ROH draws biggest rating on Destination America yet & its out of primetime

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop

Ring of Honor set its all-time record last night on Destination America, doing 227,000 viewers at 11 p.m. This blows away the previous time slot record for the promotion of 175,000 set on the 10/7 show. It's pretty impressive since the show is outside of prime time at 11 p.m, its probably the biggest number outside of prime time Destination America has ever had. It wasn't a fluke either as they drew a 0.6 in the 18 - 49 demo which is up from their average 0.4. Its possible that the publicity from the Young Bucks contract signing on Wednesday which got a lot of traction online and congratulations from the likes of C.M. Punk turned into viewers. It was a solid episode this week and their production at the San Antonio taping was better than usual. I've heard production at their Kalamazoo, MI taping last week was also improved.

Another plus for the promotion is that at the end of this weeks episode they did a good job of promoting next weeks main event of Adam Cole vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. A.J. Styles in a three-way. They'll be hoping that Styles, their biggest star name will be able to keep the numbers up or at least draw similar.

TNA last night did 266,000 viewers for the 9 p.m. show, and another 98,000 viewers for the replay. The first showing was the third lowest for the show's first-run, but the replay was up from usual levels, probably because the ROH show gave them a far stronger lead-in than usual. The gap between TNA and ROH has been steadily closing in-terms of viewers with TNA's falling and ROH's growing. This doesn't look good on TNA who are an expensive show to produce while ROH is totally free for Destination America to air with ROH getting a small cut of the advertising money which isn't very big anyway.

The ratings for Destination America are even more important now because both groups deals are coming due, with ROH's deal up in early December. With new people in charge of the network, the long-term status of wrestling on the station is currently under evaluation.

Young Bucks = money.
Clearly ROH fans are vampires.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all vampires are ROH fans, I'm just saying if you are a fan of ROH, you are definitely a vampire.

How do the ROH fan vampires (i know that's redundant) get along with the non-ROH fan vampires? I suspect that it is like The Sneetches.

Mod note: Keep all vampire talk in this thread.
I swear wrestling is the only show on TV where fans obsess over ratings.

Wrestling's on that edge of being acceptable and not, so fans feel like its always in danger especially if its not WWE. For ROH its important because the only way it succeeds is if people are watching, if they're not watching, whats the point of being on TV?
Wrestling's on that edge of being acceptable and not, so fans feel like its always in danger especially if its not WWE. For ROH its important because the only way it succeeds is if people are watching, if they're not watching, whats the point of being on TV?

Exactly what I was going to post. Shows get cancelled all the time, so ratings definitely matter.
They matter to TV execs, fans shouldn't worry about it, if you like the show just watch it, that is literally all you can fucking do. I've been fans of plenty of shows over the years that have been cancelled, & it sucks but I tend to get over it & move on to watch one of the other 543578 shows that pop up in it's place.
They matter to TV execs, fans shouldn't worry about it, if you like the show just watch it, that is literally all you can fucking do. I've been fans of plenty of shows over the years that have been cancelled, & it sucks but I tend to get over it & move on to watch one of the other 543578 shows that pop up in it's place.

It's different with wrestling though. If one comedy gets cancelled from ABC, then it's going to be replaced with another comedy.

WWE isn't replaceable. ROH, Lucha Underground, and TNA aren't even that replaceable. It's just a different situation.
Wrestling has been consistently on TV in one way or another since the 1950's, I don't think you really have all that much to worry about. Wrestling fans pretending like the know how ratings work & concerning themselves with them isn't going to matter one bit, just watch & enjoy the show.
They matter to TV execs, fans shouldn't worry about it, if you like the show just watch it, that is literally all you can fucking do. I've been fans of plenty of shows over the years that have been cancelled, & it sucks but I tend to get over it & move on to watch one of the other 543578 shows that pop up in it's place.

How dare you? My heart is still sore from Firefly.

Who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars... (yeah, you're singing).
Wrestling has been consistently on TV in one way or another since the 1950's, I don't think you really have all that much to worry about. Wrestling fans pretending like the know how ratings work & concerning themselves with them isn't going to matter one bit, just watch & enjoy the show.

Does it matter if we care about ratings? No. However it's interesting, it's a glimpse into how wrestling works which is really what everyone discusses on here, why so and so gets a push or why so and so won a match or a title. Its a measurement of success for the promotions, ROH, Lucha, etc. I'm a fan of ROH the promotion so I want them to do well and when they do well I'm happy for them and like a fan of any sports team would, take a sense of pride in it.
I'm going to try and make sure that it is now the first word in every thread I make, even if it has nothing to do with wrestling, just for the lulz.
I notice we aren't talking about the fact that the rating went down about 25% by almost 100,000 viewers this week.

Though really it doesn't matter, because both ROH and TNA are going to be off DA by January.

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