TNA's best jobber?

  • Thread starter The not-so Great Khali
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Best jobber?

  • Abyss

  • AJ Styles

  • Eric Young

  • LAX

  • Petey Williams

  • Rhino

  • Shark Boy

  • Sting

  • Voodoo Kin Mafia

  • Other

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The not-so Great Khali

Who in your opinion is TNAs best jobber? There are quite a lot of regular jobbers who are just 'enhancement talent' who only appear on 'Explosion' & 'TNA Today' with Jeremy Borat but are they good at their specific job and do they sell it well. Also, add your opinons on who in your mind shouldn't be a jobber and should be given a title reign. Plus state who you think should be jobbing to the stars.
I think Shark Boy may be TNA's best jobber. He gets a pretty good reaction(so be it from 10 year olds) for a jobber. He does his job well, and isn't the worst wrestler ever. Havok also as of late seems to be a jobber and does a good job at it. I would say I think Havok should be a feature player in the X-Divsion seeing that he isn't that bad and could probably put on a good match.
I think hands down shark boy is the biggest jobber, probably the worse gimmick to. The sad thing that you see him on Impact a lot, but you never get to see petey williams who easily has the best finisher in wrestling.
Shark Boy rules, he is the ultimate jobber and he is so great. Brilliant gimmick, puts on great matches if given the time and always loses.
I think Shark Boty because he is what TNA is about. All his matches are good. They all have that High Flying style. BUt TNA aren't using him right.
Well, even though he was released, i think Norman Smiley was the best jobber. He did that silly move where he humped or spanked the opponent, and then got beaten and pinned for doing so.

But i don't really think someone like Abyss qualifies as a jobber. I mean he does lose on occasion, but he's usually in the main event spot and does deliver beatings. Not to mention he just won Monster's Ball, and was a previous champion. Just some 2 cents.
Well, even though he was released, i think Norman Smiley was the best jobber. He did that silly move where he humped or spanked the opponent, and then got beaten and pinned for doing so.

this is so true i always would look forward to seeing Norman Smile job the eveyone and to see him dance when hed dodge a move would make NA worth watching on its own.

But i don't really think someone like Abyss qualifies as a jobber. I mean he does lose on occasion, but he's usually in the main event spot and does deliver beatings. Not to mention he just won Monster's Ball, and was a previous champion. Just some 2 cents.
Today 04:30 PM

defenitely not Abyss seems to defenitely get his fair share of wins and seeing him win Monsters ball defenitely takes him out of Jobber rank, sure he loses all his big time matches but like you said he really does get alot of offense in too so he doesnt really come off at all looking like a jobber
First of all, I'm not sure how any of these guys can be classified as jobbers, with the exception of Sharkboy, Petey Williams and maybe VKM. Abyss, Styles and LAX are some of their top talent. Eric Young (for whatever reason) is getting a big push right now and Sting is their world champion.
With that being said, I don't know how Sharkboy isn't getting 100% of the vote. I have been a diehard TNA fan for over a year and have yet to see him win a match! He's great. He is still there solely for nestalgic purposes and I love it.
Sharkboy without a doubt. The great thing about him is that the crowd still loves him and he retains his diehard fans who pop huge for him. That, mixed witht the fact that he jobs constantly, makes him the best.

As for your list I have to say its a little off. First of all, it includes their current World Champion in Sting, the number one contenders for the tag titles (this isn't WWE, tag champs are not jobbers), one half of the current tag champs, and two former World Champs who are not too far away from the Title picture.
Shark Boy os easily the best jobber in TNA. Even though you know he's gonna lose, his matches are good and he gets a great pop. But most of the people in the options aren't jobbers, to be honest. The only other person up there I would consider a jobber is Petey Williams. For some reason, he hasn't won a match in ages.
Shark Boy is no doubt the best. He's TNA's Funaki. Everyone loves him and he always loses.

Petey Williams definitely does not belong in the jobber ranks he is currently in. He is a great talent with a spectacular finisher who could put on great X matches. I hope TNA sees this soon.
I voted for sharkboy, but I'll say Petey Williams.

