TNA + WWE Creative= Best Product?

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I'm sort of new to watching TNA, but every time I tune into Impact or a TNA ppv, I find myself debating which show I actually like better. I find that the matches TNA puts on are much more exciting than WWE matches, and maybe it's because I'm sorta new to the program, but I also find them much less predictable.

The major problem I see in TNA is that they can't put a wrestler over the way they want to. For instance, and I know this isn't the best example, but Mick Foley came out last night with everyone cheering for him as the new TNA Champion, but when he starts dissing Sting, the man he beat for the title, the crowd starts chanting, "We Want Sting!" At the same time, I was under the impression Jeff Jarret is supposed to be some super face, and I could be wrong, but the crowd didn't seem to like him as much as they did Mick Foley, or even Sting for that matter. And even though whenever Bobby Lashley comes out causing uber heel Kurt Angle to almost cream himself, the crowd still goes nuts for the guy. I also feel like if tomorrow, AJ Styles or Daniels or Samoa Joe were to join the MEM, people would still cheer for them simply because they appreciate how great they are in the ring. This shows that TNA fans appreciate the actual wrestling more so than WWE fans, but it's still Sports Entertainment, and they seem to really be lacking on the Entertainment side.

So my question is, if you replaced the TNA writing staff with the WWE creative team, would this elevate TNA to be the superior product? Right now, it's goo, but it's not as good as the WWE, who have almost as good matches as TNA, but much better storylines and such. In my opinion, if TNA had more storylines than this whole Frontline vs. MEM feud and these "invitational" things, they'd be better off, probably becoming a better product than the WWE.
hmm.. interesting thought but i dont think WWEs creative is much better than TNA. we'd see kurt angle with the world title for six years and the tag titles be completely meaningless.

clarify tho, would tna go pg or would it be allowed to stay the same/
TNA would stay the same. TNA would have the same attitude, I just think the wrestlers would have more material and different storylines. You make a good point on clarifying this.

TNA would still try to sell the same product, with an emphasis on all divisions of wrestling, they'll still have the World Title, but also have a very good tag and X division. The storylines could even be the same as they are now, I just think the WWE creative staff does a better job booking shows, keeping feuds fresh, and give the wrestlers more material for promos.
The only writer that I think is any good in WWE, is Michael Hayes to be honest. Raw's writers are often hit and miss. Hayes would be really good in TNA, with no restrictions on what to book.
Well if Hayes had his way people like Book, L+C, Lashely would be buried. NO I have to disagree WWE creative is way above TNAs but TNAs Matches still are below par so it wont help.
the only facts that can't be ignored are the rise and fall of the ratings of both products. it would be difficult to present a logical argument void of sheer stupidity that wwe creative is better than tna. i would like to see the evidence other than posts on wrestling message boards that russo sucks.
ok there is no comparing wwe talent to tna talent, it's just stupid, aj styles doesent compare to john morrison or evan bourne whatso ever, and samoa joe is just a waste of space and alot of space saddly FUCKING FAT PENIS FACED SAMOAN EATING MACHINE, WWE is just superior in every single way :)
the only facts that can't be ignored are the rise and fall of the ratings of both products. it would be difficult to present a logical argument void of sheer stupidity that wwe creative is better than tna. i would like to see the evidence other than posts on wrestling message boards that russo sucks.
the whole new guys verses young guys in wcw there at the end is more than enough evidence that russo sucks. as for the rest of your post i agree. at least tna creative tries, unlike wwe with there mcmahon vanity hour. wwe has better production and is slightly ahead in talent(not wrestlers, talented performers). thats about it though in my opinion. the writing is meh on both shows to me. but tna gets a b for effort.
ok there is no comparing wwe talent to tna talent, it's just stupid, aj styles doesent compare to john morrison or evan bourne whatso ever, and samoa joe is just a waste of space and alot of space saddly FUCKING FAT PENIS FACED SAMOAN EATING MACHINE, WWE is just superior in every single way :)

This is a shockingly bad post. You have done this before and complete inability to make sense and justify your point is baffling and annoying.

AJ Styles is thrice the worker that spot monkey Morrison is at the moment. Evan Bourne is a different type of wrestler so comparing the two is not even an issue.

When booked correctly (see his dominant start), Joe is a fantastic talent.

The problem that both companies have is WWE employs TV writers to write their stories. They actually encourage previous experience in Television and as opposed to wrestling. Whereas TNA appear to be more concerned with being different (to WWE) as possible.

