ideas I'll vote for him, but more often than not it's the Republican who runs on the kind of policies I back.

Palin is wildly popular though, and if this last election has taught us anything it's that you don't have to have experience, the right ideals, or the right intentions. All you have to do is be seen as a person that people wouldn't mind sitting down for a beer with, and your in. Policy, politics, values, proven history, none of that matters to the voters anymore. It's who is the most charismatic and who they can turn into a pop culture icon much like Bill Clinton in the 90's and now Obama in the 2000's. The best thing we can do is let Obama be Obama, and let him work himself out of office by passing bullshit legislation, failing at fixing the economy, and strapping a greater debt than anyone in history ever amassed to our country. He pisses enough people off he's gone, and I don't see him being a two term president anyways because of how much of a 180 he's done after entering office.
I'm not American, so I am confused with some things. Sarah Palin is a Republican, as you two also are, but you're clearly not impressed with her. There is no question that she has a rabid and loyal fan-base, and that she is immensely popular among some, so who are these people that support Palin so thoroughly?

Better yet, who are these people that support her so thoroughly, and what percentage of the Republicans do these people account for?
.... so who are these people that support Palin so thoroughly?

They are people who don't understand the necessity of having a politician as President. Sarah Palin isn't popular politically; she's popular personally and many folks who think a "regular" person could function as Commander in Chief think she would be effective in the office.

As much as I'd like to see a woman President, I hope the Republicans are smart enough not to nominate Palin. The thing that scared me most about McCain winning the last election was that if he died in office (a possibility, since he would have been the oldest person ever elected), it would have left Palin as his successor.

I have two things against her: she doesn't know enough politically to be President.... and she didn't finish her term as Governor of Alaska. That last point really rankled me; how could she function in the highest office in the country if she couldn't take the heat in her last position?
Like other people who have already commented, I too am a registered Republican from the South (Mississippi). Now, I do not think she will get the nomination, but she we most likely come close to it. To knock Obama out of office, the Republicans need to have a young candidate that can appeal to millions of switch voters. I'm not an Obama hater or a racist, but one of the reasons why he won was because he is black and that influenced a lot of younger black people to vote. I'm sorry, but it's true. His politics really aren't that great, he is a celebrity. That's who the Republicans need to nominate if they want to win in 2012. Also, they need to take over Congress this year.
I'm not American, so I am confused with some things. Sarah Palin is a Republican, as you two also are, but you're clearly not impressed with her. There is no question that she has a rabid and loyal fan-base, and that she is immensely popular among some, so who are these people that support Palin so thoroughly?

Better yet, who are these people that support her so thoroughly, and what percentage of the Republicans do these people account for?

I was impressed that an unknown girl from Alaska was able to just jump head first into a presidential campaign and show them what courage, conviction, and class were all about. She was the best part of the election campaigns, she wasn't playing by their rules often being chastised for not following a script, I like that. She is a very pretty, very smart, very charismatic girl and I wish her any success she can gather. I had no problem with her as V.P. to McCain, I was looking forward to having a woman in the white house as something other than a tour guide, maid, cook, first lady, or mistress.

The people who are supporting her are the really staunch Republicans very conservative, mostly religious, and really mostly the average middle class on that side of the spectrum. Women make up most of the majority of her fans I would say and that's one hell of a great demographic to appeal to speaking strictly on the political aspect of it. It you've got half the women you've basically got at least a quarter of the country so that is pretty significant.

Sarah Palin isn't popular politically; she's popular personally

Perfect statement to sum up Sarah Palin.

I have two things against her: she doesn't know enough politically to be President

This I have to take issue with. You can not by any means try to say that Sarah Palin doesn't have enough experience when Barack Obama didn't have a as much experience as her even, yet the whole country turned a blind eye to that because he was black and he wasn't Republican after the smear campaign the party took the last 4 years prior to this election. She became a Mayor in 1996 when Obama was teaching at the University of Chicago, and she had been a successful Governor for two years by campaign time while Obama was a tardy and absent junior senator that literally did nothing, if I remember correctly he never even went to Washington D.C. to Capitol Hill or anything for quite a majority of that term as well. It all depends on how you want to say it, you can either say Palin was every bit as qualified, or that she was every bit as unqualified as Obama. Bottom line she was no worse and probably better based on her politics and character alone.

and she didn't finish her term as Governor of Alaska. That last point really rankled me; how could she function in the highest office in the country if she couldn't take the heat in her last position?

So, Barack didn't finish his term as junior senator either, he decided to run for president and quit. Palin was getting attacked from all angles and getting bombarded everywhere on everything after already being beating down in a one sided election and decided she wanted to get out of politics because of how it was effecting her family. She wrote a book, more people are supporting her at the moment rather than attacking her even though the attackers are still at work, and people believe in her. That is the big thing right there, people believe in Sarah Palin as someone who could go and rock the shit out of Congress and make something that is going to help us happen. I can see why, and although I like all of that, and I think she would do fine, the reality is that the Republican party probably isn't going to nominate her, and I don't necessarily think they should.

I think her becoming president would really mark this time we live in as a turning point in history with the first black and the first female president going back to back terms, that would be nutz. I could see people wanting to make history like that so bad that it happens much like with Obama, but really? That's not going to happen though. The Republicans are going to find a real shooter in this next election, someone who can really lay it all out there and make the people decide what really matters to them in the long run.
i really truly hope that she doesn't get elected, not just for our sake but for hers. she's not ready to be president, and i dont really think she'll ever BE ready. we need a president with experience in the federal government that knows the ins and outs of the system, not a celebrity like Palin. People will vote for her because she's a "strong, independent woman" and that's not a good reason to choose your candidate. pretty soon the US will be down to "text 1 to 34242 if you want to choose _____ and text 2 if you want __________". just like american idol. this in NOT good....
I honestly believe her "soccer mom" attitude in the 2008 presidential campaign was what really broke McCain's chances on becoming president. I don't know what it was about that, but it unnerved me a little with her character playing with politics. It made me feel the whole thing was rigged for the majority to vote for Obama/Biden anyways. Given she did go over with popularity, if you were to look back on any of her campaign speeches it was like she was ready to be in a Disney flick. I'm sure I am out on left field with that one but it just made me feel like "how does this fit in politics?" I honestly felt like I was watching a character instead of an actual person.

Not saying she isn't intelligent enough to run. As The Roid Rage declared, Obama had just as much if not less experience than she did politically. If she were to run for president in 2012, I believe she stands a small chance in winning, even though I will not back her after 2008 unless she drops that "soccer mom" attitude and takes the campaign more seriously.

I am a registered Independent, but I usually favor the Republican side of politics. And I did vote for McCain.

Politics have gotten to the point that you no longer need real experience anyways. As long as you feel this person is looking out for your best interest, odds are you will vote for them. So I agree she has a chance, though I am positively sure the Republican Party would not want to back her after '08 if they really want to win in 2012.

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