TNA's Done on Destination America After September

Im excited for the fact that this could majorly boost GFW. Bobby Lashley, Kurt Angle, Bobby Roode, James Storm and their womens division could draw decently if used properly and showed that the brand as a whole has solid direction and clue what the fuck they are doing.

Dude, you really think that company is gonna go anywhere? At the very least, they will drag their ass as badly as TNA before going anywhere. They aren't scheduling these shows as live events. It's as TV tapings. On what station? They don't have it yet. Now keep in mind one of the reasons TNA is in the pickle its in is because advertisers don't want to touch it. Both WWE and Lucha Underground have the same issue going and the only reason they're staying is because USA wants to be the #1 rated TV station and El Rey's owner is an exec for LU.

And Jarrett really believes he'll stand a better chance than the biggest promotions in the world.
Dude, you really think that company is gonna go anywhere? At the very least, they will drag their ass as badly as TNA before going anywhere. They aren't scheduling these shows as live events. It's as TV tapings. On what station? They don't have it yet. Now keep in mind one of the reasons TNA is in the pickle its in is because advertisers don't want to touch it. Both WWE and Lucha Underground have the same issue going and the only reason they're staying is because USA wants to be the #1 rated TV station and El Rey's owner is an exec for LU.

And Jarrett really believes he'll stand a better chance than the biggest promotions in the world.

Don't be sour grapes because two of your favorite promotions will be gone by this time next year.

TNA was quite alright when Jarrett was making decisions. When he left, it became the hot garbage that it is.

GFW does indeed have a live tour scheduled in addition to their tv tapings. I have no idea what you are on about on that front.

Advertisers don't want to touch TNA because nobody watches TNA. See aforementioned status as hot garbage. Presumeabley, if Jarrett puts on a better wrestling show that anyone actually wants to watch, itll get advertisers.
Given ive read numerous places that LU lost 22 million dollars, and due to their taping structure, I don't see them remaining viable for too long, if even another season.

Id prefer to be wrong. If they could upgrade the facility and not have Striker and Piro on the commentary id probably watch it on the reg. Good roster, best vingettes in the biz.
They're working on a deal in Mexico to put it on the same channel as the AAA main promotion, which would mean syndication money, huge viewer boost and advertisers. They are working on taping somewhere where they can charge for tickets.

No luck with Vamp and Striker going anywhere though. AAA is pretty serious on having them as an English announce team.
Striker isn't horrible, he just comes off as too much of a mark at times, especially back in the first episode. Vampiro though, ugh.
It's really sad if this is true if anything because TNA has turned it around. I mean WCW was pretty much a car crash at the end but TNA has actually turned it around and that what makes it sad, going out when you're doing well.

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