Petey Williams: He successfully performs the Canadian destroyer...what else do I have to say about the man?

Raven: Is Scotty Polo finally burnt out? Did he do something wrong? What is wrong with the arguable best psychological wrestler of our generation?
Shark boy is clearly one of the few people on that list who could be called a jobber. I think he does it dam well! But its bit dissapoiting that Shark Boy gets more Impact time than Petey Williams! But hey!
I love seeing Shark Boy get his ass beat. It's funny how every single Impact! he comes out with a new injury. First it was his neck, then it was his leg, and now it is his arm. He is a good jobber since he gets good pops and has decent in-ring skills.
My vote has to go to Disco Inferno. 1 Match one graceful defeat and I loved his promo when Nash interrupted him shaking his head and saying "Just give it up". Comedy Genius!
has to be petey!the poor guy is a incredible wrestler who puts on great matches whenever needed and is never afraid to stare at the lights,he has to be one of the best professionals TNA,he has no problem doing what is asked!He also can be seen as a legitamite competitor,so whoever he jobs to actually gains from it!

I find shark boy a boring wrestler his "high Flying" style consists of a plancha and a diving dropkick!also if someone beats him it cant elavate someone,as he doesnt really pose a threat!
shark boy is an A-mazing talent, sure his gimmick makes him look like soemthing vince would pull out of his ass in the 80's/90's pre attitude era but god dammit it gets over, the crowd goes wild for him, he puts on soem great matches, hell diehard fans will remember his tag team with d-ray 3000, they too put on some equally amazing matches

my other vote goes towards raven, what the hell happend to him, sure hes getting old but so is ric flair, sting, shawn micheals, nash, etc etc. last time i checked raven made more of a point in 30 seconds worth of promo than ten minutes of pointless rambling that most of the main eventers put forward, i know he had problems with his weight and what not because of the whole thyroid thing but he said months ago he was over all that and he was back in shape, and what has he doen since then, one frigging hardcore match at bfg, raven should be in the world title scene, a few years ago he won the world title at slammaversary, then for soem stupid reason jarrett took the title off him and its all gone down hill from there, stupid tna getting rid of probably the best in ring psycologists ever

Shark Boy. Im suprised he's hung in there for this long. He's always willing to feud with some random person to do a quick job. And every time he shows up, he's always over with the crowd. More power to him.
it's got to be shark boy. i mean, i've never seen him win a match. some of the people on the poll though cannot be classed as jobbers. sting and lax especially, they get there fair share of wins. aj styles is another wasted talent in tna, he should be in contention for at least the x division championship, he is one of the best talents in wrestling today and should not be part of anyone coalition
I don' think that AJ Styles is wasted in TNA. He has had plenty of title reigns there. I'm a fan of him, but I'm glad other people are getting title oppurtunities as well.

The best jobber on that list is probably Shark Boy, since I think he does it the most.
Hands down, Petey Williams is the best jobber in TNA. He still has the sickest and most destructive finisher of the jobbers and half the roster, as well as has a great look and amazing in ring skill. I know he is only petween pushes, but he still jobber meat until then and is thusly the best. Of course, if they bring back Matt Bently, then my opinion will change. lol
yeah i have to agree ive never seen shark boy win a match recently. HOw is sting a jobber he is an absolute legend. But there are a lot of jobbers on that list to choose from otherwise
I can see how Sting and Abyss's names are on here, but there are more "talent enhancement" than jobbers. A jobber is a guy who would get in the ring with Kurt Angle who you knew was going to lose before any wrestling started. Kaz got a nice rub a couple of weeks ago, but you knew he wasn't going to win. Sting uses his legend to help the younger guys get pushed. Abyss uses his monsterness (not a word) to put guys over in sick matches. Rhino is past his prime. Eric Young might get a push now, but is still jobber meat. Everybody else is not worth mention as they are overdressed jobbers.
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