WWE have the benefit of good minds and experience. Vince is a legend but sometimes I can't understand his thoughts and stance on some things, like the lack of cruisers, the abundance of green talent etc. Having HHH and weasels like Kevin Dunn in his ear sometimes is a big downfall that affects the entire company.

TNA has some great points, yet have many comparisons with them and WWE. Yet the same problems exist. Creatively they can make some good calls but they are equally frustrating because sometimes their booking is baffling. The MEM/Frontline is so confusing to me.

The talent in WWE is superior but not vastly. If i could book a supershow it would feature some TNA talents. You would be stupid to say that TNA doesnt have some remarkable talent that WWE could use effectively. (But they wouldn't use them effectively.)

There is no one more than me who wants to see TNA be significant competition to WWE. I don't believe that creative is the only issue that would need solving to get this to happen.
The only problem I have with Impact is in a 2 hour show, you'll see no more than 40 minutes actual wrestling which in a 2 hour WRESTLING show isn't good enough I watched it last week and in the first 50 minutes of the show we had... 1 match and the 2nd match was just starting... after the adverts Don't get me wrong I'm not dismissing TNA as crap or anything, some of the matches they do eventually put on are amazing, but for the first 50 minutes seeing Awesome Kong destroy some other knockout in 2 minutes and the beginning of a match featuring 2 wrestlers I couldn't care less about (nor the Impact Zone come to think of it) is like watching WCW Thunder all over again. The other 48 minutes? Building up Lockdown to the point I didn't even bother watching the event because I was sick of hearing about it. I'm not disputing their guys in ring ability, I'm merely stating their booking team have Zero idea how to use people. Samoa Joe doesn't need face paint to look scary! His in ring style showed he could kick almost everyones ass! I also don't think WWE booking would have a clue either... especially as none of them seemed to know who Kaz was when he was in the company!

An example (without giving away any spoilers) was the layout for the next Impact

Segment involving [blank] coming down to the ring. Usual Promo that you hear every week... boring now.

Build up PPV - Commercials

Match 1 (either not long enough for commercials to interupt or commercials interupt the match)

[blank] attacks [blank] backstage - Build up to match

More PPV stuff, Rough Cut segment maybe

Match 2 (now we're cooking... match 2 at the 40 minute mark! - Oh and probably lasts 5 minutes and the announcers miss the match because they are building up... the Main Event Mafia or the next PPV)

Interview followed by... build up for their next PPV.

Match 3 (another 5 minutes where the announcers totally ignore the in ring action and talk about Jeff Jarrett)

Commercials and advertising for TNA's... NEXT PPV! It's gonna be epic!

Match 4 (this'll last 2 minutes because TNA love those "Squash" matches! followed by some hype for the next PPV because we may have missed the show up until now.

Someone coming out and bigging themselves up, you know just to calm the fans down before the main event because by this time they are all "Popped" out and need something to lower their excitement levels.

THE MAIN EVENT!!!! Oh my god it's Has beens who can barely move vs Never was! And this will no doubt end in controversy... is Russo still on board?

And yet I will still probably watch it just to see... read no further unless you want it spoiled for you....

I can't think of any reason other than I can't afford a night down town drinking!
Like most people know, TNA has the ability to be great but there booking needs some direction. I mean, take the Motor City Machine Guns for example. One week they're challenging Mick Foley to a match in the weekly main event, and the next they're jobbing to Suicide or not appearing on the show at all! Its confusing, are they getting a push or not?

People like to make fun of WWE's boring and stale booking but when they want to put someone over, more times than not they'll get it right, which is why the likes of Cena, Batista and Orton became world champions. And going further back, Kurt Angle, The Rock and Steve Austin.
LOL at this ratings talk. People talk like Impact going from a 1.1 to a 1.3 is a huge deal that signifies a rise in popularity. The fact that they have been around for as long as they have and only now have seen a SMALL increase is pathetic. It's especially pathetic given that Impact is TNA's only show and the best they can do is a 1.3. Besides, judging by ratings is so overrated, no matter what the number is or how much higher or lower the number is. So tell me what is TNA doing terms of PPV buyrates, ticket sales, merchandise, etc. ? Anybody who thinks ratings matter most are still stuck in 1998.
umm I don't know for sure Russo sucks but the wwe staff wouldn't push the smaller guys they'd push joe and angle and so on so Idk about that it would be kinda cool and your right the MEM and Frontline feud is crap but Idk
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